Just over a week, 161 page impressions, 218 views, ZERO clicks...

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  1. composed profile image63
    composedposted 15 years ago

    Is this normal?

    I am in this for the long hall and my traffic seems to be rising somewhat steadily, but I was just wondering when I can expect clicks to start happening in Google Adsense.  I don't think I really full understand how this works and if I am on the right track.

    Any thoughts are appreciated.

    1. relache profile image66
      relacheposted 15 years agoin reply to this


      It takes time, patience and effort to achieve earnings.  "If you build it, they will come," only worked in that movie "Field of Dreams." 

      Here are a couple of Hubs I wrote which might offer you some advice for the long haul:


    2. BristolBoy profile image66
      BristolBoyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Just stick with it.  I am in a similar situation but Yahoo is starting to pick up now (but not Google as I appear to have completely disappeared off their radar.

    3. ngureco profile image77
      ngurecoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Clicks depend on lots of factors. With 15 hubs and 161 impressions, 100 impressions may be from yourself..

      But on average you may expect 18 clicks for every 1000 impressions which should equate to 1660 page views since you have to include the 40% impression that goes to hubpages.

      1. WHoArtNow profile image71
        WHoArtNowposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I'd kill for 18/1000!

        I've got 58000 impressions to 309 clicks!

        But I admit 90% of my traffic is stumbleupon traffic and those guys are great for your traffic, but not good at clicking those links! (or clicking onto your other articles!)

        Keep at it composed, it's worth it in the end. The more hubs you have, the more money you'll make.

  2. kashifmahmood profile image38
    kashifmahmoodposted 15 years ago

    Don't worry about clicks they will come. They depend on lots of factors. Since you are new to HP so I assume that most of the traffic to your hubs is from HP members from which you will hardly get any clicks on adsense.

    Keep posting interesting and helpful hubs and don't worry about your earnings. You will earn believe me wink

  3. sunstreeks profile image80
    sunstreeksposted 15 years ago

    I think what is happening is your presence at Hubpages is elevating so your getting some pageviews. Your hubscore is climbing and fellow hubbers are finding your hubs. It's possible a few of your hubs have been indexed by now on google and yahoo, but I'm betting most of your views are within Hubpages itself.  Check your stats at the top of some of your hubs. You will be able to see where your traffic is coming from. Hubpages traffic isn't very good for earnings, search engine traffic is.

    To get some Adsense earnings you want people coming to you hubs to be doing so with purpose. You want targeted search engine traffic. I am going to offer some tips I really think might help. I hope you don't mind I critique one of your hubs.

    On your California Farmers Markets there are about 6600 searches for the term California Farmers Market. I took of the s because "California Farmers Market" has better results and I think you would do better with it.

    I use this tool to find avg search volume


    There are about 1,110,000 search results through google for the term California Farmers Market
    these results are for any combination to the three words or anything close. Alot of these results could be just for farmers market, or California farmers.

    There are only 5,970 results for the exact phrase "California Farmers Market" your chances of a first page appearance on google are great!!!!  6600 hundred searches for that keyword phrase and only 5,970 results for the phrase.

    To optimize for search engine ranking I would change the title to say Guide To California Farmers Market. Then I would break up your different california areas into seperate capsules. Title them with the area your are talking about ie: "San Fransisco Farmers market" etc.

    I would move your amazon capsule downward one capsule and have your top capsule be a few paragraphs of text. This will make hubpages place a big adsense box right on top. I learned this tip from shailini @ http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Make-100 … ge-authors When I implemented this tip into my hubs it had a huge affect right away. I have no way to know thats where my adsense clicks were coming from but there is no denying that my adsense clicks jumped dramatically from this little edit of my hubs.

    I would also add pictures of people shopping at farmers market  or pictures of fruit stands etc. (try flickr.com do advanced search for creative commons material) This will add color to your page. Push the picture right so that it appears to the right side of the text. I'd add at least two pictures. When I do pictures I save the img with a name that is one of my keywords. you could do California Farmers Market. Then when the picture is saved in the hub, I again write the keyword either by itself or in a small sentence. Google image search is my 4th top traffic source so I love adding in pictures.

    Then read through your hub. Try and add the word California Farmers Market in at least every other paragraph. More if possible. Over on your tags list. add California Farmers Market, California Farmers Markets, San Fransico Farmers market, etc. Get these long tails in your tag list.

    While visiting your hub on california farmers market I can see that there are adsense results that do offer links to farmers markets. You will get clicks for these if you can get targeted search engine traffic to your page.

    Once a hub is finished, it still needs some link juice aka backlinks to get indexed and some extra ranking power by google. I put together a hub recently that may help you to build backlinks and convince google that your page is worth listing on the first page.


    Hope you didn't mind the unrequested critique. =P

  4. bgpappa profile image80
    bgpappaposted 15 years ago

    Hang in there.  I am up to 1700 impressions with 9 clicks.  Made less than a dollar.  But with page views comes clicks.  Be active, respond to comments and over time it will come.

  5. profile image0
    terrygposted 15 years ago

    I agree it is normal. It does seem impossible at times to get some sort of return.

    My advice to you is to broaden your horizons as there is a way to earn on impressions per thousand still on the net for your articles. I wrote a hub on this very point.

    I personally think that hubs are of such a high quality that the reader is satisfied with reading what is on offer and have no need to search for more information. Basically, the hubpages written by hubbers are of excellent quality and satisfies the visitors desire.

    As an aside: very nice Sunstreeks

  6. reagu profile image66
    reaguposted 15 years ago

    It's a numbers game.  Also depends on the type of content you're creating.  Are you marketing your hubpages at all?  Digg, Stumbleupon, and other social bookmarking sites work too.

  7. composed profile image63
    composedposted 15 years ago

    thanks to everyone for all of the great advice.  i am trying to put much of it to work.  it's a learning process, no doubt!

    i have two clicks now... 54 cents!  woo-who!!!

  8. composed profile image63
    composedposted 15 years ago

    I followed some of sunstreeks advice on my hubs...

    For one of my hubs, I am the #1 hit on Google as far as I can tell, but no massive traffic.  Sort of a bummer.

  9. profile image57
    orionsky60403posted 15 years ago

    #1 on Google using what type of a search. I mean if you search for a very very rare phrase you can make any page pop up as first right?  What methods are you using to rank better?  Are you just creating a strong number of back links ?
    I'm trying to learn right now.

  10. JLPeterson profile image83
    JLPetersonposted 15 years ago

    I am also wondering if I am set up right on adsense...to me when I check the stats I find it very confusing.  I am assuming as long as I see ads on my site, if someone clicks, I'll earn something.  So far my adsense earnings show 0 clicks and have for some time.  Not too motivating since I've earned money from day 1 on two other sites.

  11. Rik Ravado profile image83
    Rik Ravadoposted 15 years ago

    JL your hubs look OK and I can see the Ads.  As other posts say, initially all your traffic will be HubPages and they don't tend to click but once the search engines find you then the clicks should come.  The you should get around 1 to 8 clicks per 100 views. Good luck!

  12. spuds profile image60
    spudsposted 15 years ago

    Don't get to hung up on the amount of clicks. Keep making great hubs. The clicks will happen but if you are expecting hundreds and hundreds of clicks then you will be disappointed. Also some hub topics lends themselves to people clicking ads more than others.


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