HubPages meetup in Long Island, NY

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  1. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 13 years ago

    Only three weeks to go until our first meetup for Hubbers on Long Island. If you live anywhere from New York City to Nassau or Suffolk on Long Island, come join us on Saturday, March 26, 2011 at 1:00 PM in Lake Grove at the Whole Foods Market.

    Whole Foods has an area with tables where we can gather and have a bite to eat. They also have WiFi so we can use our iPods or laptops.

    Sign up at and
    don't forget to click the button to include yourself. See you there on March 26th.

  2. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 13 years ago

    We had a great success on March 26th. Six people signed up and four attended our first HubMeet. Maybe we'll double that for the next one. There's too much to say here. I wrote a Hub about it.

  3. Mighty Mom profile image76
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    Dang! Sorry I missed it! I was there in spirit (but physically 3,000 miles away from "home").

    1. Glenn Stok profile image96
      Glenn Stokposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Well we do plan to do it again in May or June. Keep an eye out here. And why not sign up so you get notified when we set the next HubMeet date.

      We had an interesting first meeting. I wrote a hub about our first HubMeet. Take a look.

      Hope to meet you and more New York Long Island Hubbers at our next event.

  4. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 13 years ago

    We have scheduled our second HubMeet...

    If you live anywhere on Long Island, New York, we look forward to meeting you on July 9th 2011 at 2PM.

    Our first HubMeet was fun and so successful that I wrote a Hub about it. We'll meet at the same location, Whole Foods, since they have an area with tables where we can sit and have lunch while we talk. They also have WiFi so we can check out and share info on our Hubs.

    Go to  and sign up for our group and don't forget to click the "I'M GOING" button to include yourself for the July 9th HubMeet.

    See you in July!

  5. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 13 years ago

    We're still on for the July HubMeet on Long Island for New York  Hubbers who live nearby. But where are all the ladys?  We only have four men attending next week. There are two woman Hubbers who joined the group but they never signed up for the meeting.

    We have a lot planned to talk about. HubPages has been working hard at keeping this the best place for writers to be successful with the new Google Panda rules. The things being done, any why they are so important, will be the main topic of discussion. 

    Don't be left out. Go to  and sign up for our group. THEN click the "Count Me In" button to include yourself for the July 9th HubMeet.

  6. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    I am about 3 hours away from there and will not be attending. Just thought you'd like to know. lol lol

    1. Glenn Stok profile image96
      Glenn Stokposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Too bad. It would have been nice to have met you. But I understand.

      1. Cagsil profile image70
        Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you for your kind words. It would be nice to meet you as well, as it would be to meet a lot of other too. smile

  7. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 13 years ago

    This was a very successful second meeting with five people attending. See the full story at

  8. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 13 years ago

    Our third Long Island, NY HubPages Meetup is scheduled for August 13th, 2011 in Lake Grove, Long Island, NY. Click "Count Me In" to join us.

  9. profile image53
    PowerJeffposted 12 years ago

    I enjoyed the Aug 13 meetup with very intelligent and insightful people at the meeting.

    1. Robin profile image86
      Robinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      So glad you all have continued to meet!  Did you have new attendees this time?

      1. Glenn Stok profile image96
        Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Yep, it's growing. I guess I left that out in my latest hub Our 3rd Local HubPages Meetup on Long Island, NY which I posted in the other forum that you started Robin.

        I realize it gets a little confusing since we have that forum and this one.  Melbel did the same thing, starting a separate forum for Northwest Indiana.  I think that's actually a better idea so people can follow just the one that's local to them. Several people from my group posted comments about our 3rd meetup with some in the other forum an one in here.  I'm going to post a message in the other to refer people to the local forums from now on. What do you think of that idea?

        1. Robin profile image86
          Robinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Hi Glenn,
          I think that's probably a good idea.  It's nice to have a thread just for your Meetup.  I'm so glad that your group is growing; they have a great leader!  Cheers!

  10. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 12 years ago

    Our 4th Long Island, NY HubPages Meetup is scheduled for Sept 17th 2011 in Lake Grove, Long Island, NY.

    If you live nearby this local HubMeet click here to go to our HubMeet and then click "Count Me In" to join us.

    1. Jlbowden profile image85
      Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Glenn:

         Can hardly wait until this next informative hubmeet. Will mark my calender for this event and should be able to attend. Talk to you soon!


    2. Quilligrapher profile image71
      Quilligrapherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have a conflict on the 17th, Glenn. Looking forward to catching the next one.

      1. Glenn Stok profile image96
        Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Quilligrapher, We had a very successful meeting this weekend, discussing all the latest changes with HubPages and well as new features planned for October. We do look forward to meeting you at the next event in October. Go ahead and sign up now and click the "Count Me In" button to include yourself in our October HubMeet.

  11. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 12 years ago

    ★ Highly recommended Hub that Jlbowden wrote about our HubMeets ★

    Hubpage Meetups-A Useful Gathering That Should Not Be Missed!

    1. Jlbowden profile image85
      Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this


      Like a fine wine-our hubmeets only get better with time. You continue to give us all valuable feedback and tools that no hubber here in this community should be without. Again thanks for all of your endless contributions and look forward to our next gathering.


      1. Glenn Stok profile image96
        Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for the great feedback on this weekend's HubMeet. I feel we had so much success due to the positive interchange of ideas among everyone. All five who RSVP'ed had attended and we hope to meet some of our other 13 members at the next one. I just scheduled the next HubMeet for October 22nd. This will be our 5th monthly HubMeet.

        Anyone who wants to join us can sign up now and click the "Count Me In" button to be included in our October HubMeet.

      2. cabmgmnt profile image85
        cabmgmntposted 12 years agoin reply to this


        Hello again. I am following the Long Island thread and just an FYI; I will be in Key West starting March 25th, so, I will have to take a rain check and catch your next meet up. I do look forward to catching the future one. Thanks again.


        1. Glenn Stok profile image96
          Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this


          I just got through replying to you in your "Western Mass Hubbers" forum and then came here to see your post.

          Sorry that you will be away on the 31st. But it's looking that way for everyone. We only have 2 RSVP's due to the upcoming holidays (We had six last month). So I may reschedule for later in April anyway. Now that you're following this form you'll be kept up to date on any changes.

          Enjoy your trip.


          1. Jlbowden profile image85
            Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this


            Not a problem I would rather be in Key West than on Long Island right now, even though the weather is getting much nicer these days. But we are a patient lot and hopefully you will be able to attend our April hubpage meetup as Glenn had mentioned and with it bring all of that sunshine back with you from Key West. Enjoy your trip there!


  12. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 12 years ago

    We had another successful HubMeet today that lasted five hours with so many things to discuss and to learn from one another. This was our 5th Local HubMeet. As usual, everyone had something to offer. 

    We also welcomed a new member, Quilligrapher, who had been writing on HubPages for two years and has written many well written and informative hubs. Among our various discussions of the day, Quill brought up an interesting concept of his about the color of words... We consider words as something we hear. But it's interesting to consider that words can be visualized as well. Some may see words in color. A different color depending on the meaning of the word, perhaps.

    That's just one example of the type of brain-storming we do at the Local HubMeets on Long Island. The various discussions inspire all of us to think of other things to write about.

    In addition to brainstorming, we discussed the addition of eBay, Amazon and Google Custom Javascript into the HP Earnings Program. And we went over the proper method of linking our HubPages profiles with Google for the new Google Authorship Markup.

    We presently have 13 members although only five attended today. But five is a good number for the useful interactivity we've had.

    1. Jlbowden profile image85
      Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this


      The Hubpage meetups on Long Island only get better with age, like a good wine. A lot of useful as well as great information spread among us as you mentioned. And it definitely was nice to have some additional and insightful feedback from our newest member Quilligrapher. Hopefully more people will find just how useful these meetups are in their own geographical areas throughout the country. Also we may even have a fourteenth member at our next hubmeet on Long Island. Remember I mentioned Donna to you who runs the local observatory near me. She really is excited about the whole hubpages community and how we interact with each other as a close knit of accomplished writers. Until next time!


      1. Glenn Stok profile image96
        Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Congratulations Jim. At this very moment you are at 100 again. We'll share our methods at the next HubMeet. Just need to set a date somewhere between all the upcoming holidays.

  13. SomewayOuttaHere profile image61
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 12 years ago

  14. Robin profile image86
    Robinposted 12 years ago

    You guys are awesome!  I'm so glad that you continue to meet and learn from one another!  Thanks for keeping us updated in the Forums!  Cheers.  big_smile

  15. Jlbowden profile image85
    Jlbowdenposted 12 years ago

    Hi Glenn:

    Thanks for those congrats on reaching 100. It is a good feeling, but I know the individual scores do go up and down. When I looked under the hubbers section. It looks like I am just barely hovering over 99 at the 100 mark. But you know since I have already reached that goal on more than one occasion, I now realize that it's much more important to produce better quality and content. I know you have always emphasize this point before at prior hubmeets. However we will have to continue this topic of conversation at the next hubmeet. Thanks once again-greatly appreciate the kind comments here.


  16. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 12 years ago

    Our 6th Long Island, NY HubPages Meetup is scheduled for December 10th, 2011, in Lake Grove, Long Island, NY.

    As of today we have 12 members in the group, but I understand it's difficult to coordinate a meeting date that works for everyone. Nevertheless, a small group of attendees has worked out fine, five times in a row so far.

    Last month we welcomed a new member who helped add a lot to the conversation. We look forward to welcoming more Hubbers who live in the area to join us and share in our discussions about successful writing on HubPages. 

    Let us know you're coming by clicking here to go to our HubMeet page and click "Count Me In" to join us on December 10th.

    1. Quilligrapher profile image71
      Quilligrapherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the heads up, Glenn.  I'm looking forward to the next gathering.  See ya there.

      1. Jlbowden profile image85
        Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Glenn:

        Count me in as well-looking forward to seeing yourself, Quill and the others at our next hubmeet up. Take care.


  17. profile image57
    Austin007posted 12 years ago

    Will be there.....

    1. Jlbowden profile image85
      Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Recently attended the last hubmeet with our hubmeet organizer Glenn stok and company. As usual there was a lot of enthusiasm among all that attended and everyone engaged in communicating their individual thoughts and ideas, in reference to hubpages. Thanks Glenn for making our 7th hubmeet yet another enjoyable one. We are already planning our next hubmeet for Saturday Jan. 12th 2012. So if you are interested in attending dont forget to shoot Glenn over an email expressing your interest. Happy Holidays to everyone and keep hubbing along.

      Jim Bowden

      1. Jlbowden profile image85
        Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Hello all interested in attending the next Long Island Hubpages meetup. I accidentally cited the tentative date as Jan. 12th 2012. The tentative date is Saturday Jan. 14th 2012. Jan 12th falls on a thursday. My apologies for the error. However if you are still interested and you reside in or around the long island area. Then please keep an eye out within this forum, for dates and times. These are also subject to change because of the upcoming holidays. Thank you again for your attention to the corrections made in this forum post and happy holidays to all.

        Jim Bowden

  18. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 12 years ago

    January 2012 HubMeet

    We're starting off the New Year with our 7th Long Island, NY HubPages Meetup scheduled for January 14th, 2012, in Lake Grove, Long Island, NY.

    We have 12 members. Looking forward to seeing you and welcoming new members also.

    Please RSVP by going to our page and click "Count Me In" to join us on January 14th.  Location and details are also posted there.

  19. Quilligrapher profile image71
    Quilligrapherposted 12 years ago

    I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on the 14th.

    1. Jlbowden profile image85
      Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Glenn:

      Thanks for posting this updated information in reference to our first hubmeet of the New Year. Look forward in seeing you, Quill and rest of group on the 14th as well.


  20. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 12 years ago

    We had a great HubMeet today with five attending and we welcomed a new member...

    PlanetJanet just joined HubPages a short while ago and published her first Hub. She writes humor stories and she has a great talent for unique creativity. We all agreed today that she will be very successful on HubPages. I can see that she has the commitment and the motivation to write, and to learn what is necessary for making online writing a success.

    Quill, who writes about the world in a way that you might miss otherwise, had taught me a few things today that I was somehow missing about finding forums that we once commented in and lost track of.  I would hunt blindly sometimes when I was looking for a post I had made and not remembering which forum it was. But Quill alerted me to the method of keeping track of the forum category. Not just the forum name.

    Jim talked about how he is shooting for 100 Hubs, only four more to go. His two main focuses are writing about Health Information and Astronomy.

    Our discussion today covered how we all are troubled by "Search Plus Your World" that Google introduced this week. Seems that is the consensus among most people.

    We also discussed using Twitter to allow people to follow us who are not writers and don’t have HubPages accounts. We reviewed how the addition of Amazon to the HP Earnings Program can help some and hurt others. There was so much more and we spend four enjoyable hours today collaborating and sharing ideas.

    This has been our 7th HubMeet on Long Island and it's one of the best things HP ever introduced for us.

    1. Jlbowden profile image85
      Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this


      Another great writers hubmeet today at our L.I. location. As always we exchanged some some very useful and interesting information that not only we can benefit from as a group. But also new and upcoming info. that can be used on the hubpages writing platform to share with other writers here, including the upcoming addition of Amazon. As always it was certainly great getting together with you all once again and real nice to meet our newest member of our group Janet. Whom I am looking forward in reading her next few articles.


      1. Quilligrapher profile image71
        Quilligrapherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Jim,
        It was great to see you at the 7th meet up. I have to thank you again for the tip. I signed up that very night, and sold two articles. The site looks like “a keeper.”

        Oh, and welcome to Janet. I appreciate your contributions during the meet up. I am looking forward to your next hub.

        Glenn, you do an excellent job moderating the discussion. We are so fortunate to have the benefits of your leadership. I know you do it from the goodness of your heart and without any pay. That’s why I’m in favor of doubling your salary. Hip! Hip! You’re the greatest!

  21. SomewayOuttaHere profile image61
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 12 years ago

    ...kewl...have some fun too?

  22. Robin profile image86
    Robinposted 12 years ago

    Wow, Glenn!  Seven HubMeets is very impressive.  I'm so glad that you continue to meet and learn from one another.  Thanks for updating us on your progress.  Hope you are having a nice day off!  Cheers!

    1. Glenn Stok profile image96
      Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Robin,  I'm glad you are keeping an eye on our little corner of the world. If you or any other staff are ever out this way, and if you let me know ahead of time, I'd like to coordinate our following HubMeet around that same time.

      1. Jlbowden profile image85
        Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Glenn:

        We definitely would like Bill and Sue at our next hubmeet wouldn't we?  I just RSVP earlier this eve. and really look forward to getting together at our next meetup. And like always go over important new as well as older topics as related to the hubpages community. Hopefully by then, the new Amazon program will be implemented as well...let's all cross our fingers. Have a good one.


        1. Jlbowden profile image85
          Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Hi Glenn:

          And rest of our little hubpages group here on Long Island. Our you getting pumped and psyched for this weekends Hubpages writing group meetup? Just three short days away until the 25th. And it looks like we may have one or two additonal new members coming to sit with us this time. Sounds exciting and look forward to seeing you all there then. Take care.


          1. Sue B. profile image70
            Sue B.posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Hello! Thank you for sending me a reminder about the meet up. I am going to try to make it.  I have an 18 month old so I need to make some arrangements.  I'm hoping to at least stop in for a little bit.   I really look forward to learning from everyone!

            1. Glenn Stok profile image96
              Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Hi Sue B.,  I understand how difficult it can be getting someone to babysit. I do hope you can make it, even at least for a while. Out meetings tend to last a long time as we always have so much to talk about. So you can come late and still find us there.

              Please sign up for the group in so you get updates to any scheduling changes. We have another new member, Stuart, who also expressed interest in joining us this weekend.

              Meetup is another platform that HubPages selected for the purpose of keeping tabs of RSVP's for HubMeets. It helps to sign up there and click the "I'm Attending" button so we know who to look for.

              Looking forward to meeting you, Sue, and any other new members. We have a lot planned for this meeting.

              1. Jlbowden profile image85
                Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Hi Glenn:

                As always you made our 8th hubpages meetup, or was it the ninth? one that was packed with a lot of good and additional information that we haven't covered during past hubmeet ups. Our two new members who joined us for our Long Island meetup-Sue B. and Stewart are a great addition to our growing hubpages writing group. And in addition by scanning the portfolio of their individual articles, I can tell that they not only have an excellent command of the english language, but also are very good writers. Thank you again for making this group something special and of course it wouldn't be what it is; if it weren't for a good leader and organizer like yourself. Look forward to the next future meetup and in meeting Janet, Sue, Stewart, Quill, and hopefully other future new members. Take care and happy writing to all of you!


                1. Sue B. profile image70
                  Sue B.posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Hey Jim!

                  It was great to attend my first hubmeet. We are so lucky to have a regular group meeting in our area.  I am so impressed with everyone's writing and familiarity with how google and hubpages works.  I look forward to learning more from everyone and reading more from local people!

                  1. Jlbowden profile image85
                    Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Hi Sue:

                    It was really nice to meet you on our most recent hubmeet and really glad that you enjoyed the meetup with Glenn, myself and the rest of the group. Also look forward to reading some of your articles. It certainly looks like you have a nice portfolio already. Have a nice weekend!


    2. Jlbowden profile image85
      Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Robin and rest of hubpages staff:

      I'm sure Glenn will be filling you in shortly about our recent eighth L.I. hubpages meetup that was excellent as always, thanks to Glenn. We also gained two new members to our group. Hope all is going well with you on the west coast. Take care.


  23. Sue B. profile image70
    Sue B.posted 12 years ago

    Wow, it's so interesting that everyone meets. I was hoping I was going to make the next one but just noticed it just passed.  I'll keep an eye out and would love to attend a meetup sometime.  All of you seem to know so much and gain so much knowledge from each other.  I hope to add something to the conversation!

    1. Glenn Stok profile image96
      Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Sue, Glad to see you are interested in joining us. We always have a great time and lots of fun. But most of all, we learn from one another.  We have the next date set for Feb 25th. So go ahead you can sign up in our meetup group and then enter your RSVP at

      Looking forward to meeting you.

  24. Bill Yovino profile image88
    Bill Yovinoposted 12 years ago

    I just noticed this too. I would love to attend the next one.

    1. Jlbowden profile image85
      Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Sue B. and Bill:

      We all would like to have you at our next hubmeet which will most likely be right after valentines day. If you are both on Long Island and Smithtown/Lake Grove area, is not too much of a trip for either of you, then pencil it into your February Calender. Thanks for your interest and keep us posted.


    2. Glenn Stok profile image96
      Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'm glad you noticed us here. I just replied to Sue (above), so you can do the same thing I mentioned in that post  to sign up and RSVP.

      I look forward to meeting you at the next meeting on Feb 25th.

  25. Jlbowden profile image85
    Jlbowdenposted 12 years ago


    It was really good to see you at Jan.14th hubmeet up as well. And I have to agree with you that we should give Glenn a raise. We'll have to at least buy him lunch, or dinner once a month for keeping such a great group going. Also I am glad that you have found textbroker promising so far. I just had 2 health realated articles accepted and submitted one within a category,that I am not really too familiar with-computer science. However I just finished submitting the article. And have at least gave it the ole college try! We'll see if they accept it or not. I figured you would be a master with the financial and business articles. And what i like about this site, is that it helps me to stay around the required 400-500 words that most clients want. My articles on hubpages, tend to get a bit wordy at times. I guess that's because I not only like to talk alot, but also have too much to say sometimes. Talk to you soon!


    1. Quilligrapher profile image71
      Quilligrapherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, Jim. Feel free to buy us all lunch and dinner every month. That would surely keep this great group going!

  26. Jlbowden profile image85
    Jlbowdenposted 12 years ago


    I meant "ALL" of us, not just me. Cmon now, I am sure you can afford to part with five to ten dollars a month? Not a lot to keep a great group coming back for more! Right? Besides from all you're earning on the hubpages AD program, you should be able to afford that. lol.

    1. Quilligrapher profile image71
      Quilligrapherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'll vote for doubling Glenn's salary but he will have to buy his own dinner. What I earn from HP ads doesn't cover the cost of printing the 1099!

  27. Quilligrapher profile image71
    Quilligrapherposted 12 years ago

    Hey there, Glenn.

    Where is everybody's RSVP for the Feb Meet Up?

    I also have another question to ask.  If I RSVP twice, will I have twice as much fun?

    1. Glenn Stok profile image96
      Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Last month the same thing happened. Most people RSVP closer to the date. What can you do? But L@@K - we have two additional wonderful Hubbers interested in joining us! 

      Janet, our delightful new member, was the first to RSVP for her second time with our humorous but educational events.

      As for your question about RSVPing twice to get twice the fun... I don't think it's linear. Nothing like my salary, which when you double it for me, I get twice zero pay.  lol.

      I think RSVPing is more like... exponential. So double RSVP's get four times the fun!  Whoopeee!

  28. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 12 years ago

    It was great welcoming Sue and Stuart as new members of our local HubMeet last Saturday. We are up to 16 members total and everyone always offers helpful ideas to share with the others.

    See the latest news on our progress... I added to my Hub on Local HubPages Meetups an additional section about Celebrating One Year of HubMeets.

    1. Jlbowden profile image85
      Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Glenn:

      I will go onto the link you provided and review the additional notes you made to your hubpages meetup hub article. Sounds like you added a lot of good, additional info. and can hardly wait to read it. Will send you my feedback when I am finished reviewing and again thanks for being such an interactive and good hubpages meetup group leader. Also I am sure everyone besides myself appreciates all of your hard work and organization that has gone into making this one of the best writing groups around. Take care.


  29. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 12 years ago

    Due to Spring Time schedule conflicts we are rescheduling our next HubMeet to May 5th.

    Our planned discussions about the improved earnings reports page, the new feature to earn AdSense income from your Q&A, the new HubPages layout, and the addition of micro-formatting modules to enhance ranking, will all be discussed at the May 5th meeting. RSVP early so we know who's attending. See you then.

    1. Jlbowden profile image85
      Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Glenn:

      This makes a bit more sense given the fact that Palm Sunday and Easter are back to back festivities that most will be partaking in with their families. And as much as I looked forward to attending this upcoming meeting on March 31st, it is much better moving the date up to a week or so before mothers day. Another advantage of this, it will give more meetup members in our group time to gather additional questions in regards to updates and changes on hubpages platform. And in addition plan their other scheduled activities in the future around our May hubmeet up. Good move on your part-You're definitely a born leader and that is why you are our hubpages meeting leader. Have a great weekend! (:


    2. Quilligrapher profile image71
      Quilligrapherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      May 5th works for me.  I am looking forward to this agenda. Thanks, Glenn.

      (This post has been flagged for duplicate content!)

      1. Jlbowden profile image85
        Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Hello Quill:

        It will be nice to see you once again at the May 5th Hubmeet. We definitely missed your presence during the past few meetings. See you than! roll


    3. Jonathan Janco profile image61
      Jonathan Jancoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I will ask for the day off. Definitely want to meet some of my fellow hubbers.

      1. Jlbowden profile image85
        Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Hello Jonathan:

        I have never met you at one of our prior hubpage meetups. So I too look forward to meeting you at the May 5th meetup in Lake Grove, N.Y. Don't forget to RSVP early for this meeting, as Glenn mentioned earlier in the forum. See you than and have a great weekend!


  30. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 12 years ago

    Just a reminder that we have the next HubMeet coming up this weekend on May 5th. We have five Hubbers coming. If you want to join us, please RSVP on the meetup site so we know who's attending. We have 17 members already and look forward to welcoming more.

    There are many things on our list for discussion this Saturday, including the changes HubPages is making to Technology Hubs and a review of the latest Google Penguin update that is affecting many Hubbers.

    1. Jlbowden profile image85
      Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Glenn:

      Really appreciated all of the great information that you presented to all who could attend this past Saturday-May 5th hubmeet. The updated Penguin update to remind all of us, was not only a great reminder, but also timely as well. I believe this was our 11th hubmeeting on Long Island? Look forward to our next one and hopefully more will be able to attend at that time.


  31. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 12 years ago

    Follow up on our local Long Island, NY HubMeets...

    Jlbowden and I had an informal meeting last week to discuss the problems with the local HubMeets.  Ever since Robin introduced the idea over a year ago and asked for volunteers to run local groups, our group has grown to 17 members. 

    However I don't see much success with other local groups.  What's even worse is that most of our 17 members never show up and don't communicate in the forum. 

    We discussed the problems we've been having with the meetup platform, issues I  had reported to  headquarters. Those problems were never addressed by and may be one of the reasons why other local groups are not getting anywhere. 

    It would be great if HubPages added a feature that would let Hubbers search for and sign up in local HubMeet groups.  This feature could then include scheduling local HubMeets with email notification to members who RSVP, just as is meant to do. 

    Several of our members have mentioned that they never get the email notifications about our monthly meetings.  But all of a sudden last month, the day before our May 5th HubMeet, sent out hundreds of emails that filled everyone's inbox. They never gave an explanation for this, but I have to assume they were working on the problem of previous notification failures.

    The fact remains that has chosen to isolate HubPages from the rest of the meetup platform, making it very difficult for members to check out planned HubMeet events. I reported this to them many months ago and nothing was ever done about it. Meetup members don't see HubPages as one of their groups. They have to go to a separate URL to get to it.  And they don't see it in their regular list of groups that they belong to.

    At our last meeting we decided to stop using the platform for scheduling our local HubMeets.  We decided a much better means of communication among member Hubbers is with this HP forum. 

    I see that at this time we have ten Hubbers following this forum thread. Although 17 members signed up via meetup, they never came to meetings. I hope they see this post as we welcome them to participate if they are interested. 

    Anyone who wants to be kept in the loop may do so by clicking the follow button on this forum thread.  Or add a post and say hello. Feel free to post your comments in this thread to let us know you are here and follow along, as we will not use any longer at this time.

    Our previous 11 or 12 meetings were fun, successful and informative. And we look forward to many more. It's a great way for Hubbers to share ideas on what works, what doesn't work, and what might work, to achieve success.

    We may skip the summer months before we schedule the next Long Island HubMeet. But we look forward to welcoming and greeting new members as we move forward.

    1. Sue B. profile image70
      Sue B.posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Glenn!
      I think it is wise to move the communication to hubpages.  I've always found myself trying to search what was going on and I had trouble with even when searching directly for what I wanted. I would find an old  meet up and not the one scheduled for some reason.

      I would be willing to come to a summer meet up but you are right- summer schedules get hectic!

      In terms of other meet ups in other locations not being successful, I think they may need an organized leader.  You are very good at reining everyone in and keeping things going.  I think a successful meet up needs more than just interest.

      1. Glenn Stok profile image96
        Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Yes Sue, that was another of the problems that they never fixed. Looks like everyone is in agreement with using this forum for further communication and scheduling HubMeets.

        Thanks for your feedback on that decision to wait till after summer for our next HubMeet. I could use a rest anyway. smile

        Thanks for your kind comments about my abilities. But I am sure the other Hubbers who have tried to run local HubMeets in other areas were probably affected by the same issues. Maybe without realizing it.

        1. Sue B. profile image70
          Sue B.posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          It's the first day of Autumn so I thought I'd reply to this thread again.  I hope everyone had a great summer!

          1. Jlbowden profile image85
            Jlbowdenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Hi Sue:

            Even though we haven't had much exposure to one another at the recent Hubpage meetups, I believe as Glenn had previously mentioned, that communicating through the forums, is a great place to exchange our views as well as ideas on whats happening within the Hubpages community. Hope you also enjoyed your all past summers, this one had passed by too quickly.  Take care.


    2. Quilligrapher profile image71
      Quilligrapherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I suspect the other meetup groups are suffering because they don’t have Glenn Stok.

      I would love to see all 17 members at the next gathering. It would make a productive assembly for sure.

      I’m looking forward to seeing CloudExplorer and everybody else at the next meetup.

      If anyone needs transportation let me know.

      1. CloudExplorer profile image76
        CloudExplorerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Like wise Quilligrapher, I also feel it will be so cool to meet folks and would love to meet you too, see you soon.

      2. Glenn Stok profile image96
        Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Who's that?  roll

        Me too! As well as the others who posted in this thread who never actually signed up and are not counted among those 17. Such as SomewayOuttaHere, Bill Yovino, cabmgmnt (Corey), and Jonathan Janco.

        If everyone wanted to come at the same time, we'd have to find a bigger venue after the summer. A few meetings ago was already tight with seven people around that small table. Remember that Quill?

        And I look forward to meeting him too. Stay in touch CloudExplorer! And all the rest of you too. It should be fun when we get back into it after the summer months.

  32. CloudExplorer profile image76
    CloudExplorerposted 12 years ago

    I was interested in meeting up and joining the group for the Long Island sector of hubpages Meetup's, but after I joined the meetup meeting last year that had been planned, it must have gotten cancelled and so I never returned to the meetup network.

    I will give it another try if the Meetup was to actually happen, and I would love to join in on the cool collaborations, real life conversations, and all. 

    Hope it get jumping anyhow, thanks for making efforts here Glenn, and its nice to see some feedback about it all.

    1. Glenn Stok profile image96
      Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      CloudExplorer, I'm glad you found this and are following this thread now. Thanks for posting your comments.  I am sorry that you had missed our monthly HubMeets that we had been having since it first began in early 2011.  This is exactly the problem I was mentioning, and we recently just became aware of it, that has not been sending updates to members about scheduled meetings. It's amazing that we at least had 4 or 5 members attend each meeting.  They were in the loop via twitter and this forum. But has failed us terribly.

      I personally look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to our friendly group of local Hubbers, when we have our next HubMeet after the summer. And from now on we will just post the schedule here.

      1. CloudExplorer profile image76
        CloudExplorerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Glenn for the kind response, I will surely look out for any further notices during that time of engagement for the Meetup group here. It will be a great time to get to meet people in person for the very first time, for sure.

        Thanks for the warm welcome as well, I truly appreciate your kind words you've rendered to me & I look forward to meeting you as well. See you soon.

    2. Jlbowden profile image85
      Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hello CloudExplorer:

      It's always nice to have a new face in our hubpages group here on Long Island. A new member always adds new and interesting bits of advice that we can all learn and benefit from. I also look forward in meeting with you, as well as rejoining Glenn and the others of our Hubpages Long Island meetup group during the summer of 2012. Take care and happy hubbing to you!


      1. CloudExplorer profile image76
        CloudExplorerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you Jlbowden, for your prompt response as well, this makes me realize that the Long Island hub meetup group will surely turn out to be awesome, even if its a small group of folks who chose to show up in the past. I'm sure meeting fellow hubbers like yourself and Glenn at a hubpages meetup, will truly be an awesome experience & interesting occasion to attend indeed.

        I hope more folks choose to attend as well, and I'll do my part in trying to somewhat inform folks that I've met here, who are from New York City as well, and are devoted hubbers both new and old. I'll make sure to direct them to visit this forum, as well as check out the meetup page if it is something this group is still focused on utilizing in the near future.

        Just let me know ahead of time I guess, here or elsewhere & I'll do so, I'm sure y'all guys intend to do so anyhow, but thanks for the positive feedback here, its much appreciated.

        1. Jlbowden profile image85
          Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this


          You are much welcome and we look forward in meeting you at a future hubmeetup on Long Island. Glenn will definitely keep you posted on the What's, When's Why's and all of that good stuff. So keep your eyeballs glued on this forum post and from time to time, I'm sure Glenn,or possibly myself will let you know when the next meetup may happen.  Take care for now and nice speaking to you once again.


  33. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 11 years ago

    Thanks for chiming in, Sue and Jim, now that the summer is over. Last week, I sent an email to those who shared their email addresses at our HubMeets in the past. In that email I had addressed the issue with failing to support HubPages HubMeets.

    The most frustrating was when they sent 15 to 20 emails in a single day that filled everyone's inboxes. In other cases some members never received notifications about meetings.

    HP's own forum for sharing is much better anyway. We not only can communicate among local Hubbers, but we can share with everyone.

    You may have seen my posts in the forum about the new HP profile when I discovered that HP only accepts Google Plus URL's now for the link to maintain Google Authorship. They don't allow linking to a regular Google Profile URL in the new HP profile. And a recent tweet in August from HP made it clear that they desire us to use Google Plus.

    It was also interesting that a few of the things we discussed at our local meetings before the summer were actually implemented by HP since then.  Such as Google's suggestion to remove pages that were not getting search traffic, in order to bring up ranking on other pages.

    You may recall me mentioning this in our June HubMeet about how I tried it with success on my own business site. I was pleased to see HP's implementation of the idle hubs, which gives up the best of both worlds -- hiding them from Google and, at the same time, keeping them for non-organic traffic.

    I discovered that the only Hubs of mine that became idle were those that only received traffic from other Hubbers. No need for those to be indexed in search engines anyway since we don't make money from them, although I found posts where a lot of Hubbers felt differently.

    So as you can see, being active in the various HP forums is just as beneficial.   Everyone who has not made good use of them to keep up with important details should do so. It is the best way to stay in touch with updates and to share with the entire community.

    Please continue to post your thoughts and feelings here. I definitely don't want to lose track of all of you who I have met throughout the past year at our Long Island HubMeets. We'll probably plan a reunion at some future date as we did have about 17 Hubbers who were local members on Long Island.

    1. Jlbowden profile image85
      Jlbowdenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes Glenn:

      Besides via emails, the hubpages forum platform is by far for each of us to get together and share our thoughts.  And the meetup site certainly did not give the majority any justice. I did also receive a ton of duplicate emails in reference to future hubmeets from that particular meetup group.  But I like your idea of scheduling a future hubmeet reunion at a later date at Whole Foods possibly.  Where Quil, Sue, Stuart and the rest of us can get together for a day out and talk about prior and upcoming changes within our hubpages community.  Stat in touch!


      1. Quilligrapher profile image71
        Quilligrapherposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        1. Sue B. profile image70
          Sue B.posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          How have all of the Long Island Hubbers fared with this storm?  I hope you all have power and are safe!

          1. Glenn Stok profile image96
            Glenn Stokposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Sue, I lost power for two days. But I'm doing fine with only minor damage to my house. Hope you and the others from our group are doing well. Let me know how you did with the storm.

            I posted a comment in CloudExplorer's hub describing other parts of Long Island that really got hit hard.  CloudExplorer is in our local group -- he posted in prior months in this thread. He wrote a good review of the storm how it did so much damage in NYC...

   … cane-Sandy

  34. Jlbowden profile image85
    Jlbowdenposted 11 years ago

    Hey Sue:

    How have you been and hope you had fared well through super storm Sandy?  I just got my power on last night here where I reside in eastern half of the Island.  However I have neighbors that are not so fortunate right now.  Hopefully Glenn has power already and has made it through Okay as well. Haven't personally heard from him in awhile, so hopefully he is alright as well.  It's good for those of us who do have email communication to keep in touch and come together for each other in the midst of a disaster such as this hurricane.  Again good hearing from you and see you around the community!


    1. Glenn Stok profile image96
      Glenn Stokposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Jim, I hope you had enough food all week. I only was out for two days. You are much further east than me, but there are still a lot of areas all around that still have no power.  I know we were not in touch for a while.

      I can see we both have been busy with regular work as well as with HubPages. I have seen your comments in various hubs. As for me, I've been busy writing exclusive hubs. Published eight of them already.  I even wrote one on my iPad during the blackout.  Writing is what kept me occupied during the storm and the following days with no power.

      Hope you are all back to normal now that you have your power back on.

      Be well.

  35. Jlbowden profile image85
    Jlbowdenposted 11 years ago

    Hi Glenn:

    Yes all in my family had made it through super storm sandy and thanks for asking.  According to your recent post, it looks like you have not only been busy with writing for hubpages, but also made it through the brunt of the hurricane as well.  Glad there was not too much damage to your immediate property.  And hopefully you also had enough food to get you through the past week or so?  We were fortunate to loose power for about fourteen hours and did not loose any food stuffs in our frig.  So that was a blessing indeed. 

    There are still many folks here within my community who still do not have power on certain roads.  And with the approaching colder weather coming, I hope they at least have a generator to power their furnaces.  The temp this evening is suppose to drop down to about 34 degrees.  Also don't forget to set your clocks back before you hit the sack tonight. 

    Speak to you soon and glad to see you are publishing some interesting Hub articles.  I will drop by to read a few of them, since with the shortage of gas in the area, I will not be doing too much driving.  Plan on finishing up and publishing up a few of my own articles over the weekend.  Glad to hear from you once again and stay well!


  36. acorn777 profile image61
    acorn777posted 11 years ago

    Hey Glen & Jim,

    Seems my Irish luck saved my butt this time.  No damage, loss, or injury from Sandy.  Living in Leisure Village does have its advantages.  All utilities are below ground so the chances of losing power
    are diminished significantly.  I was like an island of calm in a sea of chaos. 

    I have not been writing since our last meeting.  I had to put my energies into anything which would return a dollar.  I think I have found a true money making conn connection on the  internet.  I expect to make some significant $$$ this year.

    Looking forward to the next meeting.  Where should that be?  Riverhead Pannera's may be good.


    1. Glenn Stok profile image96
      Glenn Stokposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Stu,

      Glad to hear you are getting back to normal after the storm. I lost power and Internet for two days but other than that, I'm doing fine. A few trees came down but nothing hit my house.

      I've been watching you since our last meeting to see if you write anything new and I noticed that you weren't. I didn't even see you in any of the forms. I do hope you get back to writing as I enjoyed what you've done in the past.

      As for our next HubMeet -- none is planned right now as we all are so busy with so many things. As for  me -- I've been writing many more hubs ever since HubPages started offering the exclusive titles.

      I've also been putting a lot of time into maintaining my existing hubs as I found this is extremely important to keep a high Google ranking. It's not just a matter of writing more hubs but also doing something with existing ones. So I had been deleting the ones that simply were not working or updating the ones that I can improve.

      Now that HubPages started idling hubs that don't receive Google traffic, this has helped a great deal. Because I can just leave them idle instead of deleting them. And that helps my other hub's ranking.

      I know these are the types of things that we had always shared at our HubMeet meetings, so I thought I'd throw it in here since we've not had a HubMeet in quite a while. Hope to see you around real soon. Be well.

  37. Jlbowden profile image85
    Jlbowdenposted 11 years ago

    Hi Stu:

    Good to hear from you and glad that you had fared well though what I like to call..."A storm from Hell!"  Panera bread would definitely be a great place for us to get together and meet next time around. I believe they have Wi-Fi so there will not be a problem getting an internet connection. I personally have not been writing as much as I would like to, because have been busy with the main job.  But I believe I will have a bit more time on my hands for at least a week, to finish up some unfinished pieces.  Take care and we will all have to get together real soon!!



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