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Nibiru Planet X June 2, 2013 Polar Shift Puts Earth on Red Alert

Updated on June 1, 2013


Volcanoes create instant climate change however by isolating these events it prevents the sheeple from making the obvious connections to rising sea levels and tectonic plate movement.
Volcanoes create instant climate change however by isolating these events it prevents the sheeple from making the obvious connections to rising sea levels and tectonic plate movement. | Source


Predicting apocalyptic cataclysms is all well and good if you're writing a book or promoting a movie but for the average writer simply learning to decipher the current news works just as well. In this article Nibiru Planet X June 2, 2013 Polar Shift Puts Earth on Red Alert, I will show my readers just how easy it is for the public to learn to read between the lies being dished out to the masses on a daily basis through our mainstream news media and learn the truth for themselves.

I try to stay away from predicting world events for the simple reason that I have no fore-knowledge of them through any spiritual connection to the Akashic Records, Channeling or Divine Intervention. However by using critical thinking combined with a vast knowledge on many related subjects due to thirty years of research and reading, I can safely imagine scenarios that are coming true today.

Whether it be on the Internet, Books or TV, a great deal of disinformation on the subject of Nibiru Planet X and the Polar Shift is now abundant, making it difficult for the average reader to filter through the information and decide for themselves the truth.

In my opinion the single most important factor is learning to trust your heart while recognizing that mind control is being used through conditioning and fear to confuse, distract and mislead the public at large. Recognizing that there is a concerted effort to mislead the public is paramount in realizing how far The Powers That Be will go to censor information and spread disinformation.

The emotion of Fear is the strongest motivating tool used to spread and promote this disinformation campaign.

  • Fear is used by trolls on the internet to ridicule information and distract readers.

  • Fear is used by the Mainstream News Media in television to distract viewers from questioning the important parts of the story often left out or downplayed.

  • Fear is used by writers to sensationalize events to prevent their readers from recognizing and making basic conclusions.

  • Fear is used in Movies to tell stories of apocalyptic events and scenarios that could potentially wipe out mankind.

The fear of being wrong or believing information that might alter the publics world view has been used over and over again throughout history to distort the publics conception of the facts and hide the truth. That being said let's look at some of the tactics used to distort the truth and confuse the public.

NASA Simulation of Nibiru Planet X

Trolls vs Truth Seekers

Another concept that must be explored is how trolls often will sign up for a site such as Hub Pages merely to attempt to debunk, trash and create dissension among writers and their followers to spread fear and disinformation.

Take for instance the person calling themselves TexasTruthTeller, here is a person claiming insider information on the topic of Nibiru whom recently became a member of Hub Pages (5 months ago) and yet has written ZERO articles detailing this so-called vast insider information. Obviously this person has no intentions of ever writing an article and only signed up to trash the articles of writers serious about sharing the truth.

On the flip side of that same coin we have other people willing to sign up to Hub Pages (without publishing any articles) that are inclined to share their version of the truth with others and add insightful information to stories, such as Stan243 that joined 9 months ago. Stan243 has left many links to stories that have only made the local news in Australia, where he lives, as a way of keeping me informed on topics I may have missed.

Trolls vs Truth Seekers

Should people be allowed to sign up to Hub Pages and become members if all they have to share is negativity?

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Censorship and Other Tactics

The most obvious way to keep information from reaching the public is to simply censor the subject from radio, newspapers and television stories. This happens far more than reasonably informed people or the 'sheeple' as I will refer to them in this article, believe, mainly because it is very effective.

For instance on the morning of September 11, 2001, a day that is etched into the memory of every adult in America, there was a hurricane the size of Katrina that destroyed much of New Orleans, a mere 70 miles off the coast of Long Island, New York. Not one television news station reported this hurricane for its viewers, except for a lone news station in Ohio that didn't get the memo. To this day, twelve years later almost no one has heard about this huge Hurricane named Erin.

I first learned of Hurricane Erin while reading the book Where Did The Towers Go by Judy Woods a few years back. The point is that when a large majority of America's population or sheeple get their news directly from the TV it becomes very easy to censor any unwanted information from the public.

However another tactic that works equally as well and negates any unpopular negative publicity involved in the term 'censorship' is to simply report the event only locally and not in the national news. This tactic works well to coverup information on many levels and can also be used to flat out lie to the public about many events and story lines, after all the only people that know the difference are the locals and by limiting their ability correct or deny information, they can be silenced.

Another tactic that doesn't get recognized is, reporting events at the end of newscasts, in the back pages of newspapers and in small segments days after the initial event or at the end of articles. This tactic prevents it from becoming headline news, as many people will not watch entire broadcasts or read an entire article, read the back pages of newspapers or be concerned with news that happened days ago.

This tactic is a CYA (cover your ass) maneuver designed to assure that a story of significance is reported, while limiting the amount of sheeple that will have access to it. While these three tactics are fairly commonly employed by the mainstream media, let's see how they apply to a recent story I used to show my readers that indeed sea levels are rising to spread fear and distort the truth.

Conditioning the Sheeple

Pacaya volcano (Guatemala)

As of Friday, May 31, 2013 strong seismic activity suggest that this active volcano in Guatemala shows that tectonic plate movement in the Caribbean is ongoing and real. However stories of rising sea levels will not make this connection for fear that the public will begin to link seismic activity, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes to sinking coast lines.

By leaving critical information out of stories about rising sea levels it prevents the sheeple from making this obvious connection. The Powers That Be hope to keep all of these related topics isolated as a way of distorting the truth and misleading the public.

Pacaya volcano (Guatemala)

Fear and Distortion

The article Encroaching sea already a threat in the Caribbean on, was used in an article I wrote three weeks ago titled Nibiru Planet X, May 11, 2013 Rising Sea Levels, Collapsing Buildings and Extreme Weather details how rising sea levels have impacted Caribbean island nations.

While the famous Zeta Talk site just recently picked up the story to further emphasize its' many predictions of rising sea levels, by learning to decipher the news based on Polar Shift information this story is already 'old news' to this author.

The article blames the rising sea levels solely on Climate Change and storm surges, never once mentioning the increased Earth Wobble, sloshing oceans, sinking coastlines or tectonic plate movement which are the true reasons many of the world's coast lines are being flooded.

The story uses fear to spread disinformation on the true reasons that sea levels are rising by naming Nobel Prize winning sources for the story. It quotes statistics of people killed from hurricanes and storms as a way of distracting readers from the truth. Loss of income and statistics of people being made homeless is just another tactic the MSM uses to prevent it's readers from learning the truth.

Not once in the entire story is volcanic activity or earthquakes mentioned, nor is the fact that as sea levels rise the rivers that flow into the sea have no place to go and back flow with salt water, over flowing their banks. A little bit of the truth is revealed at the very end of the article, because the writer knows that very few people will read the entire article.

"It's hard now. Already our plants are getting burned by the salt water coming up the river," Charles said in her village, framed by Grenada's rugged hills. "I can't really imagine what the future will hold."

Sunken cities that have been located beneath the waves in the Caribbean show that this region of the world has succumb to Pole Shifts in the past and yet this fact is never mentioned when discussing rising sea levels in the area. The fact that many active volcanoes and large earthquakes are now present in this region is never mentioned as one of the main reasons for sinking coast lines and rising ocean levels.

As a matter of fact a quote from a major property owner (Peter De Savary) in the country of Grenada is used to downplay the seriousness of the situation.

"If the sea level rises a foot or two it really doesn't make any difference here in Grenada because we have beaches that have a reasonably aggressive falloff," De Savary said. "If the water gets a few degrees warmer, well, that's what people come to the Caribbean for, warm water, so that's not an issue."

As if a rich elitist making millions off tourism and the use of cheap labor is suddenly an expert on such matters. This quote is used to reassure rich tourist that may have second thoughts about visiting the area on their vacations.

This is just one of dozens of stories on the internet and on television that show that the Earth's Wobble and the Polar Shift is in fact real and ongoing. While it is easy to visit Zeta Talk and other sites that claim insider information of the presence of Nibiru Planet X in our solar system and the impact it is having on our Earth, once the public is armed with the basic concept of the increased Earth Wobble and Polar Shift it becomes child's play to decipher the news and learn the truth.


Homeowners can't figure out why their homes are sinking and yet the subdivision has experienced 38 earthquakes in the last month alone and over 80 in the last year.
Homeowners can't figure out why their homes are sinking and yet the subdivision has experienced 38 earthquakes in the last month alone and over 80 in the last year. | Source

Sinking Feeling

Because the connection to rising sea levels and tectonic plate movement has been kept out of the MSM, homeowners are getting the sinking feeling they're being lied to.
Because the connection to rising sea levels and tectonic plate movement has been kept out of the MSM, homeowners are getting the sinking feeling they're being lied to. | Source

Other News

Let's take a look at some other interesting 'news' stories that don't quite add up . . .

  • In New Zealand's capitol of Wellington the Smithsonian Magazine (online) reports that this city has been experiencing a magnitude 7 earthquake for the last five months, however it goes on to say that it is nothing to worry about and quite natural. If this isn't a sign of the ongoing Polar Shift I really don't know what is!

  • Chile and Argentina have recently issued mandatory evacuations in the region surrounding the Copehue Volcano as a precautionary measure due to the seismic activity in the area. Chile is a country with over 3,000 volcanoes of which 500 are active.

  • The asteroid 1998 QE2 made a close pass of the earth Friday but was not alone as this 1.7 mile planetary body has its own moon. Does anyone else find it increasingly odd that so many asteroids have been in the news in recent months. One landed in Russia in February, while another just recently impacted our Moon last month.

So while the news this week shows many signs that the Polar Shift is happening due to the increase in the Earth Wobble from the presence of Nibiru Planet X in our solar system any connection to this large planetary body is still not being made.

Distorting the Truth

By distorting the truth it prevents the sheeple from making obvious connections to events that have easy explanations. A subdivision in Lakeport, California located just miles from a so-called 'dormant' volcano is sinking and the residents there just can't figure out why.

Officials are blaming the sinking on rising groundwater but this is just a tactic designed to mislead the homeowners and the public at large and to prevent insurance companies for being liable for claims.

Tectonic plate movement is happening all over the world as the Pole Shift escalates with over 3,000 active volcanoes above and below the oceans, massive earthquakes in the Ring of Fire, sinkholes, building collapses, train derailments, landslides, natural gas explosions are all on the rise!

Again the story in Yahoo.News never makes the connection to the many earthquakes in the area and actually eludes to the misconception that because it is happening over time and is not relatively quick it can't be called a sinkhole.

"It's very common for groundwater to shift its course," said Ruppenthal of Utility Services Associates in Seattle. "I think the groundwater has shifted."

While making the reasonable explanation that it is shifting groundwater it prevents homeowners and the public from asking the obvious question as to why the groundwater is shifting in the first place. To introduce fear and further cloud the issue the story quotes a homeowner that suspects evil spirits and that the land is haunted and must be an ancient Native American burial site.

These sinking homes couldn't have anything to do with the 38 earthquakes reported by the USGS in the area in the last month could it? Just in the last 24 hours four earthquakes have been listed by the USGS for this region and yet the story on Yahoo.News never mentions this, could there be a connection?

Let's see now earthquakes move the ground, the ground is what supports the houses' foundations, hence it must be groundwater shifting, gee that must be it. Even if the homeowners have made this connection they would never be quoted in the article, because it then would provide the public the connection to tectonic plate movement.

Lakeport, California

Lakeport, California:
Lakeport, CA 95453, USA

get directions

This region of California has been experiencing a rise in earthquake activity in the last year (over 80)!


So while earthquakes continue to cause damage on an unparalleled scale and some now last five months, asteroids' with their own moons become common everyday occurrences, coast lines continue to sink world wide and towns are being evacuated due to volcanic eruptions don't worry, be happy, because our governments will let us know if there is anything to worry about, yeah right!

Clearly our state and federal officials are on top of all the stories that could affect mankind and would never knowingly lie to us about anything, unless of course it involves the loss of money due to tourism or insurance settlements, that's a different story.

The fear of being redundant not with standing, this complete unwillingness of our public officials to make the obvious conclusions based on relative data available to everyone shows either complete incompetence or a conspiracy to keep the public in the dark about the true reasons our planet is changing so rapidly.

Obviously tectonic plate movement must be occurring for all of these geographical events to be happening now at this time. To fail to make this connection story after story week after week shows a willingness to deceive the public and make a mockery of our intelligence.

You cannot have bridges collapsing, houses sinking, landslides occurring, trains derailing, sinkholes forming, coast lines sinking, rivers flooding, sea levels rising, polar ice melting, buildings collapsing, natural gas lines exploding, earthquakes increasing, volcanoes erupting and roadways and tunnels crumbling without tectonic plate movement.

While the famous website Zeta Talk continues to predict that an official announcement will be made by our current administration to the presence of Nibiru Planet X in our solar system, my question is why should they if the public continues to believe these absurd explanations for all the extreme weather and geographical upheavals?

My contention is that if anyone is willing to continue to believe these ridiculous explanations are they really worth saving?

I have endeavored for the last two years to show mankind the obvious signs that Nibiru Planet X is here now and is not so much conspiracy fodder as many claim but I grow weary of explaining the obvious over and over again to an indifferent public. This article Nibiru Planet X June 2, 2013 Polar Shift Puts Earth on Red Alert maybe one of the last I write on Hub Pages as I have found that it truly falls on deaf ears and eyes that are unwilling to see.

However I will leave you with this video below that shows without a doubt that the Earth Wobble has changed dramatically.

Earth Wobble Change


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