Now That's Impressive!

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  1. profile image0
    Twenty One Daysposted 14 years ago

    PART I.

    So, I am a "newbie" as the term goes, only 6 months wet into HubPages. I wrote a few hubs just for ships and keels not really thinking much of it. While in the quest to further my web presence, I jumped feet first into the AdSense world. This week I added Kontera to my hubs, against the advice of some.
    AdSense has been active for three months. Today, I peeked at both. To my surprise, Kontera has out done AdSense literally 4:1.
    More impression results and more clicks.

    PART II.

    For those serious about their writing and earning from it this might assist. I am by no means a social network butterfly. If fact, it rather annoys me. But, because of my participation in the Hubalicious contest -for food- went ahead and opened a Facebook Group, dedicated to my hubs strictly on food topics. In a matter of an hour, almost 50 views and there is still 9 hours to go.

    I am now in numbers mode. If I were to maintain that kind of momentum it would equal some 600 views a day just from FB. with the HP 60% rule, that would equal 10,800 impressions a month.
    Is this average, above average or off-the-hook?

    Thanks -James.

    1. relache profile image67
      relacheposted 14 years agoin reply to this
      1. profile image0
        Twenty One Daysposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        wow, based on those numbers, only 10% are actually publishing hubs and of the published an average of 5 hubs per person...

        A combined total of 337,356 views isn't very encouraging about 2.5 views per hub according to the 10% published...

        1. melbel profile image94
          melbelposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          It probably just goes to show that the more active you are on hubpages, the more views you're going to get.... I mean, yeah, everyone is going to get that hub that's just a dud. I have had my duds, but the harder you work at it and the more research you do, the more often you find yourself with a well rounded hub with a good deal of readers. Keep up the good work!

    2. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      AARRGGHH!  Like you, I'm a newbie of only a month - still trying to learn the hub writing tools.  And Adsense.  And Amazon.  Now you suggest Kontera (like you, I have pretty much ignored it based on comments in the forums and hubs) and FB.  And like you, I'm not very social and know nothing about FB - I've never even visited someone else's page and don't know what a group is. 

      I hate you all!
      lol  lol

    3. cohenj88 profile image60
      cohenj88posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hey Twenty One Days,

      This is Jonathan from Kontera. I'm glad to hear about the success you've been having. One advantage that Kontera does have over Adsense is because of the condition known as "banner blindness", where some people have grown so numb to online banner ads they ignore them completely, there's a whole segment of your readers who's ad clicks you'd be losing completely if you didn't have In-Text ads.

      That said, there's no reason you shouldn't continue having both Kontera and Adsense on your site. Because they're displayed in completely different parts of your webpage, they're not competing for clicks, and Kontera is a completely separate revenue stream.   

      - Jonathan Cohen
      Kontera Community Manager

      1. profile image0
        Twenty One Daysposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hello Jonathan.
        Sorry I took so much time in responding, have been busier than a cat in a room...well you know. I am inclined to agree since I often ignore an image or text ad, to read the articles/web page.

        I have noticed a significant impression ratio on Hub Pages and off site on my blogs. The only short side is it is slow going, but it takes time. I was wondering where Kontera stands on Page Impression payouts -if any or solely clicks.

        Many thanks on the programming.


        1. cohenj88 profile image60
          cohenj88posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Hey James,

          Kontera is a Pay Per Click network for Publishers, so while we track impressions to help give you an idea of how well your ads are converting into clicks,  impressions don't factor into your revenue.

          - Jonathan

      2. sunforged profile image74
        sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Lol. Kontera is the worst affiliate program i have ever seen. hands down.

        Do you have anyplace where you show off some success stories? any high profile sites actually using it?

        Your program has a really bad PR among the vocal money makers at HP and I belive both John Chow and ShoeMoney trialed and gave you a big thumbs down.

        even the Op seems to be stating they are happy about their increased impressions - I didnt read anything about any actual earnings~!

      3. profile image0
        ryankettposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Banner Blindness? That is so 20th century. Now we have flashy gif ads, YieldBuild, and bloggers have moved way past that old third column protocol.

        The kontera ads that I had displayed on my hubpages, the ones which caused a 30% decline in my AdSense earnings, saw an eCPM of $0.05.

        I gave you 178,642 impressions during my trial. That achieved 499 clicks, a CTR of 0.28%, and I earnt $9.52.

        Less than $10 for 178,642 impressions! Are you flippin serious! My overall AdSense CTR fell from 2% to 1.4%, you effectively paid me less than 10 dollars for me to lose hundreds of dollars of AdSense revenue.

        Perhaps I should be grateful that the 0.32% of readers who suffered 'banner blindness' did not miss out on the opportunity to make me money. But that would be forgetting the thousands of readers which began to suffer from complete 'Ad Blindness'.

        Dude, I don't know how much money Kontera are making out of the gullible, but many of us are just too smart to know that we can achieve astoundingly higher returns with that sort of traffic through pretty much any other affiliate programme. I don't know whose willy you played with at Hubpages, but the why on earth they haven't explored Chikita I do not know.

        1. Neil Ashworth profile image41
          Neil Ashworthposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Nothing else need be said!

      4. brettb profile image58
        brettbposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Jonathan,

        It's nice to see someone official from Kontera here.

        I've had a few clicks but I seem to be getting very low quality ads on my hubs. What annoys me is all those "search for information on x" type Kontera Ads which seem to have very poor targetting to the subject matter (I think they're just search engines trying to get some ultra cheap traffic).

        Some of the ads are also bizzare - I've just seen a Kontera ad for a "skirts" link, but when you hover over it there's a popup for shoes! Likewise "heels" links to an ad about Croc Shoes!

        Of course we also get low quality ads on Adsense sometimes (e.g. Indian aunty photos and the like). I'll keep trying Kontera for a while though, maybe I'll get better ads in time.

  2. Cagsil profile image71
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    I would say average. wink

    Then again, I wouldn't make a good judge about traffic or impressions.

  3. vaguesan profile image69
    vaguesanposted 14 years ago

    wonder if i should try out kontera....

    It doesnt seem like it would hurt.

    1. Pcunix profile image92
      Pcunixposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Well, yes, it can hurt.

      I will not read a website that uses Kontera or anything like it unless I critically need the information it provides.  It  is just too annoying and distracting.

      I'm sure I am not the only person who feels that way.  Too many links, most of which won't lead me to anything I want to read.

      1. Neil Ashworth profile image41
        Neil Ashworthposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I agree.

    2. SunSeven profile image60
      SunSevenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You will be disappointed.

  4. profile image0
    Twenty One Daysposted 14 years ago

    Hmm, I might have to retract my earlier praises of Kontera.

    First, page impressions are not adding up.
    Adsense and Kontera are active in my hubs, blog and domain.
    Adsense is showing twice the impression volume or Kontera daily.
    I was under the impression 75% was the threshold.

    Second, click value on Kontera is only reaching a penny where clicks on AdSense are ranging from <snipped> cents to $<snipped>.

    As for click ratios, they are pretty mch equal, which is not all that encouraging either. Kontera (Jonathan), what am I missing in the equation?

    {side bar: can Kontera be plugged into Twitter and RSS Channels}



    <snipped for your protection>

    <snipped for your protection>

    1. profile image0
      ryankettposted 14 years ago

      TWENTY ONE DAYS...... DUDE!!!!!!!!!!! GET RID OF THAT POST!!!!

      AdSense will ban you for that kind of info.

      I am reporting the post on your behalf, in the hope that hubpages moderators will delete it for you.

      Seriously, man you need to read the AdSense TOS sharpish....

    2. profile image0
      Twenty One Daysposted 14 years ago

      Ryan, thank you.
      I was not aware that general ranging or comparison was against the TOS. My concern was such a huge difference in page views between them, from three identical locations.

      I appreciate the heads up. James

      1. profile image0
        ryankettposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Taking a screenprint of your AdSense statistics is most defo against the TOS, take a look at how Misha has shown his screenshot here


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