UC Berkley riots to shut down free speech

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  1. jackclee lm profile image78
    jackclee lmposted 7 years ago

    In light of recent events at UC Berkley, do you think their Federal funding should be pulled as suggested by President Trump?
    Why does Campus officials and police allow this riots and property destruction to take place?
    Are they so impotent they can't stop a few outside agitators wearing masks?
    If I was a parent of a student attending this school, I would have serious concerned about the competency of the University officials.
    What is your opinion?

    1. PhoenixV profile image66
      PhoenixVposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      What happened was there some kind of terrorist attack?

      1. jackclee lm profile image78
        jackclee lmposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Watch the news and you tell me if is this acceptable protest...

    2. Credence2 profile image80
      Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, Brietbart and his rancid crew of racists are abhorrent and irritating to be around, however the 1st Amendment must prevail otherwise Trump will have the excuse to put his opponents in the Gulag.

      The right to free speech is sancrosanct and must be protected for everyone, even the loathsome rightwinger.

      But I will stand for the Right of Berkeley students to PEACEABLY protest. Trump and his scurvy crew can expect expect more and ever louder protests forthcoming. However, violent and destructive behavior cannot be tolerated. Why are you punishing the institution rather than the students that are involved in illegal behavior? It is so rightwing and Trumpian to attempt to shoot the messenger and it will be for nought.

      Yes, we are coming after this guy...
      He will fall upon his own sword, soon...

      1. colorfulone profile image79
        colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Hahaha!  There you go sounding tough again.  So funny!

        ISIS and terrorist groups are being taken down as I write this all across the USA and world wide.  Trump formed a coalition with leaders of countries.   You think some leftist anarchists are going to be a problem?  Think again.

        Why is it that racists are the ones calling other people racists who are not racists?  Its so telling.  Might as well have it stamped on their foreheads. 

        Brietbart is too cool and too honest for the brainwashed crew.

        1. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

          As for the power and influence of the left and public opinion not being a factor, we will see. But I do support the 1st Amendment even though I abhor rightwingers, but you already know that, right?

          1. colorfulone profile image79
            colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            I know you are hateful...but thanks for admitting it.  That is a step in the right direction.  Anytime you want to talk about the root of that hatred... just let go.  We are a community and we need to support each other as individuals.  Maybe you will learn to love your fellow man, fake it till you make it.

      2. jackclee lm profile image78
        jackclee lmposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Credence2, you are mistaken. The students rioting are supported by the professors and allowed to carry on with the inactions of the University administrators. Whether it is incompetency or sympathy, it does not matter. The only way to put a stop to this is to take away their funding. They will change their behavior when their paycheck is in jeopardy. That is human nature which does not change whether you are left or right leaning.

        1. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

          How do you know that theFaculty and School administration are supporting it, what is your support for that assertion?

        2. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Good luck with that approach, Trump has the disdain of many far and wide, do you really think that so many that are this dissatisfied are just going to shut up?  Trump will show his brutal hand for all the world to see in response, taking him down thatmuch further. That less than 50 percent approval rating he has relative to others holding that office in the past is unprecedented and well deserved.

          All of you can continue make excuses for Trump, much like cleaning up behind the droppings of any animal. You can blame the media, as the excuse for the Twit to engage in Twitter. It is the last refuge of a coward that simply does not want to be held to account for his policies rather than the silly conservative idea that 'everybody' is out to get him. He will prove his own worse enemy, all I have to do is wait as outrage builds upon outrage.

          So go ahead and 'shoot the messenger', there are plenty of Berkeley style discontent paid or not, Soros supported or otherwise, waiting in the wings and they will NOT dry up. If I had the time, I would be marching with the disaffected for any number of affronts by Trump and I don't need a paycheck. There are enough out there so that even he can't bring the jackboot down on so many, even though he will certainly try.......

          I simply ask my brothers and sisters in arms to avoid violence and riotous behavior for their own protection, certainly not on Trump's behalf.

      3. wilderness profile image94
        wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        "However, violent and destructive behavior cannot be tolerated."

        Good to hear.  Unfortunately there were no arrests at Berkeley - the violence and destructive behavior WAS tolerated.  Just as it usually is.  Do you have any suggestions as how to "not tolerate" it?  Should we shoot them?  Gas them?  Knock them unconscious and drag them to jail?  Or just go on "tolerating" it?

        1. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Arrests are in order for those that break the law and I am all in favor of that. The University can and should use administrative penalties against students found actively engaged in disruptive behavior.

          1. PhoenixV profile image66
            PhoenixVposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Disruptive is chewing gum in class. Try again.

            1. Credence2 profile image80
              Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Destroying property and engaging in violent behavior is against the law. So how is chewing gum against the law?

          2. wilderness profile image94
            wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            You're kidding, right?  Masked people setting fires, breaking windows, toppling generators, breaking and entering, tearing down fences and throwing rocks and your suggestion is to apply administrative penalties against those that step forward and announce they are students?  That's your idea of "not tolerating" violent behavior?

            No wonder we have riots!

            1. Credence2 profile image80
              Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Did you miss my first Sentence? Arrest them! The suggestion about administrative action applies when the level of proof to support arrest is absent. Use both approaches as necessary.

              1. wilderness profile image94
                wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                Uh Huh.  Arrest them how?  By shooting them, gassing them or just whacking them unconscious?  You have to know that violent rioters are not going to submit peacefully - I asked how far would you suggest we go in making arrests but you cleverly sidestepped the question.  Bearing in mind that everyone out there is a "peaceful protester"?

                Of course, arresting them isn't a full answer, either - slapping them on the wrist and turning them loose isn't something I would classify as intolerance of violent behavior.  More like encouragement of violent behavior.

                1. Credence2 profile image80
                  Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  Use whatever escalating level of  force that the situation justifies. I don't like riots or rioters as the message that are to conveyed by protest becomes garbled. If they don't come peacefully, then out with the firehose and Billy clubs. Arrest and charge them with violation of whatever ordinance appropriate.

                  I advise protesters to:

                  Not give the Right an excuse for crackdowns by conducting themselves in an orderly way.

                  Get permits for protest so that the legality of their protests and presence is not in question.

                  Bring plenty of media on board so that attention is drawn to the size and messages of protests, rather than give a negative impression due to disorderly behavior.

                  1. wilderness profile image94
                    wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    "Use whatever escalating level of  force that the situation justifies."

                    Nice waffling!  I appreciate that "justifies" means no force at all, unless perhaps murder is being committed in front of an arresting officer, and it sure makes it easy to "answer" the hard questions, doesn't it?  Gives a great excuse not to arrest anyone at all because there is no justification for "police brutality" of the kind necessary to arrest a resisting punk.  So we continue to tolerate riots in our cities, all in the name of "peaceful protests".

                    You forget a tiny little fact; that it is extremely difficult to get the media involved unless there is a promise of violence.  Which is why so many "peaceful protests" degenerate into violence at one point or another; it is pre-planned with "plausible deniability" for the planners built in so as to be on TV.

            2. PhoenixV profile image66
              PhoenixVposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              While they were exercising their right to peacefully assemble they noticed a gentleman that had fallen asleep in the middle of the street, and tried to awaken him by gently prodding him in the head with a metal pipe. Although the collegiate raucus did possibly disrupt the evening, I think limiting the amount of hall passes will teach them a lesson well deserved.

    3. profile image0
      promisemposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, if the government can prove that university officials encouraged the riot. Otherwise, not at all.

      It's no different than the feds cutting off all funding to the state of Florida or the city of Orlando for the mass shooting of 50 people.

      For the record, I'm with you that what the rioters did was wrong.

    4. profile image52
      JuicyPposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      This issue surpasses the fact that we possess the first amendment right to freedom of speech. Nonetheless, University funding being cut does not correlate with a protest, violent or not. If the protesters became violent and imposed danger on the outside community, then law enforcement should have handled these individuals accordingly. Defunding of a university as a whole due to a riot that a portion of a population of students, whom are in fact excercising their first amendment rights is not feasible.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
        Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        According to CNN report: "The university blamed "150 masked agitators" for the unrest, saying they had come to campus to disturb an otherwise peaceful protest."

        President Trump needs to stop tweeting.

        1. jackclee lm profile image78
          jackclee lmposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          You are missing the bigger point. It does not matter who is doing these things. If they are breaking the law, causing a disturbance, wearing a mask... they need to be dealt with. What I saw on TV is shameful. Why didn't anyone stop them and arrested them. It was obvious they were told to stand down...
          I personally do not like my President tweeting, however, I understand why he is doing this. The media has been and still is very dishonest. He is countering them using tweets to prevent them from framing the issues. I hope the media learn their lesson. With each "fake news", they have lost their credibility and the American people are not stupid. It is a two way street. If they report on him honestly, he will have little reason to tweet.

          1. colorfulone profile image79
            colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Obama use to tweet, nobody cared one way or the other then.  President Trump said he doesn't want to tweet but because the media is so dishonest he has to tweet so he can talk to the people directly without what he said being distorted repeatedly.

            I check on Twitter and Facebook everyday to read for myself what the President wanted me to know.  I don't watch TV news or go to the lying liberal media online to read political BS. 

            The new far-left liberals don't believe in freedom of speech anymore if it doesn't line up with their subverted nonsense. 

            Social media is trending, and its one of the biggest reasons Trump is President.  He has a large platform of followers on different social media sites and can get a word out in an instant.  I don't have to wonder what he really said, because I know.  ... I have listened to almost all of Trump's speeches via videos and I listen to what he says, not Opposition Media. 

            Its great watching what Trump does, actions speak louder than words...and I love what I am seeing.  Progress, real progress.  But, the far-left is opposing that progress every inch of the way. 

            The riots, destruction of property, violence and out and out hatred is shameful.  They are trying to over-throw America...and, the Democrat leaders are behaving like anarchists themselves.  Its shameful. 

            Democrats or whatever they really are, are organizing another coup.

  2. colorfulone profile image79
    colorfuloneposted 7 years ago

    If universities won't stop the violence before it gets out of control then federal funding should be withheld.  People are being attacked and injured. 

    Milo Yiannopoulos has a right to have speaking events without being shut down.  He really is worth hearing. 

    Witnesses on Twitter say that the rioters chanted, “f*ck the police”, “kill white babies”, “no justice, no peace”, and “Milo, we coming for you.” 

    The anarchists and leftist agitators will be stopped.  Its just a matter of time, they will be brought down, they have been exposed. 

    America Under Siege: Civil War 2017

    1. jackclee lm profile image78
      jackclee lmposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, and where are the brave Hollywood celebrities? hiding under the desk???
      Ashley Judd, Madonna, Susan Sarandon, Meryl Streep, Sean Penn, Leonardo DiCaprio... You voice are needed. Why are you so silent?

      1. colorfulone profile image79
        colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Far-left actress Sarah Silverman was tweeting in support of calling for martial law to her 10 million followers, following the violence at UC Berkeley.  She has to be mentally ill to want everyone's freedoms taken away.  Maybe she's just stupid, or hates freedom.  She should be arrested and others like her.

        ADDED:  I see Apatow is deleting some hateful tweets.  Hollywood director Judd Apatow got a tweet deleted.   “This is just the beginning. When will all the fools who are still supporting Trump realize what is at stake?”

        The pedophiles got raided all across California.  I suppose Hollywood is upset.  They don't like the feds and cops at their doors. 

        474 arrested, 28 sexually exploited children rescued during statewide human trafficking operation: LASD
        http://ktla.com/2017/02/01/474-arrested … tion-lasd/

        They also took down a sex ring in Pennsylvania, where five people were arrested.  Haven't heard if they hit the DC sex ring, but we won't hear about that on lamestream media.

  3. Aime F profile image71
    Aime Fposted 7 years ago

    Should the people breaking/burning stuff and hitting people be punished? Absolutely.

    Should an entire university lose their funding due to the actions of a few? Absolutely not.

    What exactly did you expect the university staff to do in this situation? They cannot arrest people and are not responsible for walking into a dangerous environment to reprimand adult students.  They put the school in lockdown and the police were present.  Again, what else would you have them do?

    1. jackclee lm profile image78
      jackclee lmposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I don't buy it. You mean to tell me with all the campus police at their disposal, they can't stop a few students wearing masks? What good is having campus police? They allowed this to go on because they support the protest. That is the only logical conclusion.

      1. wilderness profile image94
        wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Probably not.  The report I saw said around 50 masked people and I doubt that there are that many campus cops.  I also doubt that the cops were armed - not knowing what weapons those 50 people have and being grossly outnumbered it doesn't seem smart to start kicking a$$.

        1. colorfulone profile image79
          colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Campus security told Milo that his speaking event would be secure. He said that when the rioters stormed the building he was in it was like the police / security had gotten a stand down order.  From several videos I have seen, police were not doing their jobs. 

          UFC fighter Jake Shields became a hero and stopped the thugs from beating a guy they already had on the ground.  Those guys were hitting anybody with those flag poles, even women repeatedly. 

          Professor at Princeton University, Cornell West
          UCLA professor Robin Kelley
          University of California San Diego professor Milton Saier and Carl Dix, a founding member of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA...among others are listed on the far-left activist group Refuse Fascism that was rioting.
          *   https://refusefascism.org/about-contact/initiators/
          *   http://amp.dailycaller.com/2017/02/02/i … y-rioters/

          I think the feds will wrap this one up shortly.

          1. PhoenixV profile image66
            PhoenixVposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            This stuff is starting to smell like Bill Ayers and weatherman tactics.

            1. colorfulone profile image79
              colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              It amazes me, your sense of smell.  They have gone underground.
              Let's see they bombed the White House and Pentagon, etc.  Hm!

              Off topic:
              I protest Groundhog's Day ...  #NotMyGroundhog

      2. profile image0
        promisemposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Despite having plenty of campus police, Virginia Tech did not lose federal and state funding when 30 students were murdered there by someone known to be mentally ill.

  4. PhoenixV profile image66
    PhoenixVposted 7 years ago

    So liberals were rioting and then a peaceful assembly broke out?  What was that thing Judge Judy always says about her leg and the rain?

    1. colorfulone profile image79
      colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Fun times watching the Democrats implode, sad too. I hope they get their act together and elect some competent classical-liberals into office....the self-destructive path does not worked. 

      You got me, what is it that Judge Judy says about her leg?

      1. PhoenixV profile image66
        PhoenixVposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Just a way of saying someone is full of it.  I was thinking, of what i find more distasteful. Watching people hitting some unconscious person in the head with a pipe,  or citing the 1st Amendment as if it applied to anything more than using it as a pretext to watch people beating some unconscious person in the head with a metal pipe.

        1. colorfulone profile image79
          colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah, for way too long Trump supporters have been getting beaten bloody out there.  Those anarchists turn on their own sometimes...their hatred and rage is out of control.  I watch a lot of footage that no one gets to see on Opposition Media.   Trump will get them under control.

          The peaceful protesters will gather and be heard...they will not be ignored.  The left is waking up and realizing the government isn't their god anymore, and they are afraid.  They might have to turn in their Obama phones in exchange for alarm clocks.

  5. colorfulone profile image79
    colorfuloneposted 7 years ago

    Ironically, "The Free Speech Movement (FSM) was a student protest which took place during the 1964–65 academic year on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley ...  In protests unprecedented in scope, students insisted that the university administration lift the ban of on-campus political activities and acknowledge the students' right to free speech and academic freedom."  -  Wikipedia

    1. jackclee lm profile image78
      jackclee lmposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yes it is ironic and sad how a great institution can become a shell and a front for liberalism.

      1. PhoenixV profile image66
        PhoenixVposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        So has msm, pbs and the nps.

      2. colorfulone profile image79
        colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        The anarchists dressed in black from head to toe need not look any further then under their own balaclava to find a Nazi trying to shut down free speech. Talk about fascist-liberals! 

        Don't get me wrong, my brother and his wife are Democrats, you couldn't find better people...but, cross that fine line and it gets very different.  They watch mostly MSNBC.  sigh.

  6. profile image52
    theresa fiorellaposted 7 years ago

    All of the facts are never in as soon as we want them to be.
    Could we wait for all of the TRUE facts and then judge..thanks.

  7. PhoenixV profile image66
    PhoenixVposted 7 years ago

    Several student groups had called for protests and pledged to shut down the evening event.

    http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2017/0 … ulos-talk/

    According to this, it was not just agitators. The school should lose all tax money if they cannot control their students.

    1. jackclee lm profile image78
      jackclee lmposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      It appears this pattern of violence is spreading. Now we hear NYU here in NYC is experiencing similar protests...
      I predict more will occur across the nation unless these groups are dealt with harshly.
      We cannot allow chaos to rule. These agitators are paid professionals. They are not your average discontented students.

      1. profile image0
        promisemposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Just out of curiosity, how do you know they are paid professionals?

        1. jackclee lm profile image78
          jackclee lmposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          They have reported ads placed in some venues for $2500 to show up and create a show...for the media. These groups are paid by Soros front groups. They did the same in Ferguson and else where.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
            Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            My understanding is this: Soros and other dems hire democratic "arms" to find willing organizations to participate/protest. The "arms" convince people in these groups to protest and they (those people) probably believe in the cause. They are generally not paid, but the democratic arms definitely are. The arms send these willing participants to specific locations and make sure they bring their people, Tshirts and signs.

            It may become harder and harder to convince people to protest as time goes on.

            1. PhoenixV profile image66
              PhoenixVposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              If this is true, arent these Soros-Type people just using college kids as cannon fodder while they sit back and people get hurt?

              1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
                Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                well, Yes!

              2. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
                Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                As wilderness says, maybe its not students Soros is hiring. Other types ... but who?
                And maybe its not Soros ... or only Soros.

                Who is actually behind the protests ? and why are the protests being promoted?
                Oh, it is all grassroots inspired.
                well, no …….

            2. profile image0
              promisemposted 7 years agoin reply to this


          2. colorfulone profile image79
            colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            I saw some of those ads myself. 

            Heehee!   Milo Yiannopoulos' book "Dangerous" shy-rocked to #6 in Movers & Shakers on Amazon after the Berkeley riots.   smile  One way or another, people will find out what he has to say. 

            #1 in Best Seller! 
            #1 in Hot New Releases!

          3. profile image0
            promisemposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            What is the source of these reports? When I do a search on the topic, I only see the claims by right-wing bloggers. I did find a Fox News story that seems to be the source of the rumor: a guy named Donald Trump.

            Even Fox News buried it at the bottom of the story and made sure the claim appeared in a quote from Trump.

            http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/11/11/ri … dings.html

  8. colorfulone profile image79
    colorfuloneposted 7 years ago

    Looks like Dabney Miller, is a staff member at the UC Berkeley. He must not be too bright to he brag about how he beat conservatives during the riot, and post images of a man he knocked to the ground and then beat with his fists.
    According to this: https://twitter.com/PaveDarker/status/8 … 08/photo/1

    FBI has been notified.
    Twitter is awesome!

    1. wilderness profile image94
      wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      "He must not be too bright to he brag about how he beat conservatives"

      May we assume he's a liberal? lol

      But everyone seems to be assuming those masked people were students: it's unlikely he's a student, not with that income.

      ( I used to be employed as a computer programmer at the college I attended.  Paid minimum wage.  And we wonder why it's so expensive to attend today?)

      1. colorfulone profile image79
        colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Liberal is a stretch, unless we qualify it with the new liberal far-left neo-Marxist /Socialist / Communists which in my view isn't liberal at all in the classical sense.  I have some very liberal views (and some very conservative and independent views) being a libertarian.  This is way beyond liberal Democrats that I perceive as good folks, like we have here in the forums.  I hope they start rising up and speaking out against this stuff and soon.

        Its gotta be arrogance and false pride, the fallen.  I get a kick out people who post stuff on social media to brag about illegal, criminal, and cruel activities they are involved in.   People love tracking down these types and turning them in, its like juice.   

        Since Jan. 20th, according to Dataminr statistics, there have been over 12,000 tweets to assassinate Trump.  I only know of one that was arrested so far, its hard to find that out unless its reported somewhere.  "Liberalism is a mental disorder", as the great Michael Savage says. 
        This is crazy!

        1. wilderness profile image94
          wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          A month ago I would have agreed with you.  But a month ago I hadn't seen hundreds or thousands of hate posts about anything concerning Trump or conservatives.  I hadn't seen hundreds of otherwise honest people posting exaggerations and outright lies.  And I hadn't seen violent riots because their political candidate lost an election.

          Perhaps it's just me - perhaps these kinds of things were common in the past and I just missed out on the fun.  But either way it does appear more and more that the liberal party in this country has become the far left, full of hate and violence and unable to distinguish fact from fiction.

          1. colorfulone profile image79
            colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            It certainly does appear that the presstitute-media whores propaganda programming has conditioned their minds to believe everything and anything .... like evil is good, and good is evil.  Subversion isn't anything new, but it is astounding to witness in such magnitude nonetheless. 

            Its been crazy from my point of view for several years when incompetent people get elected that are incapable of preserving life on Earth.  I'm talking about the criminal regimes of the neoconized Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama. They created the present danger and hostility and want to perpetuate destruction.   

            I pray imprecatory prays for all those who want President Trump taken out. And, pray that God will intervene and stop the evil George Soros and all of his funded plans. 

            "There is no political solution for to a spiritual problem." ~  Steve Quayle

  9. colorfulone profile image79
    colorfuloneposted 7 years ago

    Wow!  How President Reagan dealt with the Berkeley protesters in 1969
    Actually, they turned into violent rioters and would have destroyed the university.

    Video 1:53:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bpg0UfpuUAs

    President Reagan ordered the CHP and Berkeley police to "use whatever method they choose against the protesters". These were his own words. 

    One person was killed and several were injured.

  10. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years ago
    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
      Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The personal computer has been enabling protestors to organize and participate.
      And it is fine to protest and to bring peace to the world through anti-war messages. But it is not fine to inflict destruction and violence. Its the violent protests that are a concern.

      It stands to reason, if one intends to promote peace and goodness, one would show respect and reverence for the sanctity of human life while protesting.

      ... and If one is a Muslim who believes in the one God of love, he would stop others in his religion who do not show respect and reverence for human life.

  11. Beth Simpkins profile image58
    Beth Simpkinsposted 7 years ago

    So true! The protests that used to be peaceful is now turning violence. Our society has become barbaric and all because someone they don't like got elected as president. There's nothing that anyone can do he was elected by the people and instead of turning against each other let's come together and give the man a chance. I don't think he can do much worse than the last president (just my opinion)....maybe I'm wrong for thinking that our country can become a great nation again (no matter who our president is)if we all stand together instead of trying to tear each other apart sad

    1. jackclee lm profile image78
      jackclee lmposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Agree totally...
      In fact, I don't think we are as divided as people make it out to be.
      We all want pretty much the same things...just differ on the policies to achieve them.
      Some of this dissention is created by a small group of extreme anarchist, which exist both on the left and the right...
      We, the people have to see through these hate groups as who they are.They are not interested in solutions but chaos and division.
      Let's not fall for their deception.


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