Outrage Generator for Warring Hubbers

Jump to Last Post 1-13 of 13 discussions (21 posts)
  1. Eric Graudins profile image60
    Eric Graudinsposted 16 years ago


    I can't help noticing all of THOSE hubs and forum  threads which have recently been started.

    You know, the ones where someone  takes exception to someone else's opinion on something. Quite often, the debate descends into name calling, and all kinds of assumptions.

    Well, I'd like to contribute to the quality of your postings to these debates by providing a link to a very eloquent  "Outrage Generator:.

    Just pay a visit to www.I-Am-Outraged.com and you'll be able to
    - Be Fashionably Offended
    - Compose Angst Drenched Complaints
    - Embrace Egoistic Sanctimony
    (Well, that's what it says on the box! )

    In brief, you'll be able to create a very eloquent letter that's tailored to any number of situations, just by filling in the drop down menus.

    Enjoy - And I'll be looking out for a greatly increased level of intelligent debate from now on :-)

    P.S. For all I know, this sort of stuff may have been going on for Ages at Hub Pages - Sort of like a ritual "Twilight Barking" where pack seniority is determined from time to time.

    If so, excuse my ignorance. I'm still just a puppy here smile
    But I reckon some of you could certainly make use of the generator anyway!

    1. Zsuzsy Bee profile image82
      Zsuzsy Beeposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I love the site...I for sure will use the awesome form letter next time I'm at war...Thanks for sharing. regards Zsuzsy

  2. Eric Graudins profile image60
    Eric Graudinsposted 16 years ago

    Oh Gawd.
    Somebody's posted to that damn "Last Post" thread, so nobody will see this one.
    So please excuse this bump.

    1. SamurWriter profile image57
      SamurWriterposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Eric I'm finding alot of people are so addicted to the forum reading that they will go as far as 10 pages deep to catch up, fear not, your post will be read smile

      1. Em Writes profile image70
        Em Writesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Sadly, I'm one of those people. I actually read through the entire "Last Post" thread... I think I just went numb at some point and kept clicking to the next page out of sheer habit.

        1. SamurWriter profile image57
          SamurWriterposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          hmm I didn't see this one... now I'm curious

  3. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    I'll give it a try. Thank you, Eric wink

  4. profile image57
    Buggyposted 16 years ago

    I'm guessing that you'll be pretty busy if you try to compete with that thread! yikes

    1. Eric Graudins profile image60
      Eric Graudinsposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Yes I know, it was just a token effort smile
      That bloody thing needs a whole category of its own.

  5. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    To Whom It May Annoy,

    I am writing today to puke forth my utter CROCODILE TEARS over the fact that Eric dared to write the dreaded O-Word.

    You see, I am inordinately proud of my birth place – and why shouldn't I be? It took incredible skill and hard work on my part to undergo mitosis – not to mention all the determination it took me to master sneezing. That's why pride in my religion constitutes my entire one-dimensional identity – and for that I deserve automatic and constant exemption from life's annoyances.

    Now, I'm a supporter of free speech and all, but when it isn't gushingly positive about me, then it's time for draconian censorship!

    Furthermore, as a member of the esteemed Neighborhood Society of the One-And-Only True God, it is my pleasure to remind you that only WE are allowed to use the O-Word – as a proud expression of our subconscious subjugation.

    You know, growing up Jedi in my overly tolerant gated community, it didn't take long to realize that the problem with today's world is that people who are different from me are too criminally self-absorbed to fixate entirely on MY life. And that's why when Eric used the O-Word, I felt I'd been personally appointed judge & jury, and as such hereby formally demand monetary reparations.

    Yours Self-Righteously,


    PS: I won't be surprised if you ignore me. That's just the kind of treatment I'd expect from a typical sneaky foreigner like YOU!

    1. SamurWriter profile image57
      SamurWriterposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      wow that was great... but whats the O-word?

      1. Eric Graudins profile image60
        Eric Graudinsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        You'll have to visit the generator and find out.
        The answer is different for everyone.

  6. profile image0
    RFoxposted 16 years ago

    To Whom It May Anesthetize,

    I am writing today to pontificate my utter NARCISSISM over the fact that Eric dared to allude to the dreaded O-Word.

    You see, I am inordinately proud of my gender – and why shouldn't I be? It took incredible skill and hard work on my part to be conceived – not to mention all the determination it took me to master growing toenails. That's why pride in my gender constitutes my entire one-dimensional identity – and for that I deserve automatic and constant flattery.

    Now, I'm a supporter of free speech and all, but when it isn't gushingly positive about me, then it's time for knee-jerk boycotts!

    Furthermore, as a vocal pawn of the esteemed Transdimentional Society of the Similarly Horny, it is my pleasure to remind you that only WE are allowed to use the O-Word – as a proud expression of our ironic self-loathing.

    You know, growing up female in my overly tolerant hippie commune, it didn't take long to realize that the problem with today's world is that people who are different from me are too criminally self-absorbed to fixate entirely on MY visceral dislike of them. And that's why when Eric used the O-Word, I felt I'd been personally appointed judge & jury, and as such hereby formally demand their public execution.

    Yours in Victimized Dread,


    PS: I won't be surprised if you ignore me. That's just the kind of treatment I'd expect from a typical drunken foreigner like YOU!

  7. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 16 years ago

    To Whom It May Inspire Lazy Mimicry,

    I am writing today to voice my utter OUTRAGE over the fact that someone dared to write the dreaded J-Word.

    You see, I am inordinately proud of my gender – and why shouldn't I be? It took incredible skill and hard work on my part to occupy physical space – not to mention all the determination it took me to master blinking. That's why pride in my gender constitutes my entire one-dimensional identity – and for that I deserve automatic and constant respect.

    Now, I'm a supporter of free speech and all, but when it isn't gushingly positive about me, then it's time for me to seek publicity!

    Furthermore, as a member of the esteemed International Society of the Blissfully Provincial, it is my duty to remind you that only WE are allowed to use the J-Word – as a proud expression of our ironic self-loathing.

    You know, growing up female in my impoverished country club, it didn't take long to realize that the problem with today's world is that people who are different from me are too criminally self-absorbed to fixate entirely on MY feelings. And that's why when someone used the J-Word, I felt I'd been personally smacked, and as such hereby formally demand a guest appearance on The View.

    Yours Self-Righteously,

    Uninvited Writer

    PS: I won't be surprised if you ignore me. That's just the kind of treatment I'd expect from a typical dirty flipper like YOU!

  8. Eric Graudins profile image60
    Eric Graudinsposted 16 years ago

    Well done.

    With a bit of editing, you should be able to forge a wonderful missile to hurl at any friend, foe, or just anyone who happens to make a spelling mistake. big_smile big_smile

    Eric G.

  9. Eric Graudins profile image60
    Eric Graudinsposted 15 years ago


    I think that the outrage generator will come in very handy for many people in the period after the election :-)

    Good Luck, and I trust you'll end up with the Government you deserve.

    Eric G.

    1. B.T. Evilpants profile image60
      B.T. Evilpantsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      If there's one area in which I am skilled, it is generating outrage. I do like the site, though. It will be a handy reference for my post-election letter writing campaign!

  10. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 15 years ago

    I can honestly say I am unlikely to need this smile

    It is funny though.....

  11. SamurWriter profile image57
    SamurWriterposted 15 years ago

    Sorry eric I bumped you replying to another thread, heres a bump back to the top of the forum food chain smile

  12. annemaeve profile image71
    annemaeveposted 15 years ago

    To Whom It May Intimidate,

    I am writing today to blubber my utter PISS-IGNORANT FURY over the fact that you dared to momentarily think the dreaded M-Word.

    You see, I am inordinately proud of my sexuality – and why shouldn't I be? It took incredible skill and hard work on my part to slither out of a vagina – not to mention all the determination it took me to master extruding poopy. That's why pride in my sexuality constitutes my entire one-dimensional identity – and for that I deserve automatic and constant validation.

    Now, I'm a supporter of free speech and all, but when it isn't gushingly positive about me, then it's time for riots!

    Furthermore, as a vocal pawn of the esteemed National Coalition of the Genitally Homogenous, it is my pleasure to remind you that only WE are allowed to use the M-Word – as a proud expression of our double standards.

    You know, growing up Wiccan in my clothing optional xenophobic backwater, it didn't take long to realize that the problem with today's world is that people who are different from me are too criminally self-absorbed to fixate entirely on MY feelings. And that's why when you used the M-Word, I felt I'd been personally drawn & quartered, and as such hereby formally demand a book deal.

    Yours Ultra-Dogmatically,


    PS: I won't be surprised if you ignore me. That's just the kind of treatment I'd expect from a typical dirty redneck like YOU!

    Yes, I DO feel better now.  Thank you, Eric, for helping me vent spleen I didn't even know I had!

  13. Eric Graudins profile image60
    Eric Graudinsposted 15 years ago

    @Em Writes:
    You read through the whole last post thread?
    Oh   .  My .. Gawd.
    That is indeed sad. You poor thing.
    You'll probably be able to get out of the foetal position, and rejoin the human race within a week or so.

    All traces of spleen have now been removed from my face.

    Eric G.


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