I'd like feedback on my article: Artificial Neurons: The Heart of AI

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  1. alcionepaiva profile image46
    alcionepaivaposted 6 weeks ago

    Hi Hubbers,

    I'd like some help with passing the Quality Assessment Process.
    It was said that the article has been identified as excessively promoting another site or sites. It may have too many links, an excessive number of Amazon products, or appears to be solely designed to search for back links. However, I did not insert any links in my article.
    Will you please give feedback on my article? What can I do to improve? Thanks!
    Here is my article: Artificial Neurons: The Heart of AI

    1. Kenna McHugh profile image93
      Kenna McHughposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

      The link doesn't work because you must use the link from the rejection email so we can see the article. Also, HP doesn't allow AI and plagiarized content due to these factors.

    2. Joel Furches profile image77
      Joel Furchesposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

      Hubpages doesn't like links to external sites. Not even a little.
      I came from writing online news, where citing sources was a requirement, but I quickly learned here that linking to external sources is a big no-no.
      Your article includes only one external link that I can see, but that's still too many for hubpages.
      I've also found that including extensive citations (as with academic work) is not looked on favorably by hubpages. If you want to cite sources, it's best to make it brief and cite a person, not a website or entity (researcher Joe Brown said...).
      So far I've had no difficulty with providing direct quotes, so long as I use the quote tool, just don't provide a link to the quote.

      One last thing: "Excessive promotion" is the go-to excuse Hubpages uses when rejecting an article. It's sort of their form-rejection, and may not be that at all.
      I notice your article includes a lot of technical breakdowns and illustrations. Hubpages generally wants you to write at about a sixth grade level.
      Try removing the link, at which time they will review the article again for publication. If it still doesn't go through, try dumbing it down.

    3. Kyler J Falk profile image85
      Kyler J Falkposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

      Reduce the amount of bold lettering, and remove the last paragraph. Submit the article to a network site manually so it can be reviewed by a human. Should solve your issue.

      1. alcionepaiva profile image46
        alcionepaivaposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

        Thank you so much.

    4. Kyler J Falk profile image85
      Kyler J Falkposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

      Also, remove AI-generated from the first picture description, add a proper description with keywords, and link the source back to the AI you used to generate the image in the image tool.

    5. Kyler J Falk profile image85
      Kyler J Falkposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

      As one final suggestion, slightly reduce the amount of text capsules and add more headers. It'll appear aesthetically better on the network sites, and reduce the egregious number of ads. As is, you're going to have your article drowned in ads that separate the capsules.

      1. alcionepaiva profile image46
        alcionepaivaposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this


  2. alcionepaiva profile image46
    alcionepaivaposted 6 weeks ago

    The article is not plagiarism. It is original. We publish on other platforms (such as Medium) under my wife's name, Alexandra.

    1. Kenna McHugh profile image93
      Kenna McHughposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

      I hear you. I was just giving some possible reasons for not passing Quality Standards. If you take the link from HP's email, I can look at it. If not, I can only guess.

  3. PaulGoodman67 profile image98
    PaulGoodman67posted 6 weeks ago

    As has been said, we can't see your article. Your link doesn't work. So any feedback is generalized and won't help you much.

  4. Rupert Taylor profile image97
    Rupert Taylorposted 6 weeks ago

    Joel - Where did you get the notion that "linking to external sources is a big no-no" at HubPages?

    HP asks us to cite sources and link to them as a means of boosting the authority of our articles. It says so in the style guide:

    "In lists of sources, we use APA citation format. You may choose to use this app that helps you format properly. Sources that are frequently cited include journal articles (print or online), websites, magazines (print or online), and books (edited, e-books, and chapters)."

    I always cite sources and link to them at the end of every article. This has never been raised as a concern by HP.

    1. PaulGoodman67 profile image98
      PaulGoodman67posted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

      Yes, I thought that too. Joel's advice isn't accurate. As you say, the only links that HP doesn't like are commercial links (e.g. products and services), source links are encouraged, either in-text or listed at the end.


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