I'd like feedback on my article: Understanding the Logic Behind Artificial...

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  1. Elizabeth Rossi profile image68
    Elizabeth Rossiposted 6 years ago

    Hi Hubbers,

    I'd like some help with passing the Quality Assessment Process. Will you please give feedback on my article Understanding the Logic Behind Artificial Intelligence (must be signed in to view). What can I do to improve? Thanks!

    1. Jorge Cruz99 profile image71
      Jorge Cruz99posted 6 years ago

      Hi Elizabeth,
      This is a great topic, very interesting. I believe you need to add more to this article and extend it past 1500 words so readers get a full sense and more details of your message. You can add some diagrams, like decision making paths machine algorithms take, or some illustrations that provide readers with a graphical explanation, or perhaps some pictures if you have them.
      Best of luck,

    2. AliciaC profile image92
      AliciaCposted 6 years ago

      I think it would be a good idea to delete the phrase with the link. The phrase isn't necessary in order for readers to understand the sentence and linking to a specific company might be interpreted as spam. Another problem in the sentence is that you've used the singular pronoun "it" to refer to "Automation software products". I hope this helps.

    3. Elizabeth Rossi profile image68
      Elizabeth Rossiposted 6 years ago

      Hi Everyone! Thx for your feedback... I'm going to try and add more to the article and see how that goes. Thank you so much!

      1. Elizabeth Rossi profile image68
        Elizabeth Rossiposted 6 years ago

        Hi All -

        I've added way more content about logic itself and how it's applied to computer programming to build an algorithm for AI.  Hopefully this'll get approved! 

        Please let me know any thoughts... I greatly appreciate your help smile


        1. Elizabeth Rossi profile image68
          Elizabeth Rossiposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          It was declined again sad

          1. AliciaC profile image92
            AliciaCposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Your article is interesting, Elizabeth. I think the creation of the tables was a great idea. The article needs to be proofread, but I don't think that's the main problem. As I said in my last post, I think the problem is the link. I was enjoying the education that I was getting as I was reading your article and then I reached a link to a commercial company. The link seems promotional and unnecessary. I suggest that you delete the link, proofread the article, and then see if it's accepted. Good luck.

      2. DrMark1961 profile image100
        DrMark1961posted 6 years ago

        The article was valuable without the Workfusion link. I think that AliciaC is correct and you should go ahead and delete this link and submit the article again.
        I read this the first time you posted. I can see all of the hard work that went into revising. The new article is much better.

        1. Elizabeth Rossi profile image68
          Elizabeth Rossiposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          thank you smile

      3. Elizabeth Rossi profile image68
        Elizabeth Rossiposted 6 years ago

        Hi All -

        So that worked... I removed the link and the article was approved to be published. 

        For future reference then - is there a way to include external links without it seeming spammy? 

        Some articles I write are for businesses that want to impart overall field knowledge and link back to like a webinar or something they may have done.

        Thank you all SO much for your help!!


        1. theraggededge profile image88
          theraggededgeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          You might not find that HubPages is the right place for the kind of writing you are doing. If you are being commissioned or sponsored by businesses to promote them, HubPages is definitely not suitable. They frown upon any kind of promotion. Links must be pretty much non-commercial, unbiased, and important to the topic, such as providing back-up data, studies or reports. If you can be subtle, you might get away with it, but to be honest it seems to be a lot of work for very little return, especially if you spend time writing an article only to find the link is disallowed.

          HubPages is looking for magazine-style articles which provide value to the reader and advertiser, not to the businesses which might be sponsoring the article. Should you write on the topics covered in your bio, without any intention of promotion, you could do very well here.

      4. Elizabeth Rossi profile image68
        Elizabeth Rossiposted 6 years ago

        Okay good to know - so research or supportive links are allowed but linking to a business isn't, if I'm understanding correctly.  Some articles I write are commissioned by businesses, but I've really enjoyed the group support and even the style of writing within HubPages, so will definitely continue to post articles here... just not the business-y ones smile

        Thanks again for all of your help!

        1. DrMark1961 profile image100
          DrMark1961posted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Good luck to you. Do not expect to earn much but keep working at it and you eventually will do okay. Consdering that you are in California the earnings here will not seem like much but with time they will be enough to pay one or two bills around your house. As long as you enjoy the writing, and write about things you passionate about, you will do okay.


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