Rejected by AdSense

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  1. teriyaki profile image77
    teriyakiposted 12 years ago

    OK, ok... I made a mistake and applied for AdSense after publishing my first Hub and I got rejected by e-mail for "not having enough content". I suppose I can reapply after I get say 10 or more hubs up and published.

    However there is some confusion there:

    1) At my earnings page it says "Disabled by Google for TOS Violation" which made me go like "whoa!!", practically it sounds like I was clicking my own ads or something. Can I still reapply later on even after this (incomprehensible) black mark they've given me?

    2) When clicking "configure" i get the following:
    "You may not apply for Google AdSense through HubPages because of the following issues: Your HubPages profile is less than 6 months old. Google requires applicants from some locations, including China and India, to have owned their site for at least 6 months"

    Now what does this mean? Currently I am phyisically residing in Croatia but I don't think this should make any difference. HubPages is a US based site and I've got a full premium PayPal account. What gives? I wonder if US citizens joining HubPages from India, for example have the same problem.

    3) "It appears that your Google AdSense Account, with the publisher id ca-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx has been disabled due to violations of Terms and Conditions. You should not apply again, as each person is only allowed to have a single Google AdSense Account." Now what does this mean?! Am I to be banned permanently from HubPages earning program and blacklisted on AdSense just because something went wrong somewhere?

    Please, I'd really like to make some kind of sense out of all of this.

    Just let me note that I had no problems whatsoever with setting up my amazon account.

    1. TToombs08 profile image77
      TToombs08posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi teriyaki. I don't have any answers for you, but I had the exact same thing happen to me yesterday. Very confusing. Can't wait to see what sort of answers you get! Thank you for posting this, I will be following.

    2. ThomasE profile image69
      ThomasEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      "You may not apply for Google AdSense through HubPages because of the following issues: Your HubPages profile is less than 6 months old. Google requires applicants from some locations, including China and India, to have owned their site for at least 6 months"

      It means what it says. If you live in Croatia, you can't apply for adsense until your site is 6 months old. For people on hubpages, your site is your account.

      Doesn't matter if you have a premium paypal account or are a US citizen, or hubpages itself is American -  you will still have to wait for 6 months from joining hubpages.

      Just add a few dozen hubs, and go onto squidoo, and write there for six months (you don't need an adsense account to make money there).

      1. teriyaki profile image77
        teriyakiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        ...or I can simply enter the first web caffe next time I'm in the US and apply for AdSense from there... Oh Google you're so very very smart indeed. What is wrong with these people? Sheesh...

        1. ThomasE profile image69
          ThomasEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          No, you simply need a US, UK etc address and telephone number.

          1. psycheskinner profile image84
            psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            They do track IP addresses, so if you start using the account from the rejected accounts IP address they might be onto you.

          2. teriyaki profile image77
            teriyakiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Well from what i learned (see below) Croatian address is perfectly fine.. Didn't see ANY croatian adsense user complaining or mentioning this. I'm really confused now.

    3. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
      pauldeedsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You can correct any issues with your original application, and then re-submit to google by signing into to adsense here (as explained here):

      We've corrected the messaging on the affiliate settings page.

  2. psycheskinner profile image84
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    What they mean by "you can't apply again" is you can't apply for a separate account, you have to apply under the existing one and get its status changed.

    1. teriyaki profile image77
      teriyakiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Oki, I just checked around the web and... not one of the AdSense users in Croatia mentions any "6 months rule" on forums. In fact, AdSense is FULLY functional in Croatia since 2006... which is not surprising to me because our pages are crawling with AdSense adds. Knowing the average croat, if Google did something like that they would be crying bloody murder all over the place.

      The only clear info on this issue is that a) Google refuses to provide a clear list of "6 months" countries and b) all of them seem to be in Asia... and Croatia is in Europe.

      I took a look at Croatian Google AdSense page and everything is clear as a whistle there. No mention of any "6 months period" whatsoever.

      So what is going on? Am I to be permanently blacklisted by Google because something somewhere got... misspelled or something? Can I get some help from an admin here or somewhere so we can clean this up?

  3. psycheskinner profile image84
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    These days the six month rule is being applied to almost all new accounts.  Best to get 10 hubs up and just do something else for six months, then come back and reapply with the old account.

    1. teriyaki profile image77
      teriyakiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Oh well, i wish someone told me that six months ago... real smart google, real smart. I suppose it's back to Squidoo and  Shutterstock for me lol. I really haven't the foggiest what they're trying to accomplish.

      1. ThomasE profile image69
        ThomasEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        For what it's worth, right at the moment Squidoo ranks more easily than hubpages in my experience, although I think you are smart to want to diversify.

  4. psycheskinner profile image84
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    That is true. Content sites are all over the place.  It is good to have at least some stuff up on a site where you don't have to have a personal adsense account at all, because they can cut you off at any time.

  5. profile image0
    msivakumarposted 12 years ago

    As Pauldeeds said, the messaging may be confusing but other than that you dont have to worry:

    1. Google is not very strict on six-month-rule. If the content is good, original and have decent traffic they do give approval earlier, even if it is from India and other Asian countries.

    2. Just improve your content quality and numbers (maybe up to 10 or 15) and apply again. Ensure that you follow both Hubpages and Adsense TOS.

    3. Your chances of getting approval are higher.

    1. teriyaki profile image77
      teriyakiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your reply and for giving me some hope, however...

      This bit is really worrying me: "It appears that your Google AdSense Account, with the publisher id ca-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx has been disabled due to violations of Terms and Conditions. You should not apply again, as each person is only allowed to have a single Google AdSense Account."

      To my knowledge I didn't apply for AdSense twice so what gives? What other TOS violations could they be possibly talking about? If I'm reading this correctly, they are accusing me of attempted fraud (!!) and telling me not to contact them ever again! Frankly, I'm afraid to even look at that "configure" button now...
      And I still have AdSense and Google ads on that hub of mine even though I don't have the account set up. I'm... mystified.

      1. profile image0
        msivakumarposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        That is the message displayed by HubPages. Just ignore it and don't worry.

        Do your homework and apply for the Adsense again with the same mail id from which you originally applied. (Dont apply through different mail id). If your content satisfies Google you will get approval.

        (Please understand that this is approval-rejection-approval cycle and it is relatively normal in Google world. Compared to complete banning of Adsense account others are all lesser crime. Dont be so sensitive, need to be bit thick skinned when you are dealing with big G and its automated/canned messages.)


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