I lost my job about a week ago. I joined HP to make money but when I realized it was happening the way I thought, I just did it for fun. Now I am thinking that I am doing all this for nothing and now I ain't got a job. So the decision is to find a way to earn on HubPages.
Tips any one?
Yep sign up for these:
textbroker, Elance, helium, Wisegeek, constant content, epinions, and writer access.
Thanks RS,
I joined Helium a way back.....not what I am looking for
Just joined Elance today....seems okay so far
Textbroker not accepting Jamaicans right now
I will check out the others.
If you put a little time (effort) into Elance you can do well. I've been there about a year and a half and do extremely well. Once you build up your client list there you'll never have to bid on projects again....I turn down at least a handful a day....just not enough time. It can be frustrating getting your first few jobs but once you're established with good feedback there is a LOT of good paying work there. Good luck!
It's just so hard to land a job that actually pays a living wage at first. I still haven't gotten a job there or Odesk.
I do know that I had to lower my rates in the beginning but as soon as I had some good feedback I raised these immediately. It's definitely worth the struggle in the beginning to get established...I have a great core groups of buyers scattered around the world that I just love and I'll take on an odd job here and there if I have time and the money's right.
I've never used odesk...I've heard a lot of mixed reviews. I have heard some writers say they do great there but when I glanced through the bids once they were all so low I didn't even give it a chance....could have been a freak day. I've also heard a lot of mixed reviews about guru.com. They seem to have a good mix of jobs....but again, I haven't used them to know.
wisegeek isn't hiring. Hell, those of us that already have contracts there are scared
Sorry to hear about your job loss! That can't be easy to deal with. I would definitely concentrate on getting a job asap. Making money online takes a lot of work and time. There is no 'make money fast' online tricks. It just isn't true. If I were in your shoes, I would devote most of your time to finding employment and use HP, etc. when you feel more comfortable with your employment status. I think there are too many people who waste their time online when they should be out seeking employment.
Good luck.
Hi Relache, I thought this here thread was dead...lol
I have been freelancing and working full time from home. Making more than my 9-5 and doing great.
lol I thought something was wrong here. Saw this thread on my feed and started reading it, then saw it's two years old. Good to see things changed for the better. Shows it's possible to do it.
Thanks Nate. It's been good after the first few months. The funny thing is that in 2012 my boss called me back and I went to word for a couple of weeks then I realized I would not have been able to grow my online brand with the hours expected so I quit...lol.
Great story. I'd rather work at home independently than go back to my old job, that's for sure. Really good to know it can be done.
One message to take from Cardisa is that she doesn't rely on writing for revenue sharing sites, or even writing for her blog. She also takes on freelance writing jobs, and I think she has other strings to her bow too. It would be interesting to know what percentage of her income comes from which activity.
Actually I think there's a Hub in there, Cardisa - not expecting you to reveal your actual income, of course, but perhaps you could write a Hub explaining your various income streams and what percentage of your income comes from each stream?
I make less than $100 (JA $9,000) from Hubpages each month which works out to be less than a week's salary in Jamaica at my level should I be employed. Yet, my freelancing allows me to groceries = JA $20,000/month
My furniture bill = JA $5,650/month. Savings = JA $3000+.
Some months I pull in more than others. In october alone I made over $600 US = JA $50,000+.
That's about what I expected and I'm so glad you shared. It's easy for people to get the impression that because we're active on HubPages, we're making a large chunk of our income here - whereas as you've found, that's hard to do. For me, HubPages is far more about the social aspect than the income aspect these days.
Fortunately, some people do make money here or the site would be dead.
That depends on your definition of "making money", Will. Personally I think the site is still alive because there are so many people out there who are content to write for peanuts, or who are not aware they have any other choice.
You definitely need some talent these days. Hard work alone is not enough.
I'm not sure what that has to do with my comment. I know some very talented writers who aren't making a decent income online, even though they work hard. Talent and effort are irrelevant, if the model you're working on is no longer viable.
You'll notice HubPages is now advertising itself as a place to enjoy writing online, with the money being a nice bonus. That tells me they're well aware of the situation themselves.
The usual stuff. Anything but say: 'This no longer works for me, I need to try something else.'
I decided that a long time ago, Will. I've written a total of four new Hubs since 2012. I easily make payout every month so I'm content to let my Hubs alone. When I pop in to approve comments, I stop by the forums.
Yes, one of the things I've taken in from reading various comments and pieces about rev-share sites is that it is difficult to make money on them and that when you do make money, it's not going to be enough to live on. I've explored freelance options and just got accepted to a freelance site and looked it over and will be writing there very soon to have cash in my hand; that is, instead of waiting for it like a person has to do on the typical rev-share site. I certainly understand the value of diversification at this point. Ideally, I'd like some passive income from rev-share and earn money upfront with freelance; that seems to be what I've read works for most people who are successful at this stuff. I'm still diversifying with the rev-share sites too. And maintaining a couple websites, will start some more; in addition, explored and use various ad programs.
Nate, online business is trial and error just like any other business. AND, you must treat this as a business. The clients are your customers. Success depends on repeat customers so make sure your clients come back. Just a little advice on your new ventures. Good luck!
I would advise against starting lots of websites. I know people who do it, but it can become a rod for your back.
These days, Google has said it wants "authority" sites - sites that offer a large body of solid content on a particular topic. It also wants freshness - new content added regularly, whether it's once a day or once a week or once a fortnight.
If you build too many sites, it becomes impossible to keep up, because running any website is 10% writing content and 90% other stuff. For instance, you need a Facebook fan page which needs regular fresh content (it's like running another blog, really - it's not enough to post links to your Hubs or posts). You need backlinks - that means writing guest posts (join MyBlogGuest and also approach related blogs, both of which take work). I also find posting on forums very useful for attracting readers. You need products to sell - which may mean writing and publishing ebooks.
And I haven't even talked about monitoring your Analytics to understand and improve your traffic, search engine optimisation, finding suitable affiliate partners, and responding to Google's frequent changes.
Do you see why so many people are saying passive income is dead? When I started making websites, you could create all the content in a few days and then let it run - that doesn't work nowadays. Running a website is a full-time job!
I don't know many people who are still writing on rev-share sites as a serious source of income. The ones I do know, are people who had built up a reservoir of articles on those sites in the boom times and have simply left them there to earn what they will (as I have).
That's great to hear I am in a similar position as you first reported. May I ask what kinds of job work out from home. I have been a little skeptical of some ads.
You are right to be sceptical, because most ads are a scam! I'd be particularly suspicious of anyone asking you to pay money to learn their secrets. If they're really making good money from their business, why do they need to sell their secrets?
Good point. I am going to look for some writing opportunities after seeing some of the responses here and any other opportunities for self employment. I am trying some other angles as well. Thanks.
I have never gotten a job based on any ad. Never pay money to earn online..that's what I say. Contracting sites like Elance, Odesk and Guru don;t charge unless you get paid (except that Guru has a paid premium membership which you don't have to join).
I got more work from Elance but better paying client s from Guru.com. Odesk fills the gap when things are slow with the others. I also have private clients who have contacted me through Hubpages..so at least the site is good for something...lol
Thanks for responding Cardisa. I appreciate it. I am trying to work in the area of my passion and it is good to know that there is some hope. I know it takes time to be successful in a new area but all the tips help me to see the direction and paths to pursue. Best of luck to you in your endeavors.
I used to have about 200 articles on this site, now I only have about half a dozen remain. I have started with Bubblews where you only need to write 400 characters for each post. I have gotten three checks from the in a month and a half. HP has gone downhill since I started there over 2 years ago. You will not make enough money to support yourself here. Check out Bubblews, it may not be the answer to your problems but it will help.
Did you read my recent comments? The original post was two years ago.
I am working full time from home as a freelancer. I would not recommend Bubblews to anyone over Hubpages.
Sorry to hear that and hope another job comes along soonish
Find some of the top earners/most respected users and learn from them.
Er... if you need money now, find an actual job. Or write articles for upfront money - but even then it will be a slow process to build up to an income you can actually live on.
I don't mind it being slow so long as I actually get paid for my work. Thanks.
Even though it builds slow, it can all crash down. I have been here for years and before the pre-panda incident, was making around $500-$600 a month between Adsense and Amazon (over $1300 in December!). Before the crash, I probably would have been making $1000 a month regularly by the end of the year. Then, my earnings dropped to $150ish a month. While the money is nice, just remember that you can't count on it. Write on here as a hobby and let things build over time, but I can assure you that you can make more money offline once you find a job. Best of luck to you with the search! <3
Thanks Girly, I appreciate the advice. I just can't go through the working miles away from home anymore.
Jamaica is unlike the US. The jobs are mostly located in the city, I live in the country. In most cases I either commute or find accommodation. Commuting is expensive so not worth it. Finding accommodation is also expensive and certainly not worth losing your family over. I am done with that. I just need something to get by until my real projects come together.
Do your keyword research and keep writing, but it's not a fast way to make money and unlikely to replace a salary especially in the short term.
Have you thought of creating your own websites or writing some ebooks?
I really appreciate the concern y'all. I am spending my time searching for ways to earn with my talent. I don't want to work away from home anymore and that is likely with a regular job so the online thing must work.....
Thanks for all the tips everyone....much appreciated.
I write for wordsofworth.co.uk. I'm currently earning about $175 a month writing blog posts. They accept writers from all over.
Try Skyword.com, they just started accepting writers from places other than the US.
Bestcovery.com are always looking for writers.
With Helium if you can get into the Helium Content Source you can earn decent money. I am currently writing blog posts for $10 each through them. You are hired to write, you do not have to compete with other writers and run the risk that what you write will not be accepted. You can check it out here: http://www.helium.com/content/freelance … ortunities
Hopefully that link does not get clipped.
I did a few blogs for wordsorfworth. I thought it would make a nice break from doing translations all the time, but I found their rates of payment pathetic.
I was supposed to produce pieces on specialist monoclonal antibodies produced for use in biomolecular research. By the time I had scoured the catalogues of the company in question to find some potential topics, and then researched how the products had been used in published papers and summarised it all into 350 words, I was earning an hourly rate which was about 5-10% of what I would get with a fairly slow translation.
I've since decided that any work that does not have prospects for residual income or cannot be done in fairly mindless or undemanding 5-minute bursts must pay a minimum of $30 per hour to be worth considering.
The problem is that most work offered on the Internet comes nowhere near that figure, because there is too much competition from people in countries where $5 is a fortune.
I guess I'm lucky. I think $5 for each 250 word post is good. I guess it depends on the client, mine is easy and they are based in Canada. I can definitely write 6 in one hour if I put my mind to it.
I pay 6 bucks for a 250 to 300 word article that requires no research. I think that is about right. I have all the writers I need right now.
That is great UW! I am pleased to know your ability is being rewarded.
If you do not have anything to live on, you have to explore all options, even not very good ones if they can produce some money. I still think you can do faster off line than online.
If you have lost your job and need quick money, buy and sell secondhand goods. Just keep reinvesting all the capital and profit until you have the money you need. I explain how to do this in one of my hubs, and it is easy once you know how.
Good luck!
Happens to the best of us (going bonkers). Anyway, good to see you are making a living.
Two years ago at this time through the holidays was my highest traffic ever. It's never revived back to those high volume days.
Yeah, if you want to make a living you can't put all your eggs in this basket. Ebooks, paid blogging etc. you need to do a bit more than write for content sites.
Haven't things changed in 2 years!
All the signs were there then in regard to HP earnings and online writing opportunities.
Cardisa, good to see you have regained some manageable balance since you started this thread
If anyone wants some tips to help them post-Panda and Penguin, I've written a hub about what to do and what to avoid. You'll find that hubs you put a lot of skill into will have dipped and then come back a bit, while keyword-rich sales pitch hubs died a slow death...but you can still make money if you focus on writing, not making money. I had a lot of hubs and articles elsewhere and this is what happened with me.
by Doky 14 years ago
am i wasting my time?
by Aimee S 7 years ago
How long does it take to start earning once the ads show up i.e after 5 of your articles are featured)?
by Ravi Kola 6 years ago
I have around 547 views on my article but o earning. How many views do I need to get to start earning?
by Miss Lil' Atlanta 13 years ago
How long did it take before you started earning $50 to $100 a month on Hubpages?I try not to think all too much about the earning part on Hubpages since I'm still new here (4 months), but when you're earning literally NO money at all... It's still a bit discouraging.
by Susie Jane 6 years ago
I have written under the guise of different pseudonyms on HubPages since 2010. I never earned more than $5. Can you earn money on this site from writing fiction or is this site more a 'self-help' 'how to' blog that needs 'polls, pictures and links etc?'
by Kevin Howell 13 years ago
How long does it take to start earning with adsense, typically?
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