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Mao Tse-tung, Former Chairman of China, Died of Heart Attack Owing to Smoking Cigars

Updated on August 30, 2014

Several medicinal plants, like noni, are antioxidants that can catch poisons in tobacco

Most likely, poisons in cigars sent Mao Tse-tung (Mao Zedong) earlier to death

Mao Tse-tung led China from being cut up by the West, including the United States, driving out the invaders and rebuilding China as a world power. China was a kingdom as described by Marco Polo until Russia, France, Portugal, Great Britain, and Germany grabbed territory by means of Unequal Treaties, facilitated by the building of railroads. The US, as an emerging imperialist, came in asserting the Open Door policy and allied with the feudal rulers of China led by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. Chiang was driven out of the mainland who, together with loyalists and the American military consisting of 153,000 at its peak, took refuge in Formosa, now called Taiwan. At the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949, Mao declared: "We have stood." He did not fall from a bullet but fell from the attack by enemies in his cigars.

Mao smoked cigars

There were sporadic reports of Mao’s heart problem, bronchitis and smoking cigars. It is most likely that his heart problem and bronchitis were caused by the poisons (radiation and free radicals) in tobacco.

A few weeks before the visit of US Pres. Richard Nixon to China, Mao (Chairman of China) was hospitalized for bronchitis. Mao consented to physical therapy to be able to regain strength so that he could receive Pres. Nixon in his forthcoming visit to China in February 1972.

This visit was paved by the ping pong diplomacy initiated by Nixon and brokered by Henry Kissinger who was then the presidential adviser on national security. Kissinger made secret visits to China before this formal rapprochement between the United States and People’s Republic of China (PRC).

This rapprochement would end the Cold War between the US and China; settle the international dispute over Taiwan and diplomatic impasse over Chiang Kai-shek, leader of Taiwan; pave the way for trade between China and the US.

The personal meeting between Nixon and Mao in February 1972 confirmed to the community of nations the status of Mao as leader of PRC and the nationhood of PRC. Nixon and Mao signed treaties that enumerated the differences between the two nations, among others.

”… However, no one in the U.S. party knew how close Mao had been to death only days before the visit. A few weeks before Nixon arrived, he had been suffering from heart problems and lung infection which he had refused to allow his doctors to treat until February. Mao, for whom the President’s visit would confirm China’s ‘equal;’ position in the world of nations, was eager to meet with Nixon. As a result, he conceded to undergoing physical therapy so he could walk and be in a condition to receive visitors. Although he could barely speak and was bloated from edema, Mao nevertheless surprised his close adviser by summoning Nixon soon after his arrival on the morning of 21 February. Although Mao had nearly died, Nixon and Kissinger were only told that he had been suffering from bronchitis” [Burr, W. editor. The Kissinger Transcripts. 1999:59]

The following year, in February 1973, Kissinger had another meeting with Mao. What transpired in regard to Mao's health is as follows:

“Kissinger received his summons to Mao’s villa late in the evening while he and Zhou Enlai were meeting. At that time, the Chairman’s health was substantially better than a year earlier, but he was still recovering ; later in the year, Kissinger would report that Mao ‘looked much healthier and thinner than in February….”[Same source as above:85-86].

Chairman Mao: (As he headed toward his chair.) I don’t look bad, but God has sent me an invitation” [Same source as above: 87].

“…(Chairman Mao, smoking a cigar, offers cigars to Dr. Kissinger and Mr. Lord who decline.)” [Same source as above:89]

Chairman Mao: I once had a discussion with a foreign friend … I said that we should draw a horizontal line … the U.S. Japan - Pakistan – Iran, (Chairman Mao coughs badly.) – Turkey and Europe” [Same source as above:94].

Kissinger responded to Mao. As he was talking….

“(Chairman Mao lights his cigar again.)” [Same source as above]

Again when Kissinger was talking….

“(Chairman Mao relights his cigar.)” [Same source as above:98]

As they were saying their good byes, Mao said:

“Chairman Mao: That would be all right with me. I’m not afraid of anything. Anyway, God has sent me an invitation.”) [Same source as above:101].

That was the second time during this meeting that Mao mentioned about an invitation from God.

SOURCE: Date and time: Saturday, February 17,1973, 11:30 P.M. Sunday February 18,1973, 1:20 A.M.

Place: zhungnanhai, Chairman Mao’s Residence Beijing People’s Republic of China. (Burr, W. editor. The Kissinger Transcripts. 1999).

I once smoked for 14 years and I know what is meant by addiction to cigarettes. On the average I consumed half a pack of cigarettes a day. Smoking is considered mild addiction. In 1990 I had a fit of hard coughing accompanied by phlegm expectoration. I knew that smoking was the immediate cause. I realized that i was hosting the enemy. I made the period of my medication as a withdrawal period from smoking. I quit smoking. It was only in 2003 that I learned cigarette smoke contains free radicals that cause heart disease and cancer, for that matter. Free radicals cause a lot of diseases that is called degenerative disease or non-communicable disease by conventional medicine.

In 1993 I felt skip beats (irregular) of my heart. In 2002 I was confined in a hospital owing to hypertension. I requested for a two-dimensional electrocardiography. It was found that my heart muscles are healthy but there are some occlusions in my coronary arteries. My cardiologist gave me a prognosis: "he is a candidate for cardiac surgery."

In 2012, when I was doing literature research for my Hub "How Free Radicals and Radiation In Cigarette Smoke, Not Tar, Cause Heart Disease and Cancer" i learned how polonium 210 and lead 210 decay. In 2005 yet I already read about these radioactive materials in tobacco from the book of Dr. Cranton (Cranton, E. MD. Bypassing Bypass. Updated second edition. 1995). However, Dr. Cranton did not elaborate how radiation like X-rays also initiate mutation that results in cancer and heart disease. Recently, Melpor posted a Hub "The Radioactive Polonium In Leaves of Tobacco" giving more details on how Wilma E. Hunt of the Harvard School of Public Health found polonium in cigarette smoke in 1964 yet.

Heart disease can be caused by either free radicals or radiation that initiates a benign tumor, called atheroma, in the inner wall of the artery. More of this below.

I have not found reports if Mao knew of the bad side effects of smoking cigars or that he was told smoking was the cause of his heart disease and bronchitis. But his smoking cigars during his meetings with Kissinger shows addiction.

In 1975, Nixon had resigned as president owing to the Watergate scandal. Gerald Ford came in as new president of the US. Kissinger was now the new Secretary of State. Kissinger had another meeting with Mao.

Date and time: Tuesday, October 21,1975 6:25-8:05 P.M.

Place: Chairman Mao's Residence, Beijing:

"...Mao, the self-professed warlord and bureaucrat was plainly very ill; Kissinger later observed that 'the willpower to have a two-hour meeting was unbelievable.' While Kissinger must have been gratified that Mao would see him - they had last met in November 1973 - he found the meeting so 'disturbing' that he nearly forgot to make the usual flattering statements. Mao could barely speak and was often far from intelligible, a symptom of Lou Gehrig's disease...." [Burr, W. Editor. The Kissinger Transcripts. 1999:389, emphasis supplied]

"Chairman Mao: ...The small issue is Taiwan, the big issue is the world. (He begins coughing and the nurse comes in to help him)....[Same source as above:391]

"Chairman Mao: We welcome his visit. Do you have any way to assist me in curing my present inability to speak clearly?

"Secretary Kissinger: You make yourself very well understood even so.

"Chairman Mao: This part (pointing to his brain) is working well, and I can eat and sleep. (Patting his knees) These parts are not good. They do not ache, but they are not firm when I walk. I also have some trouble with my lungs. And in one word, I am not well, and majorally (sic) unwell" [Same source as above:393].

According to Kissinger he visited China nine times and met with Mao five times.

Cigar smoke

Mao must have been smoking cigars long before his talks with Kissinger.

Wilma E. Hunt of the Harvard School of Public Health found polonium in cigarette smoke in 1964 (Melpor. Polonium in tobacco. She also found radiation in the bifurcation of lung tubules.

Radioactive materials like polonium 210 and lead 210 are found in tobacco (Cranton, E. MD. Bypassing Bypass. Updated second edition. 1995). Lead decays into polonium 210. Polonium emits energy and alpha particles that tunnel through the nucleus. Energy hits the hydrogen bonds that join DNA. A hydrogen bond has a barrier with wells on both sides. One well is deeper than the other. The one proton of hydrogen usually stays in the deeper well. However, when hit by energy it can tunnel to the shallower well. When the chromosomes of a cell are replicating during such situation, arrangement of bases in DNA is compromised. Copying error occurs, This error results in mutation of DNA that may result in tumor or cancer.

As polonium decays its 84 protons are reduced to 82 leaving two unpaired electrons. These are unstable and to stabilize themselves grab electrons from molecules of cells, including DNA. Injured DNA initiates mutation then tumor or cancer or heart disease or emphysema or bronchitis. The mucus that is supposed to patch up injury in lungs is attacked by bacteria resulting in bronchitis.

Radiation rearrange the bases of the DNA that result in mutation then tumor or cancer or heart disease.

It takes about 10 years for a tumor or cancer to develop. It also takes a long time for a heart disease to develop. The unpaired electrons of polonium and lead make them free radicals that injure the inner wall of the artery resulting in a benign tumor called atheroma. This gathers collagen, fibrin, elastin, cholesterol and other debris. Calcium joins in later as cementing agent, according to Cranton. Their mixture grows as a mound then plaque that narrow arteries. Narrowed arteries trigger angina as symptom that can result in heart attack. Free radical damage in the lungs result in emphysema or bronchitis.

Lou Gehrig's disease

This is also called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or motor neuron disease It involves deterioration of the nerves that control skeletal muscles. The muscles also deteriorate mainly being out of use but the mind remains intact. This disease is caused by free radicals and ROS, particularly the hydroxyl radical. This is formed when a superoxide reacts with another superoxide, catalyzed by superoxide dismutase, in the presence of iron. Hydroxyl radical is also formed when ultraviolet rays strike the water in the skin. It is different from hydroxyl that is formed by the dissociation of water molecules into ions. Lou Gehrig was a U.S. baseball player who died of MND.

I have a Hub "What is Motor Neuron Disease (MND) or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): How To Treat It."

MND “... progressively causes the degeneration of the nerve cells that control the muscles, paralyzing the body but sparing the mind....” (Swartz H.M. et al. “Free radicals and medicine.” Eaton, S.S. et al. editors. Biomedical EPR-Part A: Free Radicals, Metals, Medicine, and Physiology. 2005:25-74).

The mostly likely culprit is hydroxyl radical that mutates the gene SOD1 that controls the enzyme copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD) that protects the mitochondria. One result of copper/zinc SOD impairment is MND (Same source as above). The other enzyme that protects the mitochondria is manganese SOD. One of them protects the mitochondrion cell membrane, the other protects its fluid.

Another free radical that may impair the nerves is nitric oxide (NO) produced by the neuron nitric oxide synthase (nNOS). The inner wall of the artery, called endothelium, produces three NO. Its endothelium nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) produces NO that serves as a signal for the artery to dilate and allow more blood flow. This NO/eNOS is friendly because it works like a nitroglycerin by dilating arteries. The NO/iNOS is mediated by the macrophage. Macrophage shoots bacteria, Streptococcus pyogenes, that attacks the muscles of the cardiovascular system including the heart. This bacteria is involved in the development of rheumatic heart disease. NO/iNOS hits the bacteria and infected muscles, remedy rheumatic fever but it also hits the healthy cells in the vicinity. Hit healthy cells, especially heart valves, develop scars that graduate into stenosis of rheumatic heart. Thanks to research on free radicals; we now know that not all free radicals are harmful. The NO/eNOS is friendly. NO/iNOS is friendly by killing S. pyogenes but harmful as it can induce rheumatic heart disease.

Brain cells, nerve cells, and cardiovascular cells do not repair themselves that is why stenosis stays and may worsen, according to Dr. Cranton.

About 10% of the cases of ALS or MND are heritable; the rest are caused by environmental factors, including free radicals and derivatives and x-rays in tobacco smoke.

At that time, stem cell therapy (SCT) was not yet developed. SCT can remedy MND, possibly more effective if partnered with chelation therapy. Around 2006 there was still a debate on ethical issues regarding the use of embryo in stem cell research (Bellomo, M. The Stem Cell Divide. 2006). This could be the reason why Kissinger could not offer Mao a cure for MND. Now embryos are no longer needed; cord blood and adult cells can do in stem cell research. Chelation therapy catches the free radicals and ROS; SCT rebuilds the nerves and muscles. Today, China has advanced on SCT and has been administering it even on US citizens.


Perhaps if Mao knew of the poisons in tobacco and that he was willing to quit smoking and take medication he could have responded to the “invitation by God” much later. He died of heart attack in September 1976 at the age of 83.

The cigarette industry and some scientists hid from the consumers the presence of poisons in tobacco for over 50 years up until 1999. The admission was forced by a series of lawsuits. In 1962 yet it was already known that free radicals cause cancer and heart disease. Much earlier it has been known that radiation like x-rays cause cancer. Antioxidants that neutralize free radicals could have mitigated if not halted the heart disease of Mao Tse-tung.

Hubs on chelation therapy by conradofontanilla:


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