What will you do if google algorithm change launched on other places?

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  1. profile image0
    TopUniverseposted 14 years ago

    Our traffic fallen to more than 50% after the google launched its new algorithm in US only.

    The situation will become even worst if it launched on other places too.

    As a hubber what do you think about it and how do you handle such a situation?

    1. michifus profile image64
      michifusposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Wait. do nothing, and see how things settle over the coming couple of weeks.

      Its to early to make any changes.

    2. David 470 profile image72
      David 470posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Diversify along with a little panic. smile I really wish this did not happen because I like hubpages a lot. Not to be bias, but I truly believe hubpages has one of the best interfaces, and the forums can be very useful.

      If we did not have those spammers who make a couple hubs for pure promotional purposes. or people that sign up and copy and paste from wikipedia, I don't think hubpages would ever been affected.

      The answers section needs some work though, anyone agree?

      1. profile image0
        TopUniverseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Yes it is. I agree with you.

  2. JimmyTH profile image60
    JimmyTHposted 14 years ago

    Seems like at the least a Google algorithm ought to detect the difference between spam and a real article. I've seen the 50 percent drop, too, all of my hubs are original and no spam there. It does feel unfair that HubPages and others were singled out yet Ehow sailed through with higher ratings than ever. Looks like Google is favoring some farms like Demand Studios and targeting their competition.

    The only useful thing I've seen from all the aftermath articles is some talk about keyword seeding and how excess keywords, which used to be the key to attracting attention from Google, now lower your rankings. Maybe true, maybe not, certainly would make sense if Google is interested in quality. If so, good articles ought to recover rankings gradually. If they don't, then it's all about which farm makes the most money for Google, which at the moment is Demand Studios.

    Of course that's just my opinion. I'd much prefer to live in a world where everything is fair.

    1. David 470 profile image72
      David 470posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I thought Demand Studios got hit hard? Or perhaps I am thinking of something else.

      Google should not punish sites as a whole because it punishes the legit people who are not plagiarizing, spamming, and etc.

      1. Pcunix profile image82
        Pcunixposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        If you can write code that will tell Google which pages are quality and which are not, you have a promising future ahead of you as a new multi-billionaire.

        1. paradigmsearch profile image61
          paradigmsearchposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          That’s easy…

          If it’s on HP


          It is gold


          It is not.


          I am forwarding this code (and an invoice) to Google as you read this...

          1. Pcunix profile image82
            Pcunixposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I hope they agree smile

        2. ThomasE profile image68
          ThomasEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Why does it have to be so hard? Big button on Chrome... I don't like this page.


          Can I have my billion?

          1. Pcunix profile image82
            Pcunixposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            They have that in Chrome (for search results).  They haven't started using the results, yet.

            Code to judge quality is close to impossible, as not even humans agree.

  3. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 14 years ago

    I think that it's realistic to expect more decline as this new algo rolls out. It would be illogical to think that the European version would favor HP, when it's been hit so hard with the US.

    With that said, there's three choices move your content, increase your content, or do nothing and just wait to see the big picture which I think is 4 to 6 weeks away. I've chosen the third alternative. Until I know what's up with G and what the HP response is, I can't justify in a business sense spending much more time here for awhile.

    But that doesn't mean I'm doing nothing. I've begun work on a major new site, with unique content based on primary research such as on-site visits, interviews and orginal photos. My business plan incorporates both google adverts, limited affiliate ads, and selling traditional advertising.

    1. Mark Knowles profile image58
      Mark Knowlesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I am going with number 3 also. I have been hard hit - but I am taking google at their stated intention which is to favor quality content over poor content. I also expect hubpages to speak to google - find out what the problem is and fix it, So - I expect some sort of return to normal levels when they work the kinks out - if not an increase.

      I make good, informational content - if I do not see an increase and this massive loss continues - I am buying an XRumer server and setting it up in Albania.

      Just kidding if you are watching Big Brother. sad

      1. profile image0
        BenjaminBposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Lmao Mark smile

  4. JimmyTH profile image60
    JimmyTHposted 14 years ago

    (Replying to somebody who thought Demand had been hit hard)

    What I had read was that Google used Ehow, one of Demand's sites, as an example of farming that was to be controlled by the new algorithm. After the new algorithm began redirecting search results, Ehow's numbers actually improved, but places like Associated Content and Hubpages got hit. Some of Demand's sites also took some punishment, like LiveStrong, but overall Demand did just fine.

    I write for Demand, including LiveStrong, Ehow, and several other sites they run. I don't particularly like writing for Demand, but they pay cash and I don't want that part of my income to disappear. I like writing for HubPages because I have more freedom to write what I want, but also because HubPages gives me the revenue from 60 percent of the page views my articles get. That's one of the best deals on the internet. Demand was never kind to writers, never revealed what percentage of the revenue writers actually got on Ehow, and finally decided they wouldn't pay revenue share on Ehow and dropped everybody who didn't work for Demand. I can't list all the grievances I have against them, but I get regular paychecks.

    Best thing about the new Google rules is that my own websites actually climbed a bit, so I think I'll spend more time there. Google makes the rules very clear, that they encourage original quality content, and I think that if you aren't so big you threaten companies like Demand that's true enough.

  5. profile image0
    BenjaminBposted 14 years ago

    From what I see the new algorithm is a joke. My Hub on how to start a trucking company fell to page 3 from position #4 on page 1,the joke about it is that 2 pages of my cash parked website including the now non existent Privacy Policy on the same topic are now ranked on page 1. Go figure they got some more work to do on that crap is all I can say.I'm sure eventually it will catch up and figure out that website's pages no longer exist,but in the meantime it's a complete joke.

  6. MrSpock profile image66
    MrSpockposted 14 years ago

    Did someone say, "illogical"?

  7. JimmyTH profile image60
    JimmyTHposted 14 years ago

    I'm suspicious of Google because as you say the algorithm doesn't really do what it says it does. I no longer use Google as my search program when researching articles because most of what it pulls up in response to a query is total garbage. It all looks like stuff that for the most part makes good money for Google, so probably that's a key section of the algorithm.

    I have much better luck with StartPage, which consistently comes up with useful search results and doesn't track my activities online. I read someplace that's it's a Christian-based enterprise and thinks Google is "the beast" or something like that but that's probably an exaggeration. It's based in the Netherlands and makes privacy and efficiency a priority. I see my own stuff come up on it in response to relevant searches, including my Hubs, so I know they are on the right track (grin).


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