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Infusion Chelation Therapy Available in the Philippines to Cure Angina, Hypertension and Heart Attack

Updated on August 7, 2014

Infusion chelation therapy is opted instead of angiosplasty or coronary artery bypass surgery

Filipinos go for infusion chelation therapy to cure their angina and eliminate possibility of heart attack

More about the photo. This photo was taken on June 18,2012. (Left to right): Nelson, residing at Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines; Cecilio Tan, residing at Pleasant Village, Los Baños; Eva Data, nutritionist and alumnus of the University of the Philippines Los Baños, residing at Los Baños; Lucille Tan, wife of Cecilio. They are watching on TV a basketball game for the NBA championship between the Oklahoma City Thunders and the Miami Heat. Take note of the three bottles, one for each patient, at the top of photo. Chelation solution, consisting mainly of EDTA (ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetate) drips to an artery through a pediatric needle put in place by medical tapes in the arms. Nelson, Cecil and Eva are outpatients who go home after taking sessions of infusion chelation therapy.

If a person can drive a car going to the clinic for a chelation session, s/he can also drive home after a session in chelation that has no side effect. Infusion chelation therapy controls free radicals and reactive oxygen species, and reverses plaque.


Nelson was suffering from hypertension and frequent episodes of angina. He had one heart attack. He postponed a recommended coronary artery bypass surgery hoping to find an alternative cure. He came over for chelation therapy that he learned about from Eva. He had completed 35 sessions. His angina does not occur anymore unless he exerts himself. His hypertension is already under control. He is now sprightly.

Hypertension is caused by free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) that acts like free radicals. Superoxide, a free radical, reacting with nitric oxide produces peroxynitrite, another ROS thus depleting nitric oxide. Peroxynitrite destroys nitric oxide three times faster than superoxide. Nitric oxide is a messenger that induces the dilation of arteries to allow more blood flow. A depletion of nitric oxide results in constriction of arteries thus increasing hypertension. Worse, superoxide destroys arginine, the precursor of nitric oxide. Free radicals and ROS also harden arteries contributing to hypertension. A normal artery naturally produces nitric oxide. An artery injured by plaque does not produce nitric oxide but leaks iron and copper that accelerate the production of hydroxyl free radical and alkoxy radical, respectively (Cranton, E. MD. Bypassing Bypass. Updated 2nd edition. 1995). To control hypertension, control free radicals and ROS.

Cecil, at the Asian Hospital in Alabang, Muntinlupa, Philippines, had angioplasty with stent (inflating narrowed part of artery with a fine plastic balloon, stent is a fine wire mess serving as prop to widen narrowed part). However, Cecil felt the same symptoms after his first angioplasty; so he was scheduled for another angioplasty. Then he met Eva who told him and his wife about chelation therapy. He canceled his upcoming angioplasty and opted for chelation therapy. At that time he was catching his breath after uttering a few words; he had a bad appetite that he could hardly eat. Also his kidneys had been damaged by 15 drugs prescribed for him to take per day. He can only be given 100 ml of solution per session because his kidneys cannot clear 250 ml per session, the regular dose. His good appetite returned after his first chelation session; his breathing normalized.

Eva had a partial blockage owing to embolism and an episode in arrhythmia (irregular heart beat). She experienced vision blackout and extreme weakness. She was confined in the intensive care unit (ICU) at the HealthServ Medical Center in Los Baños, Laguna. In December last year I related to her my treatment with chelation therapy. She opted for it; she asked me to accompany her to Dr. Estuita who prescribed for her 45 sessions at 250 ml solution per session. Her kidneys could clear 500 ml chelation solution administered at an interval of 2 hours. She completed 45 sessions on June 18.2012. She is back to near normal, with a maintenance of one session per 3 months.

I was given a prognosis as a candidate for coronary artery bypass surgery in April 2002 by a conventional medicine cardiologist. I wanted to control that decision; I looked for alternatives by literature research. Three years into my search I found an alternative: infusion chelation therapy. I then proceeded to look for an internist in the Philippines who had specialized in chelation therapy in the United States. A retired employee of the University of the Philippines Los Baños, referred me to Dr. Arturo V. Estuita, MD, an internist and chelationist. I had hypertension and frequent episodes of angina owing to myocardial ischemia (narrowing of arteries) before starting chelation therapy. I have completed 35 sessions. My hypertension is under control, angina is gone, possibility of heart attack is eliminated. Now I am in a maintenance program.

For more infomation, you may read my several Hubs on heart disease like "A Theory of Heart Disease That Insures Effective Prevention, Treatment and Cure of Heart Disease." My subdomain is About chelation therapy, you may access the Internet with the search entry chelation therapy cranton frackelton

About 30 outpatients per day (Sundays though Fridays) go for chelation therapy at the Estuita Medical Clinic.

New entries as of April 5,2014

Chelation therapy is safe and effective.

These are the findings of a study called "Trials to Assess Chelation Therapy" or TACT. It is a double blind randomized with control study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health of USA at the cost of $US 30 million. It was launched in 2002 and results were presented at a meeting of the American Heart Association held on November 4.2012 held in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Gervasio Lamas, MD, lead investigator, presented the results.

I have a Hub where conclusions and features of TACT are discussed: "USA (National Institutes of Health) Has Announced Chelation Therapy as Safe and Effective."

Hubs on chelation therapy by conradofontanilla:


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