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Wonder – The Wonder of Being Alive (Perspective)

Updated on August 16, 2013
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Perspectives | Source

This month’s topic chosen by the Perspectives team

- and in particular by bravewarrior - is ‘wonder’ -

  • The feeling aroused by something strange and surprising;
  • Something that causes feelings of wonder;
  • A state in which you want to learn more about something.

Being naive since the day I was born, I tend to go through life in a constant state of wonder. The merest scene can take my breath away.

What is more wondrous than a sunrise and a sunset?

The Sun – a star made of hydrogen and helium with the enormous diameter of ± 1,392,684 km (865,374 miles), orbiting the centre of the Milky Way 150,000,000 km (93,000,000 miles) away from Earth, providing light, warmth and life to us mortals on Earth. Fusing 620 million metric tons of hydrogen each second, its light travels to Earth in only ± 8 minutes and 19 seconds. Seeing it rise every single morning, and set every single evening, keeps me in a trance of wonder.

Also the moon and the stars and everything in the vast universe keeps my jaws dropped in amazement.


num_skyman @
num_skyman @
Sunrise in Durban © MartieCoetser
Sunrise in Durban © MartieCoetser


Sunset in Free State, South Africa © Martie Coetser
Sunset in Free State, South Africa © Martie Coetser
Sunset in North West Province, South Africa © Martie Coetser
Sunset in North West Province, South Africa © Martie Coetser
Sunset in North West Province, South Africa © Martie Coetser
Sunset in North West Province, South Africa © Martie Coetser

What is more wondrous than Nature?

Nature, with water, fire, earth and air as the basic elements, keeps me humble and in awe of powers we mortals cannot control. We act as though we have a lien on wisdom until one of these elements forces us time and again back to the drawing board.

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” - Albert Einstein

“One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today.” - Dale Carnegie

“In all things of nature there is something of the marvellous.” - Aristotle


Click thumbnail to view full-size
Nature © MartieCoetser Nature © MartieCoetser Nature © MartieCoetser Nature © MartieCoetser Nature © MartieCoetser criminalatt @ dan @ Feelart @ RTP411 @ freedigitalphotos,netKeattikorn @ freedigitalphotos.netNature © Inge Olivier (South Africa’s national bird: The Blue Crane)Nature © Inge Olivier (Beautiful part of the Free State, South Africa)
Nature © MartieCoetser
Nature © MartieCoetser
Nature © MartieCoetser
Nature © MartieCoetser
Nature © MartieCoetser
Nature © MartieCoetser
Nature © MartieCoetser
Nature © MartieCoetser
Nature © MartieCoetser
Nature © MartieCoetser
criminalatt @
criminalatt @
dan @
dan @
Feelart @
Feelart @
RTP411 @ freedigitalphotos,net
RTP411 @ freedigitalphotos,net
Keattikorn @
Keattikorn @
Nature © Inge Olivier (South Africa’s national bird: The Blue Crane)
Nature © Inge Olivier (South Africa’s national bird: The Blue Crane)
Nature © Inge Olivier (Beautiful part of the Free State, South Africa)
Nature © Inge Olivier (Beautiful part of the Free State, South Africa)

What is more wondrous than the beginning of a new life?

There are many theories about the origin of life, but the most wondrous is the theory that one Creator had made everything out of nothing. So easy to comprehend. Sim-sa-la-bim (hocus pocus), and there it was: Life in all forms and sizes.

Once upon a time I have wrecked my brain in search of the answers of a thousand questions. But ever since I have realized that no answer will change the beauty of life, I use my time and energy to enjoy, admire and appreciate LIFE as it is. I simply allow a new-born baby, or animal, or plant to take my breath away. Seeing it grow, develop and become, delights me. .

Wondrous is the mere fact that another living being has the opportunity to breathe and exist on this awesome planet.

The wonder of life makes being alive a wondrous experience.

This is but only a small part of my perspective on 'wonder'. I can go on and on forever about love and so many other wondrous things that make living a wondrous experience.

The Beginning of a New Life

Click thumbnail to view full-size
Baby © MartieCoetser khunaspix @ freedigitalphotos.netanankkml @ Suvro Datta @
Baby © MartieCoetser
Baby © MartieCoetser
khunaspix @
khunaspix @
anankkml @
anankkml @
Suvro Datta @
Suvro Datta @

© MartieCoetser

Perspectives -

The idea behind this series called Perspectives is explained in a hub published by the founder of the group, MickeySr:

  • Perspectives: An Introduction
    What we think and how we feel about things is defined, not by the things themselves, but by our perspective of things. Everything that comes before us is filtered through our perception of things...

The Perspectives, sharing their perspectives on a specific topic -

© Martie Coetser
© Martie Coetser

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