Why do you believe in extra terrestrial life?

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  1. dadibobs profile image59
    dadibobsposted 12 years ago

    Why do you believe in extra terrestrial life?

    I'm looking for your reasons. What evidence can you provide?

  2. Au fait profile image83
    Au faitposted 12 years ago

    First of all, your question implies that the reader does in fact believe in extra terrestrial life, which the reader may or may not believe.

    I have recently researched the subject of alien life elsewhere in the universe, and people with more knowledge and experience in that area than me insist that they do indeed exist.  Former astronauts, IMHO, would know better than anyone what they are seeing when they are in outer space.  They would know if what they are seeing is natural phenomena or something else . . .  I don't think they would lie about it.  You can read my recent hub on the subject by going to my profile page and accessing it there.

    I have had some experiences that could not be explained by natural phenomena, but I prefer to keep them to myself.  Sharing them would not benefit me at all, and they would be unlikely to have any affect on anyone else either.  I could provide some personal experience, but to what purpose?

    Lots of people think even our astronauts are funny in the head when they talk about aliens from other planets.  A lot of people must experience extra terrestrial beings and/or strange occurrences/events for themselves before they will believe.  Even then some people may doubt and deny because they can't handle the idea that we are not alone and that we are probably existing at the pleasure of creatures far more intelligent/advanced than we are who have the ability to obliterate us at any time.  Hard for some people to function knowing that, so in order to stay sane and sober, they just live in denial.

  3. Seeker7 profile image78
    Seeker7posted 12 years ago

    I think the evidence is all around you. The universe contains all the ingredients for physical life to develop. I've no doubt that these will take many forms and shapes. The thing that all life is best at is coming into being in the most extraordinary circumstances and places. Therefore no matter how weird the universe may be it will still produce some form of ET life.

  4. dipless profile image68
    diplessposted 12 years ago

    Personally I think that it is highly likely that there is extra terrestrial life. Let me explain. I'll just look at the Milky way, The milky way contains somewhere in the region of 200 - 400 billion (American) stars. Not all starts have orbiting planets and it is estimated that there are about 50 billion planets now in a standard solar system about 1% of the region between the sun and the heliosphere is habitable zone which accounts for about 500million planets will likely reside in this area of their parent stars. Now not all of these stars will have a stable habitable zone and the atmospheres may to volatile on the planets or the planets may be gas giants etc. This is just our home galaxy it has been estimated that there are between 100 and 200 billion galaxies in the Universe. So it is my humble opinion that there is life elsewhere in the Universe, I think by the numbers alone it is almost inevitable. The problem is that it is highly unlikely that we will ever make contact or be contacted due to the distances involved, so don't hold out any hope for a reunion with E.T. just yet. But of course this is all based on numbers and I have absolutely no proof.

  5. Nick B profile image77
    Nick Bposted 12 years ago

    Dipless is right. The numbers suggest the likelihood is too great for there not to be.

    It would be extremely arrogant for people on this planet to think they were the only living beings in a universe that is so vast we can only see a tiny portion of it even with the most powerful of our telescopes.

    We seem to have a vastly inflated opinion of ourselves as humans and need to learn that there is every possibility that we are a) not alone in the universe - even in our galaxy and b) not the most advanced.

  6. dadibobs profile image59
    dadibobsposted 12 years ago

    Thank you for all of your responses. I deliberatley posed the question with the assumption that you believe. It was done this way to prevent the question from appearing like a general, last thing at night question. I have a genuine interest in such things, and i wanted to see if anyone else felt the same way.
    Great responses, thanks.

  7. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 12 years ago

    The only evidence available at this point is statistical. Decades ago, we first learned that ours was not the only galaxy in the universe. Just ten years ago, we first began discovering planets outside of our solar system. I, however, do not accept that intelligent extra terrestrial life has ever visited earth. The first "UFO" sightings occurred in the late 40s and early 50s around air force bases where new top secret aircraft were being tested. I suppose no one could connect the dots on that one.

  8. profile image49
    TheGreysWillComeposted 11 years ago

    Why do I believe in Extra Terrestials? Well it's simple really, there is tons of proof and I have my own ambitious/speculations, and the Bible. When Jesus ascended into "heaven" it says he ascended into the clouds, and there was a great "light",  possibly a E.T aircraft's tractor beam? Another account, When Mary conceived Jesus it is very highly likely and possible that Gabriel could have been an E.T Humanoid? One more thing, some people say they can hear god? Is this "God" really an E.T? Has Catholicism really been a form of unknowing alien worship? My answer: Yes. It says it right in the bible, the Trinity a Triangle, Illuminati is the same type of triangle. Coincidence? I think not...


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