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Nibiru Planet X September 30, 2012 Disclosure of the Apocalypse?

Updated on April 21, 2013

Author's Photos of the Sun

I took this particular photo on Thursday Sept. 27, 2012.
I took this particular photo on Thursday Sept. 27, 2012. | Source
This was taken on Tuesday Sept. 25, 2012 what I find interesting is how closely they match the amateur astronomers photos posted on numerous websites throughout the world.
This was taken on Tuesday Sept. 25, 2012 what I find interesting is how closely they match the amateur astronomers photos posted on numerous websites throughout the world. | Source
Is this what is known as a Moon swirl? Taken on Sat. Sept 22, 2012.
Is this what is known as a Moon swirl? Taken on Sat. Sept 22, 2012. | Source
Taken at the beginning of the week Monday Sept. 24, 2012 this photo shows a clear sphere at the 7 O'clock position with just a hint of others spheres around it.
Taken at the beginning of the week Monday Sept. 24, 2012 this photo shows a clear sphere at the 7 O'clock position with just a hint of others spheres around it. | Source

Apocalyptic Disclosure

From exploding meteors to amateur photographers and even stories on Russian Television of NASA sending satellites to track down Nibiru Planet X begs the question 'Just when will official disclosure of Nibiru Planet X occur? In this article Nibiru Planet X September 30, 2012, Disclosure of the Apocalypse I will discuss just when or if full disclosure will ever take place and some of the evidence pointing to the Polar Shift.

When can we expect governments to begin to react to the news that Nibiru Planet X is here now?

Well, considering the United States Congress has recessed well ahead of its normal time in December and past its normal time in August one could speculate that the rumors of a Presidential announcement on the topic of Nibiru Planet X are true. I would have to say that American Congressmen obviously know something we don't.

The Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970 stipulated a 30-day recess each August, except in time of war.

House Republican Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) announced Friday that after next week, the House will stand in recess until November 13.

A two month vacation, recess what ever you want to call it sounds to me as if they know something the rest of us don't . . . do you get the feeling you are not being told the truth?

Gee folks, as the December 21, 2012 Doomsday scenario draws to a close the US Congress suddenly doesn't want to be in town that is built at or below sea level, basically a swamp. While the President and his cronies are out West campaigning they also are well away from any coastal areas, is this a coincidence?

Recent articles are now saying that rising ocean levels ostensibly due to melting Polar Ice sheets could 'potentially' flood the East Coast (Washington DC), Florida and Gulf Coast States. That coupled with any adjustment from the New Madrid Fault Zone could create major geographical upheavals and flooding along the Eastern Seaboard.

These articles coupled with the US Congress and House of Representatives taking a unexpected two month vacation and thousands of sightings of Nibiru Planet X world wide and here in the US seems a might suspicious to this writer.

I have taken six very interesting photographs of the Sun in the last week and will share them with you and allow you to decide for yourself if they are 'sundogs', 'lens flares', 'swamp gas' or 'weather balloons', of course they could be Nibiru Planet X but don't tell anyone it will be our secret.

Judging on how many of the rich Elite 'In the Know Types' that are left in Washington perhaps they already know?

"Although Congress always ends work in election years to allow members to return home to campaign, this year marks its earliest departure in decades."

Rumors continue on Russian Television of increased activity by government leaders world wide in anticipation of a major announcement by the United States concerning the Nibiru Planet X complex and Polar Shift.

The Red Filter Revolution

All of these photograph were taken at different times of day last week to show the objects near the Sun in different positions.
All of these photograph were taken at different times of day last week to show the objects near the Sun in different positions. | Source

Lifting Treaties

While this may not be some earth shattering news the fact that the US and New Zealand governments are lifting a ban on US warships in the area is a clear sign that New Zealand is anticipating the need for a US military presence.

Could this indicate that the New Zealand government will have a need for the US Navy in the near future perhaps due to the continued Ice melt and ensuing land grab in the Antarctica and or the possibility of the ongoing seismic activity due to Nibiru Planet X and the Polar Shift.

"These changes make it easier for our militaries to engage in discussions on security issues and to hold cooperative engagements that increase our capacity to tackle common challenges," he said.

Land in New Zealand is being bought up by the rich elite of the world such as James Cameron despite the protest of the native people. This should be a clear sign of anyone paying attention that the Southern Hemisphere of the globe will endure the Polar Shift much better than the Northern hemisphere.

Major Earthquakes Last 7 Days

In an attempt to keep abreast of the increase in seismic activity world wide, I have begun listing major earthquakes and or volcanic activity as it occurs, below is just a few of the major increase worldwide.

  • 4.5 JUJUY, Argentina 09-29-2012 • The Eastern side of the Ring of Fire has been experiencing continued activity for moderate to large earthquakes for the last two years.
  • 5.0 SOLOMON ISLANDS 09-28-2012 • Moderate to strong earthquakes reported among the Solomon Island chain is a sign to alert those that live along coastal areas to be prepared for larger events.
  • 6.0 SOLOMON ISLANDS 09-27-2012 • The continued level of alerts due to the strength of these quakes is recommended for people living along the coasts in the Ring of Fire including the continental US.
  • 6.4 ANDREANOF ISLAND, Aleutian Islands, Alaska 09-26-2012 • Although this quake was originally registered at 6.9 to 7.2 it has been downgraded since, a typical USGS maneuver to keep the public from panicking. The volcanoes Cleveland, Iliamna and Little Sitkin all are on a Yellow Advisory Alert due to recent seismic activity.
  • 6.2 GULF OF CALIFORNIA, Mexico 09-25-2012 • Although this quake centered in the Baja Clifornia peninsula did not do any serious damage it is evidence of the continuing stress occurring in the Ring of Fire.


Originally a 6.9 earthquake the USGS quickly downgraded this EQ to keep the panic from panicking.
Originally a 6.9 earthquake the USGS quickly downgraded this EQ to keep the panic from panicking. | Source

Moon Swirl

This is what is referred to as a Moon Swirl which shows  an enlarged image due to light and dust.
This is what is referred to as a Moon Swirl which shows an enlarged image due to light and dust. | Source

1983 WASHINGTON POST Front Page story

This raises many questions and makes one wonder what else has been hidden from the public for so long. Read below part of a front page story in the Washington Post that has gone largely un-recognized by the mainstream media due to the recent cover up and media black out of Nibiru Planet X and the ongoing Polar Shift.

Washington Post
Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered, a front page story

A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite. So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby "protostar" that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through.

"All I can tell you is that we don't know what it is," Dr. Gerry Neugebauer, IRAS chief scientist for California's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and director of the Palomar Observatory for the California Institute of Technology said in an interview.

Since this discovery The Powers That Be have decided that the public cannot be entrusted to behave with composure and so have not been told of the impending Polar Shift and affects the Nibiru Planet X complex of moons and planets is having on our planet.

Certainly the public is entitled to Full Disclosure concerning our immediate health and well being. Now that Nibiru Planet X has become visible even to amateur astronomers and the curious public our public officials run for the hills in the disguise of a two month recess.

Becoming Obvious

Intruder Alert Cap'n, we have incoming. Of course we don't know what it is but at this point would we really trust anyone to tell us?
Intruder Alert Cap'n, we have incoming. Of course we don't know what it is but at this point would we really trust anyone to tell us? | Source

Images from Around the World

These images are just a sample of the thousands that can be found on the internet today.
These images are just a sample of the thousands that can be found on the internet today. | Source
Just look for yourself or grab a camera and a red filter and find your own evidence.
Just look for yourself or grab a camera and a red filter and find your own evidence. | Source
Those in the Southern Hemisphere have a better shot than we do of capturing their own images.
Those in the Southern Hemisphere have a better shot than we do of capturing their own images. | Source

Do We deserve the Truth?

Does the public deserve to be told the truth, despite fears by our government of panic?

See results

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