Adsense Program Policy violation?

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  1. wirewoman profile image63
    wirewomanposted 14 years ago

    One of my hubs was just flagged at being at risk for a Google Adsense program policy violation. I have no idea why except that I posted that hub url on She Told Me and Xomba. If anyone has any idea about the possible reason for this, please let me know. Many thanks in advance.

  2. profile image0
    ryankettposted 14 years ago

    What was the subject?

    1. wirewoman profile image63
      wirewomanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Derma rollers for natural facelifting..........the only other thing I can think of is that in my own late night stupor, I mistakenly clicked on one of the ads on that page but i well know the horror of doing that so I doubt I did that. The warning seemed to come to my attention after I put a third link into the hub (all going different places) Aren't we allowed three external links?

      Thanks so much for your interest, I'm new here and struggling a bit but loving it. Btw, your articles have been extremely helpful to me.

      1. Cagsil profile image68
        Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You are allowed only 2 links to one domain. You can post more than 2 links, but any more than two to the same domain will be flagged as "overly promotional". smile

        1. wirewoman profile image63
          wirewomanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Ok, that helps clarify........I know that I can only use 2 links to one domain but I didn't do that in this hub even. It was late and I was a bit bleary eyed and probably made a mistake somehow. Thanks for your info.

          Would you mind clarifying something else for me quickly? As I understand it, we're really only supposed to have no more than 2 links to the same domain across all of our hubs.....correct?

          1. profile image0
            Website Examinerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            No, that is incorrect. You can repeatedly link to the same  domain across multiple hubs. However, the links ought to be relevant to the contents of your hub. If you indiscriminately link to the same domain across all of your hubs, or many of them, this could be a problem. See these guidelines:


            1. wirewoman profile image63
              wirewomanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              many thanks for this valuable I'm a bit of an expert at a few things, it will help me forward folks on to some best resources more than once. Very much appreciate your clarifying this for me.

      2. IzzyM profile image84
        IzzyMposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        The warning comes from Hubpages, not google. It might even come from the automatic filter, and I can't see anything wrong with your hub or your outgoing links.
        I suggest you email and ask them what the matter is.

        1. wirewoman profile image63
          wirewomanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks so much for this information........I'm new here and trying hard to keep up with the rules so that flag worried me..........the hub is still up and the warning gone so I went in to re-edit to check if the warning returned but no.

          I will email the support team for clarity. Very much appreciate your taking the time to assist.

  3. Cagsil profile image68
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    If a hub is in violation of Adsense, then the hub would no longer be published and no one can look at it, except you.

    HubPages unpublishes all hubs that threaten it's revenue stream. wink

    1. wirewoman profile image63
      wirewomanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Well, I can certainly appreciate that but the hub is still up, warning gone with no clear reason why it originated to begin with. I appreciate your help with this and will pursue it with the support team, thanks again.

    2. WryLilt profile image86
      WryLiltposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Just a clarification Cagsil -

      In some cases where the content is not too extreme but still wouldn't be approved of by adsense, hubpages will leave the hub published but remove all advertising from it (you can still use amazon on those).

  4. profile image0
    Website Examinerposted 14 years ago

    WryLilt, As far as I can see, there is no situation "where the content is not too extreme but still wouldn't be approved of by adsense."

    I believe the disabling of ads happens as a result of a filter catching certain contents (e.g. keywords) Google might find objectionable. A manual review may subsequently leave ads to be re-enabled, the disabling to continue, or the hub to be unpublished.

    If Adsense doesn't approve, then it is too extreme. If Adsense doesn't disapprove, then it is not too extreme. The disabling of ads is to preventively catch those hubs that are in the grey area, namely where Google's position is uncertain. In the past, such hubs would have been preventively unpublished.

    1. WryLilt profile image86
      WryLiltposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      "If a hub is in violation of Adsense, then the hub would no longer be published and no one can look at it, except you." - Cagsil

      I was referring to this statement. I was pointing out the fact that basically - "grey area" hubs as you call them will remain published but will have adverts disabled.

      Cagsil seemed to imply that either hubs are published with adverts or unpublished otherwise. So I just wanted to clarify. smile

      1. profile image0
        Website Examinerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        And so did I. Not trying to be picky here, either. You have exercised due diligence, as usual.

        1. WryLilt profile image86
          WryLiltposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          smile I work in retail I have to cross my Is and dot my Ts smile

    2. Sally's Trove profile image95
      Sally's Troveposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      1. Susana S profile image94
        Susana Sposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        That's interesting. My understanding was that robots.txt is put in the head tag (by the site admiinistrator) to prevent the page being indexed and crawled by search bots, not to prevent the display of ads. As far as I know ads can still be displayed when the robots tag is in there? Could be wrong though. Which hub is it?

        1. Sally's Trove profile image95
          Sally's Troveposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I'm really glad for your post, Susana. I went back and checked the site status on the hub in question...

          ...and robots.txt is not blocking it, although it had in the past. Now it's blocking another of my Hubs, although that one is showing AdSense ads.

          Please disregard my previous post here (which I just deleted), including the HP vs Google comment about who's responsible for "fixing" robots.txt. HP's answer to me at the time was that there must be some filter Google's using (not robots.txt), and there's nothing HP can do about it.

          What I should have said about wirewoman's experience is that I'm having a similar one...there seems to be no reason for blocking ads from my Hub, yet they are blocked, but without warning from HP (unlike wirewoman's experience).

          I clearly have not had enough coffee this morning. My sincere apologies for wasting everyone's time.

          1. Susana S profile image94
            Susana Sposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I can't see why that one on gossip would be prevented from having ads either on HP or google's side? Totally weird. Google can unilaterally decide to remove ads from some pages, so that would explain why HP didn't give a warning message. I'm sure though if you contact HP and ask them what could be done to make it compliant they would help you.

            P.S. It's not a waste of time smile

            1. Sally's Trove profile image95
              Sally's Troveposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Susana, thank you for your kind words. smile

              I did contact HP, and their suggestion was to republish the Hub with a different URL, because there was nothing they could do from their end. But I chose not to republish, since I would have lost all the comments.

              Thank you for taking a look. It is weird, isn't it?


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