As your thread is closed now, I answer you here.
I'm sorry to know a hub was written about you. I didn't read it. It must be unpublished.
Anyway, I like the way he writes. I wanted you to know I'm following him, but not because of that hub, which I'm sure I would have found disgusting.
Why someobody would curse at me ?
A lot of reasons why. You'll find out if you read my goodbye hub
Hi, tantrum I have seen you around on the different comments and for some reason never come over to read it, you know what it's like, but I will pop over. and thanks for responding to this and you can follow who ever you wish, he might not be that bad on a good day! ha ha thanks again
I find him funny, really ! LOL
Thanks for replying !
Hi Nell
I tried to find the hub you were talking about and I cant find it either. He must have taken it down.
I was with you right up to the point where you said "we have to watch him" Now you sound like the stalker. You have to watch someone because you think they are dangerous. I dont see where this man wants to cause you bodily harm. I'm very uncomfortable with your comments about this man. He has just as much right to voice his opinion as you do. You dont have to like it. And you sure dont have the right to brand him as some dangerous person we all have to "keep an eye on" you sound like someone who would cry rape if you got mad with someone.
I like like the guy, I'm following him. And I respect what he has to say. By the way, I'm a Black Man and I think that "Prophet" is a pee brained money changer. So dont try to destroy someone because you dont like what they say. It will backfire on you everytime.
Hi, frindlyword. yep you are right, I totally overreacted and I just want to forget it now. I was just so annoyed that he wrote a hub about me, and I just got mad. and no I am not usually the type to jump at something like this, he just got me on a bad day, I was told that he was a bit of a trouble maker, and had continued to cause trouble for people after the event. but now I am fed up of the whole thing. But i will just say that saying I rape is pathetic, and over the top. this man put my picture up and wrote about me, perhaps if he had been polite in his comments in the first place this wouldn't have happened. manners cost nothing, I would have liked to have a decent discussion not to be slated by someone I don't know. enough said. that's the end of it.
I sorry to offend you. I like you too. I dont understand the problem with the picture. You look like everybody's Mother(or, at least, everyones' favorite Aunt)!
By the way, that black hole hub was great! I understood the point you were trying to make. However, you should expect more negative comments on that subject. You put some peoples' basic beliefs into question.
Hi, thanks for that, I really appreciate it. i'll just explain that the hub was based on a new scientific TV programme that i scribbled notes down as it was on. I know some people may not like or believe in this theory but it is just another part of science that could well be a possibility. Everybody has their own beliefs in religion or the universe, and I didn't mean to tread on any toes. I was just reporting it. everybody's idea's are very important. And thanks for liking the hub.
You should worry when people dont talk about you... What trouble have you caused now Nell? *wink* lol
Hiya, I got insulted, I bit back, he wrote a hub about me, I jumped even higher, now I feel like an idiot! in a nutshell, totally mortified, holding my head down like a fool! hows your day been? ha ha
Don't feel that way ! LOL It's understandable. Next time you'll laugh !
Oh well... you know the usual.... adsense disabled, and all that ... but hey ho! LOL (actually all that is resolved, but thought that I would try and get one up and make you feel better *wink*)..
Dont worry about it Nell... the turnover here on the forum is so fast, people will have forgotten within a week!
Nice to see you around mate! Maybe you just need a holiday - maybe somewhere mystical and magical????
Astronomy is a subject that triggers some pretty big religious battles.
I maybe understand why... but I can only shake my head about it.
I have a second account here at HP to publish my astronomy stuff, because I don't want it to seem like I have an agenda.
As bizarre as it may seem, I have no doubt that is exactly what would happen if I put those hubs under the same account that I use to write about religion. I don't equate one with the other myself.
It's crazy. *shrug*
I'm glad you're smiling again
Hi, wyanjen, I hadn't even thought about the religious side. perhaps I am naive. to me religion and science are not connected and in other ways they are. my opinion is that God made everything, so whatever comes up in the way of science however it is strange or different, it is just part of Gods plan and ingredients if you like. I don't think there is a problem. If I was talking about religion here on earth then there may be a problem with different beliefs but out there in Space nobody really knows whats going on, it is just a great mystery. thanks for your concern. I am chilled out now, I think! ha ha
How odd is that! My mystical comment was before I read the astronomy comment and I had no idea that is what it was all about *enters the twighlight zone*
How odd, indeed.
And yet,
Wow! I got up this morning and all hell seems to have broken loose. And all this over Black Holes, which by definition, do not exist. Does a hole in a donut exist? I’ve never managed to ever eat a donut hole. By the time I’m finished eating the donut, the black hole seems to have gone!
I didn’t realize you got so upset about my hub that “showed” our conversation which was deleted by you. Censoring people does not belong in a civil society. So I used my civil liberties to publish our conversation....that’s all. I didn’t know it was a crime to do that. And the HP team didn't tell me it was a crime either.
Anyway, the HP team told me to delete your copyrighted material from my hub, and then I can re-publish it. But after reading how upset you got, I don’t think it would be a good idea. All my hubs are geared towards challenging people to “think”, and to evaluate claims with “logic”, and “reason”. I don’t write hubs to upset people, only to get them to think, with a little humor on the side.
Absolutely NONE of my hubs make threats, racist, or sexual gender remarks, and I do not censor anyone. I find such actions totally unacceptable!
If our conversation upset you, Nell, then I really don’t want to re-publish it again. It’s just not worth it for somebody to be losing sleep over Black Holes.
So please, let me know what you want me to do, as I have to respond to the HP team whether I want the hub kept (and fixed) or deleted. I will do whatever makes you feel better.
I didn’t mean to upset you, and I’m glad you are feeling better. I actually enjoyed reading many of your hubs. Cheer up, and don't ever let any human ape upset you, especially me
Hi, fatfist, I don't know what to say. I think that probably it was a bit of fault on either side really, I saw your comments on my hub and i must admit I got annoyed because you wouldn't see my side of it. And on my part of problem was that I fly of the handle and jump from one to ten, in other words suffer from mental constipation and verbal diarhia! open mouth spill it out! I just think that because you answered my answer with another full length pull apart hub, I thought it was an attack and I went into full terminator mode. I was fine until I saw my picture and your hub. If you had written it a bit more equal, for example maybe seeing it from my side of view, seeing as I got the information for the hub straight from the scientists on the tv, then I would have seen the funny side. I have always been like that, jump in like a mini rottweiler! I apologise. There you have it! lol I think if I had known you and had read your stuff before I would have known what you were like, but because you appeared out of nowhere, in my view attacked, then I got all defensive. I will know in future. I usually keep out of the forums, well most of the time, and this time it was two in the morning, and my brain had lost it's confidence, common sense and mojo! so if you want to publish it, go ahead, but just remember that I wrote this hub after watching it on tv, scribbling down notes, and sometimes not writing it in full detail properly. okay? I think I need a whisky now, got any? lol
There you go.
I'm pretty careful about who I follow, but the both of you are on my list.
FF, I was pretty bummed out about the hub - Nell is a total sweetheart.
When I saw it I said "WHAAAAT-?!?!?"
It's cool you came over to explain.
Hi, wyanjen, thank you so much for saying that, I know I jump on the broomstick sometimes! lol but I think we both, me and fatfist, got of on the wrong footing! (understatement! LOL) thanks again
(It's cool you came over to explain.)
You should know me by now wyanjen. I am religious in demanding "explanations" whenever people post in my hubs.
I should at least "practice" what I "preach"...LOL
Normally, when something like this goes on, I skip over it and go on with my day.
But I know the both of you well enough that I was bummed out by it.
This ordeal was not typical forum drama stuff
So, I chimed in a little.
All's well that ends well.
No worries! Water under the bridge. My apologies too. Life's too short to let people upset you.
My hubs are geared towards "challenging" people. But yes, many people do "view" them as attacks, and its understandable. Oh well, such is life.
Actually Nell, I do not want re-publish that same hub. You are a sweet lady who misunderstood me, and after what you went thru, I just cannot bring myself to publish our conversation.
What I will do instead, is write another hub on Black Holes, without any reference to you, our conversation, or your hub.
(I think I need a whisky now, got any?)
Cardhu 12 yr
Scapa 14 yr
McCallan 21 yr
Some of my favorites!
See....we do have something in common
Cheers, and to your health.
Hi, again, thanks I will have two of Jack Daniels! bottles that is! lol I am sorry for being such a wuss! (English term for a weak pathetic person!! lol) it don't happen very often. I am usually the one that lets it all slide over my back like a duck with water. Does water go over a ducks back? well whatever, I think we have a truce now! ha ha where's me white flag? don't know, I threw it away with the England flag for the football! I will come over and take a look when you have written it, and promise to be good! ha ha thanks nell
p.s. I said it as though you were American, but reading your writing me thinks you may be Olde English? or perhaps not?
(I will come over and take a look when you have written it, and promise to be good! ha ha thanks nell)
You are always welcome, Nell. But please, just take what I say in my hubs with a grain of salt. My hubs are meant to "challenge" the mind. I don't mean any ill will. Since our species relies heavily on emotions, they sometimes get in the way and cause us grief. It happens to the best of us. I don't blame you for anything, and please don't blame yourself either.
I had a similar issue with user "spiderpam" just last week. She viewed me as the typical atheist who hates theists. But after I showed her that I wanted to challenge her mind, get her to think, and have her challenge me back....let's just say, that we now have a better understanding of each other....and most importantly, more respect for each other.
(think we have a truce now! ha ha where's me white flag?)
No white flag necessary. Next time I’m in London to visit my cousins, dinner and drinks are on me for you and your husband! I read some of your hubs Nell. And I must say, I have a better understanding of you. You are a very nice person. Unfortunately, I don’t have any personal info in my hubs, so I can’t be fairly judged on face value alone.
Sorry again....and please, let's forget about it
(p.s. I said it as though you were American, but reading your writing me thinks you may be Olde English?)
My dad’s English, and darn proud. My mom is Canadian, from Quebec, and she can be quite feisty. But with age, they have become calmer. Let’s just say that at times, I had to keep the peace in the household while I was growing up
Ok...this is the first time I've seen something discussed and actually resolved. Wow! All the best to you two. I'll see you on the forums.
Hi, fatfist, thanks again for coming back. I know what you mean about personalities coming across on here. I sometimes forget that I am 'talking' to someone across the other side of the world! and I look forward to reading some more of your hubs. Oh, and when you come over? I'll get the drinks in! Nell
Some of us dont even know what all the fuss is about. You want us to die not knowing? OK?
Ha ha, got you interested now! tell you what, just go over and read the other one about God? then just change the appropriate words. it was very similar apart from saying God, the words were Black Holes etc. not exactly the same, but you can use your imagination! And can we drop it now please? it's getting a bit stale now! lol
Nell Rose:
I believe you had/have every right to your feelings. When a person is offended, it's usually because somebody else has offended with 'when one is attacked, one usually gets defensive' (not necessarily meaning your particular incident). So, your feelings are justified. There's no such thing as a wrong feeling, whether good or bad, they come & go; as human emotions are part of life. You were only kicking into defense mode because your beliefs were challenged, or attacked (I don't know which because I didn't read it). I was told once " disgust me with your blah blah blah....." So someone finds me disgusting? Gosh darnit, what a shame! My first reaction was to buck up and fight back because I felt it was a personal attack, but I withheld. Actually, I found it cut pretty deep & made me angry. Then I realized and reminded myself, it's just another rude assault, another view of how someone insignificant sees me as an individual. So don't like me, I don't care. Don't like what I believe in, that's okay. But I refuse to be rude in the same fashion. So I decided to blow it off. And I did.
There's one saying that I still think about to this day. "Let it roll off like water on a duck's back."
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