What happened to the concepts of grace & class among women? Is being raunchy &

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  1. gmwilliams profile image84
    gmwilliamsposted 6 years ago

    What happened to the concepts of grace & class among women?   Is being raunchy &

    vulgar now the so-called in thing among women?   Has the feminine role model gone from classy women such as Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren, & Diana Ross to now Madonna, Kim Kardashian, L'il Kim, Nicki Minaj & other classless women?  Is raunchy & vulgar the new class?


  2. Lori P. profile image71
    Lori P.posted 6 years ago

    This is a funny question but I understand your concerns. Women in the past were confined by social and religious rules that limited their behavior. I think we're seeing this backlash where women are still breaking free from social conformity. Why must they sit quietly, smile sweetly, and behave demurely because men prefer them that way? Women have the right to be angry over eons of repression. They have the right to behave as they so choose. With that said, I believe there will a settling down of all of this "pushing the envelope" type of behavior. They're still in the midst of fighting for their rights with an F--- You attitude. No limits. Eventually, they will elect to behave in less outrageous manner simply because it takes too much energy to keep trying to shock others for attention. But when they do, they will do it for themselves and not to delight men.

    1. k@ri profile image86
      k@riposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with Lori.  And, it's that shock behavior that makes the news.  I personally know ladies from teens to 90's that are not raunchy or gaudy.  My daughter for one.  Granted they are more Katherine Hepburn than Grace Kelly, lol.

  3. fpherj48 profile image61
    fpherj48posted 6 years ago

    Grace....From the beginning of time until the very end, there will always be the raunchy, the dignified and every type of woman in between (which of course, also applies to men)  This is how it's meant to be.  Very few wish to live in a cookie-cutter world.
    So much of this, Grace, IMHO, is a matter of perception, opinion & individual definition.
    The wisest thing any woman can do is be certain not to look to celebrities/Hollywood for any sort of inspiration nor aspirations.  In fact, every parent would do well by their children, to instruct them to see that group of our population, as "entertainment purposes" only (and sometimes not even appropriate entertainment.)
    Women need to look within to see their hero and consult their heart and mind to form their behavior and personalities. 
    No one is merely one way, all the time, every day of their lives.  We grow, stumble & fall, learn and go forward.  Who we are at our very basic core, is who we will (should) portray.  Personally?  Never in my life have I ever been a "follower" of any trend, person or current mass-attitude. 
    The wisest woman of all, is one who is confident, intelligent and versatile enough, to be WHOMever, however & whenever she must to accomplish the job at hand. A woman of substance, stability, morals and most importantly, determination.  This can and will prevail, only when we know, love & respect ourselves.  Peace, girlfriend! P

  4. Say Yes To Life profile image79
    Say Yes To Lifeposted 6 years ago

    The Women's Lib movement has been unfortunately taken over by crassness.  To make matters worse, it is voiced by women who sound as if they inhaled helium.  I read this is an effort to make them sound younger, but this actually reinforces oppression, because it frowns on them being adults (not that little girls really sound that way!).
    The best way to overcome oppression is through self-reliance and dignity.  That is how you get people to take you seriously.  Being queenlike is not a weakness; remember, queens are rulers.  On the contrary, griping and spewing out profanities in a whiny voice while grappling with eating disorders will not make people take you seriously, and may even worsen the situation.

  5. tamarawilhite profile image86
    tamarawilhiteposted 6 years ago

    Conservatives follow the 5 channel morality model where purity/impurity and respect for tradition and authority are part of defining right and wrong. Liberals and conservatives agree that fairness and care/harm are moral factors, but they are the ONLY factors for liberals.
    Liberals reject in-group loyalty for the nation as a source of morality but replace it with in-group loyalty for the liberal political tribe and/or demographic tribe.
    In this context, liberals reject sexual purity as anything moral and promote sexual liberation as a virtue to attack both tradition and the sexual purity ethos.


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