HubPages Addiction

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  1. the clean life profile image71
    the clean lifeposted 14 years ago

    Do you think Hubpages is addicting?

  2. Windsweptplains profile image59
    Windsweptplainsposted 14 years ago

    Very! It's a great place to encourage writing.

  3. Rafini profile image81
    Rafiniposted 14 years ago

    Yep.  I'm not supposed to be here, but here I am anyways. hmm big_smile

  4. the clean life profile image71
    the clean lifeposted 14 years ago

    I am addicted to Hubpages for sure. Great site to be able to express yourself and share with the world. Able to meet so many new people and great writers as well. I try to get and keep my scores up. Writing in the forum and reply to it. Leaving comments on Hubs. Writing articles everyday. Reading other peoples Hubs, so yes it is a busy site we have here. Thanks Hubpages for this site!

  5. mega1 profile image79
    mega1posted 14 years ago

    I used to be addicted.  I'm not anymore.  It's 8:19 am I just got up and haven't had my coffee yet and I'm here already, but not addicted.  I can stop anytime. smile

    1. the clean life profile image71
      the clean lifeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds like me. I may get up in the middle of the night to go to bath room and I head right downstairs to the computer 3 or 4 im the am to check comment and look to see how many people have read my Hubs. Also got to check those Adsense reports. I don't think I'm addicted. Ha

      1. mega1 profile image79
        mega1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Last night I woke up and spent a couple hours composing hubs in my head, knowing full well that I would not remember any of it if I didn't get up and write it all down.  I refused to get up and do that because that would have been compulsive!  But this morning I remember only the words "Personal Revolution" and "toodling down to the street"  lol I have an idea that I have gone stark raving mad, but don't tell anyone!

        1. the clean life profile image71
          the clean lifeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I may get into bed and a couple of minute I back up because a idea came into my mind of a Hub Title and some content, so I must get back up and write it down in the the bedrooms bath so my wife does see me. Gosh now I'm hiding my writing addiction.
          She tends to get upset sometimes because i am always at the keyboard. I think I'll by the Dragon Naturally Speaking. This way I can sit with here a write my articles by speaking into the headset. This way I'll still be with her.

          1. mega1 profile image79
            mega1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

            haha! you ARE funny!  at least I don't have to worry about anyone seeing me and what I do at night.  I don't allow myself to get up, but I destroy my bed tossing and turning and sometimes I can spend hours stewing in my head over hubs and things I've done and not done on HP and this and that.  I wake up from dreams that trigger subjects for new hubs.  I can't get up though, because then I am up for the whole night and no sleep at all and my work day begins at 7 am every single day of the week. (live-in caregiver)  So I restrict myself to daytime online only.  You may be indulging yourself mainly because of the attraction of communicating with others and REALLY getting to say what you want to say - without interruption!  It is a heady feeling to know that one or two will read the swill I produce and maybe respond to it!  It's way better than I can do in real life, usually, where the people I interact with always have their minds on 40 other things and where some of them cannot comprehend what I say anyway, even if they weren't half-deaf and cannot really hear me!  Plus I live out in the country and I cannot just go a couple blocks to a cafe or bar and start up a conversation.   It's the cyber life for me!  At first I felt rather pathetic, but now that I know how many others depend on these forums and other places online for interaction (meaningful or otherwise) I don't feel bad at all about it.  Just have to exercise tremendous willpower to make my bed and take a shower now and then!

  6. Ohma profile image62
    Ohmaposted 14 years ago

    one step program to cure HP addiction!

  7. Morgan F profile image61
    Morgan Fposted 14 years ago

    Haha I feel you on that one lol!

  8. MartieCoetser profile image67
    MartieCoetserposted 14 years ago

    Oh, gosh! I’m totally addicted. I have no clue what’s going to happen to me. Will I ever get out of this phase? I haven’t read and learn so much in years, and I truly enjoy all the comments on every hub I read. I love all hubbers – they are bright, sharp, super-intelligent and the kind of friends I prefer in my life. Do you think I need medical attention? :-)

    1. Cagsil profile image73
      Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome to HubPages Martie! smile

      I was curious if you had a better or more clearer photo? smile

      If I not, I might be able to clear up the picture you have on your profile, if you would like? smile

    2. the clean life profile image71
      the clean lifeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      No, not at all! I think everyone here is the same ADDICTED but in a GOOD way. This surly is much better than other addictions for sure. It helps me to saty sober with my past alcohol addiction, so if I have to write 20 hours a day I will just to keep those demons away from me.

  9. Ivorwen profile image65
    Ivorwenposted 14 years ago

    When I first came here, some were calling it 'CrackPages'.  It didn't take me long to realize why, but I really don't think I am addicted... I have only been here for 18 months, only checking in 3-5 times a day.  wink

  10. mysterylady 89 profile image60
    mysterylady 89posted 14 years ago

    I share my computer with a friend and sometimes want to growl when I think it is my turn!

    1. Cagsil profile image73
      Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      lol lol now, that's an addiction Mysterylady. lol lol

  11. mega1 profile image79
    mega1posted 14 years ago

    growling is good

  12. Ladybird33 profile image68
    Ladybird33posted 14 years ago

    Yes, it definitely is a good addiction, one I am proud of smile  Got to love it! smile

    1. sofs profile image75
      sofsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Sure is !! I am still here!!

  13. mysterylady 89 profile image60
    mysterylady 89posted 14 years ago

    I figure growling is better than snarling!

    1. Cagsil profile image73
      Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hey Mysterylady,

      Isn't "growling" similar or same as "snarling"? lol lol

      (just kidding) tongue

      1. mega1 profile image79
        mega1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        cagsil - I left a comment for you on your new "character" hub - and now I regret it, cuz I bet it will sound rather harsh and stupid to you.  Forgive me and know that my intentions were good even if I sound like an idiot!   I'm not hijacking, really, I'm not!

        1. Cagsil profile image73
          Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I responded your comment, and I found your comment interesting, but way off base.

          1. mega1 profile image79
            mega1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I know you did - lol  I explained myself in another comment but I felt you didn't read or understand the whole thing I wrote there.   And I think its just the kind of thing that goes on sometimes - I have a conception of who you are and you have one of me and we don't agree much even though basically we may be very similar.  What the heck do I know?

  14. CASE1WORKER profile image63
    CASE1WORKERposted 14 years ago

    but not for the next few days cos there are some hubs that need publishing and i am researching and......
    I am trying to get a job at least I wouldnt be doing it at work!

  15. MartieCoetser profile image67
    MartieCoetserposted 14 years ago

    @ Cagsil! I guess I’m trying to prove that I’m very far away with my intentionally evasive picture. I’ll rather not send it to you, for you might change me into what you are. What are you in that picture of yours? You look like a ghost shot from behind with a 9mm pistol. But I do appreciate your kind offer – and how do one gets a smily on this forums? 

    @ the clean life – to be addicted to hubs is surely the best addiction one can have. For it stimulates the brain and brings all dead brain cells back to life again. Oh, and it keeps us sooo busy, we don’t even make time to drink coffee. Fortunately I still have to work from 8-3, so I do get some sunshine on my head (for the brain).

    1. profile image0
      Website Examinerposted 14 years ago

      Be patient Cagsil, she is probably just talking to her attorney.

      1. Cagsil profile image73
        Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        lol lol lol

        1. profile image0
          Website Examinerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Seems the attorney said "fugedaboutit!"

    2. MartieCoetser profile image67
      MartieCoetserposted 14 years ago

      Oh my gosh! roll

      1. MartieCoetser profile image67
        MartieCoetserposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Now I've got to safe my reputation with a new picture P

        1. Cagsil profile image73
          Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I took it down.

        2. profile image0
          Website Examinerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          You have nothing to be ashamed of. Shadowy is fine, natural is also fine. The masses will be grateful for whatever you are willing to bestow upon them.

          1. MartieCoetser profile image67
            MartieCoetserposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Woooow - Okay, I'm back. Don't ever forget: women are vain. cool

            1. profile image0
              Website Examinerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              How could I ever? Now you've got a really nice avatar, which captivates the viewer yet leaves an aura of mystique. Same intention perhaps, but more skillfully executed.

    3. Chaotic Chica profile image61
      Chaotic Chicaposted 14 years ago

      Me? Yup-I am totally addicted! I actually have developed a mild dislike of Sundays because I don't have adequate internet service at home to get on.  That is when many of my hubs are first written then, though so I guess it's a good thing! 
      It is great to be able to interact with people who are on a similar wavelength and intelligence level, too.  Out where I am I frequently want to run screaming down the middle of the road for all the ignorance I encounter every day! LOL

      1. mega1 profile image79
        mega1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I really hear you!  It is so nice to be understood and to understand others at least 1/2 the time - unlike in the real world where I am understood and understand about 1/8 of the time.  no kidding.

    4. Richard Craig profile image61
      Richard Craigposted 14 years ago

      I'm an addict, and I'm proud.  If I'm not near a computer, I've got Hubpages loaded on my phone.  I don't suppose anyone has written a hub on breaking this addiction have they?  Not that I'd read it anyway. lol

      1. profile image0
        Website Examinerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        The easiest way to break the addiction is to get yourself banned.

        1. Richard Craig profile image61
          Richard Craigposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I don't think I'd cope.  I can see myself sitting in the corner of an empty dark room, rocking back and forth whispering the words 'hub... forum'.  lol

      2. Wajeeha profile image60
        Wajeehaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I used to think it is only me who is that much addicted to HubPages. Good to find another one smile

        1. the clean life profile image71
          the clean lifeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          That is why I posted this, Because I thought I might have an addiction to Hubpages. Now I feel better knowing that many are addicted. It's funny how the word addicted seems so much different than the way we take it in other ways. It really sounds good in the way we are using it here on Hubpages. Keep on writing everyone!

          1. mega1 profile image79
            mega1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Truly - an addiction, the way I think about it, is negative, destructive, gets in the way of your life, makes things difficult if not impossible, and really messes things up -  HubPages has given me an awful lot of really good experiences, may eventually actually pay some $$, and has added to my life in general, gives me an outlet and a way to communicate with others that I wouldn't have otherwise - so I don't know what to call it but it is a good, positive obsession - one of the best I've ever had.

            1. the clean life profile image71
              the clean lifeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              100 % goes for me too!!!Best Ever.

    5. Storytellersrus profile image68
      Storytellersrusposted 14 years ago

      Another one?  How about the entire cast at Hubpages, lol!  I certainly rely on it!  Seriously, it is life giving at times.  Particularly when one is stuck at home...

    6. mega1 profile image79
      mega1posted 14 years ago

      Here it is Monday, the day I was supposed to limit my hubbing - not even turn on the computer until after lunch, and then be here only 2 hours.   Ha!  is it happening?  not likely.  I had to see if my 100 is still there and then I found some neat things - hubs etc.  and then I went looking for something else and found great essential oils to order - (I'm not supposed to be doing any shopping, either, til I get rid of some stuff)  and on and on and on - and where has my resolve gone?  desolved resolve - gone.  sad

      1. the clean life profile image71
        the clean lifeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hey mega1, 99 is still great but doesn't make you made when they go down, It does me, and I haven't hit 100 yet. But maybe soon I hope


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