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Loyalty ~ Measured Allegiance

Updated on July 20, 2013

Loyalty is not merely standing by those you happen to be associated with or supporting a group you find yourself aligned with . . . genuine loyalty is not an essential component of sharing a connection with or owning some manner of correlation with others – true loyalty is a well considered faithfulness to a person, a cause, an idea, that you count deserving of your commitment to defend and promote.

For an introduction to the 'Perspectives:' series and it's writing team, visit ~ "Perspectives: An Introduction"

An Introduction & Apology ~

Speaking is not the same thing as writing, and what I come to HubPages for is to write – however, a minor injury has pressed me to participate in this month’s ‘Perspectives:’ effort with a brief non-typing consideration of our theme, ‘Loyalty’ . . . I have written a short ‘fable’ that follows after the video piece that I hope is illustrative of my own perspective of loyalty, and I hope to return next month with a written hub rather than having to blabber my thoughts all over you, as I do here ~

A Tale Of Loyalty ~

Alaric the oracle: Sire, to secure your enemy’s undoing and advance your own authority over all the land, the runestone Ascendancy Talisman, fashioned by the ancients and lost to The Dark Forest of Keswick, must be recovered.

The King: What enemies do you caution me of? My authority is well set across all lands under my care – what magic need I to rightly rule my own kingdom?

Alaric: My Lord I seek only your best interests . . . among both Dukes and Barons there stirs aspirations, men of station burn to enjoy their increase. Being the King today does not insure your rule tomorrow – the Ascendancy Talisman will.

The King: If this promise of unassailable custody of my throne be lost in The Dark Forrest, why do you beguile me to acquire it?

Alaric: Good King, always undertaking to improve my own station, that I might serve you the better, I have uncovered where the charm rests . . . I’ve spent my eyes in your service, inquiring of the primeval texts. For near four generations the Talisman has veiled itself buried under a single Guelder rose that grows at the end of a path only I have discerned. Solicit Edward the Norman and Henry of Cornwall, campaigners in my charge who have yet to supply me with failure, to The Dark Forrest to search out and return with the assurance of your reign - the Ascendancy Talisman will be yours my Sovereign.

The King: Send for Edward and Henry – and send for Michael the Steadfast as well.

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Michael: My King, I resolutely await your command.

The King: My most dedicated right arm, I have an undertaking for you, and I give Edward and Henry to your charge. Go to Alaric, my seer, he will instruct you on your task and your course – return to me than that which will secure to me the unaccosted supremacy of my rule and grant my people the absolute sanctuary of an protected kingdom.

Michael: My King’s will is my occupation.

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Alaric: Majesty, your paladin and his attendants have returned and stand beyond this chamber, lacking their prize . . . Michael has betrayed you, for many days their path . . .

The King: . . . be keenly wary of your accusations seer, Michael is trusted above all in my kingdom.

Alaric: As you say sire, I cast no charge against him, I only offer testimony of their adventure – my apprentices, Edward and Henry, had the talisman in their hand, they followed my course and recovered the ancient charm, but Michael rebuked their attainment and seized the treasure to promise your dominance, journeyed alone further into the forest and returned with the Ascendancy Talisman again hidden from all – except himself.

The King: Enough. I will hear of this from those I myself charged with this task . . . bring my stewards before me, I would hear their accounting of their labor.

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Henry: You majesty, we did fulfill the task you consigned us to perform – this schemer conspired to disorder our triumph, some spirit of mayhem provoked him to . . .

The King: Michael, always in service to your king, I would hear from you – do these men speak the truth or not?

Michael: My King, they give account of the events suitably, yet when you address me “always in service to your king”, that is the truth which forever guides me. I did indeed return without that which you pledged me to return to you – but I did so in loyal service to my sovereign.

The King: How am I to count you as loyal when these others sought to obey my commands and you thwarted their efforts? How am I to deem you loyal when you stand before me telling me of your designed defiance? What service have you accomplished for your king?

Michael: My King, forgive my boorish tutoring; a king’s authority rest in his rule, not in potions or spells . . . the supremacy of a king resides in the devotion and affection of his people. You were crowned king because you were born to kings – you reign as king because you rule the land with a just and solicitous heart, your interest has not been the advance of your own command but rather your interest has been the use of your command to advance the good will and estate of your people.

Sire, when Edward and Henry had possession of the rune token, their errand was not to return it to their king that he might magnify his throne – their errand was to return it to their king that he might magnify them and their own station. I serve my king because I love my king, I love my king because I love this land . . . I serve my king best as I aid him to best serve his subjects. My loyalty is to you . . . not to your fears and doubts and foul suspicions – my loyalty to my king is to him as king, as the protector and benefactor of the land who is confirmed as king, not by trickery or enchantment, but by the willing submission of his subjects. My King, your retribution will not be more than I can abide, I am your loyal servant.

The King: Retribution would surely prove me to be a king unworthy of such loyalty as this. Reward, not retribution, is an insufficient payment for the duty you have so splendidly performed for your king . . . may this land forever have one such as Michael at the right hand of every king. These others may have an appearance of loyalty, but you, Michael, risk all to practice that loyalty that is selfless, that is in genuine service of others . . . loyalty that when called upon, serves truth.

We are delighted to welcome our guest contributor this month is ~


Previous 'Perspectives:' by MickeySr

Vanity ~ The Romance Of The Vain

What Don't You Know ~ I Don't Know Who I'm Going To Talk To

Knowing Your True Self ~ The Emperor's Old Clothes

Gratitude ~ Oy, What A Week I'm Having

Regret & Hope ~ Press On


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