Will I ever succeed in earning good revenue

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  1. sid_candid profile image58
    sid_candidposted 14 years ago

    I have been at hubpages of more than 15 months and have close to 230 hubs. The first 100 hubs were written without any keyword research. But later I got serious about SEO and keywords. I have written over 25 hubs in the new year. I am doing backlinking, RSS submission etc too. My daily hubpages traffic is rarely above 150. I know with that much traffic I can't expect good revenue at adsense or amazon. I am earning close to $1 in adsense on an average. The last three days have been my worst ever with me not even earning a combined total of $1 in these 3 days. I love hubpages and want to succeed. I have a situation at home which does not allow me to search a job in real world. Online earning is where I have to get my bread from. Don't know what else I need to do to raise my revenue.

    1. kschang profile image83
      kschangposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      No need to panic.

      I have average of 1500 views daily, and I STILL average about 1 dollar a day in earnings. Granted I don't write in hot areas like finance and such, but more about scams, Android OS, and such.

      However, you *do* have to learn how to spread the hubs around a bit. I also answer questions on Yahoo! Answers and throw in a reference to my relevant hub when I see one. It helps with the traffic a little, as those answers also get picked up by search engines.

      Another place I've gotten some traffic would be Lifehacker, where they publish blog-style tips on life and tech and such. If I post a relevant hub in the comments I get a huge spike in traffic for about 48 hours (max I've seen is over 3000 views a day overall)

      I am sure if you know the topic you can find some relevant internet sites and forums where you can throw in a reference to one of your relevant hubs. Just don't overdo it and get banned for spam.

    2. bogerk profile image71
      bogerkposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      From what I understand, it's all about the keywords. Unfortunately what I don't understand is .... keywords.

      A lot of people on the forums have recommended a website called Keyword Academy. I think there is a membership fee, but the first month is offered for free. I plan to give it a look at sometime when I can make the most of the free month and learn as much as possible.

      Maybe your answer is there? Good luck!

  2. lrohner profile image67
    lrohnerposted 14 years ago

    Sid -- Have you gone back into your hubs to find out which one(s) are working and which one(s) aren't? Do you know where they are ranking in Google? You say you did keyword research -- did that include checking out the competition to make sure it's beatable? Do you have your keywords in your title, URL, tags and the body of the text at least once or twice?

    1. sid_candid profile image58
      sid_candidposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Irohner,
      My major traffic comes from 30 or so hubs apart from any new hubs that I publish. Yes I use Market Samurai and do check if the revenue potential is good and SEO competition is worth targeting. Yes I use keywords at title, url, tags and main description part of the hub.

  3. Ultimate Hubber profile image70
    Ultimate Hubberposted 14 years ago

    Sid, Persistence only demands one result, and that is success!

    Keep working mate. And it takes some practice to learn the art of keyword research to perfection.

  4. kirstenblog profile image77
    kirstenblogposted 14 years ago

    Have you had a look at the title turner? I tried it on a few hubs aimed at earning but not getting traffic and for a few it has been a noticeable help. Do you have hubs on similar topics that could be grouped? if so have you grouped them? Interlinking can help.

  5. v.sridhar36 profile image61
    v.sridhar36posted 14 years ago

    It is frustrating for someone having such a lot of hubs. Try out the amazon product review hubs. I had the same glitch like you after my 100th hub. I tried out those and now I sit at a decent 120$ a month from my 160 hubs. May be less but definitely considering India it is pretty fine.

  6. IzzyM profile image84
    IzzyMposted 14 years ago


    It is a good idea to look at the hubs that are working for you, and write more hubs around them.

    If they are getting some traffic, you maybe need to experiment and see if you can get more out of them. Sometimes two hubs, written differently but around the same keywords, can have one succeed where the other doesn't.

  7. profile image0
    TopUniverseposted 14 years ago

    Analyze your best hub and duplicate the same method in the future hubs. Try to write related hubs and interlink them with proper anchor text. Are you getting some traffic from US visitors? I heard that adsense income higher in case of US visitors.

  8. Mikeydoes profile image41
    Mikeydoesposted 14 years ago

    there are billions of hubs that you can make that can get you great revenue, the problem is you need to come up with them. You have to find out what works and do your own research with your hubs.

    Keywords, keywords, keywords.. They are by far the most important thing to making money.

    Great keywords with okay content usually beats out great content with okay keywords. If you get great content with great keywords, then thats where you will start getting great revenue. Great content usually draw plenty of backlinks by themselves.

  9. ThomasE profile image68
    ThomasEposted 14 years ago

    Try interlinking your hubs more.

    It will help a little bit.

    1. profile image0
      ssaulposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      hang in there sid it will definitely turn around

  10. Susana S profile image93
    Susana Sposted 14 years ago

    Sid - Having had a look at a few of your hubs I would say you need to go through them and optimize them better. It will take a while since you have so many, but I think it would be worth it since your content is very good and should be earning you lots of money.

    One way I have done it before is to write a list of things to check in each hub and strike them off as they are completed e.g.

    Keyphrase in title, in summary (hugely important!), within first couple of sentences, as a tag (plus as many related tags that you can think of including broader tags), throughout the text 3/4 times, in some capsule headings (esp. first text capsule heading) and in the last paragraph.

    Remove internal links in the first 2/3 paragraphs unless they are going to your own pages. If you want to add links to other hubs for your hub karma, use them far lower down in the hub.

  11. sid_candid profile image58
    sid_candidposted 14 years ago

    Thanks for the helpful advice Susana. Hope to implement it soon.

  12. thisisoli profile image80
    thisisoliposted 14 years ago

    I would refresh you knowledge of SEO and go back over all your articles, I haven't had chance to look, btu are you backlinking, are you researchign your competition?

  13. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 14 years ago

    I quickly went through the listing of about 100 of your recent hubs. They appear to be all informational and from what I can see in very competitive niches. Personal Finance is brutal to make money in. Then I saw that you had written about the health benefits of green tea. Just check out the number of green tea hubs on HP, let alone the rest of the web. You're up against heavy hitters like Celestial Seasonings.

    There wasn't enough time for me to check out the rest of your hub listing, but I think it's the niches your selecting. Try looking in your own life, walk around the neighborhood store and come up with a unique slant on a product or two. Then only use keyword tools to write marketing copy - never to select a niche. I know I know, I'm totally flying in the face of conventional HP wisdom.


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