6 Colleges cutting Tuition

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  1. Stacie L profile image87
    Stacie Lposted 13 years ago

    Real-Time Advice: To attract students from middle-income families, these schools are actually lowering their prices.
    SmartMoney By Anna Maria Andriotis | SmartMoney – Fri, Feb 10, 2012 1:02 PM EST

    1.Cabrini College
    Tuition cut: 12.5%

    Tuition and fees in 2012-13: $29,000 (down from $33,176 this year)

    2. Lincoln College
    Tuition cut: 24%

    Tuition and fees in 2012-13: $17,480 (down from $23,000 this year)

    3. University of Charleston
    Tuition cut: 22%

    Tuition and fees in 2012-13: $20,700 (down from $26,200)

    4. William Peace University
    Tuition cut: 7.7%

    Tuition and fees in 2012-13: $23,900 (down from $25,900)

    5. Duquesne University
    Tuition and fees cut: 50% in the form of a grant for freshmen who enroll in its School of Education

    Tuition and fees in 2012-13: $14,355 (down from $28,671)

    6. Seton Hall University
    Tuition and fees cut: roughly $21,000 for incoming high achieving freshmen

    Tuition and fees in 2012-13: $10,104 (down from roughly $31,000)

    read the article
    http://finance.yahoo.com/news/6-college … ition.html
    looks like Seton hall had the biggest drop. I couldn't afford college today.

    1. Stacie L profile image87
      Stacie Lposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Did anyone notice the price cut on college tuition..only these 6 but maybe it will start a trend.

    2. Tiger Mom profile image60
      Tiger Momposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Cutting tuition costs are all well and good, but room and board as well as student fees still add up.  Applying for scholarships is the only way most students can afford a college education these days.  Borrowing student loans is not the answer.  Look into scholarships at Fastweb.  Check out my hub, Scholarships Made Easy.

  2. Shanna11 profile image72
    Shanna11posted 13 years ago

    My college(BYU) just raised costs by about 100 dollars I think. But I only pay 2,280 each semester for a great education and I should get a school scholarship for spring and summer term, so I can't complain. I was accepted to Duke and considering it for lacrosse, but it was so expensive that BYU won out easily. I could not have afforded Duke in my wildest dreams. I would have bankrupted my family. tongue

    1. Stacie L profile image87
      Stacie Lposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      thats a great tuition so you were lucky or talented. Colleges and universities are so out of sight with their costs.
      community colleges are the next next thing..or the only thing as far as affordability.

  3. Cassie Smith profile image61
    Cassie Smithposted 13 years ago

    Nice to see that some colleges are more concerned about their students than their faculty and are helping them out by cutting tuition.  There has to be a way to rate which colleges are teaching their students effectively for the tuition they charge.  College has become ridiculously expensive.

  4. profile image0
    JaxsonRaineposted 12 years ago

    Honestly, I prefer community and junior colleges. The prestige might not be there, but the education level can be much better. I know some college students in engineering right now who have a class under 10 people, they get so much one-on-one time with the professor(rather than an assistant), the students in that engineering program normally end up top of their class when they head to a larger university after two years.

  5. Hypersapien profile image40
    Hypersapienposted 12 years ago

    Don't know if this will start a trend; it will probably depend on the effect.  For instance, if a 20% tuition cut results in 30% more applications/acceptances, then it is more likely that other colleges will try it.  If that does happen, I think the challenge for most schools is going to be trying to find that sweet spot where there's a large enough discount to attract enough students to make any loss negligible.

  6. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image71
    BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 12 years ago

    I don't know much about these schools except for Duquesne.

    My daughter, who will be attending college next year, applied there. Mostly because she wouldn't mind being in downtown Pittsburgh so she can attend a lot of Penguins game. Can't argue with that logic.

    Unfortunately, her anticipated major is not in the School of Education so no big grant, and we would be looking at around $10,000 more for tuition a year, as compared to Penn State and state schools. One of her girlfriends is a freshman at Duquesne in the School of Education and got the big grant at the last minute. She wasn't going to go to Duquesne because of the much higher cost, but when it became more reasonable, she did. I might add that the admission standards for the School of Education are not as stringent.

    I'd like her to go to Duke no matter what it costs, but she doesn't want to.

    Go Duke in the tournament!

    1. profile image0
      mts1098posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Even though it is the Penguins, I like the thought process of your daughter...Good to hear that schools are cutting tuition as it gives the young people a chance at education...

  7. profile image52
    moisesklineposted 12 years ago

    It's good if these colleges are actually lowering the tuition! I guess if you want to save on tuition, aim for a high GPA when in high school so you can get a scholarship which can keep you from spiraling deep into debt. I've been looking for colleges in California that offer technology degrees, and came across California College San Diego. It has several degree programs in IT. I decided to check out further and googled California College San Diego complaints. I saw they have a clean record, and an A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau, which is a third-party, unbiased review. I feel it's better to make a complete evaluation of the college you want to apply to, if you are going to invest a good deal of money in it!

  8. rhonda-ryan profile image59
    rhonda-ryanposted 12 years ago

    Its good to see cuts in tuition fee but its not enough because their main purpose of offering discounts is to get more and more students................

    and soon it will be a trend.

    Now scholarships, although its good and everyone should work hard to get it. But its limited as well.


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