What's the Current Nofollow Threshold?

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  1. profile image0
    TiffanyDowposted 16 years ago

    I noticed in an old forum searchable thread from 11 months ago that Paul mentioned, "Currently we apply a nofollow meta tag to hubs with a HubScore below 40, but we may adjust this threshold in the future."

    I also saw a thread in the Warrior Forum where someone claiming to be a Hub Pages employee mentioned that the nofollow was now in the 70s: "Yes, to clarify nofollow - links are FOLLOW generally, but are limited to NOFOLLOW if you've published 2 or fewer Hubs, and if your HubScore is below a certain threshold (I believe 70 or 75)."

    Can you clarify what the current threshold is? The FAQ page didn't have it on there.
    Tiff smile

  2. Inspirepub profile image72
    Inspirepubposted 16 years ago

    I'm sure it written somewhere, I have seen it.

    And it is sure to be on one of Darkside's Hubs.

    But anyway, it goes like this.

    If your PERSONAL Hubber score is below 75, then all links in all your Hubs plus any links you post in comments or forums will have "nofollow" applied.

    For any individual HUB, if the HubScore of that Hub is below 50, then any links you have put on that Hub will have "nofollow" applied.

    Now, my own observation, which I have not seen written anywhere, is that when I first publish a Hub it often publishes with a score in the 40s. When that happens, the links still appear to work OK and don't have "nofollow" on them. It may be that there is a "grace" period after publishing for those whose personal scores are over 75, before "nofollow" would be applied to a low-scoring Hub. But that is pure speculation.


    1. profile image0
      TiffanyDowposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, Jenny! It was a bit confusing with two competing statements - especially with it coming straight from HP staff, but that clears it up - they didn't previously clarify the individual Hub verus personal hubber scenario as well as you did!
      Tiff smile

  3. First_home_buyer profile image55
    First_home_buyerposted 16 years ago

    I second that, I wasn't aware of the difference between personal hubber score and the score of an individual hub being treated seperately regarding the nofollow tag. Thanks for the info.

  4. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 16 years ago

    The HubScore threshold used to be 50, but it's now 40.  The user score threshold remains at 75.

    1. profile image0
      TiffanyDowposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you SO much Paul - I appreciate hearing it from the horse's mouth so to speak smile

    2. thisisoli profile image77
      thisisoliposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Oops, didnt see this, thanks for the clarification!

  5. Wonderbaum profile image61
    Wonderbaumposted 15 years ago

    Does this mean that once the user score rises above 75 the previously no-followed links will become followed or will the user have to go edit individual links afterward?

  6. britneydavidson profile image60
    britneydavidsonposted 15 years ago

    yes the user score 75 and above the links will be dofollow...well just now my score gone below 75....and now all the hubs links have become no follow....

  7. buzzyblogger profile image57
    buzzybloggerposted 15 years ago

    I was confused too. I thought the scoring system related directly to the hub score. I found people saying that all over the web. Now I see it is related to the profile score. However, why does the profile score fluctuate so much? Is it worth the risk of writing all this content, to only have your links nofollowed. I am not here to make money from Adsense. I never even got the Adsense code to work on Hub Pages. And I would go broke relieing on Adsense to make any money.

  8. SamSurvivor profile image61
    SamSurvivorposted 15 years ago

    To see whether or not a link is nofollow, you can use a FireFox plugin like SEO for FireFox. No follow links will be highlighted in Red when this plugin is activated.

  9. relache profile image67
    relacheposted 15 years ago

    If your HubAuthor score drops below 75, it's an indication that you're doing something wrong with your Hubs, or you're not doing enough that's right.


  10. PromoTom profile image60
    PromoTomposted 14 years ago

    Thanks for the info.. I had heard a lot of different things as well.

  11. babyching profile image60
    babychingposted 14 years ago

    When I first started writing for hubpages, all of my links were nofollow.  Now my hubscore is about 80.  I just went back and checked my articles, and the nofollow attribute has been removed.

  12. thisisoli profile image77
    thisisoliposted 14 years ago

    Yeah it is the Hubbers score not the individual Hubs Score.

    I believe it is also 75, however that could be hearsay!

  13. Will Apse profile image89
    Will Apseposted 14 years ago

    You can always use seo quake to check for nofollow/follow links.

  14. Dzierba profile image62
    Dzierbaposted 14 years ago

    I don't think hubpages allows any dofollow links any more because even hubs with a score of 100 have nofollow tags attributed to their links according to the firefox addon that Mark Ling made.

    1. thisisoli profile image77
      thisisoliposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Just checked my Hubs for Do Follow and they all seem to be in order, check the source, it's not unknown for addons to mess up sometimes!

      See cut and paste from an outgoing link on my site below, have just cut out the url and the opening html brackets to make it forum friendly!

      a href="xxx" target="_blank" title="Make Money Online">make money online /a>

  15. matt_elmore profile image59
    matt_elmoreposted 10 years ago

    Seems like they just changed the threshold.  My hubs are all over 70 and my personal score is over 75.  No follow on everything now.

  16. rebthomas profile image78
    rebthomasposted 10 years ago

    where do you see the no follow?

  17. 2uesday profile image65
    2uesdayposted 10 years ago

    It took me a while to find out where I had read the new thresholds - I cannot see in the original anouncement where it states the number required though.

    This is the announcement of changes:

    http://blog.hubpages.com/2013/08/summer … bpages-hq/

    The score needed of 85 is stated by Robin (of Hubpages)  in this forum post in response to a question by rebekahELLE-   


    Another post was on the forums made by a HubPages member, to draw attention to the change. But I cannot find it and I am sorry cannot remember their name. This other post must have been further back than I have time to search for.

    BTW - I know the original post is way out of date but if people are looking for the current numbers they need it only seems fair to find the information for them. I could start a new post on this but do not want to clutter up the forum with too much information.

    1. matt_elmore profile image59
      matt_elmoreposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Excellent info.  Thanks.  Do you know if they changed the score threshold on the hubs themselves?  What's it at these days?

      1. 2uesday profile image65
        2uesdayposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry,  I cannot remember if they have or not but if so it is important that we are aware of it.

  18. blueheron profile image90
    blueheronposted 10 years ago

    What does nofollow even mean? What happens if your hub has a nofollow meta tag?

    1. 2uesday profile image65
      2uesdayposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      My understanding is that no follow is not good news for any hopes you have for future search results. Other people here will be able to explain it better than I can.

      Until then here is a Wiki article that has a table included showing how different search engines deal with this 'label'.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nofollow

      If anyone can explain it better please add the info. for us.

  19. lizstevens profile image48
    lizstevensposted 10 years ago

    I'm no newbie here with over 300 hubs I have recently hit some of the non-featured status myself.  It's very frustrating to write for hours and to have a new hub go non featured.  What is even more frustrating is to be offered a link back to a newbie status as if it's some cat and mouse game for me to go and figure out the issue.

    This must be driving any new inspiring hubbers away and possibly even discouraging them from even pursuing doing blogs at all.

    I am finding that it's not all about the quality.  In fact I'm finding that you can have very quality content but one little thing can hold it from being featured.  Make that little change and the hub is then featured.

    If hub pages can use a robot to read over the content it seems reasonable that they could at least program it to flag the issue and let us know what the problem is.

    We all want to play by the rules, but why make the rules and then hide behind some automated generic response?

    Evidently hub pages does not want any external links at all?  If that is the case it's a shame, how else do we provide evidenced based research to a topic to support a hub?

    Should I be using the link module for such links outside the hub?

    I recently did a hub and was given the thumbs down heads up message.  Went in and broke the link to a topic and the hub was then featured.

    Without ever using the Amazon module before I thought I would give it a try.  Evidently it did not load correctly and I get the heads up message again.  Fixed that and the hub was featured.

    According to the message it sounded like I needed to go back to the drawing board and rewrite a "Quality Hub" when the only problem was the Amazon module.

    Can someone in hub pages please make it happen to at least give us the issues when a hub is declined?

    This issue is making it very discouraging to wake up and  even think about doing a new hub. 


    1. blueheron profile image90
      blueheronposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You definitely write well! I understood every word you said! (Which is unusual these days.)

  20. kkingcrabb profile image71
    kkingcrabbposted 10 years ago

    Check your punctuation. I believe that missing or out of place punctuation marks can cause your hub to lose featured status. Maybe try a stand alone program that reviews your grammar, and punctuation before you publish. Hope this helps some, because I have gone through all of mine, and added punctuation marks that were missing.


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