I have decided to home school my daughter. We can't really afford private schools, and public schools have destroyed their curriculum with standardized tests. I am curious to see what you all think.
If you can devote the time to it, it will probably give your kids a leg up academically. If you can devote the time to it.
I have no experience with home schooling but I think it is a great idea for anyone who has the ability, energy and dedication to do it. Home schooled children seem to do well in most tests.
I think you did the right thing. I do not have a child, but if I did, I would home school. Seems to be getting popular these days.
Congratulations on your decision to homeschool! You will find many benefits that really out weigh the cons of homeschooling. One of the things many people will bring up, is socialization! If you are a dedicated parent, you are not going to let your daughter become a hermit. There are many different social outlets, like church,homeschool support groups, homeschool field trips & sports, etc,. There can be so many outlets that you will find yourself having to make time to do school work! You will eventually find a balance that works for your family. BTW, I have been homeschooling for 15 years now and wouldn't send my kids away to school if I had to!
Congratulations on your decision to homeschool! You will find many benefits that really out weigh the cons of homeschooling. One of the things many people will bring up, is socialization! If you are a dedicated parent, you are not going to let your daughter become a hermit. There are many different social outlets, like church,homeschool support groups, homeschool field trips & sports, etc,. There can be so many outlets that you will find yourself having to make time to do school work! You will eventually find a balance that works for your family. BTW, I have been homeschooling for 15 years now and wouldn't send my kids away to school if I had to!
What does that matter? I'd homeschool my kids rather than send them to public school. Even if she is a fundamentalist, she still has the freedom to educate her kid as she sees fit, so long as she doesn't teach her kids that it's OK to harm others.
If the fundies want to homeschool their kids and indoctrinate them with religious teachings, more power to them. It'll only hold their kids back later in life. Likewise if a concerned parent wants their kids to be truly educated, homeschooling is a good way to go.
I've already said my part on the religion forum, not sure how it got started there but it did Basically, I would not choose to home-school my future children. I believe one can get a great education in a public school and that they would be missing out on so much being home schooled. But everyone has their own opinion.
Its a good idea and a lot of parents do it. I just wonder how they deal with the social aspect.
I don't think children should be cloistered. I was always involved in many activities outside of school and most of my friends came from my dance classes and gymnastics, not school. My choice of home schooling has always been instinctual, until I talked to the principal of a grammar school, here in my town. Without even mentioning home schooling to him, he recommended that I do it. He said that elementary school has become nothing more than a daycare in my state. Children memorize answers, by rote, just to pass tests so the state will give the schools enough money to continue to run children through the cycle.
My kids are in 4-h, are signed up to take sports thru the school, and have friends that they have met thru my friends. I am not in school, and have a much better social life then I ever did then. Homeschooling or not is a personal choice, and depends on several factors, but it is possible to provide for your child's social needs, while homeschooling.
I have mixed feelings about home schooling. As long as you give your kids a balanced education I don't see what is wrong with it.
What bothers me is the people who home school to keep their kids from learning things they disagree with. I'm sure that does not include most home schooling parents.
Well, "Uninvited Writer", I think that argument goes both ways. How about the Creation/Evolution debate, just as a nice juicy example? A person taught to reason, not just to memorize, is going to look at both arguments and make a decision for themselves about what is more plausible from a scientific point of view. Public schools won't even allow to bring up the topic - despite the fact that by now many accredited scientists have pointed out holes in the "Evolutionary Theory" - and if it is what it is, a theory, then why is it being taught EXCLUSIVELY, as a fact, in public schools? -- In my opinion most parents choose home schooling as an option because they want to teach their children how to think, NOT what to think.
It is being taught EXCLUSIVELY because it is the one that is correct.
If you want to abuse your children by keeping them at home and teaching them a magical sky fairy made them from dust a few thousand years ago - I believe you are allowed to do that.
But they will end up resenting you when they are allowed to think for themselves.
I think that schools have so many amazing resources and opportunities that home-schooling cannot provide. I have mixed feelings about it as well UW and I agree with you that trying to keep your child from learning things you disagree with is dumb. You don't have a child to make a clone of yourself.
I have friends that I have known since I was 5. I'm 22 now. And their moms became good friends with my mom. Her group of friends are all parents of her children. We've stayed friends because now all of our families are so close. I never made "good", close friends from extracurriculars. It was always from school and then we would join league soccer or ballet after we were friends.
I went to public school and I was lucky enough to have a guidance counselor who recognized that I wasn't being challenged enough. I was getting in trouble because I was bored. I moved to honors classes and that is what saved me from being a statistic. If my daughter would be attending a public school like the one I attended... open concept, caring. I wouldn't think twice before I sent her, but that is not what public schools are like now, at least in my state.
I'm with you Davina, homeschooling all the way - until she wants to go to school herself. Then I would let her try, and see how it goes, being ready to revert her back to homeschooling if needed.
I agree here too. My sister homeschooled her oldest daughter because she couldn't stand how terrible middle school had become. She joined a homeschool organization and corroborated with other homeschool parents and children. At that time I thought it was a mistake that she would be missing out on the social experience we had when we were her age. Plus, I didn't think my sister was qualified to do the job needed. I was wrong. Not only did she do great, my niece is doing great. She decided she wanted to go to High School and she was a good bit ahead of everyone else. Now, she's very popular, a varsity cheerleader, extremely social and near the top of her class in academics. She starts as a senior this year.
I would ivestigate every avenue before jumping on board.
It sucks that the schools are like that. I find a lot of people that say the schools suck, especially in Florida. But I think a lot of them just don't realize the opportunities at the schools. Honors, AP, dual enrollment, online courses, gifted. All of those were offered at my school, and at most other schools as well. Its just up to the student and the parents to take advantage and make sure the child is getting the best education possible and one that is suited to them, and that can happen at a public school.
I even remember back to elementary school. We had a halloween parade, where we got to wear our costumes to school. We had a water day, a field day, a day when they brought in huge piles of "snow", a class garden, we went on nature walks, tons of field trips. We did a charity event every year where the principle did silly things, kissed a pig, shaved his head. On St. Patrick's Day the teachers made green foot prints around school and we had to follow them to find our "treasure". I couldn't imagine not having all of that and not sharing it with my school friends. I have lots and lots of stories from elementary school.
Davina, if your daughter is going to be home-schooled, I couldn't think of a better teacher than you and I think she is one lucky girl. That said, I think it's a huge balancing act to keep home-schooled children engaged to help with their social growth. And I think it's absolutely necessary that you engage your daughter with other home-schooled children her age as well so that she doesn't ever feel singled out and "different" from other kids.
My kids attended public school and I monitored and supplemented their education at home in the off hours. (That was because if I had home-schooled them, I would have jumped off a cliff in very short order!) I used this fabulous series of books called "What every 1st grader should know", "What every 2nd grader should know", etc. You should look into them.
I have wrestled with that. My daughter, at nine months, has a collection of encyclopedias that are similar to the books you mentioned. I don't think I will home school her throughout her entire schooling. I hope that we will be able to afford private school before she starts middle school. We have a public high school in our area that is very academically competitive, and I would like for her to go there. I understand high school, with prom and so forth, is important. I would never keep her from that. I just want her to be properly prepared to be challenged and not just shoved through the system. Thank you, Irohner and Colebabie, for your insight. I have not taken it lightly.
As you are deciding what you want to do, keep this in mind. I lived in Florida when my kids were in middle/high school. The schools there SUCK big time. But there was a 2 to 3 year wait at best for parochial or private schools, so my kids had to attend public. My kids started taking AP and honors classes as soon as they were able. And I kept supplementing at home. We were moved back to the northeast in my oldest's senior year, and when I went to enroll her in the high school here (which the state has a very good public school system), she was "overqualified". So at the tender age of 16, the high school put her in college for her senior year. She then did the summer semester at college. So before she turned 18, she had 1-1/2 years of college under her belt. My middle daughter is in her last year of college studying elementary education, and she has been on dean's list every single semester. And that was on a public school education with me supplementing at home. The point is, homeschooling can be great, so can public school if you have a participating parent -- no matter how bad the schools.
But quite frankly, the fact that your daughter has a Mom who is this interested and devoted is the best thing in the world. She will succeed no matter what you choose.
Wow! Congratulations to your children. Thanks for the words of support. Good job with the kiddies, Mom! I feel optimistic right now.
Cole, could it be we are just talking about different stages? Davina's girl did not turn two yet I believe, and you are talking about a high school
Just updated In elementary school there was a gifted program, but we decided that that wasn't for me. Gifted and honors courses were offered in middle and high school. AP and dual enrollment as well as online were offered in high school.
I don't really talk about those things. Academic performance is highly overrated IMO. I am talking more about being treated properly in school, room for making your own errors and learning from them, not being told what to do but choosing this for yourself, that kind of stuff
When I was in elementary we had "open concept" which emphasizes what you are talking about. It was a great idea. I like the idea that you are open with your children and let them be themselves. I was just talking to my husband about the fine line of letting a child be himself/herself, and still instilling good behavior. It is not an easy task. I admire your openmindedness on the subject of childrearing. I am afraid I might be a strict parent because my parents were very lenient. They had problems of their own. I know it sounds bad, because they weren't terrible parents, but it is true.
LOL Thanks Davina. And I don't think you are an overly strict parent. Based on what I learned about you here you must be a pretty reasonable one.
I don't try to instill good behavior though. This is where me might differ a bit in our approach. I believe the major teaching power lies in example by parents. Aside from example, I definitely tell them what I think people like and dislike in terms of behavior, but I never instill this on them. You'll never see me screaming on them "You have to share!". (I do get quite a few angry looks for not doing that )
At the same time, if they do behave bad, I do let them know that this kind of behavior does not benefit their relationships, but I let them do their own choice. If they behave bad against me, I do let them know that I am offended, and if they continue I may even spank them. In other words, I let them make their own mistakes, at the same time being close to them and providing them with feedback
I think we learn by example more than by any other means. I don't imagine you would have to scream. You are too reasonable. I don't usually scream at anyone, even though sometimes I feel like it. I will continue to discuss childrearing with you. You have some great advice and I believe we have many of the same views.
Our family were the sole inhabitats of an island. We didn't have schools, crime, politics or religion retard our progress at learning. We were probably way ahead of the city kids anyway becoz nature as our classroom.
So I am the product of home schooling and self training.
The most important thing with both of the above forms of learning is to always ENSURE THE TEACHER IS NOT A CLUTZ!
Oh no! I am pretty clumzy. I could fall up stairs.
Don't Worry! It's actually more important with SELF Training
No problem. Your daughter is lucky to have you. Whatever decision you make I'm sure she will become an amazing and smart girl!
My parents were very lenient, and very original in their parenting. I plan to be that way with my children.
Misha makes a good point: It is very important to learn from falling over someimes and grazing your knees. However, it may be perhaps more important to at least know how to apply a bandaid first?
My opinion? I think home schooling robs children of the social integration schools provide. Granted, not everything our kids learn from their fellow students is great, but it makes it difficult for them to function later in the real world if they don't get this social integration early on.
Also, I definitely do not recommend it for teenagers. Our son decided to quit high school and 'go the easy route' to finish with home schooling. Two years later he has a GED, as he never applied himself. As for his friends that went the same route ... none of them graduated either.
If you think your local school doesn't offer enough for your children, then I recommend *supplementing* their education with mini courses at a local college. This allows them to excel, while staying within the daily structure of a classroom. Also, if they graduate and decide to go to college, they are already aware of what to expect and already accepting of the hard work involved in higher studies.
Yes, it is.
I don't consider missing out on the opportunity to be brainwashed into adopting the social "skills" of a loyal factory worker and addictive consumer to be much of a loss. There are plenty of much more healthy and effective ways for your children to learn how to socialize with others.
Homeschooling 100% best thing a parent can do for their child, I definitely would if I ever have a child.
If you ask me, I really don't think home schooling is a good idea. First, it significantly decreases the time for the child to interact with other children. Social network is affected.
On the contrary, although public school standardize tests, it does not neccessarily mean that the child is not going to progress. It just depends on how your child perceives the matter and what is his/her attitude towards schooling.
Edit: I forgot to add that there are some cases of homeschooling that succeeded.
Panda Man
I think it's a private matter only a parent should decide for their kid and much thought should go into it. There are pros and cons to either. As long as a parent(s) is very involved either way and the child has many healthy social events to partake in, whether it's church, YMCA, or camp, a great education can be achieved either way. I don't have the time or patience to home-school my kids. But, my kids didn't learn everything from school. I taught them sex ed, religion, and home-ec,etc long before the kid set foot on campus for the first time.
I think that sometimes it has not so much to do with the location of school, either home or public or private institution. Rather, the important goal is to provide a child with a love for learning that will last a lifetime.
Here is just a quick link on some more well known home-schoolers. Plus, remember that well into the late 19th and early 20th centuries, most schools were one room schoolhouses with multiple grade levels. The formal institution is a recent event in human history.
And it was created for a specific set of reasons, which have very little to do with actually educating children.
My children went to public school, private school and were also homeschooled. I've talked with many people who love homeschool, hate it, tried it and stopped. The best advice I could give is that it depends on the parent and most of all on the child. From a parent's point of view you need to have the time and organization to follow it through. You also need to make sure it's legal where you live. (I believe that it is illegal to homeschool in the state of Kansas.) There are states in the US that are very strict and others that basically let you do what you want. As a parent, the paperwork you need to fill out and the tests your child may need to take to be homeschooled in your area may not be something you want to do.
The reason I said it mostly depends on your child is because I have found that certain children do well being homeschooled and others just don't. My cousins stopped homeschooling because one of their children was out of control in that type of setting and they, like many who choose to do this, treated "the children" as a group. All the children then went to private school. Another family, one child thrived on homeschooling, the other two didn't so everyone went to public school.
One of the times I homeschooled was during junior high. My one daughter had learned how to smile and nod her way through class, was getting decent grades, but wasn't learning the material or studying. With the one on one at home, she wasn't able to fudge her way through. (Boy, was she mad!) Once we got beyond that, I catered the courses to her learning style and she loved it. She eventually went back to a private school for a while, and then ended up graduating early by homeschooling.
It's a controversial question. On the one hand children socialize while studying and being with other children; but on the other hand children are prone to influence of others. I'm more in favour of home education. But it's better when you have two or more children; they need communication for developing. So you are sure that your child won't miss opportunity to communicate with other people I can surely choose home education. Why not?
The socialization issue seems a little odd to me, kids aren't even allowed to talk to each other at school. All my friends and my kids' friends have been from the neighborhood though the boys did have kids they got along with at school.
I'll still agree that a child can be too isolated at home. My youngest has homeschooled for the past two years, various reasons, I hadn't intended it. It wasn't a problem when I homeschooled him and his brothers off and on before because there were so many of them, but this one is the youngest, the last one left at home. My problem is the thing he's always hated the most about school is being with other students!
By the way, the comment that keeping a child home so he won't be taught against the family beliefs is "dumb" doesn't really make sense; what decent parent would deliberately send their child to be taught what they think are lies? Personally I believe they should be exposed to many views but of course my children will know what I believe to be true.
Homeschool, public school, private school, unschooling, all totally viable and good choices. It's the parent's responsibility to make the right choice for each individual child according to circumstances. There are good and bad points to all of them, and they all vary from child to child, year to year, school to school. Like pretty much anything in parenting (and life overall), one must be prepared to adapt.
Home education is not the best option in my opinion. I was able to send my children to private school, only because the public system in New Hampshire was not rated high in quality at the time. A formal class, with other children allows for interaction at an age level that cannot be provided at home. Take it as it may be, but children do learn from other children in areas of behavior, play, and personal interaction.....
I'd say it depends on a lot of variables: the child's personality, the parents' time management skills and patience, the availability of extracurricular group activities, the quality and affordability of private schools vs. homeschooling, the quality of public schools, and the social dynamics within each school.
I don't believe homeschooling is the best option for my children at the moment, but I cannot deny that it works wonders for other children I know.
Thank you. Excellent viewpoint. I think having my daughter involved in social activities is very important. I was always in dance, gymnastics and music. My problem is not with the schools, it is with the curriculum.
I've known many people successfully homeschool their children for various reasons. If you're a disciplined person it could work well. Often times the homeschooled child is academically advanced over his/her peers. Some feel the lack of social interaction with others of the same age, however this can be overcome by involvemnt in other activities. I have also read where homeschool moms meet bi-monthly for educational trips. I did not homeschool my children - we're too much alike and we would have clashed.
Good luck to you and keep us all posted on how it's going!
Homeschooling is, in my opinion, the prefered method of education, however, it must be taught with competency, discipline and understanding of the methods of learning. It must be balanced with social activities, field trips and as much on hands learning as possible. It takes great dedication, focus, commitment and stability to deliver a good home schooling environment and cirriculum. Good luck!
Hmm, I missed this thread when it was originally posted (possibly I was on vacation) but just wanted to say good luck to Davinagirl.
I was homeschooled from 6th-12th grade and definitely consider it one of the best decisions my parents ever made, though it's not for everyone.
Academically, homeschooling was wonderful - me and my siblings were all bored silly in public school despite being in the gifted program and homeschooling allowed us to work at our natural pace. We all ended up with some pretty substantial scholarships to the schools of our choice.
I think the amount and quality of socialization in public school is extremely overrated. I was shy and borderline antisocial in public school so I would actually say I had MORE friends as a homeschooler because I made friends through extracurricular activities and found more people with similar interests. My extremely social sister was a little lonely - in addition to being homeschooled, we also lived in the country with no other kids our age around - but I wouldn't say it hampered her skills in the slightest. As a teenager, she kept up with over 50 penpals at one point, and in college she made friends more or less instantaneously. (So did I, though a lot fewer!) Today she's one of those people who's got 500 Facebook friends and actually keeps up with all of them, on Facebook and in real life. Wears me out just thinking about it.
LOL You yourself are definitely a serious argument pro homeschooling Kerry.
Thankfully there is more information out about home school and FOR home school so I say D, go for it! If you want to home school her preschool I can give you all kinds of fun activities to do. I'm always willing to help out...you know me.
Thank you. My daughter is only 11 months old, now. I just want to be prepared.
Totaly works just hit me up with an email and I'll hook you up with art projects so you can print them out and keep them for when she gets older
You are an angel, Crazdwriter. Thanks a bunch.
Home schooling? No,under most conditions. Unless the public schools in your area have poor curriculum and crime. Children need socializing with fellow students, teachers, involvement in activities, field trips, marching band, sports and many other things. Learning to deal with others especially conflict resolution, sharing and maybe dealing with kids from differnt cultural backgorund helps in making them well rounded. Home schooling can be done successfully but takes a lot of work and dedication on the part of the parent or parents involved in teaching their children.
If you don't like it that your school does not teach creation; then make sure it is done at home and in church. Personally and this could be another forum; is that religion does not belong in a Public school. Public school is for everyone and I respest the fact that we have, culturally a diverse group of people in this country. But do not have a problem with the "pledge of allegiance" or "in God we trust".
There have been a few comments about this. What makes one think that children who go to school don't think for themselves? If the school is only teaching evolution and you are teaching your children creation, then the foundation has been laid for them to make up their own mind. They may not make the right choices but that is where good parenting comes in.
Good question and some very good answer's. Love coming to forums in the morning with my cup of coffee.
I have a major problem with that line of reasoning. Mostly because it's false. Most of us socialized as kids with the people who lived nearby or on the same street as we did. There were also plenty of other group activities you could choose to engage in that would teach socialization. Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Little League, Pee-Wee Football, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4H, FFA, Boys and Girls Club. Heck I think we did more socialization through activities like those than we ever did in school.
I will agree that homeschooling is a lot of work and absolutely needs the involvement of the parents, but ask yourself this. Will your kid or kids get a better education with 1 on 1 teaching or 1 on 30 teaching?
On my way to a firstborn, and I have also been thinking about homeschooling my first child, so I cannot say which one should be, but I would like to share my concerns about this in case you might be thinking about the same things.
1. The reason why I am thinking about homeschooling my first child is because I want her to move on to her studies at her own pace. No more waiting for other students to catch up, and vice versa.
2. Because I do not have teaching background, which I think would be necessary for me to give her the quality of education she might need, I was thinking of homeschooling her only up to the elementary years.
(Here in the Philippines, apart from having kinder 1 and 2, we only have up to 6 years in elementary until we get to high school, that's why we graduate in college way earlier than others).
3. Because I also recognize that socialization is an important factor, I was planning of enrolling her in institutions that teach specialized activities like sports, arts and music, so she could have friends that share similar interests. (I am not good in those.)
4. A positive side for homeschooling is that it increases bonding time with my child.
5. A negative side in homeschooling is that it pressures me to spend less time with myself - career and personal goals/ambitions.
6. A good side on this, financially, is that the expenses are only for books and other "school" supplies, no tuitions, no uniforms, no lunch boxes, no transportation fees, no worries.
So there. Pros are bigger than cons. But still, my future hubby wants her to attend regular school. He comprises 50% of the decision-making process, another 50% for me but I have not even decided yet. But of course, we will have more time to discuss about these things.
An angel? HA try telling that to my husband and he would tell you yea and her horns are holding up the halo. LMAO he would say he can hear the *tink tink8 of the horns again my halo. Isn't my hubby so nice lmao
I think public schools provide a good way for kids to learn how people are in the real world. There's a bit of everything. If you feel that the public school is not teaching enough then when your kids come home sit and do the homework with them and teach as you would if they were homeschool what you feel is missed out.
Take them out on the weekends on educational stuff, life the science museum. School provides for basic education and social skills needed to survive and succeed in the world but it is your job as a parent to expand their minds to their fullest potential. Make them part of after school classes like a sport or a creative class (dance, music, art)
Homeschooling has more cons than pros
I tend to agree with what's expressed here. There is so much that is learned in a public/private school setting. The learning doesn't just come from instruction. Children learn vital and necessary socialization skills, public speaking/debate, working together on a team project, solving problems, exposure to different cultures and learning tolerance, acceptance of others.
If one is keeping their child at home because of religious reasons, I think you're limiting a child's right and responsibility to learn how to think and process information and learn about the world he lives in. If the child is only exposed to his family or religious circle of friends, how does he learn how to interact with others. I think it isolates a child away from the real world and ultimately may end up doing more harm in his adult life. My opinion.
But if you can homeschool and do it right which requires a lot of time and effort and get your child out in the real world with all kinds of people, then it can work successfully with certain children. Those books that Pearldiver mentioned are excellent resources.
What Your Child Should Know.... Core Knowledge series by E.D. Hirsch.
you can also check out this hub more geared towards preschoolers, but resources also for elementary/middle school.
http://hubpages.com/hub/What-are-the-Be … l-Teachers
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