Yes. It doesn't matter how often I am in hospital, I continually somehow forget the beautiful back (never working) ties on their blue gowns DON'T WORK!
And I love, inevitably, the nurses will always be right back in a second with another to use as a robe, therefore giving you some comport and some dignity.
They never return. Ever. To top this situation off, they keep their comfortable blue *apparel* now locked up.
I gave up. As did many others I noticed. The ties never ever ever work at the back so slowly we all got tired of holding or trying to hold our backs closed and just let go.
Frustration has taught me, it drives a situation to a means of a solution of giving in.
My point, my BUM.
I shared with the other patients, free option of, BUM exposure.
My point, my 43 year old ass has been exposed and while at the time, seemed appropriate, I am now mortified my BUM has no doubt been judged and viewed by far too many.
I will seek help for this post traumatic stress and hopefully can move passed this and accept I just had no choice at the time.
A good lesson, I however learned was we need not wear bra's. I cannot bring myself though to exposing a breast, either one. I will stay covered but loose, shall we say. I will share with you once you go with a free rack, there's just no going back.
For some, ones BUM, looks dumb, not fun, verdict; no option for none, OK, I,m done
Glad to be back, will be a little slow at work for now so please forgive me at my current pace.
Thank you so much everyone, your, well, from my heart, pure wankers.
I am so lucky.
Is this turning into a hub?
Then thumbs up I say.
And coming home you've made my day