Should teachers be held more accountable for student success?

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  1. Freeway Flyer profile image68
    Freeway Flyerposted 14 years ago

    And if so, how?

    1. Mark Knowles profile image58
      Mark Knowlesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Not until they are free to teach them as they wish, no.

      1. habee profile image92
        habeeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Exactly! AND get to choose their own students! I'm sick and tired of teachers always getting the blame when a student is not successful. What if he never does his homework? What if he's absent so often that he can't keep up? What if the teacher spends half her time trying to keep him awake because he stayed out all night partying with his pals? What if he comes to school totally stoned out of his mind?

        I will get out my proverbial soap box for this topic!!

      2. Sarah Browne profile image60
        Sarah Browneposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I think it is parents who should be held more accountable for student success. If you can't bother returning a phone call or coming to a conference, why should I be blamed that your child is a discipline issue who can barely read. Honestly, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    2. rebekahELLE profile image85
      rebekahELLEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      for a students success?  that is up to the student!

      a teacher is hired to impart knowledge on selected subjects to the students, taking into account allotted time to teach, different learning styles and methods, curriculum standards, dealing with disruptive students.. on and on.

      they already are held accountable.. but a students success has a lot of factors determining the outcome. there are parents who expect teachers to teach their children everything, it goes way too far.

      should parents be held accountable for their children's success?   

      I have always liked Hillary Clinton's statement, 'It takes a village to raise a child.'  we're all involved. having been an educator for many years, I can tell you that most teachers want nothing more than success and well being for each of their students.

  2. profile image0
    klarawieckposted 14 years ago

    Pleeeeeeease, don't even get me started! I think by next year they'll ask us to take the kids home and raise them ourselves!

  3. Flightkeeper profile image67
    Flightkeeperposted 14 years ago

    I think the teachers should be accountable for helping the kids to learn specific subjects and pass it but success? No.

    1. Freeway Flyer profile image68
      Freeway Flyerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Isn't student success equivalent to learning specific subjects and passing?

  4. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 14 years ago

    Insufficient information in your title.

    Edit: Contact me.

    1. Freeway Flyer profile image68
      Freeway Flyerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Some people think that teachers are not held accountable for their performance, and bad teachers are rarely fired. So if they are to be held more accountable, what criteria should be used to judge them: student performance, or some other evaluation method?

  5. Sweetsusieg profile image73
    Sweetsusiegposted 14 years ago

    I think a teacher should be accountable for his/her own actions, do their best and impart what they know ie; teach. They aren't there to be the students friend, this does not mean they can't be friendly. 

    It is a students responsibility to learn, and a parents responsibility to make sure the child is behaving appropriately in class, showing proper respect for the teacher, as well as learning. If a parent pays attention to those things, all else should fall into place.  (If you notice I said 'should', not would, that would be a perfect world!)

    1. profile image53
      WillSNifurundiesposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      1. Lisa HW profile image62
        Lisa HWposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I'm kind of both on the same side and the opposite side of your response. 

        On the one hand, I don't think it's fair to blame teachers for an individual child's failure to learn the material over the course of the year.  I sent three extremely well behaved children into the public school system.  I sent two (the two who had the benefit of being in my care since birth, as compared to the one who was adopted and didn't get the best prenatal environment or care in his first couple of months before I got him) children who were way ahead of their grade levels into the public schools.    It was not the teacher's fault that my son had a learning problem (even though he was a really well behaved and above-average in most areas except for visual perceptual)  and didn't learn all the material by the end of each school year.  Neither, however, was it my fault.  The teachers didn't know how to help my son.  Neither did I.  Neither, in fact, did the psychologist I brought him to for a privater educational evaluation (because I wasn't satisfied with the school's version of my son's abilities).

        On the other hand, one teacher once almost "proudly" pointed to a long list of children's names (on the board) who received special ed help; and I didn't think the percentage of children in this middle-class, suburban, school who got special needs help was particularly in keeping with what I'd read were "standard" percentages across the population of children, in general.  So, even if I don't think teachers can always be blamed for all children's failure to learn, I think there's something to wondering about why so many children in one small, public, school would be getting special-needs help.  I think if the numbers seem too large (at least in most "standard" schools) someone might wonder about the teacher(s).

        I very much agree with your remarks about parents not teaching children to behave.  In fact, one reason my first son (the one with the trouble) was singled out in the school he was in was that he behaved well!  His kindergarten teacher said, "He gets along well and does everything all the other children do.  He just won't join a group uninvited.  He's an introvert."  I'd spent the whole summer talking to him about how school was really nice, but how he would have to sit down and do what the teacher wanted all the children to be doing.  He was mature and knew that going in.  Still, I had so many remarks about how "different" he was.  This was a school where the majority of kids didn't seem to know how to behave, and where even the kindergarten teacher seemed out of control.

        After researching and looking for answers to my son's learning problems (which did affect his long-term educational prospects) for years and years, my son was 25 when science finally caught up to his problem.  (Long story for another place and time.)  The other two children had high-school reading levels in third grade.  My son was in eighth grade when the principal pointed his finger at me and  yelled, "His school problems are YOUR FAULT, Mrs. ______!!!"  That was when I decided it was time to finally tell someone at the school that my son had gotten off to a really rough start in this world, and when I told the guy to check with the school department and find out what my other children's school performance was.  mad  mad  mad

        People need to be very careful about point fingers (truly, in my case, pointing fingers) of blame.    The information that later became understood in the fields of Science and Medicine wasn't available when my son was a little boy.  I can't blame the teachers or the psychologist for not knowing how to help him, and I sure as heck don't think I'm to blame either.  It was a hard-to-detect learning problem that wasn't as understood as the "usual" kind, even back then.

  6. fetty profile image65
    fettyposted 14 years ago

    Parent involvement, socio-economic issues , single parent vs. traditional parent group vs. non-tradtional parent group are just some of the issues involved with academic success. Because a teacher has no control over any of these vital aspects of a student's life only so much progress can be expected from a worst case scenario.  I do believe teachers have to be held accountable for pupils success to some degree. Each area of the country and even each state would have to take into account all of these contributing factors to be fair to all.  Every good teacher wants to see success and probably wouldn't show up every day if they didn't see some success. Standardized tests only show part of the picture but are necessary, as well.

  7. steve-bc-ca profile image72
    steve-bc-caposted 14 years ago

    Yes, in part they should be held accountable. How teachers treat their students directly effects how those students respond. People need to learn how to treat each other with kindness, especially those people teaching our youth. I don't think the material is the issue as much as it is the faculty. I'm sorry Mr Knowles.
    I had a difficult time in school, not really that long ago. I had behavioral issues as well as a learning disability. I got in a lot of trouble in school. I was suspended and expelled from the school district.
    I still managed to graduate grade twelve with fairly good grades. The reason I was successful in any particular class had little to do with the subject or curriculum, it was mainly due to the teachers methods and how those teachers communicated.
    I think it should be mandatory for teachers to attend groups on Nonviolent Communications by Marshall B. Rosengerg, Ph.D. This subject should also be taught to students as good communication skills pave the road to success.

    1. Teresa McGurk profile image61
      Teresa McGurkposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you to a point. Teachers who exhibit kindness are an asset to any school: after all the preparation they do; the records they have to keep for administration, for the parents, for the school district, and for themselves; and the teaching itself: any teacher who has energy left to exhibit kindness is a rare gem, and should be paid accordingly.

      The teachers at high school who had the most influence on me, got me to question, learn, and retain the most, were not the kind ones. They were the strict, no-nonsense types.

      The fact is that every student has a different learning style.  A teacher who can reach the most students is also a very valuable asset to a school; it takes more than kindness to demonstrate excellence in the classroom.

      I'm sorry you had a tough time in school--my heart goes out to all teenagers who (as I do) have learning disabilities or "behavioral issues." However, you suggest that teachers should (as well as all the other duties they have) be all things to all students. Many teachers are superhuman, but really! It is simply not possible for some teachers--even with training in exhibiting kindness and understanding--to do so. I can't imagine the stern teachers 40 years ago (when I was in school) being better at their jobs.

      I do think, though, that my brother would have exactly the same point of view that you do--perhaps (seriously, I'm not joking here) males respond well to kindness, and many girls are used to being ignored in the classroom? But perhaps times have changed since I was in school?

      1. profile image0
        klarawieckposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Here in Florida they have made us accountable for student's psychological and physical health.. which extends to as much as making sure that the child eats, sleeps well, and has transportation to come to school, among other things. So we are no longer teaching the children, we are also social workers. We can even lose our job if we become aware of something and don't report it. The fact that we spend so much money buying student supplies and giving them money to eat lunch at times is not enough. What's next? They'll ask us to give them shelter and cook for them every night?!

        1. luvpassion profile image63
          luvpassionposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Are you a teacher klara? smile

        2. Teresa McGurk profile image61
          Teresa McGurkposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Good gawd -- this is simply dreadful.
          I take it Florida is a so-called "right to work" state, so that teachers can't unionize and start being treated more like human beings?  I'm so sorry you are pressed into so much service--

          1. profile image0
            klarawieckposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            We have a Union that is worthless. Trust me! Florida is the worst state to teach.

          2. profile image0
            klarawieckposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            We have a Union. I am a member. But their contract leaves a lot of gaps and that's where we get screwed every time.

  8. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 14 years ago

    Teachers shouldn't be held accountable 100%.

    Some students just don't want to learn (they are paid to come to class). for those who are weak in class, I think Teachers should speak to them on a one to one basis to see  what the problem is and get them extra support. For those who miss classes, ring them to check what the problem is and document it all incase someone wants to hold them accountable. (I teach P/time)

  9. steve-bc-ca profile image72
    steve-bc-caposted 14 years ago

    I think its sad that so much is expected from teachers. Its sad for both teachers and students. When I went to school the only expectation I had of my teachers was to be treated with respect.

    One morning I came to school late I was often late, do to quite personal reasons that were out of my control. I hadn't had breakfast and I didn't have lunch money. I came into the classroom a few minutes late with my head down, trying to avoid eye contact with everyone. The Male teacher was what most people would consider a good teacher, very much like Teressa mentioned, direct and to the point. I would always apologize and follow with I don't have an excuse. I found it was better than constantly trying make up excuses. It was this day he decided to humiliate me in front of the class. I'm still not sure whether it was just to encourage me to start being punctual, or if he got some satisfaction from it. I threw my desk at him and walked out of school that day not to return until the following year.

    Years later I saw this teacher on the front page of the Provincial Newspaper. He had won teacher of the year award! He was an intelligent man who clearly had a passion for teaching. This teacher never realized that his few simple words made such a significant difference in my life. That year since I wasn't attending school I was selling drugs in the park.

    Now I don't hold him responsible for my actions even though he was never held accountable for his hurtful words. I do think its important that I share this message with the teachers reading this. Be kind!!! If you really don't feel like your making a positive difference then maybe its not the job for you. If your miserable and your finding yourself taking it out on the students... QUIT!

  10. fetty profile image65
    fettyposted 14 years ago

    steve-bc-ca, I am so sorry that the teacher chose that day to take it out on you or to make your lateness an example to the rest of the class. However, teachers are human too.  I have gotten in trouble because I have given out energy bars in my classroom at around 10 A.M. A speech teacher turned me in as always partying with my class! My supervisor observed unannounced within the week of the report; and after hearing the stomachs growl of the three students in my class she agreed with my breakfast bars. These students came to school most days with no breakfast and did not get lunch until 12:45 P.M.  She lectured them after my observation on the value of feeding your brain with breakfast.  I had a rule in my class to never get personal with criticisms that rule applied to me as well as the students. Some students go home cook dinner, check their brothers and sisters homework, clean up the dishes and put everyone to bed.  Mama may work late or have the night shift. ( I lost a job once , because I refused to penalize students grades by 25% for homework. I explained to the principal, a friend of mine, how I could not in good conscience do this to such a young, responsible adult. I also asked how was this policy going to motivate a student to do better when upon walking through the door they could only earn a 75%. No job was the response... Life is not fair. But it appears to me that you are making it rather nicely. Your writing ability is evident to me.

  11. raisingme profile image74
    raisingmeposted 14 years ago

    Parents should be held more accountable for children/student success!

  12. steve-bc-ca profile image72
    steve-bc-caposted 14 years ago

    It is because of teachers like you fetty that I managed to graduate high school. I want to thank you for your comment it really meant a lot to me. I don't know how any teacher could just sit there while a students stomach was growling. If some teachers really knew what was going on in many of their students lives, I'm sure they would take a much kinder approach. Until I was 13 and had my sisters apprehended by the ministry, I would stay up every night and keep them safe from drug addicts who were often in severe psychosis. If that teacher had any idea that this is why I was late, he wouldn't have humiliated me. But how could he of had any idea? Its true teachers are only human and I truly don't hold any hard feelings toward that teacher. I felt it was a good example of how a teacher can so easily and unintentionally negatively effect a students life. And a good teacher can just as easily make a world of difference.

  13. steve-bc-ca profile image72
    steve-bc-caposted 14 years ago

    I noticed there are no hubs on home schooling. I think that would be an excellent hub topic and I would love to know more about it. Maybe I will start a forum about it!

    1. rebekahELLE profile image85
      rebekahELLEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      if you enter home schooling into the search box for hubs, you will find them. it's always a hot topic as well as charter schools, which are proving to be a great alternative to public schools. they are working well in many areas, including New Orleans, which is wonderful after everything they've been through.

      habee, I'm sure most teachers could fill a book with the most bizarre quotes from parents and students.. I wish I would have written more down right after it happened, but that just doesn't work! smile  it  might be interesting to write a hub about the day in the life of a __________ insert kind of teacher.

    2. Timstown profile image63
      Timstownposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I used to be home schooled and would be willing to answer any questions you may have about it.

  14. habee profile image92
    habeeposted 14 years ago

    And what do you do when a student is having problems and you offer FREE after-school or before-school help? You call the parents and explain the situation, and you get a response like, "I ain't worried about none of that. He ain't my problem when he's at school."

    Yep! I've experienced such responses numerous times from parents, and then they get made when the kid fails the class!

  15. Timstown profile image63
    Timstownposted 14 years ago

    Short answer:  Sometimes.

    Long answer to come... eventually.

  16. kirstenblog profile image78
    kirstenblogposted 14 years ago

    How about we hold parents more accountable for their kids success first?

    1. profile image0
      klarawieckposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you!

  17. tlpoague profile image81
    tlpoagueposted 14 years ago

    This is a touchy topic for me. I come from a family of teachers and have met and delt with some fabulous ones. On the other hand, I have witness a different type of teacher that go around destroying a childs self worth to the point the child no longer enjoyed school and would become disruptive.
    It is sad to see a number of parents that dump of their children at school and don't want to be bothered with any problems the child has in school. I have to agree that it takes a village to raise a child. I for two years homeschooled one of my children when a problem happened at the school between her, her teachers and a particular group of children that harassed my child.
    So, I would have to answer this question with...weigh each situation and go from there. If the problem lies with the student and parent, recommend online schooling. Let the parent take responciblity of seeing their child acting out or being lazy. If the problem lies with a teacher, take it to a higher level if the problem can not be worked out with the teacher. I personally think it is time to work together then to play the blame game.

  18. Mikeydoes profile image40
    Mikeydoesposted 14 years ago

    It is all on the kid themselves. Some teachers I'll be it shouldn't be in there, but for the most part its up to the kid.

    I am a firm believer that no one is stupid and anyone can learn, but do they want to ? No. I certainly could have gotten straight A's, but I ended up with a 2.8 or so, which was unbelievable for how little I really did and tried.

  19. aware profile image65
    awareposted 14 years ago

    No. Classmates should be .


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