Who is the most influential woman in the history of mankind to impact the world

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  1. cruelkindness profile image66
    cruelkindnessposted 12 years ago

    Who is the most influential woman in the history of mankind to impact the world the most?


  2. Michele Travis profile image67
    Michele Travisposted 12 years ago

    That depends on if your are a Christian or not.  If you are a Christian, influential woman in the history of mankind is Mary.  The mother of Jesus Christ.  The reason is she allowed Jesus to be put into her womb.  She raised Jesus.  Jesus died for our sins.  That makes her the most influential woman in the history or mankind.  At least that is what I think.

    1. cruelkindness profile image66
      cruelkindnessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Based only on the effect they had on society and or if they changed the direction of the human race.

  3. profile image58
    ElleBeeposted 12 years ago

    My answer is pretty much identical to Michele's.  I think Mary is the most influential woman because she gave birth to Jesus.  Also, of her own accord, she said YES to God in a way most of us can only dream of doing. She turned away from her initial plans of marrying Joseph and raising his children, in order to raise the Messiah.  Also she lived sinlessly, and sought to do God's will at all times.

    1. cruelkindness profile image66
      cruelkindnessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      She didn't make the human impact herself.  She was recognized based on her sons actions.  Without him she would most likely be forgotten.I'm looking for a woman that changed the world single handedly by her passion.

    2. profile image58
      ElleBeeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      As I stated in my response, I believe she impacted society BOTH b/c of her Son/His actions and ALSO because of her own choices in life and the way she chose to follow God's call for her life.

  4. JBLeonard profile image60
    JBLeonardposted 12 years ago

    I would say Queen Elizabeth I of England because of the social impact she held. English literature and poetry exploded under her rule, especially with Shakespeare. In addition, she held her crown and did not want to marry to have someone take over the country. There's my two cents worth.

    Religious wise, Mary would pop up but she wasn't the only one important to Christianity, you would have to add in Eve and all of the big contenders from others religions to see which would be the best.

  5. American_Choices profile image78
    American_Choicesposted 12 years ago

    Henry Ford is a household name and yet his wife, Clara Ford was "Mrs. Henry Ford pulled strings with the Michigan state government and got Buchman the use of a large Mackinac Island resort hotel facility for one dollar per year."

    I have heard that it was Clara who supported the workers' right and her influence changed the worker's pay and benefits.

    Henry Ford was an innovator and the woman behind him, I believe has been sadly overlooked for her real contribution.

    If Henry Ford had followed his personal beliefs for support of Hitler, the world would be a different place. I believe Clara softened his views and kept him focused upon innovation rather than politics and in the end made the world a better place - free of racism, antisemitism and boosted industrialism and forever changed commerce throughout the world.

    Sadly, there has been very little documentation of the woman behind the man - the man who is credited with the first horseless carriage, the man whose goal was to make a car for the multitude, a man who held some incredulous ideas about the uselessness of history, and a man who openly supported Hitler.

    Ford was a mechanical genius who knew it was a global market and understood productivity and literally invented the industrial production line.

    The influence of Mrs. Ford behind the scenes is something I wish we knew more about.

    I would like to hear/read more about her involvement in world history. I believe the world would have a different opinion of women and greater respect for the female gender - if we only truly knew her influence.

  6. profile image0
    oceansiderposted 12 years ago

    Mother Theresa, because she loved those who were sick, those who were dying...she did the work of Jesus here on earth, and she truly imitated Him...to me, this is what impacting the world is.

  7. Vegas Elias profile image60
    Vegas Eliasposted 12 years ago

    I cannot answer this question just because of one reason and that is "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world"; and this has been proved several times in history. Behind every tyrant, every monarch, every king or every despot there has always been a woman who used to influence his decisions. Even Napoleon and Hitler were no exceptions.

  8. harmony155 profile image57
    harmony155posted 12 years ago

    Oprah Winfrey: She is a woman in our times that is trying to help people feel good and live lives that are worth living.

  9. kj force profile image59
    kj forceposted 12 years ago

    My thought on this is:  Mona Lisa..Never in the history of the world has there been so many issues and unanswered questions regarding the picture of this woman...and whether she was even a woman..or the artist 's mirrored reflection...her smile  also is another issue...though provoking question !


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