Why one Hub gets re-published yet another doesn't

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  1. dablufox profile image59
    dablufoxposted 13 years ago

    I would like to know why, after I have wasted my time writing a number email to hubpages arguing that a few of my hubs have been pulled and put into no man's land, one of my hubs they have allowed yet two other have not?

    In answer the moderator has given a range of reasons why the two hubs have been flagged yet only one reason is applicable.

    The moderator concedes that the hub is high quality yet still will not allow the hub to be published with the affiliate link intact.

    Even though the hub is extremely popular as shown by the comments.

    Hubpages is a money making business, yet us writers are prohibited or at the very least being over-zealously being restricted in making any meaningful income because of this stupid and decpetive topic blanket rule.

    If it is true that Hubpages brought in this topic blanket rule to 'in fact' discourage low quality hubs, then my question is why does hubpages have a problem with my obviously high quality and popular hubs?

    http://hubpages.com/hub/becoming-succes … -marketing


    1. WryLilt profile image87
      WryLiltposted 13 years ago

      I take it that, since both those hubs are unpublished and the only affiliate link is to market samurai, that market samurai links are under the "banned affiliate" heading.

    2. Maddie Ruud profile image70
      Maddie Ruudposted 13 years ago

      We've been very clear with you in our email exchanges about the reasons for your Hubs being unpublished.  You have links to two prohibited sites.  If you remove these links, your Hubs will be ready for resubmission.

      1. Eric Graudins profile image60
        Eric Graudinsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Maddie, would you care to give reasons why Market Samurai is considered to be a prohibited site?

        1. Eric Graudins profile image60
          Eric Graudinsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          3 days later . . .
          Obviously not!

          1. WryLilt profile image87
            WryLiltposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Just did a hub search for Market Samurai and it appears there are no hubs on the topic...

          2. profile image50
            nazihubmoderatorsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Maddie......  answer please?

            Why is market samurai on the prohibited link list?

            It's a quality product, by Ed Dale the most reputable marketer on earth.

            Could it be that Hubpages just wants to funnel hubbers into Mac Happy Meal hubs which attract adsense impressions and the fabricated reason behind the affiliate topic blanket rule is just a LIE!

            Have you used it?


            I an hear the crickets in the background!

    3. profile image0
      Website Examinerposted 13 years ago

      In recent days, where moderators and other staff tend to respond more, I sometimes notice an alarming discrepancy between the "facts" presented by the Original Poster and those presented by staff. I will not reveal whom I tend to believe, only say that I find that distorting the facts is impolite to the forum and people trying to help fellow Hubbers.

      Here is another example:


      1. Marisa Wright profile image87
        Marisa Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        WE, the staff are right in saying that if you read the warning email and the warning on the Hub, the reason for unpublishing is clear.

        Unfortunately - and this is the point staff are missing - when it comes to links, it is not specific enough.

        If you have several links on your Hub, it does not tell you which links are the problem.  HubPages staff seem to think it should be obvious to us, but it's often not.  Especially if (as in my case), it's a mistake and the "offending" link is to an innocent website!

      2. Cardisa profile image90
        Cardisaposted 13 years ago

        About two months ago I had a similar problem. I had no idea which sites were prohibited, so I just removed all my links and they hubs were published.

      3. IzzyM profile image88
        IzzyMposted 13 years ago

        I did a search too, and there seems to be plenty that maybe HP has not got around to yet.


        But, I have an unpublished hub on Market Samurai that is finished bar the photos I wanted to put in but haven't got round to yet.

        Just opened it there, and this hub has 2 links, one to a hub of mine and the other to Market Samurai. I was attempting to explain how making the changes suggested by MS to the hub caused it to soar up the SERPS, which I think people, especially hubbers, would want to know about.

        Across the top is the message - WARNING: This Hub is at risk of being unpublished for linking to prohibited sites.

        I can perfectly understand HP banning links to spammy sites, but Market Samurai is one of the best tools out there for people who want their work online to be found.

        Perhaps a member of staff would care to explain their reasoning?

        1. WryLilt profile image87
          WryLiltposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Sorry I think my search must be playing up again. You're right. And many of them still have MS affiliate links. Micro Niche Finder links are still out there too, which would be about on par with MS.

        2. profile image50
          nazihubmoderatorsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          They don't explain anything because quite frankly their lazy. Plus I fear there is an element of the green eyed monster. They just do a copy and paste of the rules and leave you to wonder what the hell their bloody on about.

          Honestly their in la la land most of em.

      4. profile image0
        Website Examinerposted 13 years ago

        Marisa Wright, thanks for providing this insight. The nuances are interesting - of course, for those affected it can be frustrating.

      5. psycheskinner profile image79
        psycheskinnerposted 13 years ago

        Did we ever get a full list of sites we are not allowed to link to?

        1. Marisa Wright profile image87
          Marisa Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this


          If you're writing a new Hub, you can simply try posting a link, and if it's not allowed, you'll get a warning before it will publish.

      6. IzzyM profile image88
        IzzyMposted 13 years ago

        I see Dablufox has removed ALL of her hubs, well over 100 of them, and of top quality.
        Another nail in the coffin sad

        1. profile image50
          nazihubmoderatorsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Actually I didn't remove them!

          They deleted my account!

          Cos I was arguing with them and the moron wouldn't give me a common sense straight answer!

          Hubpages is going to hell in a handbasket which is why I have concentrated on my blogger and wordpress blogs.

          Hubpage content is extremely difficult to get ranked for anything!

          I can get page one on Seekyt in as little as three weeks, so why would I waste my time on this platform.

          Most ignorant retards moderators can't string a sentence together, my 4 yo sister could do better.

          No matter, will be sure to let my followers on warrior forums in on how hubpages treats its publishers like dirt!

          Honestly I can't see hubpages lasting all that much longer.

          But be warned if you wish to stay on here! There Nazi moron stem dissent simply by deleting your account. They are only too happy to cut their own nose off to spite their face!

          It's all down hill from here guys, the sharecropping model is pretty much dead and buried.



      7. IzzyM profile image88
        IzzyMposted 13 years ago

        I am so sorry they deleted your account. I went and saw it on your profile name after I had published my last post. I also see you are not a girl, I do apologise for that.

        I don't know what to say. You seem to have been treated very harshly and I, for one, am sorry to see you go.

        As you say, there are plenty other platforms out there doing a lot better than HP at the moment.


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