Selecting Precise High Paying Keywords For Traffic And Clicks

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  1. aoiffe379 profile image60
    aoiffe379posted 14 years ago

    I have a topic that I researched in Google keyword tool.There were thre columns- Competition,Global Search and Local Search. WhatI realize from reading other hubbers is that traffic and clicks depend on 'evergreen' topics,knowledge, interest,luck,precise keywords for search engines,satisfying needs of searcher,length, quality content,provoking questions and comments and AdSense ads that match keywords and entice visitors to click on them. Did I miss anything?

    Well,here I am at Google keyword tool. Some of the keywords I have chosen have a search as low as 320. Others are 17,000,000+. That's a huge range. What is a 'comfortable' search range if such a thing exists? I am prepared to write a hub on what I consider an evergreen topic and with all or most of the above mentioned factors. However, my hub needs to be found. Is 12,000 searches reasonable? Should it be higher or lower? of course keywords determine the ads. How do I win?

    Where can I find a keyword tool that tells the value- how much advertisers will pay for the keyword?Finally, I signed up with Google Analytics but it is like reading Greek or Italian- neither of which I know. I have read information at the site; but I have not found the tool which some hubbers say is so helpful. Your help and comments are appreciated.

    1. 07Angel01 profile image59
      07Angel01posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I am totally with you!!! I use the keyword tool but have no idea which keywords to actually choose!

  2. Peter Hoggan profile image68
    Peter Hogganposted 14 years ago

    There is no way to see what other advertisers are paying, even if you were to open an Adwords account the amount you would be bidding on a keyword would be different to other advertisers based on quality score and whether they are bidding to maintain position 1 or not.  Even then smart pricing can lower the value of Adsense clicks so there is little correlation between CPC in the Adwords Keyword Tool and Adsense revenue.

    Other factors to take into account are that many high paying ads will be switched of overnight, at weekends and towards the end of the month when ad budgets are dwindling. During these times your Adsense earnings can also dwindle.

    Stick with Google analytics it provides valuable insights that can be used to increase earnings over time.

    1. aoiffe379 profile image60
      aoiffe379posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Considering what you have said, how do I select precise,income producing keywords? I do not understand Google Analytics and I have not found the 'tools' so many hubbers have mentioned  in hubs or forums.

      1. Marisa Wright profile image86
        Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Aioffe, if it was possible to find precise, income producing keywords, we would all be millionaires.

        There is no tool which will give you a definite answer.    The closest thing we have is the keyword tool which, as you've found, only helps you to make a guess. 

        Analytics will tell you the keywords people are using to find your content - if you find you're getting a lot of traffic on one particular keyword, that's a clue, too.

        You have a unique opportunity on HubPages to write single articles about a variety of subjects, and see which ones get traffic.  That's probably the best way to work out what keywords to go for.

        1. aoiffe379 profile image60
          aoiffe379posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Marisa Wright, I must be blind because I have been going to Analytics and have searched the site,read articles and I have found nothing to help me.Where on Analytics can I find information that tells me the  keywords that people are using to find my content?  When I go to Analytics,there is no report or anything to help me; but I go daily hoping that one day there will be a gleam of light in a dark tunnel.Analytics is set so why is it not working to provide information to help me? Why am I not finding the information it is providing to help me?

          Based on what you are saying, finding the right keywords is a matter of eeny, meany, miney mo; and the more you do it, the better you become. I need someone to enlighten me because when one teaches changing fractions to decimal or a percentage,there is a ground rule even if the methods vary. When it comes to subject -verb agreement there are rules, even if people ignore them in speaking and writing. Even mentioning President Lincoln,Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and Stonewall Jackson create two camps. I cannot accept guesses about who was Yankee and who was Confederate.Guessing that President Lincoln was a Confederate and a Democrat will not help someone who needs to score high in History. [That is only an example].President Lincoln was leader of the Republican Party and a Yankee.[At least I know that much.]I hope you got my point.

          I am thankful for HubPages; but I want to get my facts right[for example] so I can score high in History[for example], marketing my hubs, earning some money,learning how to write effectively and efficiently for the internet!The scholor in me will burn with questions until I get it right. Thanks for your help.

          1. Marisa Wright profile image86
            Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Aoiffe, you're implying that making money online is a discipline like mathematics.  It isn't.  Google keeps its algorithms secret, so everyone who gives you advice about how to find good keywords is just taking a (sometimes educated) guess.

            Your objective, in layman's terms, should be to work out what products or services people want to buy, and what words they're likely to type into search engines to find them.  There are lots of ways to do that.  Nelle Hoxie, for instance, haunts Walmart to watch people's buying patterns.  Susana S uses Google "related searches" and "wonder wheel".

            1. profile image0
              shazwellynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              google algorithms change every day!

  3. Peter Hoggan profile image68
    Peter Hogganposted 14 years ago

    Aioffe, use broader brush strokes to begin with, write hubs and look for profitable niches. You are trying to get to the granular to early. Unfortunately no one is likely to give too much away in the area of profitable niches so it’s a case of educated guesses and trial and error. Once you find the niche you can drill down on keywords.

    1. aoiffe379 profile image60
      aoiffe379posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks  Peter Hoggan. I like your honesty when you say that no one is likely to give too much away in the area of profitable niches. We live  in a cloaked dagger world. The clues you have provided will aid me in my quest.

  4. Alison Graham profile image95
    Alison Grahamposted 14 years ago

    Hi, as a new Hubber, I have been trying to absorb as much knowledge and information as I can and apply it to my writing.  On the subject of keywords, (it was suggested in a (non-hub) article that I read) that when using Google Keywords tool that when you have your article idea, pick some keywords and put them into the keyword tool.  Then click on the advertiser competition column header twice. This sorts the keyword suggestions with the least competitive keywords at the top.  Then, scroll down the right hand column to see which keywords have a high search volume but a low advertiser competition. The implication being that if you can choose a number of these high volume search keywords, with lower advertiser competition if you use these keywords, it could help your page rankings - what do you think?

    1. aoiffe379 profile image60
      aoiffe379posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Alison Graham!I will try the idea and discover how well it works. At least I have somewhere to start now.

      1. Alison Graham profile image95
        Alison Grahamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hi, l shall look forward to hearing how you get on.  Good luck with it.

    2. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Alison, you've picked up on a common misconception.  The "competition" column tells you how many advertisers want to place ads for that keyword.  You're a publisher, not an advertiser. 

      If a keyword has high traffic and low competition, you may get a lot of readers but there may hardly anyone putting ads on Adsense for that keyword, and those that do won't pay much, so you still won't make any money.

      1. Alison Graham profile image95
        Alison Grahamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for that Marisa, I AM getting good traffic but hardly any revenue so maybe that is why.  Time for a rethink on the next hub!

      2. profile image0
        shazwellynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Yes... I made that mistake as well Marisa knows! LOL

      3. Jule Romans profile image97
        Jule Romansposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        WHOA. So we want high traffic and hig competition, then? *smacks self on forehead* duh.

  5. gracenotes profile image90
    gracenotesposted 14 years ago

    I assume you've got Analytics set up correctly.

    If you're getting any organic search engine traffic at all, you can view the keywords that were used.

    When you first log into Analytics, you see the dashboard, yes?
    In the upper left-hand corner of the screen, click on "Traffic Sources."  You will then see a screen that shows how much of your traffic is from referrals, and how much is organic.  And below that, the specific search engines or referral sites, plus a list of keywords used to find your articles.  At the keyword section, click on "View Full Report" to see a complete list of keywords.

    1. aoiffe379 profile image60
      aoiffe379posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      gracenotes,I do not know if it is set up correctly but it is set; and I do check it regularly. When I go there later[I am at work on a free break] i will follow the information you have provided precisely. Thank you for helping me to get a jumpstart.

    2. Alison Graham profile image95
      Alison Grahamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for the additional info regarding Analytics.

  6. Dame Scribe profile image56
    Dame Scribeposted 14 years ago

    The keywords used to find your site via search engines are usually located within the 'Top content' tab. The dashboard and left side of analytics are like your 'map' keys, click and the page will pop up. Lots of Hubs available regarding analytics in HubPages, just use the search bar at  the top right. Hope that helps. smile

  7. Peter Hoggan profile image68
    Peter Hogganposted 14 years ago

    I throw darts at a newspaper. cool

    1. Misha profile image65
      Mishaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That's about how I approach it, too big_smile

    2. Dense profile image59
      Denseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hmm ... I'll give some thoughts to this. Thanks! smile

    3. profile image0
      shazwellynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      It is google lottery... some you win and some you lose smile

  8. Research Analyst profile image70
    Research Analystposted 14 years ago

    google is always changing the way websites are ranked so its best to just write on a topic that you are knowledgeable about and then keep adding valuable content on the subject, if you try to worry to much about keywords you will get all bogged down with frustration, the semantic web is going to work best on relation and relevancy between subjects and that will require freelance writers to bring conversational tone back to the writing experience.

  9. seryhu profile image60
    seryhuposted 14 years ago

    You can go to google keyword tool, get it to show you CPC (cost per click), research any word that comes to mind and look for the following:
    1)High CPC, 1 dollar or more (some topics have very high cpc like "DUI lawyers")
    2)High Research Volume, you don't want to write on a topic noone is researching. So, It's up to you but 500 searches or more, preferably 1000 per month or more.

    Now google the word and check the pagerank for the results. 0 being the low page rank, 10 being best page rank. You want results with low page ranks so that you can get in the first page with your hub when someone googles the same keyword and get lots of organic traffic (Remember to use the keywork in your title and URL).
    where do you see the page rank? There is a took you can use with firefox that will give you pageranks (PR).
    Your hubpages articles will generally obtain PR of 2, 3, 4, and you will be well positioned in pages where the search term only has pageranks of 0, 1, 2.
    I am also just finding this information so every little bit helps.

  10. Peter Hoggan profile image68
    Peter Hogganposted 14 years ago

    seryhu, you could be lucky using that strategy but unfortunately the odds are stacked against you. Some of the problems for publishers using the Adwords tool have already been mentioned here. The tool was designed for a completely different purpose than the one you are using it for and will not reflect how many times a term is searched or the possible Adsense earnings for a click on that term. Google tends to keep that information hidden from the eyes of both legitimate marketers and spammers for obvious reasons.

    PageRank no longer influences search engine rankings in any real way and should not be used as a yardstick to measure how competitive a term is.

  11. brettb profile image62
    brettbposted 14 years ago

    Sex, money and health. That's all people are interested in. Anything else they do is to further one of these.

    Now, once you have understood this you need to write hubs of around 800 words. Write at least 5 hubs on a topic.

    Open your hubpages account and write a few hubs about what you know about. If you don't know about forex or acai berries, don't write about them.

    Once you get a few clicks, write more articles related to the articles that are making you money. Aim to "own" a niche topic on hubpages - when you see the related hubs to yours, yours should be the only ones listed.

    If you want to write for money, you need people in "buy" mode. The people here who write good Amazon hubs understand this, but it also works for Adsense.

    I've got ~150 hubs and I'm getting a decent hourly wage writing them. I've found some nice niches in mid-value topics. I don't think I'll make a million, but it's yet another recurring income source, and I love it.

  12. anasshad profile image77
    anasshadposted 14 years ago

    Think about the questions in your mind. Think about what other people have questions about. Then select those questions or keyword which you think troubles most people and then try to find the answer and make a hub about it. Just make the hub best and the money will follow

  13. Alison Graham profile image95
    Alison Grahamposted 14 years ago

    Thanks for the good advice Research Analyst.  I agree about getting bogged down - I am learning and improving my results but I want to improve the quality of my writing rather than concentrate on the keywords aspect.  I guess I am not destined to become a millionaire!!

    1. Appletreedeals profile image67
      Appletreedealsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      @Alison - you can do both.
      In your quest to write well, don't you ever find yourself searching for just the word or phrase to make a sentence or paragraph say what you want or say it the way you want?

      Or haven't you found yourself searching for synonyms so you're not repeating a word to much?

      That's improving your writing.

      You can do the same thing with keywords.

      It's just a different search.

      e.g. (a poor quick example - no grade for greatness)

      "The sky was full of white clouds."


      "A sky full of clouds of white."

      keywords: "white clouds" and "clouds of white"

      Nobody ever searched for "white clouds", and adsense only pays 1 cent per click

      "clouds of white" was searched 100,000 times a week and adsense pays $10.00 per click

      both keywords were equally appropriate and usable

      Which keywords would you want to use to get traffic to your hub? (and make money)


      1. Alison Graham profile image95
        Alison Grahamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you so much for that - you are absolutely right, I will try to follow your advice as I really do want to improve my writing.  Thanks again

  14. habee profile image93
    habeeposted 14 years ago

    I've never understood the relevence of the cost-per-click price. I know what it is, but it doesn't seem to translate to what we publishers get at all. For example, I might get .50 for an add that cost the advertiser $100, yet I might get $4 for a click that according to the tool, the advertiser had to pay $7 for. Can anyone explain this to me?

  15. ultradragon313 profile image57
    ultradragon313posted 14 years ago

    For everyone that is interested on these topics, I encourage you to check out a wonderful FREE training site that will help you with this marketing thing and writing articles.  For the information go to Google, type in "30 day challenge" in the search bar and click on the first should say thirtydaychallenge . com for the website.   

    This is a complete training guide on how to do keyword research, writing articles, and many other things that will help get your articles read by people and ranked in google.  They use videos to show people everything and it is completely FREE.   Also, it's a training program that you essentially do in 30 days but you can work at your own pace.  The challenge usually starts in August so you would be starting training from last year and you can start the 2010 challenge when you are ready.  Please check it out.  They also have a forum where people can ask questions and you can get help from other users.

    1. Alison Graham profile image95
      Alison Grahamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for this information, I will certainly check it out!

  16. aoiffe379 profile image60
    aoiffe379posted 14 years ago

    Interaction is so powerful. I would like to thank all the hubbers who have shared their suggestions and comments. however,I have to commend ultradragon for his input. I have checked out the suggestion for 30DC; and it is awesome! it has helped me greatly; and I am only on lesson one! Thus I look forward to learning and expect to make tremendous improvements by August 2010. I will also keep in mind some of the other ideas.


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