To all Blacks out there, do you believe that the majority of lower socioeconomic

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  1. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 9 years ago

    To all Blacks out there, do you believe that the majority of lower socioeconomic class Blacks

    in the United States will fall through the socioeconomic cracks and eventually self-destruct?  There are many educated & affluent Blacks who strongly portend that there is NO hope whatsoever for the lower socioeconomic strata Black.  Some go further and save that this is the type of Black who will not be saved socioeconomically, socioculturally, and psychologically!  They maintain that such Blacks will destroy themselves and each other in their socioeconomic grouping in one way or another i.e. they will be casualties.

  2. dashingscorpio profile image80
    dashingscorpioposted 9 years ago

    No, It's highly unlikely that poor blacks or any race for that matter are likely to self-destruct. Government entitlement programs will continue to make it possible for people to make bad choices and exist.
    Lower income families and less educated people tend to have (more children) than those with a higher education and higher incomes.
    The vast majority of people in any race are generally killed by their own race. Most Asians are killed by other Asians, Hispanics by other Hispanics, Whites by other Whites, and Blacks by other Blacks.
    I once heard comedian and activist Dick Greggory say:
    "People kill where they live."

    1. molometer profile image78
      molometerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The level of discourse has fallen to a new low here on hubpages. I almost want to remove my content.

    2. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The state of poor Blacks in America is abysmal.They're already DESTROYING themselves by their pathologies.The prison system will gobble them up as they have no educational nor job skills.They'll EVENTUALLY destroy themselves from W/N!They're DOOMED!

    3. dashingscorpio profile image80
      dashingscorpioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      gmwilliams, The "middleclass" is shrinking. The poor, lower class, and uneducated will eventually outnumber the middleclass. Most folks vote based upon their pocketbook. Those on the bottom will simply vote for more entitlements. They'll survive!

    4. Efficient Admin profile image85
      Efficient Adminposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      What happens when the entitlement money runs out?

    5. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I will say one thing, there is going to be HELL on earth..People will get tired of their taxes going to such programs, revolts will begin.The underclass will be viewed as "excess" & ways will be implemented to get rid of the "excess" .....

  3. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 9 years ago

    Many highly educated, successful & middle-class, professional, & affluent Blacks feel that the lower & underclass Blacks have themselves to be blamed for the dire socioeconomic circumstances that they are in.  The former maintain that there are opportunities in America if people elect to take advantage of such opportunities.  They also view the lower strata Black as the worst representation of being Black in America.

    Many highly educated, successful, middle-class, professional, & affluent Blacks contend that poorer Blacks, for the most part, use racism as an excuse & rationalization for the latter's pathological lifestyle.  They maintain that the latter will succeed if they discard their negative lifestyle & adopt more a more conducive mindset applicable to education & success.

    However, there are some Black pundits who strongly contend that the lower & underclass Black, for the most part, will fall further through the socioeconomic cracks.  They maintain that such Blacks will be permanently more on the societal periphery as the recent immigrants do the jobs they once did, totally displacing them from the workforce.  They also assert that much of society will soon view lower & underclass Blacks as excess baggage who will soon be casualties in one way or another either through mass incarceration or by other means instituted to destroy the latter's "communities".   In essence, these Black pundits believe that there is NO HOPE for lower & underclass Blacks & they will BE CASUALTIES..

    I am Black and I see little or no hope that the Black lower & underclass will EVER improve themselves educationally & socioeconomically.  I feel that they will continue in their pathological morass until they eventually self-destruct.  As one Black observer astutely stated that there are some Black people that cannot be SAVED socioeconomically, they are BEYOND HOPE!

  4. janshares profile image94
    jansharesposted 9 years ago

    No, I don't believe that the majority of Blacks who fall into lower socioeconomic status are doomed. Maybe a small minority will become casualties due to extreme circumstances but we need to define what it means to "fail" in our society. There are many at the bottom rung of socioeconomic status who fair well by making a decent living, paying their bills and taxes, feeding their families, and making ends meet the best they can, and doing it legally. They may even feel content in their situation and not too proud to ask for help if they need it. So is it fair for highly educated, affluent Blacks to make a generalized prediction that most Black children born and raised at a lower socioeconomic status are doomed? Sounds very "Black bourgeoisie" to me.


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