Should There Be A Quota As To How Gets Into College/University

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  1. gmwilliams profile image85
    gmwilliamsposted 12 years ago

    Sorry, for the typo:   The question should read as follows:

    Should There Be A Quota As To Who Gets Into College/University?

    It is the dream of many parents that their children attend college/university whether they are deemed such material or not.   In fact, many parents push their children to pursue tertiary education although there are many children who are clearly unqualified regarding this.   In essence, as a result of open college/university enrollment, many college courses have been diluted to accompany such students.   In the past, only a certain percentage of people attended college/university.

    As a result of the diluting of college/university education, such education has been bastardized or made equivalent to a high school education.   Also, with more students attending college/university, there will be more graduates than there are commensurate jobs.   This means that many college/university graduates will take Mcjobs and/or worse.    At least when there were fewer students attending college/university in the past, when they graduated, there were jobs commensurate with their education.   Also, colleges/university courses in the past were not diluted and/or dumbed down as they are since the advent of open enrollment. 

    I am going to propose something, should colleges/university have a quota as to whom should be admitted to their institutions?   I believe that the issue of open enrollment and that anyone who wants to should attend college/university is doing more harm than good regarding the tertiary educational system.   In other words, some people should attend college/university and others should not, clear and simple.   Let's discuss this.

  2. CASE1WORKER profile image64
    CASE1WORKERposted 12 years ago

    Gosh this is really interesting- In the United Kingdom there are quotas- there is not free access. Students have to achieve certain entry requirements which vary from institution to institution and course to course. For example just because mum and dad could pay the fees you would still have to be a straight A student to study computing at Leicester University where my daughter goes- other universities might ask for slightly less. Each qualification up to  age 18 is given points and the grade you get determines the number of points therefore universities  will ask for points. If my daughter wants to do a second degree (post graduate) she will have to get a very good class of degree- it is not open access even if you can pay the fees.

    There are strict limitations on the number of places, however if a student is an ABB student (high achiever) then the places are not limited - so in other  words the most able are encouraged. If universities recruit over the strict limits there are fines in place.

    In further education that is the level below University there are a number of courses, many vocational which would probably better suit those who are not traditionally academic but still wish to do some studies.

    I do totally agree with you that the value of existing educational program mes should not be diluted to accommodate the can pay but cant do the work candidates. Surely it is better for the parents to find them something better to do.

    1. gmwilliams profile image85
      gmwilliamsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Totally agree with your premise.   In America before open enrollment, in order to attend college/university, one must be at and/or near the top of his/her class.   Furthermore, college courses were complex and when one finished college/university, he/she really had an advanced education.   When there was open enrollment in the late 1960s,  almost anyone could attend college/university as long as HE/SHE had the desire to do so.   As a result of the mass entry into college/university, courses were dumbed down to accompany these students.   Many of these students were clearly not college material and they were better off if they either worked after high school or took a vocational training course.   With this mass influx of students, college education since the late 1970s has been equivalent to what a high school education used to be.

      I totally abhor the premise that those who want to should attend college/university.   College/university is NOT for everyone and it is about time that parents and schools stop inculcating students regarding this premise.   College/university should only be for the brightest students among us.    Yes, there should be a strict quota regarding admissions into college/university.   Maybe if there were stricted quotas regarding college/university education, there would be less unemployment/underemployment of college/university students as those students not deemed college material would be steered into vocational and/or other job training areas.   College/university students, with stricter quotas, will have jobs commensurate with their education.   As of now, with these free and open enrollment, there are more college/university graduates than there are commensurate jobs.  That does not make any logical sense whatsoever.

      Many children today are in college/university for the most part because their parents are making them attend college/university, not because they want to.  Only a few children are in college/university of their own volition.  Still others view college/university as a 4-year siesta/incubator and break from the adult world.    Many students are clearly not serious about college/university.   Many do not have their majors figured out.   They just meander through college until the last minute.   That is sad.   In Europe, there are indeed stricter and more rigorous requirements for college/university than it is in the United States.

  3. ngureco profile image78
    ngurecoposted 12 years ago

    The simple answer to your question is “No”.

    Educate people any way you can, but have them educated, without any Quota system. A well educated person should not seek employment from others but s/he should be able to create own means of livelihood if not employment for the others.  Employment is/was an incentive for education but not an absolute right.

    A society full of educated people is like an environment that will tend to breed children who may look as if they are more civilized than the others. Children who can easily learn simple basic things like how to use a toilet properly.

    Educate people to the highest level possible until everyone can understand that dividing 100 units of resources by 2 once every generation will eventually tend towards zero. Educate people to the highest level possible until everyone can understand that dividing 100 units of resources by 1 once every generation will always remain the same.

    If you travel and try to live in different countries around the world with your eyes open, you may agree that education, at a higher level, for everyone, is the best thing you can give to mankind. In fact, I would encourage you not to feel shy to donate a few dollars to charities that supports development of education for the people.

  4. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 12 years ago

    Do you know for sure that courses were "dumbed down"? You have brought this up before, even saying C students in high school had no right to go on to further education. Many, many people do much better in college and university than in high school.

    Everyone should have the right to try, if they can't handle it, they can't handle it, end of story.

    1. Michael Willis profile image68
      Michael Willisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      +1 --- A classmate from High School barely finished with a C average. Once he got into college, he was Dean's List every year with a Science Degree!
      Coming from a small rural area, teachers were not the best paid and many times were first jobs! Why should a student be held back from a college because a teacher was not able to properly reach his/her students?

      1. psycheskinner profile image78
        psycheskinnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        When there are limited, tax-funded places, something has to be used as a selection criterion. Especially for highly competitive tracks like medicine.

  5. psycheskinner profile image78
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    Given that places are finite, there is a quota.  If you mean an artificially produced quota, that would depend on who gets to set it.

  6. janesix profile image60
    janesixposted 11 years ago

    There should be more trade schools. High school should be only for those who know they want to go to college. Many kids don't. The US is stupid. I mean the system, not the people.


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