How common is the Bullying of teachers by students within the educational system

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  1. Pearldiver profile image69
    Pearldiverposted 12 years ago

    How common is the Bullying of teachers by students within the educational system in your region?

    In modern angry societies, often the very people who care enough to try to help are the ones who get treated worse.... does this style of bullying exist and if so, what can be done to change the dynamics? Conversely, how common is student bullying by teachers and why?

  2. padmendra profile image45
    padmendraposted 12 years ago

    Earlier bullying of teachers  was a problem in many schools in my country, but now it  has gone down due to influence of media. If any of the incident comes to their  knowledge, it is given widespread  media coverage. Besides the incident is also reported on television, newspapers and even social websites like Facebook etc. This step taken by the medial is quite successful.

  3. Shanna11 profile image73
    Shanna11posted 12 years ago

    At my high school, teachers who couldn't control the students were mistreated horribly. The lack of respect was appalling and I was always shocked when students talked back, mocked the teachers and played cruel jokes on them. However, a confident teacher who kept his or her head never had to deal with that. I'm not sure what can be done to change it... it's so frustrating when you deal with arrogant kids who bully their way through life.

    I only witnessed one or two times where a teacher singled out a student and abused them verbally, and each time, I remember the teacher apologized and cleared up the matter personally.

    However, at my university, teachers are treated with extreme respect. In my chem class, the teacher will often go over, and even after the bell has rung, the students will remain in the room (250 of them!) until she dismisses them. I think a lot of it has to do with the way the kids were raised-- my university is predominantly Mormon and most Mormon kids are raised to respect everyone around them and really work hard for a good education. They value it and their educators.

  4. chrae profile image61
    chraeposted 12 years ago

    At my school certain teachers get bullies so to say, one went on long service/stress leave due to the disobedience of my class. One of the biggest problems was kids finding our teachers facebooks and saving pictures of things and having stabs at whether their wives or patners were good looking. Another big problem was kids imitating our teachers about the way they pronounced things and whether they made an out of the usual comment. Mostly it was just a lack of respect and kids thinking that they can get away with these sorts of things just for the cheap laughs in front of the class. Personally I think everything that happened to my teachers was stupid and disrespectful.

  5. MisterH profile image59
    MisterHposted 12 years ago

    Great question!  I think this is one of the most under-reported phenomena in our (western) educational systems.  In the UK, it's really not uncommon to have teaching staff off work with stress and whilst these might be the teachers who struggle more to control their classes, to my mind, the problem stems from wider society. 

    Certainly as far as the UK is concerned, the individuals in our society have a much greater understanding of their rights today than possibly at any other time in history.  Conversely, however, they have a much lower understanding of their responsibilities.  This disparity makes it difficult for teachers who often have to deal with students who can push adults much harder in school than they would be able to in the real world.

  6. Beth100 profile image69
    Beth100posted 12 years ago

    Bullying in the eduation system, in my area, exists.  I don't believe that bullying will be eradicated completely.

    Students bully their teachers.  I have been in the classrooms where this happens.  Generally, the teacher has low self confidence and can easily be spotted by a student bully.  Once the student bully takes control of the class, it, literally, is out of the teacher's hands.  I have also been in classes where the abuse is not just verbal, but is actioned out in displays which range from gluing the teacher's seat to rearranging the whole classroom to locking the teacher out of the classroom.  One student went so far as to trip the teacher as she stepped into the room. 

    Teachers bully their students.  I have been in classrooms where it is the complete reversal.  I have seen teachers point out a student and continually blame that student for misbehavior, talking, garbage being thrown, etc. when that student was completely innocent.  Not only did the student speak up in their own defense, the entire class spoke up for their classmate. 

    What have schools done to prevent this?  There is a huge movement and a vast campaign across the school boards -- the Anti-Bullying Campaign -- to educate students and teachers:  the forms of bullying, what is acceptable behavior and would lead to bullying, how to handle circumstances if one is in a situation of bullying, what to do proactively to prevent it.

    Bottom line:  bullies bully for the same reason -- they have little to no self confidence, low self esteem and feel that the only time they have power is to take it away from another person.  Bullying cannot be tolerated.


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