Only 1 hub-author score. Why is that?

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  1. jamesbrownbete profile image61
    jamesbrownbeteposted 14 years ago

    I just saw a hubber with only 1 author score when in fact he has 276 hubs. Why is that?

    I will admit that my hubs are not great and not well written because English is only my third language and I am not using it every day. Aside from that, I only have 6 hubs. But my score only drops until 80 and be back to 86 until 88 for sometime. Now what makes this author with only 1 hubber score? Could it be that he just copied his articles in other sources that made his score dropped so badly?

  2. Cagsil profile image72
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    The hubber could have too many things wrong and probably no traffic. Plus, they do nothing, like reading other hubs or commenting on hubs or any other activity. smile

    1. jamesbrownbete profile image61
      jamesbrownbeteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      But Cagsil, he has 276 hubs!

      1. Cagsil profile image72
        Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        So, if one is bad, then most them are likely to be bad. Especially, if English is not their first language or they are not fluent in the language.

        You, yourself said you have it as a third language and that it is hurting you(you realize it, because you said it).

        This person apparently has a lot of hubs and probably is nowhere near where they should be with their hubs. Besides, authorscore doesn't affect earnings.

        Authorscore is HubPages related, not earnings related. smile

        1. jamesbrownbete profile image61
          jamesbrownbeteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Anyway, thanks cagsil! Im looking forward that you will receive your next adsense payment very soon. Congrats!

          1. Cagsil profile image72
            Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you and I am working on it. lol

      2. thranax profile image70
        thranaxposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        All the content could be duplicate. You can write the same article on hubpages as 100 other sites as long as your the owner, but your score will drop to zero and well..other side effects happen including looking into account banning.


        1. jamesbrownbete profile image61
          jamesbrownbeteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          This mean that its not actually all about the number of hubs that you had published.

      3. relache profile image64
        relacheposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        It's not your quantity that's important, it's your quality.

        1. jamesbrownbete profile image61
          jamesbrownbeteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          That right relache. You know you're my idol here in hubpages.

  3. Slainia profile image59
    Slainiaposted 14 years ago

    Chances are he spam posted them. It's like the old ez-board forums. With those, for anyone who remembers, there was a rule for most writing sites - for every piece of writing you posted, you commented no two or your post was locked. Doing so ensured the forum was active with give AND take, and provided a way to tell who was a serious member of the forum and who was there for purely their own reasons.
    I've noticed since I joined, if you post a whole lot of hubs all at once, your score IS going to go down - it needs time for each of the hubs to be evaluated by the users. If he has no traffic, keeps posting hubs, his score isn't going to go up b/c theres no positive enforcement to the score - the sites going to think his content, to put it simply, sucks.

    1. jamesbrownbete profile image61
      jamesbrownbeteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Slainia. I have also noticed that some of his hubs are below the standard 300 minimum words.

  4. DonnaWallace profile image61
    DonnaWallaceposted 14 years ago

    Wow. That is a really low score. As a new hubber, it was good to learn that you should wait for your hubs to settle before posting more. It does seem to take time for people to find your hubs. Do you think that's why his score is so low?

    1. jamesbrownbete profile image61
      jamesbrownbeteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That's what Slainia said, Donna.

    2. Slainia profile image59
      Slainiaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Combination of things. Think of it like a pair of scales, with his score in the middle. On one side, you've got his established hubs gaining score and reader impressions and what not. On the other, you've got the new hubs, and possibly things like low quality - low word count, english as a second language, duplicate content. All of these things impact author score negatively, so if this out-balances the other side, then his score is going to go down. On the other hand, if he posts a lot of hubs, but they meet basic requirements - again, word count, not duplicate content etc - it may go up and down frequently. I'm not sure how it takes into account commenting, though.

      1. jamesbrownbete profile image61
        jamesbrownbeteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Slainia, English is only my third language and that also hurts me. How do find my grammar anyway?

        1. Slainia profile image59
          Slainiaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          How do they find it? They may have algorithms that watch for certain phrases, things like that. It's not something I know a lot about, just that it would figure in. What I'd suggest for fixing your own, though - read it out loud. Read alot of english books - even cheap harlequin romance novels will help with the flow of the language, at least on certain levels. Familiarize yourself with it in daily life. If you want, I'll proof read a few things for you? Dunno if it helps. smile

          1. jamesbrownbete profile image61
            jamesbrownbeteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, Slainia. can you proof read some of my hubs? I know, that's really a big favor. But I am so happy that you have just volunteered to do so. Thank you so much. You must be a very good person.

            1. Slainia profile image59
              Slainiaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              No I just love to edit. I can't committ to a whole lot right now, but start me off with something short or simple and I'll go from there. I'll try and leave examples of why a turn of phrase doesn't work when I can. Sometimes it's just having someone of the native language - whatever that may be - help you with the fluid aspect of writing, I think. Email me @ the website email listed in my profile, k?

  5. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 14 years ago

    The only way the score can go that low I am aware of is fanning everybody around and their dog.

    1. jamesbrownbete profile image61
      jamesbrownbeteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I see. Thanks Misha!


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