How To Instill Leadership Qualities In Your Child?

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  1. crystaleyes profile image59
    crystaleyesposted 12 years ago

    Please advise on how to install leadership qualities in my children..

    1. a49eracct profile image60
      a49eracctposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It'd be easier if we knew what exactly you want them to be "leading". But, leadership qualities are easily learned through games, such as follow the leader (them being the leader). Crafts can do the same thing, have them "come up with a plan" to make a macaroni necklace. Or ask them to plan what activities they want to do for the day. Leading= making choices. Any opportunity you give them to make a choice will teach them the simple leadership qualities that children can learn.

      1. Hollie Thomas profile image61
        Hollie Thomasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        It would be easier if we knew what you meant by install (instill, perhaps?). There are so many more valuable lessons for your children to learn. Let them develop at their own pace and in their own way, they are individuals after all. Not mini mum.

    2. A Troubled Man profile image59
      A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You don't hit them for misbehaving, first of all.

      When you have successfully completed that task, then and only then can you move on to leadership qualities.

    3. rebekahELLE profile image84
      rebekahELLEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not sure that leadership should be the focus of raising children. Teach your children to communicate effectively.  Our responsibility is to help them be who they are from within. 

      'Leadership' qualities can both be used for good and bad.  Teach your child to communicate by talking in complete sentences when communicating with your child, even babies.  Ask questions, allow your child to make choices by giving them two or three choices to choose from when very young.  Allow them to draw outside the lines, engage in imaginative play, be outside in nature (she is a very effective teacher), explore and discover the world they live in.  An inspired child will learn, grow and develop their own inherent qualities.

    4. brakel2 profile image70
      brakel2posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Instilling confidence and giving love are the important elements that enable a child to be secure. Selective praise helps with security. Some children are leaders. and others followers. The child develops this trait through experience. You can enroll a child in his preferred activity or sport such as dancing, soccer,and music to give experience relating to others. Then let the child grow and learn.

  2. psycheskinner profile image78
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    I think it is just as important to teach them care and due diligence in following.

  3. Pearldiver profile image67
    Pearldiverposted 12 years ago

    Not having any idea of anything to do with your children, does tend to leave us prone to not providing the quick fix that you appear to be seeking.

    Positive leadership skills come from positive role models with whom the child can relate without any fear of negative influence.  In that regard, the child can then be taught to lead democratically as opposed to adopting an autocratic range of dependencies, which generally are developed to compensate for a range of insecurities that the child (or adult) has allowed to become established within the veneer of their personality.  Great Leaders are not Autocratic in leadership, but instead are confident, focused and positively balanced emotionally, thus tend to be compassionate, empathetic and humble in their perception of their ego and understanding of others.

    Teach your child to be accepted socially by a gaggle of geese and learn how to gain their trust and acceptance, without using food to tempt them into submission.  Geese are very clever, in 'their choice' of what they feel denotes a great leader!  They are also more reliable than people when it comes to acting naturally in such situations.... Fact... if your child can lead an established pecking order and gaggle of geese... then your child will have learned a wide range of fundamentals required to become an excellent leader... Geese are great watchdogs and have an awesome range of personalities.... but as I said, you have neglected to explain what exactly your post was designed to gain response-wise.

    Hey... I'm deadly serious about what I have stated here and hope that you can appreciate that some of the very best lessons in life come from nature and non human sources!  Now if you want your child to lead a band of pirates... then I would suggest that you have them learn the appropriate skills from feral ducks or short bankers! smile  big_smile

  4. WriteAngled profile image72
    WriteAngledposted 12 years ago

    I preferred to let my daughters grow up secure in their own individuality, without wanting to lead or be led.

    I find it a terrible pity that the individual is so downplayed these days and have always been happiest taking 100% responsibility for my work and 0% responsibility for the work of others.

    After 14 years of teamwork hell, I have also had the good fortune to be able finally to structure my life over the last 8 years to be fully independent. The improvement in my well being that has resulted from this move has been incalculable.

  5. Tusitala Tom profile image67
    Tusitala Tomposted 12 years ago

    One definite way of instilling confidence over time in anyone, be it child or adult of any age, is the practice of public speaking, that is speaking before a goup.  This tends to happen more in the school classroom than it did and this is a good thing.   However, it might pay a parent who wants their child or children to learn leadership skills to enroll in some sort of public speaking class.   

    Here in Australia (and in the U.S. Canada, New Zealand etc - and probably many other countries) Toastmasters International run Youth Leadership courses and Gavel Clubs for kids  - usually after school hours.   And, of course, Toastmasters slogan is 'Where leaders are made.'   Worth a look.

    You'll find Toastmasters International on the Web.

  6. ITcoach profile image59
    ITcoachposted 12 years ago

    Hi Everyone,

    It is not the matter, I think some of the qualities each person have are by birth some have to be create for this you have asked. I think realize the baby to be responsible and always appreciate him/her that only he can do that. The baby should be encourage in all the good matters even they do a very little task. This can also create a selfish behavior to them.

    There are too many reason instead of this also. But your question is extreme knowledge demanding. Thanks for giving idea about this


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