Canadians...will you vote for me???? PLEASE!

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  1. megs78 profile image59
    megs78posted 13 years ago

    Hey there to all my fellow Canadians!  I have been working on winning a huge contest here in Canada called 'Hockeyville' and have entered my town as a contender.  So far, we are doing really well, but come March 8th, we will need a lot of votes to make it to the Top 5!

    The winning community of the contest will receive 100,000 dollars to upgrade their local arena (which we badly need) and get to host a pre-season NHL game on their home ice.  A dream come true for most Canadians!

    At the moment, we don't even know if we are in the Top 10, but I have been interviewed by CBC and Radio Canada twice and we are sure there is a lot of interest in our little town.  But we will only find out during the CBC Hockey Night in Canada show on March 8th.  Our town is called Saint Raymond, Quebec and if we make it to the top 10 we will need Canada's vote to make it to the Top 5. 

    I'm just putting out some feelers here, so if you would consider voting for us, please let me know and I will post all the information as soon as it becomes available.

    Thanks in advance!

    Oh yeah, and check out our town on the Hockeyville site here: … ndex.shtml


    Megan Ricci aka Megs78

    1. Just Ask Susan profile image93
      Just Ask Susanposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Going to go to the site right now smile

  2. megs78 profile image59
    megs78posted 13 years ago

    i hope you like it susan!  of course there is a lot of french stories but you will find the english ones as you sift through!

    thanks for your support!


  3. Greek One profile image63
    Greek Oneposted 13 years ago

    Before i vote... What is your favorite nhl team?

    1. SomewayOuttaHere profile image60
      SomewayOuttaHereposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      ...wrong answer?....wrong question?...

  4. megs78 profile image59
    megs78posted 13 years ago

    I would love to say Nordiques, but of course they are not NHL...yet smile  But I do love the Montreal Canadians!

  5. Just Ask Susan profile image93
    Just Ask Susanposted 13 years ago

    Go Habs Go!!! From Montreal what can I say.

  6. SomewayOuttaHere profile image60
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 13 years ago

    ...sure i'll vote for your just go to the hockeyville site i guess...i'll check out the url.

    1. megs78 profile image59
      megs78posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      hi there, the initial vote isnt until march 8th at 9pm to determine the top 5.  voting is open for 5 days and then they show the top 5 on hockey night in canada and then there is another vote to determine the winner.  i will give all the info when the time comes.  we need all the votes we can get so thanks for considering us smile

      1. SomewayOuttaHere profile image60
        SomewayOuttaHereposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        ...yes do that...remind us ....i'll let other folks know...and they can tell their friends and their friends and their friends...folks I know who use facebook...sounds like a really good cause!

  7. Greek One profile image63
    Greek Oneposted 13 years ago

    yeah, kinda just lost me vote there

  8. SomewayOuttaHere profile image60
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 13 years ago

    oh où sont mes manières? bonjour dans le Québec 'hubbers' et le reste de 'hubbers' canadien!

    Le grec un, vous savez que vous aimez le nordiques!

    1. Greek One profile image63
      Greek Oneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      EXACTLY Like you just wrote.. the paraphrase.. "GO Leafs Go!"

      1. SomewayOuttaHere profile image60
        SomewayOuttaHereposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Oh mon dieu grec l'un ! J'ai oublié complètement que vous habitez en la ville de cochon. Bien, je le dirai. Ceci est dur. Mais je le ferai. Aller des Feuilles Aller !

        dans l'anglais......Go Leafs Go!

  9. megs78 profile image59
    megs78posted 13 years ago

    Here is an update on the Hockeyville Contest!  On February 19th, our little town welcomed a tv crew from CBC (canadian broadcasting company) to do a report on our passion for hockey.  It was a lot of fun and we were able to show the crew some things they had never seen before.  I will post the links to youtube so you can see for yourself.  In two weeks we will know if we made it to Top 10 when they broadcast the show on March 8th.  On that date, if we have made it to top 10, voting starts at 9:01 pm ET.  I still need all of you and I will put all the info on here as soon as it gets closer to the date.  Meanwhile, ifyou have any ideas on how to accumulate votes, I would appreciate any tips.  for the next two weeks our committee will be working on a voting campaign and we can use all the help we can get.  THANK YOU EVERYONE!

    Here is a link to watch some of the video from Saint Raymond:

    Its not long, but just shows you some of the ideas we had to prove to CBC and Canada that we are very passionate about hockey.  The full version of the day will be shown on the Kraft Hockeyville Top 10 show on March 8th at 9pm ET.

  10. megs78 profile image59
    megs78posted 13 years ago

    Here is another link where you can go to see some pictures of Saint Raymond that were taken by the journalist's iphone!

    The cameraman is filming my daughter skating on the ice trails in our neighbours backyard.   In another picture you can see us all on the ice at our arena holding a  Saint Raymond banner.  I am standing close to Alain Cote (ex-Nordique) whose wearing the blue Nordique jersey.  I have a purple tuque.  We also had Joe Juneau (NHL) who lives in Saint Raymond with us on the ice and JOUFFLU, our town mascot.

  11. kirstenblog profile image78
    kirstenblogposted 13 years ago

    Is the voting still open and is it allowed for a UK resident to vote for your town? If so I would love to help ya out smile

  12. megs78 profile image59
    megs78posted 13 years ago

    Hey Kirsten, the voting opens on March 8th at 9pm eastern time, which I am not sure the time is for you.  but i can find out.  and yes, i think you can vote.  I will put up all the information for you when it becomes available and closer to the date so watch out for me!  smile  thanks so much


  13. megs78 profile image59
    megs78posted 13 years ago


  14. megs78 profile image59
    megs78posted 13 years ago


  15. megs78 profile image59
    megs78posted 13 years ago

    Information for voting:

    By phone:  1-866-533-8066
    By internet:

    Don't forget it doesnt start until March 8th, and I will definitley update before then.  Our town is Saint Raymond Quebec.

    Thanks all

  16. megs78 profile image59
    megs78posted 13 years ago

    Please vote for us! its easy and will make a world of difference for us!  please!

  17. megs78 profile image59
    megs78posted 13 years ago


    Actually, I'm really hoping that I can reach the hubpages community.  its incredible what this community can do when they put their mind to something and can accomplish amazing things!  I hope you see my case as worth the time to vote.  I imagine the hubpages community has a bigger population than Canada itself smile  So if all of you vote...I'm in business!  Thanks for taking the time everyone, it means so much to me.


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