Help my Profile score is Falling Fast!!

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  1. Super Chef profile image59
    Super Chefposted 14 years ago

    I recently had a profile score of 79 and I was recieving a lot of traffic to my hubs with no adsense clicks. Until this morning,I logged in to check my profile and account and my profile score had dramatically dropped to 58 with no incoming traffic. Does anyone know why this is or am I doing something wrong. Refrence the large volume of traffic with no adsense clicks is there a problem here or is that normal? I put hubpages in the allowed sites of my adsense account. So if somebody does click my links they should at least show in my adsense page.

  2. relache profile image66
    relacheposted 14 years ago

    Have you read the FAQ to see if any of your content-building, linking, or promotional practices don't comply with HubPages rules?

    If that's all good, what steps are you taking to promote your Hubs? 

    And what is your definition of "a lot of traffic?"

    1. Super Chef profile image59
      Super Chefposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hi relache I am currently promoting at, freeadvertisingforum,my own website, and I am manually submitting my hubpages to various search engines. Too much to list. What I mean about a lot of traffic is between 150- 200 hits a day to some this may seem minor but compared to my first few weeks at hub pages I was only getting around 5 visits a day.

      1. Super Chef profile image59
        Super Chefposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry and alll my hubs are in compliance with hubpages rules.

        1. relache profile image66
          relacheposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          It would seem from everyone else's commentary that this is not the case.

          Duplicate content is a guaranteed score killer whether it falls under the guise of re-using your own content or plagiarism (copying from some other source without permission).

          Getting good HubScores is actually quite easy and can be done straight-forwardly:  write 400-800 words of genuine, original text per Hub topic.

          1. Super Chef profile image59
            Super Chefposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks for the good advice

  3. gamergirl profile image89
    gamergirlposted 14 years ago

    You never replied to my post to you on your other thread some time ago, so I will tell you again:

    Using lots and lots of duplicate content is NOT the way to succeed at Hubpages. 

    You have a lot of hubs, and a lot of the content of those hubs is copy/pasted straight from other websites.

    Try writing your own content, it will likely perform better, and your score will go up.

    I would suggest editing your current library of hubs and removing the duplicate content, replacing it with writing of your own.

  4. Dale Mazurek profile image64
    Dale Mazurekposted 14 years ago

    Come on people, why are you trying to fool the system.  you are only hurting yourself.

    It is so easy to write unique content that is quality work.

    Hell i could write one article and make ten other unique articles out of it.

    If I wanted to copy and paste I would have 1500 hubs up already.

    Its just annoying.  Read the darn rules.

    If many of you havent noticed this place is a drem come true for marketers as long as you learn to use it properly.

    Ya it was a bit of a rant


    1. Super Chef profile image59
      Super Chefposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Firstly thanks for your comments and if i never replied to you in the past gamegirl I do apologise I must of missed it some where. I would also like to add only 2 of my hubs have came up with duplicate content tags and one of them is one of my recipes for drop scones. Probably because there is not much variation of creating a drop scone. The other hub that was flagged was the hub about the glyciemic index diet. Surely these two hubs cannot be having such a profound affect on the other fourty four hubs.

      1. gamergirl profile image89
        gamergirlposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        I checked at least half a dozen of your hubs and found copy/pasted content in each one.

        If you would like I can provide links and proof of your duplications, or you could be honest with yourself and put a little more effort into your writing.

        It IS worth it to write your own material - I'm proof.

        On my hubs so far, having published perhaps 3 hubs so far this year, so most of this income is residual from prior writing, I have made almost $300.  Soooo... you can do it!  Have faith in yourself.

  5. profile image0
    wordscribe41posted 14 years ago

    Those aren't the only ones with duplicate content, though.  A quick google search makes that apparent.  Heed Dale's and Gamergirl's advice.  Don't copy and paste anything.  You can quote, however, but sparingly and cite you sources.  Your score is no follow, so you're not getting anywhere.  Clean the slate, it's in your best interest.

    1. Super Chef profile image59
      Super Chefposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your opinion but im afraid it is the ONLY 2 with duplicate content. I guess back to the drawing board for me.

  6. profile image0
    wordscribe41posted 14 years ago

    Importance of Saving in Today's Economy show duplicate content.

    1. Super Chef profile image59
      Super Chefposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Well I give you my word nothing from this hub was duplicated fom the internet. I dont know how this is.

      1. Super Chef profile image59
        Super Chefposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        The only place i Found a duplicate of this is on where I posted it to promote it. Otherwise only keywords where highlited.

        1. profile image0
          wordscribe41posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          http://financial-mgt-budgeting.bestmana … -tips.aspx

          This is one place where these words can be found, among more:  "Keep in mind that saving is more than a single lump sum of money put aside. Saving is something found in your everyday life by the way you live and the choices you make.  Rome was not built in a day and neither will your bank account be. Each penny saved is one more penny than before."  This, by the way is way more than just KEYWORDS!!!

          If you come here asking for an explanation, be prepared to get one.

  7. gamergirl profile image89
    gamergirlposted 14 years ago  Contains content from Wikipedia nearly word for word. Information is copy pasted directly from … w-Them-All herb definitions are taken from various sites on the internet  contains material that over 35,000 websites also use, word for word

    Shall I continue?

    1. Super Chef profile image59
      Super Chefposted 14 years agoin reply to this was taken from a text book. was copied from my laptop box. … w-Them-All was not taken from anywhere on the internet was my own knowledge after being a chef for over 16 years. … w-Them-All was from a document i purchased on ebay not from any computer.

      1. Super Chef profile image59
        Super Chefposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry  was from a document i purchased on ebay not from any computer.

        1. Super Chef profile image59
          Super Chefposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Look I never came here for an argument I have taken all your points on board and i will start to rectify them. Thanks for your advice and strong critiscm. I want hubpages to work for me like it has for you and one day to be as good as you are. Thanks again for your help.

  8. Michael Willis profile image67
    Michael Willisposted 14 years ago

    Chef...I looked at several of your recipes hubs. They are extremely short. Try adding more content. Instead of just the "list" of ingredients, maybe write something about the recipe first. Your experience with it, history of the recipe, etc. You can detail the preparations of the recipe to make it more unique.

    Just a few suggestions.

    1. Super Chef profile image59
      Super Chefposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your advice Michael I am going to rectify this whole problem across all my hubs even deleting a few if neccessary. Thanks again.

    2. Michael Willis profile image67
      Michael Willisposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Also look at some recipe hubs by others that are rated with a higher hubscore.  Look at profiles such as Relache, Mark Knowles, and many others. Go to the Food topics and sort through the many other recipe type hubs. You will get an idea of how to layout your recipe hubs. Their skill for writing recipe hubs were a huge help to me when I first started with hubpages with this category of hubs.

      1. Super Chef profile image59
        Super Chefposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Good advice many thanks

  9. Super Chef profile image59
    Super Chefposted 14 years ago

    I took on board some good advice from you all yesterday, and have deleted the hubs which were marked duplicate and have tried to improve the appereance of a couple of my hubs.
    I would appreciate it if you could look at them for me to see if im going on the right track.
    The following hub is one i tried to improve greatly. and another one was … p-Biscuits I am awaiting the verdict no matter how harsh.


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