If making money wasn't an option on HubPages, would you still write for this sit

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  1. Sunshine625 profile image84
    Sunshine625posted 11 years ago

    If making money wasn't an option on HubPages, would you still write for this site...

    No matter if you make pennies a day or dollars. This question isn't about how much money a hubber makes. I'm just curious how many hubbers would still hub if they weren't earning money for the pub or to get some grub.
    My answer is yes, I would still write on HP.


  2. billybuc profile image88
    billybucposted 11 years ago

    LOL...obviously I would. I make a dollar a day.  What is my motivation?  To become a better writer.  If I ever do make money it won't be on HubPages, but it may well be because of HubPages.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very true for many hubbers Bill. If it wasn't for HubPages they might never have known the potential they have to be a good writer. Thanks for sharing! I'm glad you have a dollar a day for some grub!smile

  3. jimmythejock profile image82
    jimmythejockposted 11 years ago

    When I started writing on Hubpages making money was the furthest thing from my mind. When I started making money from the site after a few months, I considered it as a bonus and that I was lucky to be making money from my hobby.
    I love writing on Hubpages and even without the money aspect of the site I would still write here because I love Hubpages and the community who have become like a second family too me.....jimmy
    P.S I still consider myself lucky and love my bonus lol.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Great minds thinking alike Jimmy! I also didn't start writing on HubPages for money. I started for free therapy and it's worked out perfectly for me. Any money I make is a bonus and appreciated, but I don't dwell on the earnings. I just skip the pub.

  4. Nell Rose profile image89
    Nell Roseposted 11 years ago

    Hi Linda, I started on here just for the writing, I have always written since I was a kid, so yes I would still keep on writing, definitely!

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yay...We would be lost without our Nell Rose!! smile

    2. Nell Rose profile image89
      Nell Roseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Aw thanks linda! lol!

  5. Georgie Lowery profile image86
    Georgie Loweryposted 11 years ago

    I absolutely would. The money is nice, I won't lie, but I started here to have an online resume and that's what my primary purpose for using this site still is. The added benefits? I've made some amazing friends and learned a ton of very useful information!

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I like your spunk Georgie! Best of luck with your online resume.

  6. Rochelle Frank profile image94
    Rochelle Frankposted 11 years ago

    Probably-- though I haven't written much lately, even for the pennies.  I enjoy the company--- both in the business sense and in the friendship sense.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The friendships formed are a nice bonus also. Thanks for sharing Rochelle.

  7. Diana Lee profile image81
    Diana Leeposted 11 years ago

    Practice, exposure, and feedback keeps me posting hubs.  I tend to let time lapse sometimes from hub writing, but I sign into this site daily. There is tons of stuff here as well as good people to communicate with. Money isn't everything and it's a good thing because in two years I've only reached the threshold once.  That's okay, it only means I need to work harder at it.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      All are good reasons to keep posting hubs Diana. Keep on hubbin'!

  8. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 11 years ago

    Yes, I'd still write as a hobby. The money is just a bonus.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree! smile

  9. Lisa HW profile image63
    Lisa HWposted 11 years ago

    In general my answer is "no".  I'll explain the "in general" thing later.

    In the first four years that I had Hubs on here (I've now trimmed them down to less than a third in number, and I'm still trimming because the only thing I want to leave on here is stuff that at least mostly fits with the kind of thing that's now being emphasized on here) I made hundreds of dollars a month every month (except for the first eight months).  I did some kind of "hybrid" writing because I tried to write something that was useful and informative but that was at least something in which I had some interest.  As a result, I had this "hybrid" writing that wasn't my best writing but also wasn't exactly (most of the time) the most professional-looking/money-focused-looking Hubs.  I was embarrassed by most of my Hubs because they weren't excellent Hubs OR my best writing.  Still, I was getting my few hundred dollars every month; so I kept doing the same thing.  (They were generally in decent English grammar, so it wasn't as if they were completely atrocious pieces of writing.  They were just kind of half-baked and unprofessional looking pieces of writing.)  Things were more casual on here; and presentation aside, it wasn't as if the Hubs were completely useless or without any redeeming value at all.  Besides, a Hub that performed well kept earning for years (unless/until it was copied, which is one reason I've intentionally written stuff that I figured wouldn't have "steal appeal".

    Anyway, things have changed.  A lot of the stuff I had doesn't fit with the site now, and I've been hating a lot of it long enough anyway that I don't want it up.  In order to make money now I'd have to spend more time and effort on writing stuff that doesn't interest me at all.  Without the money I'd made up until, maybe, eight months ago or so; I don't really have a lot of reason to spend a lot of time writing Hubs.  I'll keep the account. (I like my five-year thing for some reason, and there's always the backlinking from here thing that shouldn't be overlooked.  smile  ).  Maybe if the mood strikes me occasionally I'll add a Hub   (So that explains the "in general" thing.)  In general, though - no, without enough money I don't see a lot of reason to write Hubs. If I can pick up my occasional spare hundred dollars from what's on here, great.  With writing (even casual writing) it's pretty much about finding where the writing works well - not staying where it doesn't.   : It's fine. Things change. smile

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for sharing Lisa. Wishing you good luck with your writing adventure!smile

  10. mary615 profile image93
    mary615posted 11 years ago

    I don't know what I would do without HubPages  in my life.  I first tried Blogger, but didn't like it.  I truly enjoy HubPages and I love all the good friends I have made from all over the world.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      and all your good friends love you Mary!!

  11. Daisy Mariposa profile image74
    Daisy Mariposaposted 11 years ago

    My writing career began shortly after I was graduated from college. I've written question and answer sheets for employees to use while fielding telephone inquiries, letter templates to be used when answering written inquiries, and sections of corporate policy and procedure manuals. I've written content for various Web sites and have worked as a copy editor and proofreader for a number of sites. I was the technical editor and proofreader for several Information Technology books.

    I began publishing articles on HubPages in order to learn how to write articles for online audiences—the general public. I've learned quite a bit since I published my first Hub 456 days ago. I'm still learning and honing my online non-fiction writing skills.

    Writing is not a hobby for me. That being said, if earning money from writing for HubPages were not an option, I would still publish articles on HubPages.

    I've met many people via HubPages and HubPages-related Facebook groups who I consider to be my good friends.  Publishing Hubs has become much more than honing my online non-fiction writing skills and having money deposited in my PayPal account every month. It’s become part of my way of life.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for sharing Daisy! I agree about the FB groups.

  12. MichaelJohnMele profile image60
    MichaelJohnMeleposted 11 years ago

    Considering that I don't make anything now...and I still post here...I guess my answer would have to be yes...yes I would.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yay! That's awesome news Michael. We appreciate your humor around HP!

    2. MichaelJohnMele profile image60
      MichaelJohnMeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the kind words my friend...even though I know your lying...I still appreciate it.

    3. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I only state the facts Jack smile

  13. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    I don't make money here.  I enjoy having a place to post my work and have it read.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Happy Hubbing duffsmom!

  14. wqaindia profile image33
    wqaindiaposted 11 years ago

    It is not all about money. Do not you like that you are interacting with more and more intelligent people from the globe. At least I am very happy when the fellow hubbers encourage me. By writing here we are creating a big collection of articles under our own brand name or authorship. I will like to pass on my philosophy to the next generation for which I have raised my issue through one of my hubs at http://wqaindia.hubpages.com/hub/What-t … c-Approach

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Meeting people from around the globe is another bonus!

  15. Jools99 profile image88
    Jools99posted 11 years ago

    I would still write here.  I've been talking about wanting to write for years and HP gave me that chance.  The small amount of money I've made has bought me and hubby a pub lunch or two so it is not going to change my life (but maybe my waistline?).  The HP community is second to none and I could have bought loads of books to find out things I've discovered for free on here.  Also, the nice hubbers offer free writing advice too and for that, I am eternally grateful. I joined Squidoo a couple of years ago but the writing felt like a sales pitch!  It's all ads, ads, ads - not my thing, though I know others really love it; each to their own.  I'll stick with HP.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wishing you many more pub lunches Jools! smile

  16. JimTxMiller profile image76
    JimTxMillerposted 11 years ago

    Well, let's see...nearly 90 cents last month...goin' on a buck sixty so far this month...hmmmmm. Yes, I'm still here and plan on hanging around for awhile longer.
    I enjoy writing and publishing here, but more importantly, I enjoy and learn from the sharing within the community. As long as it stays fun and supportive, I'll keep at it.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I like your attitude towards HP Jim. Keep on hubbin'!

  17. tillsontitan profile image80
    tillsontitanposted 11 years ago

    A very emphatic YES!  Money is nice but....HP is better wink  Seriously, to be able to write what you feel, to communicate with others who feel the same way and to form lasting friendships is worth more than any money can buy!  I don't know what I'd do without HP, it has become a part of me.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      "lasting relationships is worth more than money" ... well said Mary!

  18. ChristinS profile image37
    ChristinSposted 11 years ago

    In all honesty? no. There are other sites or my own blogs where I would make money.  I consider myself a professional writer now (after many years agonizing over allowing myself to use that title) and professionals are in their craft to make money while doing what they enjoy.  When writing was merely a hobby and not how I earned my living, perhaps. 

    That being said, of all the writing sites of its kind, I prefer HubPages for the community aspect of it.  Most people here are very supportive and it's nice to interact with people smile.  We writer's tend to be loners, so it's nice to have a place to go where we can converse and discuss ideas.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for sharing ChristinS.

  19. wayne barrett profile image72
    wayne barrettposted 11 years ago

    I would say yes at this time, but I am very new to Hubpages, so I know that I may change my mind down the road. I do love this site at this time though, and it has nothing to do with the money. I have always loved writing, and if there is an added bonus, I would say it is the opportunity I am getting here to better myself and possibly advance in the publishing department.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome to HP Wayne! Wishing you good luck with your hubbing journey.

  20. annart profile image87
    annartposted 11 years ago

    What a great question!  I joined because I'd been looking for an outlet for my writing for quite a while and had found nothing which appealed.  Hubpages did appeal for itself alone; the fact that it made a bit of money was a bonus, not that I've made any to speak of yet.  I don't care.  I love writing and this gives me a great opportunity to practise my writing, to channel it and to have honest feedback from a great bunch of people.  Though my hub publishing is not continuous, due to my being away more and more, I keep track of ideas then write and publish when I get back home (no good when I'm away as the internet signals are usually rubbish and I can't download the photos properly).  It's become almost addictive and I feel guilty when I haven't published anything for a while!  Keep writing, Sunshine 625, and all my other friends out there!

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi annart, I used to feel guilty also about not publishing in a while, but the guilt fades over time and this is when you begin to enjoy the hubbing community even more. Happy Hubbing!

    2. annart profile image87
      annartposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Oh good, I feel less guilty already!

    3. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You're welcome. Just enjoy! smile

  21. janshares profile image95
    jansharesposted 11 years ago

    I ended up here looking online for a gig in counseling. I was motivated by the part-time/freelance income prospects that hp advertised. So, I wouldn't be here if it was not for that. However, the experience and exposure I've gained is a much more valuable investment than that first payout I look forward to receiving in a few months.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Your first payout will be both memorable and exciting! smile

  22. CrescentSkies profile image68
    CrescentSkiesposted 11 years ago

    Yup, good backlink to other sites I can make money off of.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Good point!!

  23. floating mind profile image67
    floating mindposted 11 years ago

    Yes I would.  It allows me to build my experience level and get feedback from fellow hubbers allowing me to improve as I go along.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very good reasons! smile

  24. MisterShives profile image59
    MisterShivesposted 11 years ago

    I would only because I really do like writing and I'll have to next year anyway. I figure I might as well spend some time doing it. I have a lot of free time too.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm glad you are enjoying your HP journey!

  25. Andrea Norwood profile image58
    Andrea Norwoodposted 11 years ago

    I will say this, that I have learned to not let money always be an option for everything and that includes writing and if it's truly what you love to do then you will go that extra mile and go payless, because I see it like this, it's getting your name out there to millions and who knows you may end up getting a job a hubs or picked up by some major publisher who finds your work suitiable for their publication.

    1. annart profile image87
      annartposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes!  Wouldn't that be good?  You never know and if you don't try you don't get.

    2. Andrea Norwood profile image58
      Andrea Norwoodposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes and I am not saying that to never consider money, because it's good to have, it's just that I believe if you're passionate enough about your work and whatever it may be, dealing with art, you will donate once in a while and for me writing is joy

  26. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 11 years ago

    Never made a dime on my writing !  Funny thing is once i signed up for that , i couldn't even change it!   I write for me and  For You ! Just a worthless poet ....lol

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Nothing worthless about you! Your hubs are a gift to HP. Your comment is further proof that HP is not all about the money. Keep on hubbing horseback! smile

  27. Aficionada profile image76
    Aficionadaposted 11 years ago

    Now - at this point - Yes, I would continue publishing and posting here, although not necessarily very much, if earning money here were not an option. HubPages is hands down the best place for learning and developing skills for online publishing. When I started here I had no clue how little I knew about online publishing, and the experience of writing here has been an invaluable education.

    But I probably would never have started publishing here at all if it had not been for the prospect of making money from something I enjoy doing.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for sharing your opinion!

  28. ThelmaC profile image90
    ThelmaCposted 11 years ago

    I would definitely still be here.  It is a good opportunity to learn from other writers and gain experience that may lead to bigger things down the road.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very true Thelma. We never know where HP might lead us.

  29. Sphinxs Sanctum profile image61
    Sphinxs Sanctumposted 11 years ago

    Probably...Maybe...sure - Did that sound wishy-washy, on the fence or convincing in any way?   Tee-hee.  I came here & began publishing poetry as an outlet for whatever emotions were churning for the time & hoping to find others that would truly 'Feel' Something from my words & possibly relate.  If I could make them think, then that was great too!  The money was nice to hear about but never something I focused on.  It was exciting when I first started here because I was making connections & what I thought could become friendships, even if long-distance.  There were many writers here that welcomed me with open arms, gave me feedback on what I was writing & seemed genuinely interested in me as a person, just as I was them.  However, since my return, a few weeks ago, those same people, who are still here writing, interacting with the HP community & regularly putting out new hubs, have shunned me.  I've had one of 6 of those I reached out to, acknowledge my existence with a very short sentence.  I don't know if they were just people that treat everyone new with such kindness or if they view me as not taking writing seriously & therefore think I'm not "worthy" of their time but either way, it stings.  Yes I was gone for many months but sometimes life takes you away from whatever your passions, for a time.
    So now, I AM going to focus on the money part more than connections or cleansing my broken heart...whatever.  If the money doesn't start coming from here, I'll go elsewhere but of course, I have a lot to learn first & will use HP for that!

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sphinxs I think you might want to consider creating a hub from this question. Great answer!

    2. Sphinxs Sanctum profile image61
      Sphinxs Sanctumposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the complement & the suggestion, Sunshine!  I might just add it to my ever-growing topics list.  smile

  30. Girishsks profile image59
    Girishsksposted 11 years ago

    Yes. i will still write. Its a place to meet new people and learn from them. Money doesn't matter always but Knowledge does.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Knowledge is crucial for growth.

  31. MarleneB profile image91
    MarleneBposted 11 years ago

    I'm probably going to be the "odd man out", but the answer is no. The opportunity to make money is what attracted me to HubPages in the first place. If I were not making money I would not be here. I already have hobbies and I could fill my time enjoying those, instead. That's not to say I don't enjoy writing. I do enjoy writing - very much. I am happy and proud to be able to tell people I am a writer and that is my only job. But, I write to earn money. When I stop earning money from writing, I'll stop writing.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for sharing your point of view Marlene.

  32. phillippeengel profile image80
    phillippeengelposted 11 years ago

    I write mainly because I have the flair and predilection to do so. I believe that I belong to that special breed of people who don't bear any grudge against writing and have the right mindset to learn and hone their language.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Having the right mindset is a bonus!

  33. Fastian profile image66
    Fastianposted 11 years ago

    I came here for money but I think I like to convey myself through writing. I would have loved to write letters if I were there in a time when letters were common.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      When did letters stop being common? smile

    2. Fastian profile image66
      Fastianposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Really? Who do you think bothers with pen n paper in this day of email? Not in my country at least. Don't know about yours.

    3. Sphinxs Sanctum profile image61
      Sphinxs Sanctumposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I still know a great many people that communicate via pen & paper, especially when wanting to make that communication more personal, more special, if you will.  And then there's always the hand-written thank-you which holds a lot more weight.

    4. Fastian profile image66
      Fastianposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Except for business letters I haven't seen a letter come to my house for almost a decade. Before that it was a routine. Maybe it differs with each country. But good to hear that it still exists.

    5. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes I still write and send letters via pen & paper. Not everyone has email or a computer.
      Also sending a letter via email is still considered a letter even if no pen was used:)

    6. annart profile image87
      annartposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I used to write long letters to friends and I now do the same via email; the bonus is that they get there so much more quickly!

  34. ChitrangadaSharan profile image93
    ChitrangadaSharanposted 11 years ago

    My answer is YES.
    Well I  have not made any money so far. But I enjoy the community, its friendly and helpful people. I have learnt a lot here and I am still learning. I had no idea about online writing, when I joined. But signing in for HubPages has become a daily routine for me. It relaxes me.

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Relaxation is very important. HubPages does have many benefits.

  35. adorablebaby profile image60
    adorablebabyposted 11 years ago

    so many good answer i can't top that but yeah money money weee

    1. Sunshine625 profile image84
      Sunshine625posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree about this post having many good answers.

  36. GavinWichmann profile image61
    GavinWichmannposted 11 years ago

    I would continue to write for HP, mostly because my topic is different. I come here for feedback on my fiction writing, so taking the future payment plan out of it wouldn't change too much :p

  37. momfirms profile image60
    momfirmsposted 11 years ago

    Yes, but I would probably write more creative materials. I now try to figure out what is trending and would people will read... The motivation of making money changes the way I write or the topics I would choose to write about.

  38. cre8ivOne profile image67
    cre8ivOneposted 11 years ago

    The fact that I am still here sort of answers this question for me.  I have never had a pay out and the amount I make seems to always be small, although rising, so yes, I am here for the community and the ability to write and let others read and enjoy.

  39. teaches12345 profile image77
    teaches12345posted 11 years ago

    I believe I would.  I enjoy the writing and the community support.  It is not really about the money for me, just happy to contribute.

  40. techap profile image60
    techapposted 11 years ago

    Well I would give a diplomat answer I would still be here to answer some of the most interesting questions.

  41. Easy Exercise profile image84
    Easy Exerciseposted 11 years ago

    I came here to learn. As a retired CFO, I always follow the money - the money tells a story on to itself and aids in the training. Technology for those over 40, I believe is hard, and I want to be apart of this world that connects us to remote places and people.


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