.Would you please share your favorite SiFi TV or movie and why you like it?

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  1. Mighty Mom profile image76
    Mighty Momposted 14 years ago

    .Would you please share your favorite SiFi TV or movie and why you like it?

  2. wsp2469 profile image59
    wsp2469posted 14 years ago

    I enjoyed the entire Planet of the Apes series mostly because i watched them with my Dad and as an adult I watched several of them with my youngest son.  A single movie I consider one of my favorites is one with Bruce Dern and some robots.  I forget what the movie is called but they are on this huge spaceship and they are taking care of all the earth's remaining plant life.  I have no clue what the name of it is right now. I've been writing and drinking.

  3. cashmere profile image76
    cashmereposted 14 years ago

    I'd go with Star Trek as the best Sci fi TV serial of all time and for the best sci fi movie it would have to be Star Wars.
    Although I'm still waiting for Asimov's foundation to be made into a really big hollywood movie.
    BTW i did not care much for avataar.

  4. KCrider profile image62
    KCriderposted 14 years ago

    Well, in going with my "strange" theme, what I like is almost certainly not going to be the most popular, even among sci-fi fans ;-)

    I think the original Prisoner (not the recent tortuous remake) was one the best TV series of all time. However, many would not consider it sci-fi.

    "Brazil" certainly is among my top movies of all time, but its dark humor is not for everyone. On the low-budget front, I am a fan of "Dark Star." Another top favorite is "Donnie Darko."

    Do I have a dark theme going here?

  5. SEO IT! profile image83
    SEO IT!posted 14 years ago

    I have to agree with Cashmere on "Star Trek". I loved the classic Star Trek as a kid and "Next Generation" later... "Voyager", "Deep Space Nine"...  All the movies are great, too.

    As far as movies go, though, I have to say "Avatar", simply because it is the last one I saw and none other has stuck with me like it has.

  6. pinkboxer profile image61
    pinkboxerposted 14 years ago

    I vote for the " The Outer Limits " for TV now and " Star Trek " for TV then. Both stretch the imagination, and are true to the science fiction genre.

    My favorite movie is the original " The Day The Earth Stood Still ". Classic.

  7. Asahd2 profile image60
    Asahd2posted 14 years ago

    Star Trek most definitely however on New Year's Eve it would be the Twilight Zone. A close second to Star Trek would be Stargate SG-1. I still miss that show.

    For movie I have to go with Alien. Best scifi alien and very original idea at the time.

  8. sarcasticool profile image72
    sarcasticoolposted 14 years ago

    I really enioyed Iron Man as far as movies go but that is probably becasue it is still fresh in my mind and I am a Marvel Comics fan, the classic Forbidden Planet or Blade Runner for past films, and as far as TV series goes, Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, Tales from the Darkside etc,etc, I just love those anthology style shows, mostly because the stories and characters are different each week and you get a twist at the end, though I used to enjoy the X-files aswell, so hard to choose just one.

  9. nailsthatrock profile image57
    nailsthatrockposted 14 years ago

    Definately Firefly.  If you haven't seen it, check it out!

  10. curlyqt5 profile image38
    curlyqt5posted 14 years ago

    I have to say Star Trek too. I started watching the show and movies when I was little with my dad. I grew up with it. Now with the new movie recently out, more dad's and their daughters can enjoy it together.

  11. outdoorsguy profile image58
    outdoorsguyposted 14 years ago

    Wsp that movie was called silent running. 

    I have to say the current one is the New Star Trek. followed by I Robot.   

    Old school.  well Blade runner is close to the top. along with Independence day  ID4.   

    the x files, space above and beyond,

    The Original Star wars.  good movie.   

    Avatar wasnt the be all end all every one said..  great effects basic story line.

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