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Nibiru Planet X December 30, 2012 The Dance of Planets and the Polar Shift

Updated on February 1, 2015

Nibiru Planet X

Nibiru Planet X is here and the sooner we recognize it the sooner we can prepare for it.
Nibiru Planet X is here and the sooner we recognize it the sooner we can prepare for it. | Source

Second Sun?

Recently released diagrams on the site Zeta Talk show how the planets in our solar system are reacting to Nibiru Planet X's orbit of our Sun. In this article Nibiru Planet X December 30, 2012 The Dance of Planets and the Polar Shift we will review how Nibiru Planet X's orbit around our Sun is affecting the Earth and the continued Polar Shift of our planet.

The coverup of Nibiru Planet X continues to keep the public guessing but just recently ordinary citizens revealed startling new evidence that it is here and is the reason for all of the unusual weather and tectonic plate movement we are experiencing world wide.

In the video to the right Amateur Astronomer Sees Nibiru, Planet X, Wormwood for the first Time, start watching around the 7 minute mark, the maker of the video is obviously in love with the sound of his own voice and rambles for about 6 and half minutes before revealing Nibiru Planet X.

This next video shows a beam of light from a second sun lighting up the sky on the opposite side of the horizon from the setting sun. Without the knowledge of Nibiru Planet X in our solar system this would be very difficult to explain.

These are just two examples that ordinary citizens are waking up to the fact that Nibiru Planet X is here and causing the current Polar Shift, extreme weather and increase in tectonic plate movement world wide.

Kojima's Blog

This in depth diagram shows the path of Nibiru Planet X through our solar system.
This in depth diagram shows the path of Nibiru Planet X through our solar system. | Source

Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Earthquakes and volcanic activity has been on the rise in recent months, showing that the Earth's tectonic plates are indeed moving and adjusting to the magnetic force of Nibiru Planet X in our solar system.

Although the Mainstream Media (MSM) have been told not to report this information to the public, some of this information still bleeds through. Let's take a quick look at some of the more extreme earthquakes and volcanic eruptions recently. Volcano News is an excellent site to get more details on these volcanic eruptions.

  • Pacaya Volcano • Guatemala • December 29, 2012 • This volcano is now showing signs that it is becoming active with three explosions on Dec. 28.
  • San Cristobal Volcano • Nicaragua • December 28, 2012 • The eruptions continue to intensify forcing many nearby residents from their homes as ash and gas clouds have become common everyday occurrence.
  • Copahue Volcano • Chile • December 27, 2012 • This active volcano continues to send an ash plume more than 10,000 feet into the atmosphere.
  • Mammoth Mountain (Long Valley Caldera) • United States • December 28, 2012 • Many small earthquake swarms have been reported in the area leading researcher's to believe this region maybe building to volcanic activity.

Many strong earthquakes world wide continue to wreak havoc in nations with poor building code standards such as Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Indonesia, India, the Caribbean and South America.

Diagrams and Dancing Planets

The diagram above shows the orbits of Mercury, Venus, the Dark Twin, the Earth and Nibiru Planet X as they travel through our solar system and helps to explain how this will affect the Earth in the coming months. What is important to note is how the planet Earth will be pulled closer to our Sun during the hours preceding the Pole Shift, inside the orbit of Venus.

The back dot in the diagram is the Earth's twin, a black rock devoid of life, that normally orbits on the same path as Earth (blue dot) just on the completely opposite side of our Sun, which is why we never see it. The public has never been told about this planet but it has been seen as a very faint planet in recent months that many people have mistaken as our Moon. It is currently right behind the planet Earth but because it reflects no light can rarely be seen.

The orbits of Venus, the Dark Twin and Earth are all being affected by Nibiru Planet X as it orbits our Sun and tries to escape our solar system back into the blackness of space on its long journey back to Earth's Binary sun.

Because Nibiru Planet X is a magnetic planet the same as Earth and has a stronger magnetic force than Earth, when it gets pulled closer to our Sun as it leaves our solar system it brings the Earth with it, 30,000,000 miles closer to our Sun. This time will be the days leading up to the Polar Shift and stoppage of the Earth's rotation. As Nibiru Planet X leaves our solar system it will cause the Earth's core to shift dramatically which in turn will cause the Earth's crust or mantel to shift as well.

Because the Earth will be briefly pulled past the orbit of Venus, this planet will grow in size in our skies. Both Venus and the Dark Twin will be released from their retarded orbits and move back into their normal positions.

The Earth will be held stationary in Nibiru Planet X's magnetic grip with the Earth's rotation coming to a stop for three days. One side of the Earth will be in light and the other side in darkness, as it is no longer rotating. As Nibiru Planet X begins to leave our solar system it will jerk the South Pole up 90° causing the Polar Shift.

This time on our planet will cause much confusion as the general public will not be prepared for these events, many will perish in the ensuing chaos and darkness, even before the Pole Shift occurs. This is what The Powers That Be have been with holding from the public, because they fear if the truth were to be revealed many would panic before these events take place and stop going to their jobs, which would cause the infrastructure to breakdown and anarchy would ensue.

Remember those in Power wish to remain there right up to the end when many will retreat to their underground bunkers and other safe havens prearranged and stocked for survival. They hope to keep this information from being recognized as the truth, so that they may reap the benefits of an unaware public, don't let them share this article Nibiru Planet X December 30, 2012 The Dance of Planets and the Polar Shift with others.

Becoming Aware

Have you noticed how many more people are becoming aware of Nibiru Planet X's existence?

See results

Crop Circle 2003

This crop circle shows the alignment of planets when Nibiru Planet X moves 30 million miles closer to our Sun.
This crop circle shows the alignment of planets when Nibiru Planet X moves 30 million miles closer to our Sun. | Source

Nibiru Planet X

Notice the second Sun setting to the right of our Sun low on the horizon. This photo taken in Vancouver, British Columbia October 1, 2003.
Notice the second Sun setting to the right of our Sun low on the horizon. This photo taken in Vancouver, British Columbia October 1, 2003. | Source


While The Powers That Be continue to remain silent about the impending Polar Shift due to Nibiru Planet X in our solar system, it is becoming more accepted by the public as each day passes. If full disclosure doesn't happen soon those in control of the dispersal of information run the risk of being ignored completely once they do let the cat out of the bag.

Thousands of amateur astronomers and ordinary citizens, now that they know what to look for, are capturing photos of Nibiru Planet X everyday and seeing it with their own eyes. Many are no longer denying its existence and are beginning to awaken to it from the sheer mountains of evidence world wide, in the form of extreme weather, sinkholes, natural gas explosions, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other unusual and unexplainable phenomenon in our skies and on the planet.

Stories of ordinary citizens creating safe havens for themselves and others are becoming common place in the news and on the internet. Organizations are being formed to help people become aware of Nibiru Planet X's existence and to help them prepare for the Polar Shift.

The internet has far more credible articles on the subject and of course it is also flooded with disinformation stories as well. All of this shows that mankind is awakening and accepting the reality of Nibiru Planet X and are no longer willing to trust the MSM to report the truth. Even the disinformation articles are important as it allows for the public to distinguish between fact and fiction and enables us to find the truth. It also shows the public how desperate The Powers That Be have become in spreading disinformation on a subject they insist isn't real.

As more and more people recognize the obvious signs that this planet is here now, it becomes easier to share this information such as this article Nibiru Planet X December 30, 2012 The Dance of Planets and the Polar Shift with my readers, thank you for reading!


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