by Suzanne Day 13 years ago
Here's an interesting article I found about what exactly you should do to skirt around the Google PANDA/content farm slap. Extra tips welcomed here too! … actors.htm
by Mary Hyatt 12 years ago
I just reread the rules for the contest, and it states that poems should be 500 words. Mine is 210. Is the introduction counted in the word count? Thanks.
by Linda Bilyeu 10 years ago
If making money wasn't an option on HubPages, would you still write for this site...No matter if you make pennies a day or dollars. This question isn't about how much money a hubber makes. I'm just curious how many hubbers would still hub if they weren't earning money for the pub or to get some...
by emievil 15 years ago
Just want to rant about something. I was just talking to somebody (not from hubpages) and I was telling her about hubpages and my plans for the future (which also includes hubpages). Suddenly, she said that maybe I should stop doing this because it doesn't really earn much. Then she mentioned her...
by Jyoti Kothari 16 years ago
Google says no nudity. These hubs violating policy. The so called authors of these hubs are very clever. They become fan of any one and in return they get fans. Thus they have maximum number of fans. As these galeries need no intellectual,they publish number of hubs.This way they get highest...
by Tammy Winters 15 years ago
My name is actually Tammy not "new" lol...Ok that was dumb..Just thought I would at least try to be funny. People say I am too serious. I am a new member at hubpages and I am scared to even type my question with out violating the rules...hmmm! I just don't know how I am doing on my...