Hubber Score Down Below 75

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  1. profile image0
    andycoolposted 12 years ago

    My Hubber Score is dropping like a rock while my page views are at all time high. I've done two things recently... 1) Now I'm writing on a niche topic instead of various subjects and this strategy is working pretty well for me in getting organic traffic. 2) I've substantially reduced forum participation.

    1. paradigmsearch profile image60
      paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have not a clue.

      I gave you a follow.

      Add a from in your profile. It might be worth a point. big_smile

    2. tnvrstar profile image65
      tnvrstarposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, I don't think participation effects a lot. Normally I don't participate in the forum or Q&A. Still my Hub score stays above 90. Before it used to stay above 96. I don't know the exact reason though .I have checked your Hubs and I think you should try different niche as well. Using the same keyword again and again could reduce your Hubber score. For example in all of your Hubs you have used the same keyword "Tattoo Ideas" which is very bad.

      Also make sure all the photo u r using is free from copyright.

      Summery: Do not use the same keywords again and again. The bot will think you are a spammer!

  2. 2uesday profile image65
    2uesdayposted 12 years ago

    You could try going into the sandpit forum and joining in the word games etc. - not sure if it is just coincidence but my Hubber score seems to increase after that.

  3. psycheskinner profile image83
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    You might want to reconsider the picture with text on then that suggests possible use without permission.

    Other than that, beats me! Your stuff looks fine.

  4. Pcunix profile image92
    Pcunixposted 12 years ago

    Is your hub feedback increasing or stagnant?  How about your followers - that's a reasonable number but if you got all them in your first week and they haven't been growing..

    But realize, we are all just guessing.  We have no idea how much these things affect scores.

  5. Pcunix profile image92
    Pcunixposted 12 years ago

    And Andy - obviously you won't share my opinion, but tatooing can be a subject that arouses some very negative emotions among some of us..

    1. profile image0
      andycoolposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks PC but it's business... isn't it? smile

      1. Pcunix profile image92
        Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, I'm just saying that some people might vote you down just for that..

  6. profile image0
    andycoolposted 12 years ago

    Thank you guys for your valuable opinions. Everything is just fine for me except the hubberscore. I didn't mind until it came below 75 today. When I started to focus on a single niche the change started to happen. But according to Google I'm doing fine. My profile pagerank increased to 3.

    Any idea if the score can be controlled manually? I think I'm being controlled manually and purposefully. HubPages is trying to do something that damages my success and reputation.

    1. paradigmsearch profile image60
      paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have to disagree with that. HP has better things to do with their time. smile

      1. psycheskinner profile image83
        psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I'd agree with that. It'll be something automatic.

      2. profile image0
        andycoolposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I would love to disagree too... but this is causing damage to my reputation. Most of my tattoos hubs are doing great on SERPs, you know? If HP has better things to do they should stop this nonsense!

        1. paradigmsearch profile image60
          paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Maybe if someone rounded your followers to 360. A full circle. big_smile

  7. Writer Fox profile image32
    Writer Foxposted 12 years ago

    This is totally bizarre!  I can't imagine why your score would be so low.  My score seems to fluctuate everyday, whether I am posting new Hubs or not.  If you find out why this has happened to you, please put the information on this forum string so everyone will know.

    1. profile image0
      andycoolposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You must know there are three categories for every tag... latest, best and hot. Go to the tattoos hot page. This is a secret I'm divulging. You may go topic-wise too... like hot hubs under tattoos.

      You'll see recently published hubs that are read the most under hot. Best is dependent on hubscore and latest is the latest published hub.

      Tattoos tag is one of the most top-searched keywords in HubPages and generates lots of internal traffic. Now I'm sure the whole thing is manipulated! Follow this and you'll realize. We are puppets here on HP.

      The Lyric Writer copies my ideas and the hubs are placed under hot category for long time. But mine are not there too long.

      Re-la-che's tattoo hubs pay her lumpsum amount every month even without her otherwise negligible participation in HP. Hers are on best category month after month for nearly four years.

      What's inside... go and see... bunch of links and nothing else. If I continue to publish tattoo hubs here a lot of high earners could suffer. That's why my lower score.

      Market Manipulation! big_smile

      Write more hubs on tattoos and break the monopoly of some hubbers!

      1. relache profile image66
        relacheposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I don't know where you got the idea that my tattoo Hubs are somehow the cornerstone of my earnings or that my participation on this site is negligible, but it amuses me that you think so.  Thanks for such a funny holiday gift.

        And good luck with your keyword stuffing and passing off astrological profiles as tattoo ideas!

  8. psycheskinner profile image83
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    Done smile

  9. Lisa HW profile image61
    Lisa HWposted 12 years ago

    I don't know what you score range was before, and I've seen usually a 5-point range myself, but not long ago after I'd done quite a bit of reading and commenting AND forum stuff my score went lower than I've seen it in years.  That time it dipped beyond the 5-point range and to a new low.

    Apparently, too much "community activity" can cause a problem.  (At the time this happened a couple of months ago, I wasn't "doing anything funny".  I'd just had a few days when I didn't have much to do and was reading and commenting more than I ever do, as well as spending some time in the forums.  Moral to that story:  Too much activity can apparently make your score lower.

    So, I'm thinking if you've maybe done a little extra activity and lost some points, and then, maybe, done some small other thing to lose a few more - voila, low score if you happened to be someone who started out in, maybe, the mid-eighties or low eighties range (and I don't know if you did or not)...

    Only you know if you've done a "drastic lot" or a "drastic little" community activity things, if people have stopped following you all of a sudden, or if you've been following "up a storm" yourself recently. Maybe the subject of tattoos is one of those over-saturated ones (or leaning toward being one) that could lose someone points.  Like others, I'm just throwing out some guesses.

    Who knows...  Maybe there's some "automated thing" that makes scores drop if there's a sudden increase in traffic after x amount of time of having substantially less traffic for each Hub?  Maybe the new-niche Hubs don't have the same kind of substance as other ones you've done have had?  Maybe dramatic changes in Hub-writing activity and traffic AND any other activity just shake up the numbers until it all settles in?  Maybe your overall Hub-score average has changed as a result of the new type of Hubs?  My score always lowers when I write a new Hub.  I seldom write more than one new one at a time, but maybe several new ones would amount to losing yet more points until it all settles down?

    My real point here is that, if nothing else, you might want to be very careful about believing you haven't been active enough and then doing a bunch of things to increase your community activity.  More isn't always better when it comes to that.  Maybe the best thing is to give it a couple/few days to see if things settle down and get looking more back to normal (before starting to do/not do all kinds of things wildly, in an attempt to raise your score)?

    Again, though, just thoughts and just guessing.

    1. paradigmsearch profile image60
      paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      One would think that more activity would be a good thing. More activity means more traffic, which means a higher Alexis ranking, etc. That's why HP hasn't killed off the religion forums. big_smile

      However, I think you might be right. When I become unusually prolific in the forums, my score does seem to drop. lol

      1. Lisa HW profile image61
        Lisa HWposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        When I first noticed that (and others have said they've noticed it too), I used to joke that HubPages was rewarding me for staying away.    I've always assumed that writing a new Hub throws off averages or otherwise shakes things up, because writing a new one pretty much (as far as I've seen) always causes an immediate drop by a point (for me, anyway).  I usually don't pay a lot of attention to my scores, which have that five-point range.  When I had that stretch of all-of-a-sudden reading and commenting a lot (which I just don't usually do very often at all), and I saw my score dip to 94 for the first time in ages; I did think about what I'd been doing differently; and realized that I was pretty much getting my name/face in "zillions" of things on this site - the forums, people's Hubs, Answers, etc. etc.   roll   It was an "honest accident" and certainly not my aim.  I was thinking, though, that the system probably has it built in (only a guess) that one person not monopolize (or kind of seem to be monopolizing) everything/everywhere on the site (for a number of reasons).  So there's that, but there's also the thing that HP has said if people's activity is "natural" that's what they want and what works best.    The forums are the only non-Hub-writing activity that I'm fairly regular with.  The rest of the stuff I do fairly infrequently (and still get a decent score).  I seem to have noticed (fairly consistently) that if I have extra to be waste on the forums that's when my score drops a little too. 

        I could be wrong with my guess about any drops I've noticed that coincide with more activity than my usual level (and maybe what happens with one person isn't the same as what happens with another??  Who knows..).

        I do know that I saw my score drop consistently from high end to lower than I'd seen it in a long time over those couple/few days when I was reading up a storm (and since I usually only read things I think will interest me, commenting a lot).

        I was thinking how, if I'm right (or even kind of right) about this, it's kind of stinky that that the person who has some extra time on her hands for a few days, and who does more on the site than usual, might see a drop in score because she may look like she's "up to something funny".  But, "monopolizing" things aside, there's the thing with spam-ish activity; so I can see how they'd have to build something in like that.

        Scores aside (and obviously I don't know any more about what goes into them than anyone else does), the one thing I see other people saying they do, and that I suspect may be a problem in general, is wildly changing their ways of doing things as soon as they sense a drop in traffic or in scores.  Based only on my own experience here (and with Ad Sense too), I seem to notice that I'm always better off not to make a big changes too fast; and to phase shifts in how I do things very gradually and in small doses.  It may only have to do with percentages (changed stuff versus "stable" stuff), but most changes I make result in at least a temporary decrease in Ad Sense earnings (if not score, although I don't do a lot of changing of stuff on here - and mostly because I'm kind of afraid to, after noticing that Google doesn't seem to "like" changes.  hmm

        1. Debby Bruck profile image67
          Debby Bruckposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Fascinating observations about everything you have said about activity and monopolizing the boards and appearing spammy. Had no idea. Very astute. Shall consider all of this.

        2. homesteadbound profile image80
          homesteadboundposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I have been troubled by my score that started to drop right after I started the 30 in 30. I was commenting on every entry in that forum and giving feedback to those that joined me. I have had problems with my score since then. That may have been the problem. Hopefully as I separate myself from that forum, that will help. I was working hard to encourage others. But it may have hurt me! Wow!

          1. lobobrandon profile image88
            lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            How could that be the cause?? It should increase your score.
            The scoring system is comparable to the panda updates - UNPREDICTABLE

            1. homesteadbound profile image80
              homesteadboundposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Just looking at what Lisa HW said in her post above. Before that my score never dropped, now I struggle to keep it up. I say struggle - but its more finger biting and wondering how low it is going to fall. It went up 4 points last night, but it has started to drop again.

    2. profile image0
      andycoolposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much Lisa for your detailed discussion. I'm grateful to you. So far as my forum activity is concerned... yes it has come down substantially. Hmmm and yes my other activities like comment posting or answering etc. are not that much as I used to do before. I've very little time for all that so whenever I find some time for HP I spend it on writing hubs. But when I did nothing for nearly four months (from May to August) my score used to hover between 82 - 87.

      Now I notice wild swings... I know my score will jump to 78 tomorrow (73 + 5). But again it will fall and it will make a new bear market low!

    3. Debby Bruck profile image67
      Debby Bruckposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Lisa ~ Wow! A huge list of possible "ifs" as the cause for a drop in score. That tells me we really don't have a clue. With so many variables, how can anyone know what to do to improve the situation? Like you said, let everything settle down with some basic activity of one hub per day, a few comments on other hubs, a couple of interactions in the forum.

      Going into the sandpit sounds interesting - I don't ever go there.

      I hope all of this improves your score.

      1. Lisa HW profile image61
        Lisa HWposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Debbie, we don't know (and I SURELY don't know); and nobody wants us to know, because they don't want people gaming the system.  That's why, though, there's no point worrying a whole lot about the ups and downs of scores, as long as nothing extremely drastic goes on with them.

        I just do my thing on here and  (in spite of not being able to help but notice some things over time, at least when it comes to my own "doings"), I don't pay a lot of attention to the scores.  Traffic - yes.  Scores - no.  Beyond just going with what HP suggests people do (as far as writing, community participation, etc. go), scores aren't within our control.  As far as I've ever seen, just doing your thing and being genuine about any participation works, just the way HP tells people it will (unless, of course, some perfectly innocent, but bored, individual has some free time and participates so much he looks spammy  lol  ).

        1. Randy Godwin profile image61
          Randy Godwinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I certainly don't think participation on the forums or other activity here would make one's score drop drastically.  Otherwise, my score would be much lower. smile

          1. Lisa HW profile image61
            Lisa HWposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Maybe it's a coincidence, but I've sure noticed that if I do more than my usual activity on the forums (and particularly that time I did a lot of extra commenting on Hubs) the score goes down.  If I stay away for a day or so, or at least keep to only a post or two it's back up.  Again, I'm not saying I know for a fact that increased activity amounts to making a person look like a spammer; but maybe there's something with unusual activity for any particular Hubber?  Again, maybe a coincidence; but I always pretty much know that if I spend too much time on the forums I can count on seeing the drop a couple of points (and if I stay away for little while it goes back up).  hmm  OR, maybe it's something like writing a Hub AND being on the forums more than usual - all in a short time.

            Something else could be that your 100 score could be more solid than, say, mine.  Maybe each person's "combination of things" that go into a score hold up better.  Oh well, I'll never know.  No point keeping guessing.  smile

            1. Randy Godwin profile image61
              Randy Godwinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              We'll never know for sure, Lisa!  I usually have to publish a new hub to get my score to 100, but not always.  smile

  10. Xenonlit profile image60
    Xenonlitposted 12 years ago

    Mine has dipped because I haven't had time to read, comment and do as much other activity recently.

  11. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago


    We want andycool at 75+. big_smile

    1. profile image0
      andycoolposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I never took HP that seriously... I know the site is not built on honesty. I wouldn't care if my hubberscore falls below even 50... everything's possible here for making profit as usual. big_smile

  12. Xenonlit profile image60
    Xenonlitposted 12 years ago

    Darn! I wish I had read this before I took time to catch up on all of the forums! I'm out of here.  yikes

  13. Pcunix profile image92
    Pcunixposted 12 years ago

    I know.  It sometimes seems to me like forum activity drops Hubbber Score.  I was 100 a week or so ago and am 95 now.

    But in my case, I figured I had just ticked off enough people (no joking at all) that a whole bunch had gone and voted my hubs down, reported me for rudeness and so on, but Lisa certainly is never caustic, so if she sees that, maybe they just mark you down for being too active.

    And maybe that makes sense, too.  Too many posts in the same thread might indicate an argument.

    Who knows?  it goes up, it goes down.  It's like the statements on our investments.  I barely even look at them anymore because they go up, they go down and they never change enough to matter.

  14. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago

    Andy's op is 3 hours old. Still no change from 73. Tough town, the internet. big_smile

    1. profile image0
      andycoolposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      big_smile This is the new bear market low... and this will halt for some more time before bouncing back towards 78 on short covering! Then this will stay there for some time before plunging to make a new low! wink

  15. SunSeven profile image59
    SunSevenposted 12 years ago

    Hi Andy,

    I think its because all your Tattoo hubs have a link ( to the same domain.
    Remove that link from the hubs and see what happens.

    Best Regards

    1. profile image0
      andycoolposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks SunSeven! That's not true... the link was used in my last 10 or so hubs. Before that the low was 76 and the range was 76 - 85. Bull case when I publish new hubs. For example if I publish couple of new hubs the score would touch even 82 from here. I guess it would touch 80 within 24 hours because of my today's forum participation. But eventually it will make a new low for sure unless the trend changes! smile

      1. paradigmsearch profile image60
        paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        10 hubs? She may be on to something...

        1. profile image0
          andycoolposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          "(S)he may be on to something" - no sir, honestly! smile I didn't violate HubPages TOS anyway... you could see that, my hubs are very clearly published like the brightest scorching Sun of the summer.

          1. Pcunix profile image92
            Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            No, not violating, but you might not necessarily have to violate to affect your score.

          2. psycheskinner profile image83
            psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I think you should consider this theory. the hard rule is a max of two links per hub, but I think links to the same site from multiple hubs can count against you even though it is not strictly against the rules.

            1. profile image0
              andycoolposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Thanks! But before I started to incorporate the link in some of my hubs, the hubberscore did plunge upto 76... like I said. That's therefore certainly not true! But I didn't mind because it was above 75 and I was making money. Still the tattoo hubs are making 90% of my earnings. Today I'm reacting because it came down below 75 for the first time after crossing 75 just after joining HP. The whole process started right after I started to write on the topic tattoos.

              1. psycheskinner profile image83
                psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                And now you are 73... so it may not be helping....

              2. Pcunix profile image92
                Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Well, as I said, that subject has a very negative effect on many..  People might be voting them down in the Hopper.

                They shouldn't do that.  If you don't like the subject matter, you should just skip over it.

                But that doesn't mean they wouldn't.

    2. Pcunix profile image92
      Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Good eyes.. That could well be it!

  16. SunSeven profile image59
    SunSevenposted 12 years ago

    I thought its worth a try.
    Sorry, if it didn't help.

  17. Jason Menayan profile image60
    Jason Menayanposted 12 years ago

    I agree. Linking to the same domain over and over again can depress your HubScore. Why not remove those links? (Are you being compensated for linking to that site? Your sensitivity to a Hubber Score of 75 suggests making the links follow is important to you.)

    1. profile image0
      andycoolposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Please tell me clearly if linking to the same domain over and over shall depress my Hubber Score... if yes you guys should know because your programmers write the algorithm. Sorry, no place of can depress here. And certainly it is not important to me. You should know that the site does not provide any affiliate marketing advantage or any other advantage related to that kinds of purposes. Please don't make baseless comments! And this is my last comment in this thread to prove that I'm only sensitive because less than 75 means less reputation... clear?

      I'll not remove the links and let's see whether my Hubber Score stays permanently below 75! This will also prove what you're claiming is true or not but in the opposite way! Thanks for showing your true color. Ciao!

      1. paradigmsearch profile image60
        paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        He already did!?!

      2. Pcunix profile image92
        Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        No, it doesn't just mean less reputation.  If your score is too low, your links become nofollow.

        1. profile image0
          andycoolposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          And you know PC they've just unpublished my three hubs as a penalty. Why, because they contain pixelated images... just before this post they were just fine! But the truth must be told.

          They're today's Hitler & Co. and either you should obey them or your hubs will get unpublished. Currently I've 77 published hubs from 80... I believe the number will reduce further for committing this offence. big_smile

          Edit: One of the three unpublished hubs contains duplicate content. It's been there for nine months. Suddenly mods find it's containing duplicate content.

          My Hubber Score is stand still at 73 even after 16 hours of starting this thread! Manually Operated.

          1. Pcunix profile image92
            Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            You are paranoid.

            Nobody is out to get you.

    2. American View profile image60
      American Viewposted 12 years agoin reply to this


      Not on this topic but why does HP staff not return emails or address questions on hubs? I have sent 5 emails on one of my hubs with concerns over a watermarked picture on one of my hubs. Perhaps you can pass it on. Thanks

      1. Jason Menayan profile image60
        Jason Menayanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        The support team has emailed you several times - I can see that in your history. The last was 3 days ago.

        If you wrote them recently, please note that it can take up to 72 hours to receive a reply, depending on the volume of emails they receive.

  18. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago

    Somewhere in somewhere is the statement that same links in multiple hubs is a no-no. I think you've got the answer! Bite the bullet and kill them! I'm reasonably sure at this point. I could be wrong. big_smile

    1. Debby Bruck profile image67
      Debby Bruckposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You guys give such great advice. Bless you for helping out those in need.

  19. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago

    I had not seen Jason Menayan's post when I posted previous. That is that. You are home free. big_smile

  20. psycheskinner profile image83
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    Dude, we know it can happen because we've helped people before who found out that was why they were being penalized.  So yes, it does happen for that reason.

    It may not be your only or main problem, but it is something that other people have found depressed their score.

    Good luck solving your problem, especially with that attitude.

    1. lobobrandon profile image88
      lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Just a thought - Why has my score crashed from 89 to Hmm what's it now 81? In just 24 hours!!

      My traffic has decreased 50% compared to three days back but it's up 76% compared to my usual. So what's the problem?

      You can't say that I'm not participating in the forums or Q&A as all here will know that I've been here a bit too much sad
      I came to check my earnings and found my score dangerously crashing. I wasn't supposed to be in the forums till Jan 7th or 8th but this made me come back - let me know what you'll think - check it out again over dinner 12 hours from now big_smile

      1. Cagsil profile image71
        Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        YOU are not suppose to be here? roll

        1. lobobrandon profile image88
          lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Yup I said bye got my exams - I'm having my breakfast so I'm on now!
          The highest I reached was 89 I've been there a couple of times including yesterday but the massive crash!! Oh!!

        2. rmcrayne profile image93
          rmcrayneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          The wolf who cried exams smile

      2. Lisa HW profile image61
        Lisa HWposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        lobobrandon, just another thought, though:  I've definitely noticed that my score is often at its best or close-to-best when my traffic is at its worst.  hmm  That's not a time or two here or there.  That's as often as having the score at its best and also having higher traffic, at least for me.  The mystery continues when it comes to Hub Scores.....

        1. lobobrandon profile image88
          lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Hmm.. But now it's stabilized of 80 luckily and hopefully it just goes up and not down.

  21. stevencruiser profile image60
    stevencruiserposted 12 years ago

    Thanks a lot for suggestions.I am new here,so try to increase my score with these tips.

  22. skyfire profile image79
    skyfireposted 12 years ago

    I don't know most of the hubbers here will agree with me but after panda update nofollow/dofollow stuff hardly matters. They have manual review and commercial result boosting algorithm in place now. Any high traffic you get from Google without being a brand is bonus for you. Just my 2 cents.

    1. Pcunix profile image92
      Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I won't argue.  Where are Misha, Hoggan and Knowles when we need them for a bitter fight to the death?


  23. Pearldiver profile image68
    Pearldiverposted 12 years ago

    I think it's probably your continuous Mixed Messages that ooze from that Avatar! smile

  24. Trsmd profile image58
    Trsmdposted 12 years ago

    After number of months my hubs ore has now came down below 75...wondering what happened for this downs ore..

  25. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago

    35 hours and andycool's score still hasn't budged from 73.

  26. profile image0
    andycoolposted 12 years ago

    Now my score is permanently below 75 (range 62 - 68), which is apparently impossible without human intervention. They've snatched away my 5 accolades and unpublished 5 hubs. I applied this trick to understand if HubPages is the right place to put my effort for the long run. And it worked.

  27. psycheskinner profile image83
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    The system is automated, to work out what you are being penalized for--you first need to ditch the persecution complex

    1. profile image0
      andycoolposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      "What you are being penalized for" - are there any mention in the TOS for such penalty? Please provide me the link.

      "The system is automated" - how can you be so sure? Are you an insider?


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