Why was my account BANNED from HubPages?

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  1. ABeautifulMind profile image60
    ABeautifulMindposted 13 years ago

    I was under the account hroger.hubpages.com for more than one year. It had been almost 2 months since I had written my last hub. One morning I wake up to check on my account and noticed that all my hubs had been unpublished due to my account being banned.

    I haven't received a reply from them for the messages I have sent them. I was never sent any warnings or violation messages which could have led to my account being banned. I am lost and wondering why was my account banned? After almost one year my account was finally seen a good change in traffic and it was a great feeling.

    I need help! This is probably a mistake! Even Google ADSENSE, sends to their users a reason for banning their accounts. What makes HubPages so good, that they have the right to ignore me, just because I am one among so many!

    It had been almost 2 months since my last Hub! I had no violations marked in my account! I never received a violation warning on the whole year that I was a member! Except for one Hub, which was unpublished it and I left it there.. completely unpublished!

    Can someone tell me what happened? Am I allowed to continue on other accounts? Will this account be banned as well? I never acted on the forums or hubs with more than one account. I have always used hroger.hubpages.com and I truly don't know what happened!

    1. Trsmd profile image58
      Trsmdposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Same thing you have asked as question and I have answered there..just for your information..

    2. Marisa Wright profile image84
      Marisa Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It sounds like messages from HubPages are being marked as spam - so you didn't get any of the warning emails, and now you're not getting any replies. 

      Make sure team @ HubPages is added to your contacts list (or whatever you need to do on your particular email to ensure you get the emails). 

      The TOS did change about a year ago - if you weren't on the forums you may have missed some of the changes, some of which weren't even announced (because they were classed as a "tightening" of existing rules, not a new rule).  You're not alone in having your account unpublished without warning - it may just be that you managed to fly under the radar for a bit longer than most.

      1. Jason Menayan profile image61
        Jason Menayanposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Everyone should be really careful about doling out advice about why a user's account was banned. In every case unless you are 100% confident, you should ask them to contact our moderation team, because, in almost all cases, they have been having a discussion with the moderation team anyway (they might not tell you that).

        No one has ever been banned without warning - despite what they might have told you - and the violations are rarely what the banner user will publicly admit to, even when our moderation team has told them why. Very often, banned users lie about it to curry public sympathy.

        1. profile image0
          Motown2Chitownposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          What a brilliant piece of advice, Jason.  All of what you've said are the reasons I tend to stay out of conversations such as this one.

          Thanks for sharing such a reasoned response with the group.

  2. rmcrayne profile image93
    rmcrayneposted 13 years ago

    Did you verify what email your banned account is linked to, and check your email on that address?  I'm sure HubPages did not ban your account with no warning.

  3. sofs profile image72
    sofsposted 13 years ago

    I am not sure if anyone can reply to your question meaningfully as your hubs are not there to guess and tell what could have gone wrong. The warning on your hubs, the email from the staff (check your spam folder) etc. could tell you more about this. Contact Team@hubpages if you really need to sort this out. Best wishes.

    1. ABeautifulMind profile image60
      ABeautifulMindposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I just took all of your advices, I went through my folders and junk mail..  and I have no warning or notices from them. I never even received a violation on my hubs and I only had about 90 hubs published. I really don't understand what happened.

  4. Dame Scribe profile image55
    Dame Scribeposted 13 years ago

    Changes were made to the TOS hmm you might want to review the changes and see if your articles violated the new rulings sad or maybe a bad promotion effort on your part? hope there's a resolution for you soon.

  5. WriteAngled profile image82
    WriteAngledposted 13 years ago

    I found two of your hubs in Google's cache. I'm guessing you may have violated the minimum of 50 words per Amazon product rule. This was brought in last year and applied retrospectively to all hubs.

    I don't understand why you had no notification, unless, as suggested above, you set up your account with a different email and forgot about it.

  6. relache profile image66
    relacheposted 13 years ago

    Marisa, you are replying to a user who has been banned.


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