I am ranking!!!! What do i do now?

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  1. 20gsxr05 profile image61
    20gsxr05posted 14 years ago

    I have worked on my hubs the first month of joining to get  ranked in the search engines.I see after a long break that was accomplished.Why am i seeing small amounts of traffic. What am i doing wrong now?

    1. sunforged profile image77
      sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Did you rank for a term that has search volume?

      Did you make sure you were not logged into a google account when you checked on google?

      1. 20gsxr05 profile image61
        20gsxr05posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        i ranked for the keywords that was less competitive but had a decent amount of search volume.yes i made sure i was not logged in

    2. darkside profile image58
      darksideposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      What you need to do is read this hub How to Get a Stampede of Traffic.

      1. sunforged profile image77
        sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this


  2. profile image0
    B.C. BOUTIQUEposted 14 years ago

    you just have to let it go with the flow..I have never checked google to see if I pop up anywhere...might just out of curiosity now, but enjoy your writing and don't worry about losing rank, gaining rank, and fluctuations smile

    1. 20gsxr05 profile image61
      20gsxr05posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I just was hoping to see an increase of traffic once i gain page rank.I thought that is what it is all about.You get ranked and people are more proned to click you site oppose to searching millions of other site.I am not fully understanding why i don't have atleast half of the traffic i research for

      1. profile image0
        B.C. BOUTIQUEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Trust me , it fluctuates and is nothing to worry about. keep writing quality and soon you will be noticed and ranking high, always remeber the testament of ..it is not quantity, it is content quality..I know it seems like the more people write, the better off they do, but having a good rank and few hubs is better than having the very same rank because you have a large number of hubs that are not very indepth or informative, or even interesting...
        keep up your good work, do not fret, and let time take its course...

        After awhile , you will not really have to worry about a large fluctuation, just a little here and there.  smile

      2. Misha profile image66
        Mishaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Please define what you mean by ranking.

        1. 20gsxr05 profile image61
          20gsxr05posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          page rank

      3. thisisoli profile image77
        thisisoliposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        When you say you are ranked, where are you ranked for your keyword?

        90% of all search engine clicks are on the first page of the search engine rankings.

        1. darkside profile image58
          darksideposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Can't be keywords that anyone is searching for. After four months his 11 hubs have accrued 1000 visits.

  3. profile image0
    B.C. BOUTIQUEposted 14 years ago

    your doing fine and not doing anything wrong, it is not instant success and it just takes a bit of time and such..

    Enjoy yourself and your work here, the ranking and stuff will soon follow, I promise...

    the best thing is to not make it your main priority...

    1. 20gsxr05 profile image61
      20gsxr05posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks i know that it is not instant success but at this rate i am going i should see so success

  4. Misha profile image66
    Mishaposted 14 years ago

    It has nothing to do with your traffic whatsoever smile

    1. 20gsxr05 profile image61
      20gsxr05posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      enlighten me please

      1. Misha profile image66
        Mishaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Nothing to add really. Your traffic does not depend on pagerank. It depends on what place you occupy in SERPs. That's it. smile

        1. 20gsxr05 profile image61
          20gsxr05posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          what is SERP and what steps do i need to take to get there.

          1. Misha profile image66
            Mishaposted 14 years agoin reply to this


            My latest hub answers your second question smile

            1. 20gsxr05 profile image61
              20gsxr05posted 14 years agoin reply to this

              ok thanks and i am going to check out your hub

  5. sunforged profile image77
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    Page Rank as in the google measurement or search engine results placement as in where you show up when you search for your keywords in google?

    as for getting half the traffic for a term, I think 20-30% is more likely.

    Plus imagine that traffic amount spread out over a month - say 4000 searches a month, thats 1000 searches a week of which you would be lucky to see 200-300 views in the week.

    1. 20gsxr05 profile image61
      20gsxr05posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That is the point i done all the math and i am not even seeing 5% over the whole month.That is what brought up my concerns on am i doing something wrong.( I mean i have baked the cake it just taste funny i am missing the secret recipe)

  6. AlanSwenson profile image68
    AlanSwensonposted 14 years ago

    Looking at your articles, I think you need better lead ins.  When I search google, I don't care if the first result is first but if it says something I want to click on it I click on it.  Maybe your are the #1 search but #2 seems like something better to click on to the people searching.  Your titles aren't too bad but that is one part of it but your opening sentences could be more enticing.

  7. JYOTI KOTHARI profile image61
    JYOTI KOTHARIposted 14 years ago

    It seems that you are confusing two terms SERP rank and page rank. Page rank is an overall ranking of a site by Google. Where as SERP ranking effects directly your position in the Search engine result page. If you are at the first position of the first page you can expect 30 to 40 percent of search traffic.

    60 to 70 percent people do not search beyond first page. If you are in the second page you can not expect huge traffic.

    There are other ways to get traffic except SERP. You can view one of my hubs about building backlinks to make money online.

    Jyoti Kothari


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