In your estimation, are physically beautiful and handsome people among the minut

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  1. gmwilliams profile image84
    gmwilliamsposted 10 years ago

    In your estimation, are physically beautiful and handsome people among the minute minority

    while the majority of people are classified in the average range of physical attractiveness with a few people being classified as physically unattractive?  Or do you contend that the concept of physical attractiveness is a judgmental, artificial human construct  invented to elevate some while ostracizing and demonizing others?

  2. Aime F profile image71
    Aime Fposted 10 years ago

    No! I see several people every day that I think are beautiful/handsome/very attractive. I would say people who I look at and think "oh, they're unattractive" are the vast minority.

    1. Rod Marsden profile image69
      Rod Marsdenposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Vast minority? Then the vast majority has got to be HUGE.

    2. Aime F profile image71
      Aime Fposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe I live an area with a lot of attractive people. wink Or maybe my standards are low. Who knows! I'm happy thinking most people are attractive in some way or at least average looking.

  3. Rod Marsden profile image69
    Rod Marsdenposted 10 years ago

    Beauty differs from country to country and even from century to century.
    The Flemish painter Rubens created a craze, or at least was part of a craze, for rather chubby women whom we can refer to as rubenesque. This is going back in 17th Century Europe.

    In the 19th and 20th Centuries there was a craze in the USA and Europe for ultra thin women which, to some extent, has continued. You see it in the Jazz age with the flappers. F. Scott Fitzgerald has made much of it in his writing. Women in the 1920s were more athletic, or permitted to be more athletic, than in previous centuries. And so you have the emergence of top women tennis players, swimmers and golfers. You also have women testing their limits in the sky - the Aviatrix.

    In Australia athletic women, though not necessarily ultra thin, have been the go for a very long time. A woman who can stand by her man and get what needs to be done accomplished is a feature that continues to be most admired. We like seeing bikini clad women on our beaches in summer and resent anyone from anywhere who would wish to enforce a more strict dress code. This has more to do with freedom than appearance. Our surfers, both male and female, are the best.

    In medieval Europe the go at one time was for women to be extremely pale. The sign of a tan meant the woman had spent time in the sun and therefore was not very sophisticated.

    In some parts of Africa women with long necks are the go and guys who can jump high can do well for themselves in the mating game.

    I like what I like and I'm not judgmental about what someone else might like. Some women do blame men for fashion but most men know better than to get involved. Hence women more often than not decide what looks good on women. Strange but true.

  4. profile image0
    Sri Tposted 10 years ago

    The beauty far out distances the non attractive. Not only in America, but all over the world. Everybody doesn't choose to glam it up with makeovers and sharp clothes. So eveybody is not trying to look their best. This creates the illusion that the average out number the beautiful.

    1. gmwilliams profile image84
      gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Well, you can say that.  However, there are people who are breathtakingly beautiful without any type of artificial adornments e.g. Vanessa Williams and Charlize Theron are both exceedingly beautiful without any makeup!

  5. Kiss andTales profile image61
    Kiss andTalesposted 10 years ago

    There are attractive people, beautiful people, I have them in my family, yet there is more then the exterior the surface, all the Beauty in the world can not take the place of the true good  person of the heart.  And I would rather live with a ugly person that is wise , kind, good hearted, then a beautiful face and rotten person of the heart.

  6. dashingscorpio profile image71
    dashingscorpioposted 10 years ago

    I think it's a judgment call.
    Just about anyone you may consider to be beautiful or handsome there are others who will say; "I don't think he/she is all that!" or "I don't see what the big deal is!" Some people live to point out flaws in others! smile
    Some of the biggest selling editions of the National Enquire revolve around photos of female celebrities who are "caught" without makeup, exposing a stomach pooch, cellulite or spider veins. It makes some women feel better about themselves. The "competition" was only in (their) minds.
    Having said that I also believe there are many folks who are just a few ticks away from going from average looking to beautiful/handsome.
    I've seen people change their hair style, lose weight, go from wearing glasses to contacts, and change their fashion style. Suddenly they were turning heads everywhere they went!
    Some people actually pursue mates who are ranked as "sixes' or "sevens" with the "hidden agenda" of converting them into nines or tens! ha ha ha
    There was once a show called "Extreme Makeover" (not the home renovation show) that would practically re-invent people by doing everything from face lifts, breast implants, chin implants, dental implants or veneers,  tummy tucks, gastric bypass, nose jobs, Lasik surgery, Botox shots, laser peels, and a variety of other procedures on one person!
    At the end of the episode there would be a huge reveal of the person to family and friends who hadn't seen them in months.
    Critics tore the show apart for perpetuating unobtainable beauty standards. This had some irony as without a doubt the show proved it was possible to "obtain beauty" if one has the financial resources.
    In recent years there has been a movement to attempt to change what beauty is within the eyes of masses. The focus is on women rather than men for the most part. "Real women have curves" as if thin women are not "real women". Some beautiful people are automatically stereotyped as being "air heads", "stupid",  "stuck up" or "narcissistic".  God help the beautiful/handsome person who rejects the advances of someone!
    By the way only average or ugly looking people are allowed not to be in a good mood!
    Globally I believe there are tons of beautiful/handsome people around the world!


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