New to Hubpages-- Advice?

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  1. hbentleymom profile image61
    hbentleymomposted 12 years ago

    I am new to Hubpages. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to get going and well anything Hubpages related really! Thanks.

    1. Healthy Pursuits profile image81
      Healthy Pursuitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome! You'll save yourself a lot of headaches if you read the tutorials thoroughly. Happy writing!

    2. Dubuquedogtrainer profile image60
      Dubuquedogtrainerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome! I'm new here too as of about 2 1/2 months ago. My word of warning to you, based on my experience here that I have learned the hard way and wish someone would have shared with me is stay away from the forums and the Q & A - too many trolls! Rather, focus your efforts on writing! Also, think twice about allowing others to contact you via email because usually the trolls will take advantage of that and harass the hell out of you! Other than that, the user-friendly nature of posting hubs here is nice, as are many of the hubbers, although it may be a difficult transition to make, writing without an editor - something that I have been used to for many years. The flip side of that is that you can write about whatever you want and no editor will cut out your most important points! So, there are advantages and disadvantages - but stay away from the forums and the Q & A! A waste of valuable time and energy!

    3. MomsTreasureChest profile image86
      MomsTreasureChestposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Its helpful to write a hub with the basic info you have learned so far. You don't have to publish it.  Then spend time learning exploring other hubs reading the forums etc. then go back and edit your hub based on what you have learned.  Good luck!

  2. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    The nice thing about hubpages is that you can learn as you go smile

    I would suggest just writing nice hubs that are a type you would enjoy reading, and hang out in the forums to pick up more tips.

  3. TomBlalock profile image69
    TomBlalockposted 12 years ago

    That is exactly what I did. Just thought of something I wanted to know how to do once upon a time, and dived into it.

  4. SandyMcCollum profile image64
    SandyMcCollumposted 12 years ago

    Welcome to HP! There are excellent learning hubs in the forums, take some time to cruise the site, see what's here and what is/isn't allowed. Then hop on and enjoy the ride. No purely personal stuff, it has to be informational cuz HP isn't a blog. Have fun and write on!

  5. internetgeek profile image60
    internetgeekposted 12 years ago

    Tips and advices for New Hubbers:-

    1. Write quality Hubs (quality is better than quantity). This is the most important factor to be considered for your Hubs to be read more number of people, because if  you have written quality Hubs more people will like to read more Hubs from you. This will indeed increase traffic to your Hubs.

    2. Write Hubs on things which you are interested in, this will help you to write constantly and effectively. By doing so you will have more clear idea of what you are writing, this will explore more chances of your Hubs to be interesting.

    3. Use proper grammar and format your Hub effectively, if your Hub seems to well written and formatted, then it will increase your chances that the reader may want to check out more Hubs from you and thereby increasing your Hubs traffic.

    4. Share your Hubs on social networking sites like Pinterest, Stumbleupon, Reddit, Digg, Delicious,  etc,  so that you can gain some traffic to your Hubs.

    5. Engage with other Hubbers by leaving insightful comments, reply to questions you know and join discussions in forums that you are interested in.

    6. If you read any Hub and you found it to be interesting, then follow the Hub author, so that you get to read more interesting Hubs from him/her.

    7. If you are not using your own images, then don't forget to give proper credits to the actual copyright person. For example if  you are using an image from Google images then provide proper source name and source URL (you can get the source URL by right clicking on the image and then selecting "copy image location").

    8. Create referral links in your Hubs, so that you get credit for the users that sign up using your referral links. You can create your referral link using your referral tracker (tracking token). Go to my account, then Earnings and then Referral Trackers. You will see a default tracking token. Just change your referral tracker in the below link with your default tracking token and DO NOT REMOVE UNDERSCORE. You can create this referral link using links capsule.

    9. If you have written couple of Hubs then you should link your Hubs with each other. If any one came across your Hub and if he/she found it useful, then they might want to read more Hubs from you. They may click on your Hubs that you have listed in your Hub. You can do this by using a links capsule and then pasting the URL of your Hub in the link capsule.

    10. Restrain your self from copyright problems. Copyright infringement is a serious problem that needs to be considered, so that you keep your Hubs from being substandard, duplicate content etc. The best to get away from this issue is to use your own content and in the case of images give proper credits to the author. And also it is better to right copyright message on your Hub wherever you may feel useful. You can write copyright message as © year by username. All rights reserved(For example © 2012 by internetgeek. All rights reserved). You can write copyright symbol by holding down Alt and then type 0169 from your Numpad on your keyboard.

    I hope you will find these tips and advices helpful. And finally welcome to Hubpages !

    1. Cyber Scribe profile image73
      Cyber Scribeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome to Hupages, Internetgeek. Great advice from someone who's been here 5 weeks.

      Correction to #7. Don't use copyright images, ever. Use pictures that are free from copyright.

      And #9 Learn to use the groups feature to link your hubs together.

      #11 Write many hubs on a similar topic, then put them together and publish them as a Kindle book.

      #12 Don't only write on one site, but many. Apart from HP, Wizzley is popular right now.

      1. internetgeek profile image60
        internetgeekposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        @Cyber Scribe You have listed out some useful suggestions and Thanks for your kind words smile

      2. Healthy Pursuits profile image81
        Healthy Pursuitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Cyber Scribe, for future reference - have you grouped hubs together to make a Kindle book, or do you know of someone who has? If so, I'm assuming the hubs are deleted from HupPages?

        1. Cyber Scribe profile image73
          Cyber Scribeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Yes I have

          1. Healthy Pursuits profile image81
            Healthy Pursuitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            How are you doing? I have some Kindles up, and the traffic you say...pathetic? I was thinking about taking some short stories off HP and putting them together in one Kindle of short stories, but thought it might not be worth the bother. (Sorry to go off thread here.)

      3. internetgeek profile image60
        internetgeekposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        @Cyber Scribe I have made corrections as per your instructions, check it out. Thank you ! … ew-hubbers

        1. Cyber Scribe profile image73
          Cyber Scribeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          #13 It's against HP rules to advertise your own hubs in the forums

          1. internetgeek profile image60
            internetgeekposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Oh! Is there any way to delete these links ?

  6. hbentleymom profile image61
    hbentleymomposted 12 years ago

    Thank YOu everyone! So much good advice I can't wait to get started.

    1. internetgeek profile image60
      internetgeekposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You are most welcome smile

    2. internetgeek profile image60
      internetgeekposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You are most welcome smile

  7. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image80
    Marcy Goodfleischposted 12 years ago

    Welcome to the site!  Everyone has given you solid advice here.  One thing I wish I'd known is to wait until you have some content before signing up for AdSense.

    I stayed away from the forums at first, because there are indeed some people who make it rough, but then I decided not to let that bother me. The forums are for all of us, and there are great and supportive people here. So if you encounter some who don't play well with others, just move on.

    I hope you enjoy being part of the community!

  8. SmartAndFun profile image97
    SmartAndFunposted 12 years ago

    My advice is to keep writing. I gave up early on and let my account sit for about a year and a half with only a handful of hubs. Give it a good shot before considering giving up. Build your account up to 50 or 60 hubs and then decide whether or not to keep at it or slow down.

    I enjoy the forums, but that's because I limit myself to the few that are mosty "safe." I check out "Need Help? Ask Here," "HubPages Tutorials and Community," "Report a Problem/Suggest A New Feature" and "Hubber's Hangout." I have been known to get sucked in by the others occasionally, but try to keep it to the noncontroversial ones. I like interaction but hate bickering.

  9. profile image0
    PJ_Deneenposted 12 years ago

    People have given some great advice.  I would second the suggestion to try to limit your time in the forums.  Some people enjoy the more controversial religion and politics forums and that's fine.  But if you're here to earn cash and you really want to talk about those subjects, then consider creating hubs about them instead of wasting time going back and forth in the forums.

    People will often publish essay-length comments when they could turn those into hubs with a little more effort, research and thinking in terms of evergreen content instead of just pure opinion.

  10. hazelwood4 profile image68
    hazelwood4posted 12 years ago

    Hi Pj_Densen, My best for you is write about what you  Also, have patience with your new Hubs, this will be the key!  It does take a while to start earning on


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