Was John Lennon a Christian?

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  1. angela_michelle profile image94
    angela_michelleposted 14 years ago

    Was John Lennon a Christian?

  2. profile image0
    brotheryochananposted 14 years ago

    During the 60's there was a huge movement and jesus was the center of it - in word only. There was no repentance of sin or forgiveness, it was quite an unscriptural movement based solely on "adding" jesus to your present lifestyle. Drugs were made from god to be enjoyed, sex was good to have anywhere, and peace was top of the list because of military involvement overseas, the Vietnam war.
    Yoko was certainly not christian, check her out on wikipedia. yoko ono, johns last wife. John was assassinated in 1980: Albeit a very nice fellow indeed with every good intention, but, it takes more than that to make a christian.
            "Lennon revealed a rebellious nature and acerbic wit in his music, his writing, on film, and in interviews, and became controversial through his work as a peace activist. He moved to New York City in 1971, where his criticism of the Vietnam War resulted in a lengthy attempt by Richard Nixon's administration to deport him, while his songs were adapted as anthems by the anti-war movement. Disengaging himself from the music business in 1975 to devote time to his family, Lennon reemerged in October 1980 with a new single and a comeback album, Double Fantasy, but was murdered weeks after their release." wikipedia information.

  3. SEO IT! profile image85
    SEO IT!posted 14 years ago

    I don't believe so. In fact, in "My Sweet Lord", he sang to "Krishna" (listen to the ending chorus). That doesn't prove he worshiped Krishna, but I can't think of one reason a Christian would put Krishna into the song.

  4. PoeticLicense profile image59
    PoeticLicenseposted 14 years ago

    First off, Lennon did not write "My Sweet Lord", George Harrison did and Harrison did it for a purpose!
    Having said that, Lennon believed in God but he had some questions about organized religion.  Who doesn't?

  5. Jason R. Manning profile image66
    Jason R. Manningposted 14 years ago

    I hope you are not a big fan of him in this sense...while we can often say hurtful things, expose harsh feelings and occasional degraded character, most of our intentions are there.  God doesn't judge on intentions, "rebuking...lukewarm..."
    John Lennon knew how popular he was and how many people he could reach.  You can dive into his character, his actions and whatever most people want to tear into, for me, it sums itself up with his song "Imagine."  If anti-religiosity and pro-socialism ever had a theme song, they have one because of John Lennon.  We have to be responsible with our powers and messages.  John Lennon was none.

  6. profile image0
    GeorgeOLoughlinposted 14 years ago

    If you listen to the song 'Let It Be' somewhat carefully your answer has been given.  (Paul McCartney written but credited to them both.) 

    The dictates of human nature are not all that important.  In truth, Lennon sang Let It Be and there is Marian revelation in the song, she fortells an hour of darkness for him and asks him to be at peace with it.  Give it some prayerful reflection while listening to the song and you will hear it.

    As a matter of Apostolic tradition relative to the faith tradition John Lennon obviously shared in - ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and him to Him.

    God bless you and John


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