The Reincarnation Station

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  1. Extinct Soul profile image59
    Extinct Soulposted 13 years ago

    If reincarnation is really true, and you're given the chance to reincarnate to a kind of animal, what would it be?

    Me, I want to be a how about you?

    1. pennyofheaven profile image81
      pennyofheavenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Does a mayfly count?

      1. Extinct Soul profile image59
        Extinct Soulposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        yeah!  lol
        can i ask why mayfly?

    2. profile image0
      Sophia Angeliqueposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I would be a cat. I could come and go as I please, be independent enough to catch a rat, be fed by owners (well, they'd think they were owners), and I could sleep my life away... Purrrrrrr.

      1. Extinct Soul profile image59
        Extinct Soulposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I guess you wanna get the advantage of getting the extra lives
        that was nice!

        1. profile image0
          Sophia Angeliqueposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks. smile

          Ummm. Nine more lives? And I didn't even think of that! smile

  2. thirdmillenium profile image61
    thirdmilleniumposted 13 years ago

    A brand new  Jerry Garcia sans drugs, with the same guitar. I took the liberty of going for human in place of animal. Sorry/Thanks

    1. Extinct Soul profile image59
      Extinct Soulposted 13 years agoin reply to this


    2. Extinct Soul profile image59
      Extinct Soulposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      do you still need reincarnation to be able do it? why don't you start aiming to be like him besides, he is human, it would be easy to be like him...

  3. Ruben Rivera profile image60
    Ruben Riveraposted 13 years ago

    I'd be a lion, sleeps all day, the females bring the food and I would be the king.  Of course hopefully I'd be away from man.

    1. Extinct Soul profile image59
      Extinct Soulposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      lol sleep all day? and the felines bring you food? you'll surely be a Garfield looking lion...

  4. Urbane Chaos profile image91
    Urbane Chaosposted 13 years ago

    I think I'd come back as an Axolotl , just 'cuz they're cool - and I like the name....

    ...even though sometimes I feel like blobfish.

    1. Extinct Soul profile image59
      Extinct Soulposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      now that made me search for what that Axotolt look
      nice one!

  5. KristenGrace profile image59
    KristenGraceposted 13 years ago

    I'd wanna be a seaturtle.  Live my life in the ocean and just be...

    1. Extinct Soul profile image59
      Extinct Soulposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      smile a quiet life...

      1. KristenGrace profile image59
        KristenGraceposted 13 years agoin reply to this


  6. Nick Malizia profile image61
    Nick Maliziaposted 13 years ago

    I'd want to be elusive antideluvian humanoid being... so I wouldn't have to worry so much about being eaten or kicked by humans. XD

    1. Extinct Soul profile image59
      Extinct Soulposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      ow! hihihi

  7. miss_jkim profile image74
    miss_jkimposted 13 years ago

    An eagle, so I could soar above the earth and all its problems. Make my home on a mountain cliff where no one would bother me, and I would remain at the top of the food chain.

    1. Extinct Soul profile image59
      Extinct Soulposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      this is the first time I heard a lady that wanted to be an usually, it's a man thing...but i'm with you on that! Go girl!

  8. Disturbia profile image61
    Disturbiaposted 13 years ago

    I wouldn't want to come back as any animal.  They have no real power, no real freedom, no real control over their lives.  Be it a domestic house cat or a powerful animal in the wild... all are subject to the whims and folly of man.  House pets can be discarded and sent to shelters, wild animals can be hunted or pouched.  No one asks their opinion... "Do you mind if I slaughter you for food?"  Cosmetic companies and medical researchers can test and experiment on them.  In the turf war between animals and man, animals always get the short end of the stick. 

    Nope, there is no animal I'd ever want to come back as.

    1. Extinct Soul profile image59
      Extinct Soulposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You know some people also have no real powers too, no real freedom, no real control over their lives. No one asks their opinion... "Do you want to get out of Africa so you won't die of famine?". The difference is just they don't get to be eaten. (but i heard about this group...ahm...the cannibals, yeah..they do.) And those cosmetic companies, they experiment on humans(poor people who needs money for food) too...

      This is a real big cold cruel world...that is, if you want to think of it that way. or you could start buying some crayola on a store and sing Hakuna matata with us! smile

      smile you've got to let go of that rage in your heart.

      1. Disturbia profile image61
        Disturbiaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        LOL, let go of the rage in my heart!  You make me laugh.  Absolutely that will never happen.  I was born with it and it burns hot and bright inside of me. 

        That rage is the reason I didn't just role up into a ball and die at 11 when my mother passed away and the state took me and decided where and with whom I would live.  It's the reason I'm not sitting around feeling sorry for myself and gobbling anti-depressants thinking about how I can't function in society because I'm the poor victim of something that four boys did to me in the bathroom of some stinking foster home I was sent to live in and blaming somebody else for whatever misery there might have been in my life.  It's the reason I told the doctor who told me I had cancer and to get my affairs in order to screw himself because I wasn't ready to go down that road and if he couldn't help me, I'd find somebody who could, and I did. It's also the reason why I was able to get myself into a financial situation where I've got the means to do just about anything I want and no one in my family or that I love lacks for anything or ever goes without.

        The human condition may not always ideal but I still wouldn't want to come back as anything but a human being.  I'd rather be holding the leash, than be lead by it.

        1. Extinct Soul profile image59
          Extinct Soulposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          i don't know what to say...i bet you don't want to hear "i'm sorry" too....

          I guess it's good for you to stay human, they were the only creature that were good in holding (hands up)

  9. CheyenneAutumn profile image59
    CheyenneAutumnposted 13 years ago

    A mustang somewhere in the rockies - the hearts and souls of horses are so incredible and the freedom of the mountains! I am guessing we get to take our awareness in the transformation? heh

    1. Extinct Soul profile image59
      Extinct Soulposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      lol now that made milk come out of my

  10. Uninvited Writer profile image79
    Uninvited Writerposted 13 years ago

    Definitely a house cat...

    1. Extinct Soul profile image59
      Extinct Soulposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      for excellent pair of senses. smile

      come here you cuttie-little-hair-ball you! smile

  11. rotl profile image60
    rotlposted 13 years ago

    Hawk... freely fly wherever I want.

    1. Extinct Soul profile image59
      Extinct Soulposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      smile freedom!

  12. Denise Handlon profile image85
    Denise Handlonposted 13 years ago

    A wolf

    1. Extinct Soul profile image59
      Extinct Soulposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      smile very independent...i loved them too..let's howl to that...

  13. paradigmsearch profile image61
    paradigmsearchposted 13 years ago
    You looking at ME?

    1. Extinct Soul profile image59
      Extinct Soulposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      roll (head scratch)

  14. Don Ship profile image73
    Don Shipposted 13 years ago

    King of the Jungle. tongue

  15. Extinct Soul profile image59
    Extinct Soulposted 13 years ago

    smile rawr!


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