If you could erase any one murder from history, which would it be and why?

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  1. niceandfizzy profile image68
    niceandfizzyposted 11 years ago

    If you could erase any one murder from history, which would it be and why?

    I would have to choose John Lennon because even though The Beatles were before my time, I love every one of their records, and I may be wrong, but I feel that if John Lennon’s life was not taken prematurely, The Beatles may have recorded more great hits for years to come.


  2. Patty Inglish, MS profile image87
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 11 years ago

    President John F, Kenndy. He had wide ranging plans for improving life and government in America. Had he completed his first term and served a second, I think many political, social, educational, and healthcare conditions of our country would be better today; and the negativity of 21st Century politics would be much reduced. Had he liived even longer, he would have had the gratification of seeing success in the US Space Program he much loved - even now, as NASA makes more private sector partnerships and Google sends new Lunar landers to the moon in early 2013 and begins asteroid mining with James Cameron's support soon thereafter.

    1. niceandfizzy profile image68
      niceandfizzyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, I did not know that. It is such a shame when someone who is in their prime, and striving for such good for his fellow man, is stopped short of their goals.

    2. Patty Inglish, MS profile image87
      Patty Inglish, MSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You are exactly correct - so many children and youth have also been gunned down. It is all our loss as a people. Thanks for asking this question in Q&A.

  3. Marcus99 profile image58
    Marcus99posted 11 years ago

    John Lennon was a good musician, but, the aura that has risen up around him after his death is a bit exaggerated. He may have gotten back together with Paul, George, or Ringo, but, that is not necessary. Their work already recorded will stand up to the scrutiny of many generations to come. I would otherwise focus on that little Hindu child that was murdered this morning for the crime of being poor. Being famous doesn't make a person more important than a commoner. Just saying. I, myself, like John Lennon. I wear a pair of perfectly-rounds because of how cool I think they look. Would I save him over any other Human being? Probably not.

    1. niceandfizzy profile image68
      niceandfizzyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Good answer, I guess one loses track of what is deemed more important in this life. It's good to be reminded of that point, thank you for your comment.

    2. Sherry Hewins profile image88
      Sherry Hewinsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think he's the most important, but I did truly grieve his death, and I really miss him.

  4. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    It's hard to pinpoint as there have been so many senseless deaths.  In this time, in the present, I would undo the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre.  I would bring back those precious, innocent kids.

    1. niceandfizzy profile image68
      niceandfizzyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      So true, I wonder if more and more people are going crazy nowadays, or if the world has always been this bad, but we just never heard about it...

  5. Brandi Cooper profile image61
    Brandi Cooperposted 11 years ago

    I would say John F. Kennedy as well. He had intentions for much more than he was able to accomplish during his short time as president. I think that if JFK had survived and served a second term, our government would have advanced considerably. Not only that, but the Civil Rights movement would have been so much more successful. The most tragic thing about JFK's death (along with the deaths of Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr) is the premature death of civil rights and the notion of equality that came along with it. While the Civil Rights movement did pick up speed, snowball, and become successful, the deaths of those key figures completely stalled it out for a while. People had to watch the biggest movers and shakers of political and social change gunned down; it caused a lot of people to lose hope.

    I think the Vietnam War might have been wrapped up a lot sooner too, had JFK made it longer. There are signs that JFK wanted to bring troops out of Vietnam (especially after the Diem fiasco), but it was clear the American public and politics weren't quite ready for that. Had he won and made it into his second term, I think JFK would've wrapped the war up and you wouldn't have had the atrocities that stretched on (even on our own soil, like Kent State, etc).

    So basically, I think if JFK had lived, others like Robert Kennedy, MLK, and thousands of US troops/Vietnamese people/etc would have survived as well.

  6. Sherry Hewins profile image88
    Sherry Hewinsposted 11 years ago

    I would choose Abraham Lincoln. His vision for the future of the country was so different than what came to pass. The wounds of that war were deep and slow to heal I'm afraid. Perhaps under his leadership the reconstruction of the south would have been a less painful process.

    " With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."

  7. Rochelle Frank profile image90
    Rochelle Frankposted 11 years ago

    It's hard to answer that question.
    Lincoln had finished his great work of preserving the Union and ending slavery--- and had suffered a lot of personal grief in his personal life. One could say his work on earth was done.
    I lived through the time of the JFK era. He was very inspiring and one can always speculate on what achievements he might have accomplished.
    Martin Luther King might have done more, but his martyrdom, despite the  shocking tragedy-- may have enhanced his legacy, similar to Lincoln.
    Those that we love and admire and recognize--  all may have done more, but very event in history is connected. W
    e cannot think of undoing one thing without an effect on a multiplicity of others.
    Anyone's choice to undo one murder, if the choice were available ,would lead to an uncountable number of unintended consequences.


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