Wonder ~ Maintaining A Sense Of Wonder In Our Lives
Children walk about bumping into all sorts of new things all the time – adults know how the jack-in-the-box works, we’ve learned the lessons of playing with fire and using it properly, and we’ve acquiesced to authority . . . 'wonder' has turned to 'regular' for us.
For an introduction to the 'Perspectives:' series and it's writing team, visit ~ "Perspectives: An Introduction"
As I mentioned in a previous video hub, there is a marked difference between speaking and writing . . . I work from a well considered idea that I've mapped-out a bit in my mind as to a basic ordering for presentation of my thoughts, but with speaking you're kind of left with what initially comes out while with writing you get a reworded, rearranged, final presentation. And so I apologize for, yet again, offering you a video hub. My injury isn't serious (I don't think), but sustaining my arm in the position required to type more than this explanatory paragraph irritates my shoulder, and I'm trying to take as few drugs as possible (I have friends from many years ago who would that a massively ironic declaration).
So, with that, my thoughts on 'Wonder' ~
We can contemplate, meditate, ponder, over ideas we think we already know but can still learn much about and from. We can enjoy wonderment in our lives if we continue to wonder about things.
Other 'Perspectives:' hubs by MickeySr
What Don't You Know ~ I Don't Know Who I'm Going To Talk To
Knowing Your True Self ~ The Emperor's Old Clothes
Gratitude ~ Oy, What A Week I'm Having
What Matters ~ Truth
Regret & Hope ~ Press On
MartieCoetser * bravewarrior * Docmo * marcoujor * MickeySr * Vickiw *